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Today, the way home from school, I am far to see a person in the trash to find something, I feel very strange.

I approached a look, the original is a grandmother, her hair gray, wrinkled face, wearing a ragged clothes, a black and black hands in the trash to find. Suddenly her face showed a smile. It turned out that she found a few empty vials. I think: a few empty vials worth a few cents, she was so old, should have been comfortable living at home, and she was in such a dirty place to pick up trash, her family must be very poor, she was so poor Oh!

I looked at my heart very sad, I gave my mother to my breakfast money to the grandmother, grandmother said to me: "You really a filial child, thank you!" I quickly said: "do not thank!" Go home.

I was in a good mood on my way home because I made a meaningful thing today.




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I like dogs, because they are man’s good friends. They can do many helpful thingsto us, such as guarding our houses, greeting guests, helping the police, and soon. Some trained dogs can even lead the blind people and save people’s lives.So they‘re treated as our family members. I hope someday dogs will be in greatharmony with human-beings.




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Planting Trees Day comes on March 12 every year. Do you know what can we do to help on the day?

In China, Planting Trees Day is on March 12. This special day began in 1979. On that day, people can plant many trees. And if we plant trees more, we must also take care of the trees by watering them until they grow up to be strong. In different countries, Planting Trees Days are on different days. Like in India, Planting Trees Day is on July 1.

Why do the people plant trees? It is very easy. Because they want to protect the environment. There are many people who want to earn the money form only cutting down trees. So more and more trees are cut by them. But kind people want to protect the environment and make the air clean. So they plant trees as many as they can.

All these actions show that people should pay more attention to the environment. We want to make it better, don’t we? So we must plant more trees to protect the environment.

So, everyone, if you want to make the air clean, please try your best to protect the environment and plant more trees.



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My favourate animal is panda.i think panda is the cutist animal in the world.It has black and white fur and especially it have black fur around eyes which looks like wear a pair of sunglasses.Panda likes banboo shoots and leaves a lot.I saw panda ate apply and cakes in Zoo before,but I know in nature world they would not eat these things.Now almost everyone in the world love panda,but only China has panda.So as a Chinese I feel proud to be born in a country has panda.



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My little white rabbit wearing a white coat, hairy, look clean and agile. Every time I call it, it will put up the long big ears, staring two ruby as shiny big eyes, it is very spirit. The most interesting is that three lips, eat something, three flap on the shake up, but also issued a "rustling" sound, mouth two bearded a beard Alice Alice, amused us laugh. The most lovable or its little pompon-like tail, very cute. Rabbits front legs are short and small, hind legs long and powerful, in the animal kingdom it is still a long-distance running it!

My little rabbit is particularly greedy. He loves to eat carrots and leaves. One day, my grandmother bought three carrots, on the kitchen table, let me eat a meal after dinner, so good vitamin. After dinner, I picked up the carrots to eat up, just bite and saw a small rabbit jumped in front of me, greedy even the saliva flow out, looking at her poor look, I had to give It is a little, little rabbit holding a carrot with relish to eat up, not live to thank me nodded it.

My little rabbit special snooze. It sleeps like to sleep on their own front legs to sleep, that look very cute. If you stand beside it and listen, you can hear the snoring!

I love this cute little white rabbit!



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My little dog looks very cute, round head with large amber eyes. It has a powder doodle tongue, summer is always stretch out. Its strong limbs, pea is white. Really cute.

The dog eating with nose smell, it always first with the tongue lick slowly again. When I put the cake, cake in hand, the dog not only eat them quickly, and ate with relish.

One day, a little black dog chew bones, the puppy immediately jumped up to rob. The little black dog a flash, let the dog closed on empty air. Then, the dog suddenly stood up, front legs forward, body and tail of a pretty, "call" to the little black dog ran. The little black dog a strange call and dog fighting. They screamed out "wang wang", move down the road. Puppy seize opportunity, ruthlessly put the little black dog bit the leg, the little black dog bellow out a cry and limped down bone, with tail slipped away. The dog licked his body on the ground and ate with relish.

So lovely, fierce dog called how could I dont like it?

If it happy, than who are diligent, gentle than anyone. It will rush you bark, or rubbing on your leg told you to turn it into her arms, gently stroked it, it against in your arms, quietly lying down, enjoy your caress, as if a docile child. It also very considerate, when you write your homework, it is also not noisy, just quietly lying on your side, Bob looked at you, or play, is not to bother you; If it is not happy, the mood is not high, you call it, it doesnt often, are more willing to hide in a corner, curled up, sleeping; If you training it at this moment, its a small temper, will be with you in anger, and then "run away", go out one day is not a shadow, let you miss it.








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Cats are very cute animals,they are very special as well.

It has pointy ears, round eyes,little claws,and short but soft fur.Cats like eating fish and mice.They like to keep themselves clean, they do that by licking their fur.Also they are nocturnal animals, they sleep in the daytime and do most of their movements at night.

We should love cat, because cats are our friends,too.




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My favorite little animal is chicken.


Just right, my house downstairs 307, raised a few chickens. Every day we pass by, the chicks lean on our heads.


The chickens are hairy and lovely. A yellow feather like wrapped in a golden dress. The chicken has a pair of pointed little mouth. The round eyes are quite spiritual when they look at people.


I dont see their ears, but chickens cant have ears. If there were no ears, how could they lean on our heads when we walked by?


Mother said, the newly hatched chickens can only eat small grains of rice, can not eat millet or corn, but also often give them water. If they had worms, they would have grown stronger.


I love these lovely chicks. But mom and



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Hello,my name is Jie. I have many good teachers, but my favourite teacher is Miss Li. She is a very good teacher.

She is very young, but her English is very good. She teaches us English every day. Her class has so much fun.She sings songs with us, plays games with us. We are so happy . And we learn English well. Our English are very very good.So I like her very much.

She likes reading books and playing sports. After class, Miss Li often plays sports with us. We are very happy. We all love her very much.

This is my favourite teacher.She is a good teacher .I like my English teacher very much. What about you?Do you have a good teacher, too?








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1、 麻雀飞上枝头,吱吱喳喳的,好像在说:“快跑,有人来了!”

2、 懒狮子说:“我才不吃苦头呢!”

3、 看,老黄牛边拉车边朝我们笑呢!

4、 蝴蝶在花丛里翩翩起舞。

5、 蝴蝶披着彩色绚丽的衣裳,盘旋飞舞在花园之中。

6、 蜘蛛把苍蝇拖来拖去,等苍蝇累得筋疲力尽,蜘蛛才高高兴兴地享用了这顿美餐。

7、 油蛉在这里低唱,蟋蟀们在这里弹琴。

8、 鸭子扭动着他那笨拙的舞姿,发出优美的歌声!

9、 小猫还有一双炯炯有神的大眼睛,瞳孔也能随着环境而忽大忽小。三角形的鼻子两侧长着许多胡子,闲着的时候它常在阳光下捋捋自己的胡子。

10、 我家的小乌龟高兴的时侯,它会在水里吹泡泡或是跳一跳乌龟舞,它跳舞的时侯真像一个顽皮的小妹妹,真可爱!



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1) 上星期六晚上,哥哥给我买了一只可爱的小八哥,我可喜欢它了。它有一身乌黑的羽毛,小小的脑袋,一双炯炯有神的双眼,雪白的喙和喙上那酷似鸡冠的羽毛,翅膀一半是乌黑一半是雪白,两只脚苍劲有力。我给它取名——小八。

2) 我喜欢的小动物是一只小狗,它全身长满白色的毛,像一团棉花糖。眼睛是圆溜溜的,像两颗大宝石镶嵌在一对弯弯的眉毛下。耳朵是半圆形,鼻子是黑色,尾巴短短的,很可爱。

3) 鹦鹉的周身都毛茸茸的,腹部鹅黄和淡绿相间的绒毛纤细柔软,颜色由腹部向背部渐次变化,逐渐变成翠绿,深绿,墨绿。一双翅膀上还波动着条状的墨线。那一对圆圆的小眼睛不住忽闪着,乍到家时,总是怯怯地不敢妄动。

4) 这只鹦鹉羽毛呈黄蓝绿种颜色,油亮亮的像是穿了一件丝绒小袄。

5) 我家有一只既可爱又淘气的小白狗,我们都叫它点点。点点来到我家时才刚满月,可逗人爱哩!它圆滚滚的,全身长满了雪白的长毛,用手摸一摸,软软的,暖暖的,真像一团可爱的小绒球。

6) 它那一岔岔支立着的犄角,显得那么倔强、刚硬。它那褐色的、光闪闪的眼睛里,既有善良,也有憎恶,既有勇敢,也有智慧。它那细长的脖子,挺立着,象征着不屈,它那波浪形的腰,披着淡黄色的冬毛,真叫漂亮,四条直立的腿,似乎聚集了它全身的力量。啊,它太美了。

7) 我们家有一条小狗叫Gogo,它是一条既顽皮,又惹人喜爱的小狗。Gogo的头又圆又大,头上还扎着一个小红鬏。Gogo的眼睛很奇怪,白天它的眼睛是黑色的,到了7:00后太阳落下了,Gogo的眼睛就慢慢变成了红色的了,好像喝醉了似的。眼睛下面有一个圆圆的鼻子,却很小,虽然小但是非常灵敏,有一小点气味它都能分辨得出来。那耳朵呢?耳朵能听见四面八方的声音。Gogo的四肢很发达,跑起来像飞一样快,它那雪白的毛,美丽极了!再加上那威武的神态,简直就是像一个保卫国家的战士。

8) 每天,我写完作业有时间的时候,我就把它们放出来和我一起做游戏,我在前面跑,它们在后面追,我们绕着院子跑好多圈。有的时候,它们耍赖,从中间插过来,我赶紧加快速度向前跑去追它们。

9) 一只翠鸟忽地从柳树间飞出,掠过水面往另一个树丛中去了,它那美丽的羽毛带走了众人的眼光。

10) 一匹火红的骏马奔驰在广阔的草原上,四蹄翻腾,长鬃飞扬,壮美的姿势宛若历尽艰辛穿洋过海的信鸽,宛如暴风雨中勃然奋飞的海燕。仰天长啸,那动人肺腑的马嘶响彻夜空。应和着这悲壮的嘶鸣,四面八方涌出一片杂色的马群,海潮般势不可挡地从冬日苍茫的草地上滚了过来,成千上万匹马聚集在一起,呼啸奔腾。

11) 我家养了一对可爱的元宝鸡,快8个月了。公鸡一身乌黑油亮的羽毛,大红冠子像一团火。母鸡的毛也是乌黑发亮的,尾巴小小的,走起路来一翘一翘的,可爱极了。

12) 长大了一些的小黑狗可顽皮了。我刚买来的皮球常常不见,原来成了它的玩具了。它还学会了踢足球,看它摆出的架势还真有那么回事。只要它一生气,家里的鸡啦、鸭啦可就倒霉啦,硬是被它追得满院子乱跑。那“叽叽”“嘠嘎”“汪汪”的叫声响成一片,简直就是一曲“鸡鸭狗奏鸣曲”。

13) 那狗紧贴着他的脚,用明亮的眼睛带着恳求的神态看着他。

14) 蜘蛛结网十分精巧,它总是先织纵的,再织横的,从内到外一圈一圈地织,多数织成八角形,好像布下了“八卦阵”。

15) 这只狗还非常负责任,经常把眼睛挣得大大的,探测着有没有小偷,就是有外人给他扔食物他也不会吃,照样昂首挺胸的探测。天天守着家门口,只有主人让他去玩,他才出去,从来不乱跑。

16) 只见一只鸡蛋慢慢地晃了一下,随即听到了“哔剥”的一声,蛋壳上面出现了一个小洞,接着从洞内冒出一个尖尖的乳黄色的小嘴,像蚕吃桑叶一般啄着蛋壳,慢慢从洞里探出一个毛茸茸的小鸡头。小鸡娃体态笨拙而又轻盈,走起路来像是在滚动,又像是在弹跳。这几只小鸡绒乎乎的,羽毛短短的,密密的,一个个像小棉花团似的。

17) 那黑牛性子暴烈凶恶,两眼大如乒乓球,红如火焰,头上两只尖角,利如锋刃。

18) 田野里,青蛙的叫声连成一片,“呱呱呱、呱呱呱”,像是单调地敲着无数面鼓。

19) 千万只蜜蜂在蜂箱前飞动,嗡嗡声好像许多小小的发动机。

20) 这头大肥猪,屁股溜圆,肚子蛮大,由于脂肪过度丰富,它只得慢慢走着,好像架子很大的老爷。这只猪吃东西的时候,两个耳朵像大扇子一样一扇一扇的,脑袋一颠一颠的,眼睛紧紧地盯着食物。猪吃完食乖乖地走到圈里,懒洋洋地躺下了,还不时地哼哼两声,好一副心满意足的样子。这匹马,全身皮毛黑发红,红中透亮,油光水滑,像刚从油缸里跳出来似的。

21) 每当傍晚,狐狸要出洞觅食了,出洞之前也总要在洞口听听外面的动静,一旦确信无异常情况时,它们便像子弹出膛一样从洞中窜出去,以防不测事故的发生。

22) 海象的身体短胖,当爬上陆地或冰面上时,就像一个很大的肉布袋。

23) 一天下午,我领着咪咪出去玩,它发现了一棒玉米,于是它想把那棒玉米吃掉。它过去了,谁知那里有一个夹子,一下就把咪咪的腿给夹住了。咪咪喵的叫了一声,面对可怜的咪咪我不知所措。

24) 小螃蟹嘴里吐着的小白泡,好像老头儿在悠悠闲闲地抽着水烟。

25) 夏秋季节,在海上平静的碧波中,常会看到晶莹透明、身披轻纱,好像一个降落伞那样的浮游动物,这就是海蜇。

26) 仓鼠的样子讨人喜爱。仓鼠家族有许多种呢,金狐、银狐、紫仓、沙鼠……虽然仓鼠都很小,不过身体很灵活,模样乖巧。你看!仓鼠的眼睛很小,就像两颗小黑豆,身子毛茸茸的,象一团毛球,小嘴巴只要一吃东西,就嚼个不停,那是多么的可爱啊,可以把喜欢仓鼠的主人逗得哈哈大笑!

27) 海洋中的鲨鱼就像陆地上的猛虎、人间的强盗一样,专门以吞食弱者为生。

28) 奶奶家养了2只小鸭子,我叫它们伊伊和乌乌。它们一大一小,大的叫伊伊,因为它总是咿咿咿的叫,所以我就叫它伊伊。小的那只叫乌乌,因为它身上的毛有好几处都是乌黑乌黑的。乌乌的大小只有伊伊的一半,所以伊伊总是以大欺小,倚强凌弱。当伊伊看到自己喜爱的食物,就一马当先,横冲直撞,直接把乌乌踩在脚下,踩得乌乌咿呀乱叫。可是乌乌也不甘落后,虽然乌乌弱小,但是它小巧玲珑,聪明机智,总是趁伊伊不注意的时候偷袭食物。

29) 仓鼠“钻地”的本领也很强。每天,仓鼠会躺在大笼子里晒太阳,笼子里铺满了刨花,就像地毯一样,仓鼠常常往刨花里面钻,看着仓鼠,心想:小仓鼠怎么钻不见了呢,大概是在和我捉迷藏吧!

30) 突然,小猫发现了沙发上的毛线团,便纵身一跃,跳上了沙发,用两只前爪按住了毛线团,它可能想:这是什么玩具?该怎么玩?它带着毛线团跳下去,毛线团却从他手上跑掉了。它去追毛线团,可毛线团滚来滚去,它怎么也按不住,却把家里搞得天翻地覆。毛线团把它的身子团团围住,让它动弹不得,挣扎了一会儿后。大概是玩得太累了。竟趴在毛线团上睡着了。

31) 翠鸟喜欢停在水边的苇秆上,一双红色的小爪子紧紧地抓住苇秆。它的颜色非常鲜艳。头上的羽毛像橄榄色的头巾,绣满了翠绿色的花纹。背上的羽毛像浅绿色的外衣。腹部的羽毛像赤褐色的衬衫。它小巧玲珑,一双透亮灵活的眼睛下面,长着一张又尖又长的嘴。

32) 雪白的羊群撒在碧绿的草原上,像花、像云、像圣洁的哈达。

33) 这只雄马鹿比母马鹿更漂亮,它那两只角就像是两棵美丽的珊瑚树。

34) 妈妈坐在客厅织毛衣,一不小心,毛线团滚到了地上,小白耳朵一动,就闪电般地冲过去,灵活的大眼睛不停地寻找。然后,身子一跃就把毛线团紧紧地按住,快活地玩了起来,它一会儿跳过来,一会儿蹦过去,一会儿把线团滚到左边,一会儿把线团滚到右边,还用前爪拍拍线团,像小孩子玩皮球一样,真有意思!

35) 百灵鸟的鸣声嘹亮宽广,音韵婉转多变,飞时直唱入云,歌声好像是从云霄里冲出来似的,因而它又叫告天子。

36) 梅花鹿身体的两侧生着整齐而明显的白色圆斑,远看好像一朵朵梅花,这花斑一到冬季便渐渐地消失了。

37) 它们长着胖乎乎的,一身光滑的羽毛。在阳光的照射下闪闪发亮。火红的毛,好像秋天的枫叶,头上带着一顶皇冠。时不时的就叫一声。那声音是多么响亮啊。而且一叫就是千门万户开。

38) 小白很有灵性。每当我放学回来的时候,小白就向我跑来,轻轻地咬住我的裤脚,不停地蹭着我的小腿,好像在说:“主人,你终于回来了!我想死你了!你有没有想我啊?”每次早上我要去上学的时候,它又抱住我的腿不肯松手,似乎是想让我留在家里陪它玩。时间不早了,我没有办法,只得用力甩开小白。小白“呜——呜——”地叫唤,可怜巴巴地看着我。我有些心疼,赶紧别过头去,生怕自己心一软又回去抱它。

39) 妞妞长着圆圆的脑袋,两只三角形的耳朵竖立着,一双明亮的大眼睛像玻璃球似的嵌在瓜子脸上,长长地鼻子和嘴巴合成一体,鼻子总是湿漉漉的,好像涂上了薄薄的一层黑色亮光剂。它经常张开大嘴,露出雪白而锋利的牙齿,血红的长舌头时不时地吐露出来。它披着一身雪白雪白的皱毛,背上像银丝线,肚下像白丝绒。它有着一条非常迷人的尾巴卷贴在屁股上面,像一朵盛开着的银白色菊花。它四肢发达,体格健壮,一天到晚总是蹦蹦跳跳,疯个不停。

40) 这是多么巨大的一条鲸呀!它露出水面的脊背,就像是一个岛,它喷出的水柱,就有好几丈高。

41) 小花猫的脑袋圆圆的,顶着一对尖尖的小耳朵,那大大的绿眼睛瞪得像两盏小绿灯。小猫“咪咪”的那一双大耳朵,一天到晚都直竖着,哪个地方有声音,马上往那边转,活像一架有特殊性能的雷达。这只花猫的全身是白底黑斑,远看上去,像一团雪白的棉花点上了几滴墨汁。小猫鼻子下面有一张人字形的嘴巴,两旁有6根白色的胡须,常常一扇一扇的,挺神气。猫的胡子非常硬,像钢针一样,能量出洞口的尺寸。小黑猫长长的尾巴像小鞭子似的,左右摇摆。小猫有一对透亮灵活的大眼睛,黑黑的瞳仁还会变:早晨,像枣核。中午,就成了细线。夜里,却变成两只绿灯泡,圆溜溜的,闪闪发光。小花猫早上起来先伸一下懒腰,然后再坐起来,用两只前爪在舌尖上舔一点唾沫,像人一样地洗着脸,再用舌头不停地舔着自己的毛皮,直到有一点光亮为止。

42) 豆豆很喜欢出去遛弯,妈妈每天都给豆豆两个小时的时间出去玩。如果我不在家,妈妈就领豆豆出去,我在家的话就我领豆豆去花园玩,我和妈妈相比较豆豆还是喜欢我带它出去。我从来都不用担心豆豆会跑丢,因为它和别的小狈玩的时候都不会离我太远。

43) 在海藻繁茂的海底,生活着一种像黄瓜样的动物。它们披着褐黑色或苍绿色的外衣,身上长着许多突出的肉刺,这就是海中的“人参”棗海参。

44) 一群白色的鸽子在空中鸟啭,好像在天空中忽然下了一场雪白色的雪。

45) 另外一只则是一只长着虎皮斑纹的小猫咪,一张童真的脸蛋,配着那双眼睛里除了黑色瞳孔外嫩黄色的水汪汪的大眼睛很是漂亮,头发一般细的乳白色胡须把那张小脸衬托的可爱极了。两只小耳朵内部的外侧稀疏的长着一些淡黄色的细毛。一条毛茸茸的小尾巴甩来甩去的。说不定你从远处看说不定你会把那只小猫当成毛绒玩具哩!

46) 那黑狗不吼不叫,像一个很有身分的武士,威严老练,一动不动蹲在那里,雄纠纠张开胸脯上绒样的长毛。

47) 自然界的熊猫,毛色光亮,一身雪白间有几处黝黑的毛色,仿佛是特意设计的。它那竖得圆圆的黑耳朵,像戴着一顶风雪帽。猫似的面庞上又戴着一副墨镜。四肢穿着黑绒绒的尖皮靴。肩披匀称连接的黑披肩,真是神气十足,令人瞩目。更吸引人的是熊猫吃竹子,它折下嫩竹,先将竹茎及叶咬下来,攒在嘴巴里,再用爪握住,左一口,右一口,有条不紊地吃着,一束杂乱的竹枝,咬得刀切一样齐。

48) 那狮子大得吓人,形状狰狞可怕。它原是躺在笼子里,这时转过身,撑出一只爪子,伸了一个懒腰;接着就张开嘴巴,从容地打了一个哈欠,吐出长有两手掌左右的舌头来舔眼圈上的尘土,洗了个脸,然后把脑袋伸出笼外,睁着一对火炭似的眼睛四面观看,那副神气,可以使大勇士也吓得筋酥骨软。

49) 大白还是只贪睡的猫,中午睡,晚上睡,饭后睡,总之,对于大白来说,它一天中干的最多的事就是睡觉,躺在阳光下,舒服地睡一觉,无忧无虑,什么事也不过问,每当这时,我都会说:“你真是比懒羊羊还要懒呀!”

50) 小白兔的毛发洁白无暇,好象是用牛奶洗过澡,摸起来特别舒服、柔滑。红宝石似的眼睛,闪闪发亮,实在是引人注目。它那一双长长的耳朵,竖直并背靠着,似乎是传说中的顺风耳,什么事都瞒不过它。常常惹人发笑的是它那三瓣嘴,总是合在一起,老是张不开。它那时髦的白衣服下还藏着强有力的四肢,蹦跳起来还真是惊人,毛茸茸的尾巴,像软软的小绒球,不小心还找不到呢。

51) 这些蝴蝶都很美丽,有的就像仙女在空中翩翩起舞,令人陶醉。有的像一片枯黄的树叶,落在树干上休息。有的像京戏中张飞的脸谱,引人发笑。在这么多的蝴蝶中,给我印象最深的,那就是自然朴实,而又美丽大方的“巴西闪蝶”。它是那样的亮丽,使人一见就生爱慕之心。巴西闪蝶的身上大部分时蓝色的,可在那清纯的颜色中,还泛着蓝幽幽的光,真是漂亮的令人惊叹。

52) 一峰峰骆驼,在大漠的孤烟中慢慢移动着身影,像小舟在大海里航行,乘着风,迎着浪。骆驼的眼睫毛是双重的,当风起沙扬的时候,双重的眼睫毛像卫士似的,将沙挡住,不使它吹进眼里。

53) 康康有一种坏习惯就是想要出去时就乱叫,急躁的走来走去。康康饿了的时候,就“汪汪”地大声叫,只要你给它食物吃,它立刻不叫了,美美的吃上一顿。中午的时候,我就带它去草地里玩耍,它就象一只出笼的小鸟,到处跑,那高兴劲就甭提了。你一见准会喜欢上它的。康康不但样子逗人爱,还很好玩呢!

54) 这些小金鱼的眼睛鼓鼓的,像大珍珠似的,水汪汪的,可好看了。它们的小嘴巴不停地张开合上,好像永远吃不够似的。它们的腮红红的,就像两片贝壳。它们身体两侧的鳍就像人的手,还可以当船桨用哦。它们的鱼鳞闪闪发光,就像钻石一样,漂亮极了!尾巴像片枫树叶子,在水里“飘”来“飘”去。

55) 那只青蛙两条后腿一蹬,一纵身,敏捷地将后腿一蜷,跳起老高,舌头一伸,就像吸尘器一样把飞虫吸住了。

56) 那黑狗不吼不叫,像一个很有身分的武士,威严,一动不动蹲在那里,雄纠纠张开胸脯上绒样的长毛。

57) 小白兔长着一双长长的耳朵,圆圆的脑袋上镶嵌着红玻璃球一样的眼睛,全身的毛摸上去毛茸茸的,非常惹人喜爱。



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The kookaburras, also known as the "laughing jackass", is a special bird in Australia. Its voice is hoarse, so it is often used as background voice in movies or TV programmes when people want to show the sound of jungle. The kookaburras is about 46 centimetres and weighs about 500 grams. It is the largest in size among all species of kingfishers. It mainly perches in Eastern Australia, but now it is successfully introduced into Western Australia. Unlike other species of kingfishers, it does not eat fish, but feeds on mice, little birds, snakes and insects. While in the west, it also takes chickens and ducks as food.

笑翠鸟,别名笑狗鱼鸟(laughing jackass),是澳洲独有的鸟类。它的叫声嘶哑(hoarse),因而在电影和电视中表现丛林的声音时,它的叫声通常被用作背景音。它的身长有46公分,体重约500克,是翠鸟(kingfisher)家族中体型最大的一种,主要生活在澳洲东部,但现在已经被成功引进澳洲西部。它不吃鱼,主要捕食老鼠、小鸟、蛇和昆虫,但在西部,它们也捕食鸡和鸭子。




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Why should people care? Because we need animals, and because once they are gone, there will never be any more.Animals are more than just beautiful or interesting. They are more than just a source of food. Every animal has its place in the balance of nature. Destroying one kind of animal can create many problems. For example, when farmers killed large numbers of hawks, the farmers stores of corn and grain were destroyed by rats and mice. Why? Because hawks eat rats and mice, with no hawks to keep down their numbers, the rats and mice multiplied quickly.

Luckily, some people are working to help save the animals. Some groups raise money to let people know about the problem. And they try to get the governments to pass laws protecting animals in danger. Quite a few countries have passed laws. These laws forbid the killing of any animal or planton the danger list. Slowly, the number of some animals in danger is growing.



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Many animals are in danger of dying out. As is shown in the chart, we can

see the number of animal species decreases faster and faster and this trend will

continue. From 1980 to 2010, at least 1 million animal species have disappeared.

Worse still, more and more wild animals are in great danger. It is not a piece

of sensational news; it is a fact, a harsh reality. Unfortunately, we may not

see these animals in the near future.

From the second picture, we can find some reasons. Why is the number of

animal species declining year by year? Apparently animals have become victims of

fashion industry. Animal skin has been used to make fashionable clothes and

these clothes sell at a high price. So some greedy people begin to kill animals

in a large quantity. This irresponsible behavior not only breaks the balance of

nature but also endangers the living environment of human beings.

As far as I am concerned, something must be done to stop this illegal

action. We believe "no buying, no killing". First, we must make concerning laws

to protect these animals in danger. Second, we must take some measures to

protect animals effectively. Animals are our friends and part of our

environment. Third, we should raise peoples awareness to protect animals and

our environment. In this way, we can build a harmonious society and ensure a

sustainable development.



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Today, my father bought me a lovely chicken, covered with orange hair, I called it "yellow". Miss Huangs two small eyes blink and act like a little star. Its claws are not so strong and strong as to make Xiao Huang look more lovely. Xiao Huangs favorite thing to do is to sleep on my feet. The fluffy, soft body made my feet warm.


It looked at sleep soundly, I could not bear to heart, afraid of waking it, when I move my feet, it is unable to part my feet to follow. In the evening, Xiao Huang still chirped and asked me to accompany him. So I made a foot model, surrounded by warm water bottle, so his yellow dream, watching it fall asleep, I also sleep at ease.


Huang also love to run and hide and seek, once, I am looking for a long time, did not find it later, Huang was found in my bathtub. It can fly inside, also can not fly out of its own in the bathtub was accidentally jumped. Looking at it, I smiled and took it out carefully. My chicken "Yellow Daisy" is cute!




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As we all know , animals are mans friends.Nowadays with the development of industry ,a lot of animals are in danger of extinction. We should protect animals so that we can live in a better environment .To protect them ,our government should forbid people to kill them , and for most of us ,we can plant more trees and call for protecting anmimals habitats.Only if we protect animals well can we have a bright future!



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My grandmother is seventy years of age who has a head of gray hair。 My grandmother get along well with her neighbours。

She is a kind—hearted person and is always ready to help others, so whenever people get into difficulties, they often go to her for help。 She is respected by all her neighbours。

My gradmother enjoys watching Beijing Opera on TV and she shows much interest in the Dialogue of CCTV。 She leads a simple but happy life。

She often tells me to be honest。 She expects me to work hard at my lessons and be a useful person to the society in the future。 I love my granny very much。



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My favourite animal is cat. Cats are quiet and polite. They always walk lordly. Cats are cute. They have soft fur. When I touch them, they look comfortable. Cats have big eyes. Some cats eyes are green, some are blue, and some are grey. Even some cats two eyes have different colour. Cats sound is pleasant to listen to. Their sound is soft too. Otherwise, cats can catch mice. They are humans friends. I love cats very much. Do you like cats?

我最喜欢的动物是猫。猫是安静和有礼貌的。他们总是走气派。猫很可爱。他们有柔软的毛皮。当我抚摸它们时,它们看起来很舒服。猫有大眼睛。有些猫的眼睛是绿色的,有些是蓝色的,有些是灰色的。就连猫的两只眼睛也有不同的颜色。猫的声音很好听。它们的声音也柔软。否则,猫会抓老鼠。他们是人类的朋友。 我非常喜欢猫。你喜欢猫吗?


Several days ago, Mother brought home a little cat. I gave her a nice name "Mimi".

She is black all over except her: four feet and a small nose. There is also a white bib on her chest. Can you imagine what she looks like?

Every morning she gets up the earliest. Then she always climbs up my bed and wakes me up. When we sit at table having our meal, she often runs under the table and even climbs onto our knees, it seems as if she was saying, "Let me join you. I want something to eat."

“Mimi" likes to lie onthe floor in the sunshine. She feels;comfortable that way. She looks more lovely when doing that.

I like "Mimi" very much because the cat brings us a joy of the family.






