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我的家乡是美丽的长春市,它是吉林省的省会,它还有许许多多的有名的风景,比如净月潭、南湖、伪皇宫……今天我就给大家介绍一下净月潭吧! 净月潭风景名胜区,位于吉林省长春市境内。1988年8月1日,国务院公布由伪满洲帝国傀儡皇帝宫殿、伪国务院及其下属“八大部”等历史建筑与山清水秀的净月潭自然风光统一组成“八大部”──净月潭风景名胜区,并被列为国家级重点风景名胜区,面积151平方公里。这也是一种类型的历史纪念地,通过遗址遗物使人们了解中国这段灾难历史,从中受益。

公元1932年,末代皇帝爱新觉罗·溥仪将长春市立为伪满洲国国都──新京市,并在今长春市东北部光复北路3号建造了皇宫殿堂。宫殿分内外两廷,占地12公顷。外廷主要有勤民楼、怀远楼、嘉乐楼;内廷主要有缉熙楼、同德殿,还有御花园、假山、养鱼池、游泳池、网球场、跑马场及书画库等附属建筑。勤民楼取清室祖训:“敬天法祖,勤政爱民”之义。为一幢二层方形圆楼,中为方形天井,是溥仪处理政务、接见日本关东司令、外交使节和伪满官吏的地方。缉熙楼系溥仪和皇后婉容、祥贵人谭玉玲的居所。楼房二层典出《诗经·大雅·文王》“于缉熙敬上”句。[1] 伪国务院及其下属八个部,统称长春“八大部”。即伪国务院及治安部、司法部、经济部、交通部的原址,现均为白求恩医大用房。兴农部今系东北师大附中,文教部今属东北师大附小,外交部今系吉林省社会科学院。“八大部”位于长春市中心,公元1936年基本建成。唯有溥仪的正式“皇宫”(今地质宫)只完成地下部分,而金碧辉煌的宫殿系50年代完工。宫殿占地51.2公顷,殿前的草坪广场可容50多万人集会。







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In the Midwest of Guizhou Province, there is a beautiful city, which is my lovely hometown - Anshun.

Anshun is a famous historical and cultural city in Guizhou province. It is known as "the abdomen of Guizhou and the larynx of Yunnan".

In this land, storage of ancient culture, piercing Yelang Culture, unique culture of Tunpu culture. Known as the "mystery" of Guanling "Red Cliff mumbo-jumbo"; known as the "Oriental first dye" Anshun batik; known as the "living fossil Chinese drama" Anshun Dixi is digging on the land. Here is the hometown of Comrade Wang Ruofei, the old proletarian revolutionist of the old generation of our party.

In my hometown of Anshun, in a pleasant climate, where rich high-quality rice, rape, tea, ginger, fruit, there are a large number of cattle and chicken dog and so on moving animals. There are three national scenic area, which is the world famous Huangguoshu Waterfalls falls, Dragon Palace Getu River Scenic Area and national scenic area, here is the Jiulong Mountain national Forest Park, Huajiang gorge, Yelang lake, Ezra River Provincial Scenic area.

In these beautiful scenic spots, I dont know much about it. Here I would like to introduce to you a few of my most familiar attractions, they are:

The former residence of Wang Ruofei: This is my party early outstanding proletarian revolutionary, political activist, loyal communist fighter Wang Ruofei young life, a place of learning outstanding, it is located in the north of Anshun City, covers an area of more than 1000 square meters, from towards the door, corridor, gate, room, car, etc. to North and South hall. It is "the national patriotic education base", "the National Red Tourism classic scenic spot", "the Guizhou patriotic education base" and "the national defense education base". It is the Guizhou provincial cultural relic protection unit.

West Mountain Pagoda: located in Anshun City West southwest of Xiushan, trees around the tower is divided into nine stages, a wild profusion of vegetation, five cubits high, tower six, is one of the most important ancient buildings in Anshun.

Rainbow Lake: Rainbow Mountain Reservoir in Anshun city is important for flood control, irrigation, industrial and domestic water comprehensive water storage project. When the sun rises, the surface of the lake becomes glittering and glittering; when the spring comes, the lake appears particularly clear. There are jiukongqiao, peach forest and antique Pavilion, is a public rest, resort.

My hometown, Anshun, also allows many of the overwhelming majority of the customs, the natural landscape, which is also waiting for us to be familiar with, to find, to enjoy.



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My hometown is famous Flower City. Because home roadsides, school yard and could see the figure of sweet-scented osmanthus tree, so called the Flower City.

In a flash, the golden autumn came. This is the sweet-scented osmanthus Hanbaoyufang season, the city of sweet-scented osmanthus are open. I walk in the street, smell the refreshing fragrance, can not help but come to a tree, looking at the long hiding in a green and leafy in the sweet-scented osmanthus that, ah! So beautiful, why Yao Guihua never dazzle own beautiful? I can not help but observe off a sweet-scented osmanthus, but I still do not understand why.

I sat on the ground, I looked at the floor of the sweet-scented osmanthus, ah! I really like sprinkle a layer of snow. This charming sweet-scented osmanthus fragrance really beautiful!

I love the sweet-scented osmanthus, more love Flower City!



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My hometown WuGang is a steel town, here beautiful scenery, beautiful scenery, pleasant climate. Is known as the northern small jiangnan.

My hometown is beautiful scenery. Here beside the mountain water, surrounded by green trees. There are mountain, mountain tianchi, nine head cliffs, such as mountains, all are the countless places of interest. Legend is er lang shen mountain pick to a town, still two lang absolute being like stay there. Tianchi mountain waterfalls, plunges three thousand feet, very spectacular. The wind falls, smoke, such as fog, such as dust. Nine heads cliff, past closely linked castle peak, a total of nine mountain, the mountain there is a trickle, beautiful natural scenery make people linger.

My hometown is not only there are mountains, there is a pool pool.

Especially the stone floodplains reservoir at the foot of the mountain, and west lake. Early in the morning, the sunshine reflected in the water, the water sparkling, as silk on the appearance of fine lines, smooth and pale green. The white clouds in the sky and on either side of the castle peak clearly reflected in the water. The blue sky, green hill, the lake together, really beautiful.







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My hometown is in Qingdao, is a picturesque scenery, picturesque place.

In the spring, when the warm spring breeze blowing up the earth, mountains home put on the green. Green grass, green trees, green forests, look, starts, like the sea of green.

Summer, rainy season, the hometown of river has become our good place for summer. I saw on both sides of the river two rows of willows reflected in the river, the breeze blowing, shadow in the water ripples, microwave clear, under the shining of the sun to the eye. We came to the river, sometimes singing, sometimes game, sometimes mixed stirring little feet into the water. Gentle flapping our little feet of the water in the river, like a mother stroked us, very comfortable.

Autumn, the fruit of the harvest season, the large, round apple red in the face. A purple yingying grapes are full of shelves, each one red persimmon ripe persimmon tree. The growers are busy day and night, with harvest smile on his face.

In winter, like snow falling from the sky, around a silvery white, as if into a fairy tale world. We are together make a snowman, snowball fights, really very happy.

My hometown is a year the four seasons scenery attractive, its so beautiful!




秋天,水果丰收的季节,那又大又圆的苹果笑红了脸 。一串串紫盈盈的葡萄挂满了架子 ,柿子树上一个个红灯笼似的柿子成熟了。果农们日夜忙碌,脸上带着丰收的微笑。





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Autumn is the home of the lukewarm, though not before the fresh air, the leaves have begun to wither, but there is something more and more mature - that is rice. Get out of the house, looking ahead, the first thing is to see the rice, then a large number of rice over a large area Yes. Rice in peoples creeping to the long maturity.

Autumn is the home of the golden, basically everything is yellow. Home in the fall, Rice has become a mature yellow. Home in the fall, the grass withered into a yellow. Home in the fall, the leaves of the trees have gradually turned yellow, will soon wither and fall of. Fields, dirt road, small road, no matter what is basically green plants have withered up. In particular, is the grass that it was waiting for the arrival of spring, to give the World Add a green.

The home is a good harvest in the fall season, played a peach tree on big peaches end, the pear tree on a large knot from pears, orange trees from a huge knot of orange, rice fields have matured, and so many can eat The fruit is ripe.

The wind is so soft, water is so smooth, the sky is so blue, people are so active. The home is in the autumn, spring and about the same. Home in the fall than in the winter home to a much warmer, more than the autumn of his home in the summer to cool.

Ah, home in the fall, how do you get soft!




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我的家乡My Hometown

My home town is a beautiful place. It stands beside a wide river and is rich in fish and rice. But in the old days it was a poor and backward little town.Many people had no work. They lived a hard life. In 1949 my hometown was liberated. Since then great changes have taken place there. The streets have been widened. factories, schools, hospitals, cinemas and theaters have sprung up one after another.The life of the people is greatly improved. I love my hometown and all the people there. They are working hard so as to make it still richer and more beautiful.



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请你根据下面的提纲,以 我的家乡为题,写一篇100-字的短文。 提纲: (1) 家乡的地理位置; (2) 解放前的情况; (3) 解放后的变化; (4) 对家乡的感情。

满分作文: My Home Town My home town is a beautiful pla



(1) 家乡的地理位置;

(2) 解放前的情况;

(3) 解放后的变化;

(4) 对家乡的感情。


My Home Town

My home town is a beautiful place. It stands beside a wide river and is rich in fish and rice.

But in the old days it was a poor and backward little town. Many people had no work. They lived a hard life.

In 1949 my hometown was liberated. Since then great changes have taken place there. The streets have been widened. Factories, schools, hospitals, cinemas and theatres have sprung up one after another. The life of the people is greatly improved.

I love my hometown. All the more I love its people. They are working hard so as to make it still richer and more beautiful.



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With the rapid development of the society, many things around our life are changed. Personally speaking, my hometown has changed a lot.

When I was a child, there was only one black and white TV set in our village. And I don’t know what’s computer. I often went to school on foot. What’s more, in summer, we had to use hand-made fans to make our temperature down. If I wanted to connect with the distant friends or relatives,  the most convenient way is writing letters, which may lost on the way or take a lot of time to reach the destination.

However, nowadays, there are four color televisons in my home and most people have their own computers. And now cars are seen everywhere. In addition, most houses have airconditioning, which can cool the whole house quickly. With the development of cell phone, people can reach each other in a second. They can talk or see each other through cell phone.

As time passes, my hometown has change a lot thanks to the social development. I believe there will be much more changes in the future.



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Ma ville natale est Weifang. Cest une petite ville par rapport à dautres villes comme Qingdao et Jinan. Mais, à mon avis, cest ce point qui mattire. Vivre dans une grande ville nest pas aussi confortable que de vivre dans une plus petite, je naime pas les personnes vivant dans un endroit où une infinité de bruit, et ce nest pas facile dapprécier ma musique favorite, si je vis dans une grande ville. Jadore ma ville natale.

Jadore les cerfs-volants de la ville, qui sont célèbres dans le monde. Jadore lambiance ici, qui attire des millions détrangers chaque année.

Peu importe ce qui va se passer, mon amour pour ce lieu ne sera jamais changé.




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四年级:陈姝含 qyww6688@163.c




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My hometown is in Yumen, although the scenery there is less wuyi mountain scenery is beautiful, but in my heart, my hometown is the most beautiful. In this seven-day holiday, dad took me to their day and night miss hometown - Yumen. When you get there, the first thing you see is that comes from the green apple, like small red lanterns hung on past green pagoda. Next to the trees and colorful flowers, if you go to my hometown at this moment, you will be intoxicated in the sea of the flowers, let you deep love on her. However, more let I admire is a stream. Because it is afraid of difficulties and obstacles along the way, has been into the rough sea, it is its ultimate goal. I think: we should learn from the brook, meet with difficulties, cant bow to it, and have to overcome the difficulties.

My hometown and the endless wheat fields. In the autumn, the wind blows catcher flapping, like a golden sea.

In winter, the dance of snowflakes swirl of fall from the sky, the earth a piece of white, as if to the world of fairy tales. From a distance, the distance a few snow-capped mountains, the Qilian mountains. There are four seasons mountain of dont snow all the year round. At the foot of the mountain have a vast prairie, and cattle and sheep were grazing in the grasslands, cattle and sheep with ger around, still lived inside the hospitable host!

Ah! My hometown is beautiful! I love my hometown.








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We are the seem with you, even though we come from Zi Yang. Both of us love our hometown deeply.. However, compared with you, we seemingly posses more nativist sentiments(乡土情节)。 Because we listen to the folk songs, sing the tea songs and drink the selenium-rich tea(富硒茶)every day from childhood. From now on, I would also take some teas no matter where I go.

In the past, our anscestors were creating their own happiness on this land when they were in poor conditions, such as traffic inconvenience, economy undevelopment and information impediment.In recent times, our flagstones are sold to America, Canada and Japan; our teas and drugs have influencing many people’s daily-life; our money orages(金钱橘) have win universal praise, and, this year, Yan Chang Contium(延长集团) has invest 400 billions to our hometown—Shuang Qiao, wich would cause great change to it. The bright future let us love our hometon very much undoubtely. I don’t know what way I should use to introduce our hometown properly to you. I’m afraid of stainning the beaty of it because of my valgurism and superficiality, so that it may give you a bad impression.

Therefore, I introduce it to you today just through a narrow point of view. I hope that we could share the beaty and the joy of it together.

And, please see the following video which describe the culture of our hometown objectively and really through a comparative broad view.



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My hometown - Yang Village, is a very beautiful is very beautiful place, especially in spring and autumn season, is much more beautiful!

Came to the spring, young trees are covered with buds, grass full of flowers grass, flowers everywhere, there are red, yellow, purple, white... , the breeze blowing gently, like a voice in the say "hello" with us, the grass out small head, butterflies flying in the air, like a spring so the niang in the dance. The birds are singing cheerful songs for the children. The stream of water on the bottom, you could see the fish in the river on the...

Fall, fruit tree full of fruit, in the distance, the apple tree little sister ate a big apple, in the face with a smile of joy, face is red, like a big apple. In other under the tree, there are the children playing cheerful, some in the play skip rope, some are playing catch people, some are playing hide-and-seek, and playing touch people. The wind blow, like autumn girl in lovely children to wipe the sweat...

Ah! My hometown is beautiful! I love my hometown, love the hometown of the spring and autumn!







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Dear Tom,

I`m happy to share my opinion about hometown,shijiazhuang. Today,shijiazhuang is quite different from ten years ago.In the past,there was a little road in the city,and the road was very narrwo.As there is the capital city of Hebei Province,the traffic was very heavy.But there have built a lot of roads in these years,and all of these are broad.

There were only 3 parks in the city at ten years ago,and the air pollution was very serious.However,there are a great many of new parks were built.People often go to the nearest park do morning excise,and children also enjoy there.Of course,the air also improved a lot.

Today`s shijiazhuang is a beauty and modern city ,welcome to my hometown with your family.



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My home town is a beautiful place。 It stands beside a wide river and is rich in fish and rice。


But in the old days it was a poor and backward little town。 Many people had no work。 They lived a hard life。


In 1949 my hometown was liberated。 Since then great changes have taken place there。 The streets have been widened。 Factories, schools, hospitals, cinemas and theatres have sprung up one after another。 The life of the people is greatly improved。


I love my hometown。 All the more I love its people。 They are working hard so as to make it still richer and more beautiful。

