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Physical fitness is todays hot topic. And everywhere you turn you hear something new. But is it all true?

The more you sweat, the more fat you burn .

This myth has encouraged people to work out in extreme heat or wear layers of clothes or rubber or plastic weight-loss suits in the hope of sweating fat off. Unfortunately, its water theyre losing, not fat.

Fat burns when it is used as a fuel source for exercise, which doesnt happen initially. When you first begin to exercise, you burn carbohydrates or sugars. It takes about 20 minutes of easy to moderate aerobic activity before the transition from burning sugars to fat begins. (Aerobic exercise is any rhythmic and continuous activity that uses oxygen and large muscle masses of the body, such as the arms and legs. Examples are bicycle riding, jumping rope, walking, jogging, aerobic dance, and swimming.) So, to burn the flab, plan on working out at least 40 minutes.

If you stop working out, your muscles will turn to fat.

If you decrease your activity and continue to eat the same or more, you may gain back that spare tire that you worked so hard to lose. Its not, however, because your muscles turned to fat. M




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efficiency relieve stress systematically

How to get prepared for the College Entrance Exam

The College Entrance Examination is drawing near.____________________




How to get prepared for the College Entrance Exams

The College Entrance Exam is drawing near. However, most students of senior three don’t know how to connect rest, doing exercise with study. In their eyes they should sacrifice their rest time in order to get high scores, which results in poor health and low efficiency of learning.

Just as a famous saying goes: all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. We should be aware that nothing is more valuable than health which is a foundation of success. Therefore, on the one hand, we should fully and systematically make preparations for the exam. On the other hand, we should relieve stress by means of relaxation and doing sports.

In conclusion, only when we have adequate rest and doing some sports can we study more efficiently.



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I like running, because I think it’s a funny and easy sport. I can do it by myself.

I was not very healthy when I was a little child.

So my father took me running with him. He said it’s good for me. At first, I didn’t like it at all.

But after a few weeks, I felt great when I was running.

Therefore, I go to running every three days.

Now, some of my classmates run with me. We always talk to each other. I like this sport.



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People want to have good health.what is good health?you are feeling strong and well.your eyes are bright and clear.your face is clean and fresh.you feel happy and ready for anything.you enjoy your work and life.you are in good health.exercise is one of the forms to keep our body in good health.exercise trains the muscles and makes them stronger.you can walk and throw a ball because you have trained your muscles to do these things.feel the soft part of your arm.you are feeling muscles.when you bend your arm you can feel the big muscles move and become firmer.exercise not only keeps the muscles of the limbs and body in good condition,but also strengthens the muscles of the heart and organs of breathing.exercise helps to make the heart strong.have you ever felt your beat?it beats faster when you are running than when you are sitting still.the heat pumps blood more freely when we do exercise,and serves all parts of the body better.exercise helps the lungs to do better work.too full and rapid breathing develops the muscles of the chest.lets take part in exercise.the earlier,the better.



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I like many kinds of sports, such as swimming, running, table-tennis and badminton. But I like running most. Running is a good activity for people to keep healthy and relieve pressures. Besides, it’s very easy for me to running. I can run in the morning or after class. And I can run alone. I don’t have to find a partner to run with me. After running, I always feel good and relaxed. It has become a part of my life.




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迎奥运之前迎奥运之后 学校每周两节体育课,并且有时被文化课占用每天一小时体活课,师生一起开展户外活动 学生只顾学习,忽视运动锻炼重视锻炼,认识到身体好可以促进学习


As the form reflects, with the Beijing 20xx Olympic Games’ drawing nearer and nearer, some positive changes have taken place.

Before that, each week, only two so-called PE lessons were scheduled, during which sometimes we were actually having lessons such as Chinese, Math, Physics and so on. Most of us, who mainly cared for our studies, always neglected physical training.



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Running is a whole body movement, which enables the bodys muscles rhythmic contraction and relaxation, so that muscle fiber

Dimension increased, protein content increased. Fit and muscular is one of the symbols.

Skeleton is the body of the stent, human activities leverage. In a period of growth and development of young people, adhere to running

Step can improve blood circulation, increase the supply of nutrients in bone cells increase bone cell growth capacity, from the

And to promote the normal development of the bone. The elderly, reduced metabolism, muscle gradually shrink, and bones appeared back

Line of change in bone and joint disease is also increasing. Persist in running can enhance metabolism, delayed bone

Degenerative changes, prevention of bone and joint disease in the elderly occur, so that you slow down aging.




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Sports in our school have changed a lot.Now we have more than three P.E classes a week .

And we have at least one hour to do exercise every day.

Students get so excited at these changes.

More and more students take an active part in the ball game,running,and jumping on the playground.

School life is becoming more wonderful.I love my school life,and I love my school sport.



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身体就像一架机器,长期静止不动就会生锈,不进行维护就会衰老。 小编收集了全民健身句子锻炼身体,欢迎阅读。

1. 生命在于运动,健康在于锻炼,跳舞活跃身心,跑步增强体质,全民健身日,在运动中寻找快乐,在锻炼中搂住健康,愿你多运动,健康相伴,幸福到永久!

2. 全民健身日到了,请充满火热之情,蓄满活力之身,加入到健身的队伍中去,加强锻炼,让健康常伴,生命之树更加常青。祝节日快乐,健康幸福!

3. 每天蹦蹦又跳跳,健康身心身体好;每天乐乐又笑笑,焕发精神喜来到;每天呼吸新空气,沐浴阳光无烦恼;荤素搭配营养全,适当运动人不老。

4. 公园、广场和小道,健身人群真不少。散步、小跑和舞蹈,男女老少热情高。腰腿灵活身体好,健康生活幸福绕。全民健身日,参加健身,远离病扰!

5. 全民健身热情高,项目多样任你挑。不用健身馆儿跑,公共场所竞风骚。走路跑步随你愿,健身器材也不少。多多运动身体好,健健康康幸福绕。全民健身日到了,愿你经常锻炼,健康快乐!

6. 弯一弯腰,伸一伸腿,幸福紧相随;晃一晃脑,摇一摇头,健康围着你笑;动一动手,擞一擞肩,快乐在身边。全民健身日,愿你参与运动,做个健康幸福的人。

7. 跳一曲健身操,蹈一段健美舞,身体轻松舒畅,腰腿灵活自如。唱一首舒情的歌,哼一段欢快的曲,惆怅郁闷全抛光,又跳又唱身体康。8月8日全民健身日:大家一起跳,健康喜乐又开怀。

8. 登上快乐的山峰,让生命里充满欣喜;迈开幸福的舞步,让人生中满是活力;散步精神的广场,让心灵总是轻松。全民健身日到了,还在犹豫什么,一起携手运动,赢得健康常在。

9. 老年舞动着太极拳,青年挥打着格斗式,少年挥舞做体操,男女老少齐健身。锻炼运动好处多,身体健康疾病跑。全民健康日:一起行动起来,健康长寿幸福享。

10. 全民运动真是好,男女老少显英豪。别看七老八十人,腰好腿好身体好。自古英雄出年少,跑步跳跃兴致高。乒乓羽毛健身操,各种锻炼都上阵。巾帼英雄男子汉,运动场上试比高。全民健身日到了,愿你身体健康,快乐幸福!

11. 快乐的生活,要用健康的身体去享受,幸福的感觉,要用健康的心态去体会,美好的一切源于健康,全民健身日,运动起来,让身体强健,让健康相随!

12. 身体就像一架机器,长期静止不动就会生锈,不进行维护就会衰老。运动就是润滑剂,可以增强关节的灵活性和柔韧性,可以让健康长保。全民健身日到了,适量运动,保证健康,提高生活质量!

13. 北京奥运早落幕,全民运动不可少。国家强大靠民众,身体强壮国家保。男女老少齐上阵,激情满满热情高。练得身体多健康,脱掉东亚病夫帽。练得身体多强壮,奥运赛场逞英豪。全民健身日到了,参加运动,健康拥抱!

14. 甩甩手,甩掉压力和烦恼,跑跑步,追赶健康和快乐,踢踢腿,踢掉哀伤和忧愁,伸伸臂,搂住幸福和美好,全民健身日,运动起来,愿你笑口常开,健康相伴!

15. 你小跑我散步,健身同乐道。你踢球我投蓝,练体同运动。他唱歌她跳舞,歌舞同声扬。全民参来健身,强身同健康。全民健身日:祝愿大家健康快乐多姿彩!

16. 全民健身日,跳起健身之舞,活力无边;唱起健身之歌,神采飞扬;宣扬健身之道,妙不可言;加入健身之列,健康永远。愿你常健身,健康快乐永相伴!

17. 秧歌扭起来,神采飞扬;歌声唱起来,心态年轻;舞步迈起来,活力四射;臂膀甩起来,青春永驻;全民动起来,健康无限。全面健身日到了,一起快乐运动吧。

18. 全民运动风云涌,男女老少热情高。运动场上人满满,各种项目都齐全。你争我赶多热闹,七旬老汉白发飘。多多运动身体好,疾病见了远远跑。健康身体人人爱,快快乐乐永不老。全民健身日到了,愿你走出家门。参加锻炼,健康不老!

19. 青春在歌唱,生命在欢腾!平日多运动,远离亚健康!生活质量高,众人百般求,莫忘锻炼好!又到八月八,健身齐动员,长寿过百年!

20. 全民健身日到了,做操的赏快乐心情,唱歌的赏美丽容颜,跳舞的强青春永驻,登山的赏健康一生,不运动的发配宁古塔。还不快快感谢提醒,多多运动。

21. 散步赏秋情飞扬,骑车郊游保健康。跳舞唱歌心欢畅,积极锻炼身体棒。做操跳绳保健忙,身心欢悦体成钢。全民健身日,一起快乐运动,健康人生。

22. 爬山登峰越野赛,慢跑竞走散步行。跳绳踢毽呼啦圈,足球篮球兵乓球。全民运动来健身,强身健体心欢喜。全民健身日:一起健身强体质,幸福长寿一百一。

23. 骑车缓驰河堤园林,怡情开怀。游泳戏水小溪海滩,畅游自得。跳舞唱歌广场湖边,快乐无限。挥毫泼墨文化馆站,心旷神怡。全民健身日:一起运动锻炼,健康幸福美乐!

24. 晨起跑跑步,健康迈大步;傍晚散散步,开怀乐无数;晨起做做操,轻松多欢笑;傍晚跳跳舞,幸福入心湖;晨起唱唱歌,一天都快乐;傍晚练练拳,疾病全跑完。全民健身日到了,健康一生。

25. 让活力迸发,舞动青春;让热血沸腾,玩转生命;让四肢开工,全身运动;让身体强健,全民健身。全民健身日,参与健身,强身健体,福寿无边!

26. 早上起来空气鲜,运动场上跑一跑。舒经活络精神振,神清气爽心情好。一天万事都顺利,开开心心无烦恼。全民健身日到了,愿你精神足,身体好!

27. 绕着幸福的公园散步,撷取自在的芬芳;围着快乐的大道锻炼,收获健康的因子;对着挺拔的青山放歌,奏响活力的节拍。全民健身日到了,快来运动吧,让健康永驻身旁。

























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Why are so many people keen on body-building? Firstly, keeping health is one of their main purposes. In modern society, many people stay for most of the day before the desk without doing any exercises, which definitely harms their health. Body-building caters to the need of these people who come to realize the potential danger of their working pattern. Secondly, body-building is beneficial for people to keep their body shape. Many setting-up exercises like aerobics are very helpful in cutting up weight.



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We live in a fast-paced, increasingly tedious society, working everyday, daily life. Off work, in order to relax the mood, in order to alleviate the pressure, often want to bubble, alcohol and tobacco, or all night to lai on the chair to be a professional net worm, or looking for the feet to go to the Great Wall of build by laying bricks or stones...

How long, but found that my spirit is getting worse and worse. The physical strength is getting worse and worse. The body is getting worse and worse, and the fat is constantly spreading; The skin is getting worse and worse. It looks dull and pale. The body is getting worse and worse, and all kinds of problems are pouring in...

So there is a cure, beauty, weight loss, medicine...

Some businesses also see the opportunity, use the techniques of tenderloin is big, but as a result, many people are often struggled in vain, because those are the way take temporary solution not effect a permanent cure, not fundamentally improve the human body. In fact, the keys to health and beauty are in our hands - thats fitness. The benefits that fitness can bring to us:

A, improve body shape: fitness most basic function is to change shape, through exercise can make any part of the body (as long as it is the part of the muscle tissue) increase/decrease and effectively change their shape, to form a beautiful effect, and this process can be controlled.

Health benefits: fitness of the human body muscle, bone and blood circulation system, respiratory system, endocrine geometric average movement have stronger stimulation, to improve the health of human body more effective.

3. Delaying senescence: by exercising, you can make your hormone secrete at a higher level, so as to delay the effects of aging. Those who keep exercising are some men in their 60s who can maintain good sexual function and energy. Some women reach the skin of the whole body in their fifties, the whole body without a bit of proud flesh, everywhere exudes youth.

Energetic: with a strong body, the whole person becomes energetic and can have the best mental state any time.

Five, full of confidence: the key is a lot of people dont know the fitness of a persons psychological face have how old influence, when you after fitness exercise, you will feel there is a power, a confident, almost can let have you deal with all things, the feeling of ability to challenge everything. Other peoples eyes can also make you feel passionate and do things more enthusiastically.



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I like many kinds of sports, such as swimming, running, table-tennis and badminton.

But I like running most. Running is a good activity for people to keep healthy and relieve pressures.

Besides, it’s very easy for me to running. I can run in the morning or after class.

And I can run alone. I don’t have to find a partner to run with me.

After running, I always feel good and relaxed.

It has become a part of my life.




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The more you sweat, the more fat you burn .

This myth has encouraged people to work out in extreme heat or wear layers of clothes or rubber or plastic weight-loss suits in the hope of sweating fat off. Unfortunately, its water theyre losing, not fat.

Fat burns when it is used as a fuel source for exercise, which doesnt happen initially. When you first begin to exercise, you burn carbohydrates or sugars. It takes about 20 minutes of easy to moderate aerobic activity before the transition from burning sugars to fat begins. (Aerobic exercise is any rhythmic and continuous activity that uses oxygen and large muscle masses of the body, such as the arms and legs. Examples are bicycle riding, jumping rope, walking, jogging, aerobic dance, and swimming.) So, to burn the flab, plan on working out at least 40 minutes.

If you stop working out, your muscles will turn to fat.



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Let’s Do Exercise Together

It’s very important for us to do exercise. Doing exercise can not only help us keep fit, but also help to train a person’s character. What’s more, doing exercise helps us to study better.

We can do exercise whenever we want. It is good for us to go to school on foot or by bike. In PE classes, we can do all kinds of exercise, such as running, jumping, playing basketball and so on. On weekends, we can climb mountains or go swimming with our friends. Also, we can go hiking during the vacations.

Let’s do exercise and have a healthy lifestyle together!







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Usually I would do some exercises on the weekend,because I thought keeping in a good health can help me study well. Last weekend, It was rainning outside so I decided to do some exercises in the gym. When I went into the gym, some people were doing exercises there. A man was doing weight training and trying his best to upraise heavier weight. There were two girls azuoweng on the treadmill(跑步机),neither too fast nor too slow. In the next room there was a fitness instructor(健身教练) was teaching some young people doing yoga(瑜珈), which made they do some strange actions.

After some minutes warm up (热身),I started to run on the treadmill and ride on the exercise bike(健身脚踏车). Both of them were easy and good for most of people. Besides,I did some dumbbell (哑铃)exercises ,seating type chest pushing, high pulling force back muscle training, butterfly clamp chest muscle training, thigh stretching, leg treading, abdomen muscle training, vertical pulling force training. (坐式推胸、高拉力背肌训练、蝴蝶夹胸肌训练、大腿伸展、蹬腿、腹肌训练、直立式拉力训练)

Finally,I cooled down myself and had a break before I went home.
