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天为父,地为母,自然界的万物就是儿女 。天象征高大,壮丽,如父亲 一样伟大。地象征温暖,亲切,如母亲 般的温柔。自然万物的生长就是为天,为地服务。他们知恩图报,做孝顺的儿女,而我 们呢?

父亲总是用残酷的现实 理论来教育我,在外看到穿着破烂衣服 ,晃着铃铛,叫着“收垃圾”的人,父亲总是严肃地对我说:“以后考不到大学 ,我也帮你准备一辆三轮车。”而那时我却会傲气地说:“才不呢,这种人是活该。”虽然表面上是这样说,但心底却十分同情 。我认为,他们在这儿放下尊严 乞讨,就是生活 所迫。而这种行为被父亲看到了,就会说:“何必可怜他们!”但我知道父亲也会为他们叹息。因为他那时的冷血更让我懂得了社会 的竞争 和残酷,这比上课更实际,我很感激 他,让我更早一步地发现 这社会的点点滴滴。

母亲总是会用深奥的哲理 让人信服。就例如某一天在回家 的路上,途中会经过一个陡坡。妈妈对我说:“你看好了,要在离上坡还有一段距离时就要抓紧,开始努力 ,并且不能放松,不然你上坡是冲不上去的。而下坡时你的脚不蹬,它也会让你放松,到时就可以喘一口气。出国留学网这就如考试 一样,你在开学初就要用功,冲刺才可以上一个台阶。如果 到快要考试的时候再努力,那就晚了,考完试就可以放松一下了。”母亲就是这样,平时生活中的一切在她的眼里,就都具有大智慧 。她还经常用她的宝贵生活经验 来教导我,感化我。

我父母对我这么好,我想要什么,他们都会买给我,可我有一段时间 ,却感觉 父母好唠叨,好烦躁。也不知道怎么回事,就好象中了邪一样。我突然感觉父母好像变了,其实并没有,而是我变了。

说实话,我本来就不是一个很乖的孩子 。虽然我外表温顺,但我很倔强,也很任性。一但是我认定的事,谁也改变 不了。无论结果是什么,我都不会后悔 ,因为这是我的选择 。因为我的任性,与父母发生了很多冲突。父母认为我叛逆,我认为父母更年期,就这样,久而久之,我与父母似乎格格不入,似乎我做任何事都是错的,都违背他们的意思。后来才知道,父母看我快考高中了,对我的要求又严格了。可当时的我却一无所知,只认为是我的任性造成的,夜晚 经常在被窝里掉泪。后来有一次,我成绩大幅度下降,被老师 痛斥后,我醒过来了,回到家,知道什么是痛苦 ,什么是后悔。我就是这种不见棺材不落泪 的人。道理,我不听,经历 后,才知道改变。这一切都是自作自受啊!父母过去 的行为,我终于理解 了,可能父母早知道会有这一天了吧,一切都是我亲手造成的。父母经常说一切都掌握在你自己 手里,这次终于付出 代价了。我也终于知道要感恩父母,做一个孝顺的女儿 了。

对父母心存感激,就会常怀孝心,常有孝行。父母给了我们生命 ,还有什么比这更贵重的礼物呢?



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Some people know how hard, some people know how to honor, some people know how to respect, know how to cherish. I know a different kind of friendship - thanksgiving. When I was toddler, my parents were leaning on the side; when my life was rugged. Is the parents to help me through the ups and downs; when I study the pressure when the parents gave me a cup of hot tea; when I was bullied, the parents for me to fight injustice ... ... parents paid so much for us, do not we Should you learn to be grateful?

I remember once, school sooner or later, I said to my mother: "Mom, why do not you call me to get up early? I should be late!" I complained. "Well, you hurry, Ill wait for you downstairs." Mother said, while walking out the door. I dawdle to finish the teeth, casually grilled a few mouthfuls of rice, dressed, rushed to the downstairs. Mom has long been waiting downstairs. Breath of the north wind, I was shivering coldly. Mother took his big coat and put it on. Im still talking about it: "You are so late to call me up, will be late, late criticized!" Mom opened the car faster. Cold wind "wind" from my ear blowing, scraping my ear sore. Im late.

Back home, my father said more, "your mother because the morning too little wear, cold cold, is resting, you do not argue to him." Tears like a broken line of pearls, fell down. All this is because of me, all because of love! I went to the mothers bed, guilty to say "mother, sorry".

Is that experience, let me understand the love of parents. Let me learn a more care, less complain. More than a Thanksgiving, less a bit disgusted!



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最近关注的一个公众号每天都更新一篇新概念英语的课文,课文下面还有文章里应该掌握的语法,然后还有具体的翻译,每天都会准时更新。有好的意见还可以告诉小编。 以前的英语老师也给我们抄过新概念英语,每周一篇……










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"University", a beautiful word, which makes me have much imagination. As

the name "ivory tower" given by people, its a good place to live and study. In

the ivory tower, romantic love just like cherry blossom smiles happily in the


Many girls have the sweet dream that one day there is a boy who stands

below the windows loud annoucing "I love you", holding a bound of flowers in his

hands. But the most important things is that I can receive the advanced

education systematically, listen to the senior professors experience, attend

many dourses of lectures. To my pleasant, I can be free to spend a whole day in

the library and read every book that Id like, which makes me find the knowledge

is vast considerably. All these let me climb up in the field of science. At the

same time, the people from many parts of motherland get together. Its a big

furnace involved dialects and cluture. Its interesting.

I can find a part time job to experience the life, which is a good way of

contacting society. In short, therere many things waiting for me to learn, and

this is why I come here to be a university student.



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Dear dad and mum,

Today is Thanksgiving Day,so I want to write a letter to you.I know you are kind and helpful to me.You cook meals and wash clothes for me every day.At the weekend,you often prepare some of my favorite food.Sometimes you also help me with my lessons.I know you are very strict with me,but when I make a mistake,you first listen to me and then have a talk with me instead of just complaining about it.You always try to understand me.I think that is a good way for a child to grow up.With your care,I am living and studying happily,so I want to say "I love you,dad and mum" .





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many senior school students (高中生) are faced with the headache choice between big universities and small ones。 apart from different requirements, each has advantages and disadvantages。

if you ask me what my preference is, my answer is that i would like to go to a big university。 a big university attracts me for sound reasons。 more qualified teaching staff, higher aims and better conditions are helpful to students studying there。 what is more, various lectures organized by more colleges (大学里的学院) and departments make students in different majors form all round opinions on things。 and diverse activities enrich students life after school。 additionally, a big garden campus provides a satisfying environment for studying and living for four or more years。

though more students might mean more competitions, though i might be a small fish in a big pond, i will be motivated to work harder。 in a big university, i believe, my visions will be broadened, and my college life will be a more fruitful and colourful one。 in word, i am inclined (倾向于) to study in a big university。




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Thanksgiving Day 即是西方的感恩>感恩节,定在每年11月最后一个星期的星期四,是一个非常正式的、隆重的宗教仪式。那一天,他们会好好庆祝一下,做一些传统的美食,如烤火鸡,南瓜派,水果塔等等。而在我看来,这是一个好好感激曾有恩于自己的人的节日。

首先我要感谢我的父母,是他们给了我生命,把我抚养成人,没有他们就没有我的一切。难忘妈妈的“唠叨”,尤其是在这异乡求学,更是深深体会到妈妈的无微不至的关怀。怀念妈做的可口的饭菜和家乡的各种小吃。在我的 印象 中,妈妈是那么的勤劳善良:每天早出晚归,为了这个家而坚强地支撑着;当我撒脾气时,妈总是迁就我,对我的牢骚,妈妈选择的是和言善语。当我有什么不满而跟妈妈大声顶撞时,妈选择的是沉默,让我感到深深的内疚:我宁愿妈妈打我骂我,那样我会好受些。


关爱的眼睛欢迎我。难忘的是爸爸那严肃的表情,却又是带着充满爱的眼神。记得小时候,爸爸是那么的高大,肩膀上仿佛扛着整个 世界 。岁月无情,在爸爸的身上留下了深深的烙印。回到家,看到微微佝偻,头发渐渐稀少变白的老爸,心中真的很不是滋味。儿时的一个记忆是爸爸经常带着我去看医生。记得有一回,好强的我跟一个男生打架,下场是在倒在地上连爬起来的力气都没有。而上课的 老师 对几乎睡在桌子底下的我视而不见,我现在回想起来对那个老师都没一丝好感。忘了是怎么撑回家的,只记得迷迷糊糊中,我睡在爸爸的背上,身上盖着爸爸的外套。在暮色中,爸爸冒着细雨走在带我去就医的路上。还有一次就是冬天的深夜,爸爸用自行车载着正发发高烧的我去看医生,立在寒风中等了近半个小时医生才出来,爸爸还连连说很不好意思,三更半夜的把她吵醒。现在读 大学 了,爸爸还经常询问我的学习情况,打电话回家,妈告诉我说:你老爸天天说你怎么那么久没打电话回家了!在轻声浅笑的同时,心里热乎乎的:爸爸是深爱着我的!



所有的这些,都令我深深感激。在感恩>感恩节即将来临的时刻,在我的一生中,我想真诚地对身边的人说:谢谢你们!我已经 长大 ,在自己的人生路中,有你们的陪伴,我很幸福,也愿你们都幸福!



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English dairybw

July 5th Monday cloudy

Today I came back from a place named “he chuan”, it’s a good place. There has some nice view like chang jiang river. I came there in two days ago. Our aunt is here. We had a good time in there. But I also write English dairy too. Because of the wrong computer, the message didn’t here. I wish myself to live more better tomorrow.

July 6th Tuesday cloudy;

Ah ha, when I get up, it was time for lunch. But I really have a lot of work to

do, I must write words and English dairy, then learned “Li yang” English, and then …… .

Oh, my god, if I do it in the afternoon, I will ready to dead. So I wrote words, and now

I’m writing my English dairy. Wish I could finish these works today. Bye!

July 9th Friday sunny0jK,

How happy I am. Yesterday I finished all the work very quick, so I have a lot of time to do myself. Sometimes finish work early is a good thing, we can have more interests to do the next work. Because of this, I write English dairy eight in the morning. But I wrote it in the evening in the pass day. Everyone, if you can finish the work quickly, not lazy, just try your best.

July 12th Monday sunny

How tired am I! I went back from chongqing three hours ago. In the city I nearly lost the way. Thanks for the hot heart man and woman. They help us to find the way. Oh, don’t think so badly, I’m fine. Because of my hard, my homepage is more beautiful than before, I’m very happy to see it. I love make homepage, if you love it, please let me know, we can take hours talking about homepage. Thank you.

July 14th Wednesday rainy

Yesterday I came to the center of Chongqing with my mother. We came to a place named “toward the air door”. I think many people know it. The night view is so beautiful that we all don’t want to back to home. I have a photo here. In the nine, we had to go back home. I didn’t wash my face before I went to bed, I’m too tired.

July 16th Friday rainyp

This holiday is my best busy holiday for I am learning English, computer and word and I fall in the weekend exam. Many times I want to take today off, but my mother said to me:“go on, you must belive that you can do it.” So I have to try. Now my English is better than 2months ago. I must thanks my mother, she is good for me. Practices makes perfect.

July 21th Wednesday rainy

Good morning everyone, I have some good news and some bad news. The good news is that I have a home page: ; how happy am I. The bad news is the computer game cd-rom is wrong. I can’t play computer game these days. It’s the worse for me. Welcome to my homepage and I wish whom could give me a right cd-rom(you are in sleep).hen hen……

July 22th Thursday sunnyp

Today I came to the city of Bishan,its a beautiful city.Its the shoes centre of western china. I think many people know it. It developed very quickly these years.More and more people move in it. Im pleased to be a Bishan people.

July 26th Monday sunny .

Hello, everyone! I’m so pleased to tell you: I have finished my web today.. It took me more than two days to do. I have a English pen friend now. I want to get pen friend more. So welcome write to me. My E-mail is:@126.com I’m so tired when I wrote this message, I must go to bed quickly. Good bye.5t

July 28th Wednesday rainyh

I will go to school few days later. I’m afraid that I can’t get used to the school life because I true very hate school. I don’t think there has a good school in my home. We have zero English teachers from USA and we have zero good computer ..May be many students can’t agree with me. But they will agree if they can see a really good school. do you agree with me?

July 31th Saturday rainyqn

Every day or every time many people was failed in something. They usually said that it was bad lucky. But the teacher of “Liyang” said:” you should do a little more then you will won.” Remember this word. Then don’t be shy, just try. If some laugh at you, you can say go yourself. If you can do it, that means you are a strong man.

August 1st Sunday sunny

Today I’m very tried for I made my homepage from 10:00 yesterday to 5:00 today. Seven hours nearly let me dead. But I’m pleased to see my homepage has been changed more and more beautiful and full with web. So I will keep doing tomorrow,, I can’t do this night, I’m ready to go to bed. Goodbye, every friend. See you tomorrow.

August 3ed Tuesday sunnyq

I want to kill my bother named kewang because every time and every day he makes me very tried. If yesterday he hut you, tomorrow he will heart you. He is a silly man, he went to bed at 9:00,then he woke up at 6:00 and then he shouted very loudly to makes me up. But I went to bed at 4:00 morning for my home web. I really want to kill him.



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January 27 20XX

It was sunny today. I was excited. I got up at a quarter to seven. I made a appointment to meet at nine o’clock. After I had my breakfast, I went to the city center of Beijing. It was cold outside. When I arrived, my friends didn’t arrive. I waited for him in front of the KFC’s door. I haven’t seen them for a year. And in a year, we didn’t nete into contact with others frequently. About ten minutes left, my friends arrived one by one. After we greeted, we went to the 5-star restaurant to have lunch. The lunch cost us 800 yuan. Oh, dear! They were all very rich, and one was poor.

January 28 20XX

Yesterday we played happily, but there were only ten people. I remembered last year there were twenty-two people at all. I heard some my friends had gone abroad. They went abroad to study. Maybe I couldn’t see them in the future. I think next year we won’t make a party. Next year is a very important year. We all will prepare for the college entrance examination. It is the most important for us now.

January 29 20XX

I was bored. So I wanted to travel to Hong Kang. I told my father my decision. To my surprise, my father agreed. My father thought I always at home was bad. He thought I should go out to see our country clearly. How beautiful our country is! My father drove me a travel service. I filled out an application form. After that, the agency would finish every things. At last the agency told me it would take a week time to transact procedures.

January 30 20XX

The screen of my father’s mobile telephone is broken. When you open the mobile telephone, the screen is always white with light. You can’t see from the screen. And my father is a businessman. He needed a new one. So my father and I went to the electrical appliance shop. There are many new kinds of mobile telephones. At first, my father chose a Sumsung one. But all the telephones have sold out. Finally, my father chose a Motorola one.

January 31 20XX

The food in Shanghai disagree me. I think the food in Beijing is the most delicious. Seafood in Beijing is very fresh. Prawns in restaurant are all alive. And there are many food that you can’t see in other cities. It is very cheap that you eat seafood in Beijing. The less money you pay, the more enjoyable you are. Maybe my stomach is ill. Whatever food I eat, I am still thin. And I am too thin, I want to be a litter fatter. So I must eat more.

February 1 20XX

My dog will be dead. She is very old. We have kept her for ten years. Now her hairs are falling. And she always lies on the ground. She can’t see very clearly. She eats a little. She benetes thin. She was very strong before. She is still guarding my family. She is one of my family member. Now we are all uneasy because she will die. I think you may know my thinking. Even if it is a dog, you can’t forget it. So these days, we feet her the best food.



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Hello,everyone here.Now,please let me introduce myself to you.I am the only girl in my family. For my own hobbies, I love traveling,listening to music and reading.From these hobbis, you can see,I would like to live a free life.Of course, everyone has some strong points.without myself exception,for instance,both of playing the piano and drawing are my strong points.At present,I am satified with my life. The activities in school are great.My teachers and classmates are friendly to me.For my parents,both of them are managers.They are always busy working.As for my ideas of going abroad to study, I think it is useful and wonderful if we have the chance to do so.I also would like to go abroad to study to improve myself.Thats all.Thank you.



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We live in an age of happiness, in this age, parents give us the most. First of all, the parents gave us life, and put up and raised us, for us to learn, give us warm.

How we will use the actual action to return our parents?

When parents tired, to a sweet greetings: "dad, mom, you hard, dont too tired." Then, pass a cup of hot tea fragrance 4 excessive, warm parents tired heart; When the parents are very busy, take the initiative to reach out and do something useful, share a little bit heavy burden to the parents, let parents worry; When parents forget his birthday, timely offer a small wish, the abundance of a table birthday dinner, send a sincere blessing. In addition, we should be more open-minded, studious, diligent, the best parents favor, with very good grades to reduce the parents worry, noble quality win parents with a healthy body.

"The trees may prefer calm but the wind will not subside, son, but kiss is not a". Yes, do a little more filial piety while parents alive, do a little more obligations and responsibilities, let oneself do not regret it, is always irreparable regret.

With a grateful heart return their parents, it is an unshirkable responsibility, this is a sacred mission. Lets learn to share, learn to be grateful.

Thanksgiving parents, starts from me, start from every little bit, start from now, action! Dear classmates!









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"Ding Lingling......" The bell rang, the students sat quietly in their seats. I wish the teacher walked into the classroom with a light step, and the usual difference is that today her hands on a box of beautiful looks like a large cake, everyones eyes suddenly get together on the cake. The teacher down the cake, smiled and said to us: "today is Thanksgiving Day, the cake is beauty bakery specially sent over and gave you a taste." The teachers voice just fell, the classroom immediately overjoyed.

The cake cover is slowly opened. "Wow!" in the students scream, a beautiful cake presented in front of us. It is divided into two layers, the whole body is coated with a thick milky cream, inset with many, many fruit pudding, orange yellow, red cherry, purple Ying Ying grapes...... Very beautiful, but also exudes a deep sense of smell, we are going to be greedy slobber stay.

Began to divide the cake, everyone excited to line up in a row, a next to a, strode away on the platform, from the teacher hands happily took a small piece of cake, after the back seat cant wait to eat. Who can not bear to gobble, cut a small mouth feeding, narrowed eyes, careful to taste some, slowly swallow, then face the blooming of the happy smile.

Today, its a really unforgettable day!









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啊!老师,您的爱,像太阳般温暖,像春风般和煦,清泉一般甘甜。 您的爱,比父爱更严峻,比母爱更细腻,比友爱更纯洁。无论我们走到哪儿,永远记住你的情;无论我们走到哪儿。永远记住您的话。无论我们走到哪儿,永远记住您的爱;无论我们走到哪儿,永远是您的一朵花。












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Most westerners always celebrate Christmas Day as their major festival, in

order to memorialize Jesus. During that time, they always have several days off,

so they can enjoy this festival with all their hearts. The children often get

together with their friends. The adults are busy with decorating their houses.

They also send the postcards with their best wishes to each other. In the

streets, there are so many Fathers Christmas sending presents to the passers-by.

And everything is on a discount in the supermarkets. Thus the supermarkets are

the busiest places.

In the evening, the families usually have pudding, sandwiches, apple pies

and some other desserts for dinner. After supper, the families always sing and

dance around the Christmas tree. Sometimes, they also go to church. Before going

to bed, the children often hang up their stockings beside their bed, so that

Father Christmas will fill them with presents. It is said that Father Christmas

always drives a deer to the human world and entering into each house from the

chimney. Now the children no longer believe in Father Christmas, but they still

hang up their stockings, because their parents will fill them with presents.



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Today the quality of our natural environment has become an important issue. The world population is rising so quickly that the world has become too

crowded. We are using up our natural resources and at the same time polluting our environment with dangerous chemicals. If we continue to do this, life on earth cannot survive.

Concerned people have made some progress in environmental protection. Governments of many countries have established laws to protect the air, forests and sea resources and to stop environmental pollution.

Still more measures should be taken to solve environmental problems. People should be further educated to recognize the importance of the problems, to use modern methods of birth control, to conserve(保存) our natural resources and recycle(再循环) our products. We are sure that we can have a better and cleaner place in the future.



