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Boys and girls,

Attention, please! I have an announcement to make.

Our military training will last 11 days from Aug. 15th to Aug. 25th. It will take place in the school playground. The training time is from 7:30 to 11:30 in the morning and 2:30 to 5:30 in the afternoon. Everyone must attend the military training on time. Nobody is allowed to be absent from the training or be late for it. Ask the drillmaster for leave if necessary. Furthermore, we must be in military uniforms, wear strong sports shoes and bring our own cups. Finally, I have to stress that everyone should work hard during the training so that we will perform perfectly in the final test!

That’s all. Thank you!




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莫言,在看到他辉煌的一刻,有没有想过他自己也曾被批为得奖赔 率最高者,虽然在无尽的否认下,他也没有放弃自己,“闭关淡然写作”,现在我们才得以通晓他,我想如果用橘子来比喻人生,一种橘子大而酸,一种橘子小而甜。这也就是告诉我们的人生常八九不如意,没有十全十美的事物,而生活本身也如此,但我们可以用一颗完美无瑕的心态也就是乐观的生活态度完成它,当拿到甜的会庆幸它是甜的。









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In my understanding, if we refer to an ideal college life as a formal western dinner, then a high GPA, that is, Grade Point Average, should be the main course, while an active part in activities, together with associations, means the appetizer。 Some romances, of course, play the role as desserts。 They are the 3 key elements for an ideal college life。

Those, however, are not what college life is all about。 As we all know, college is wildly different from middle school。 It connects not only adolescence to adulthood, but also the ivory tower to the real society。 Therefore, the ideal college life is that I become matured both physically and mentally, and that I obtain qualified academic knowledge and get well prepared for society at the same time。

Under this circumstance, I never expect my college life to be too ideal, or you can call it too perfect。 It is not realistic to make all things on my own way, with everyone liking me, winning the first prize all the time, and so on。 Of course, I’d like to lead a carefree life。 However, this does little good to my future。 What really helps is hardships like failure, betrayal, and unjust treatment。 Only after experiencing those can I know what society is like, and what life is like。

To conclude my speech, I wanna say, some positive experiences are surely part of the ideal college life。 But, I should not forget about the negative sides。 They are not less necessary。




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1) Different people have/hold different opinions/views on the question/problem/matter. Some believe that ...; Others argue that... :Still others maintain that ...

2) they are quite different from each other in their opinions.

3) Some people hold the opinion that it is good to ....

4) they think quite differently on this question.

5) Opinions vary from individual to individual, from culture to culture.


1) It is important (necessary, urgent, difficult, easy, convenient, comfortable, expensive, desirable, advisable) for sb. to do sth.

2) ...have trouble/difficulty/a hard time/a difficult time (in) doing sth. (有困难做某事)


1)We have discussed whether to surf on the net on weekdays.

2)We have debated whether China should develop private car industry.

3)The students of Senior Three in our school have had a heated discussion about whether

Senior Three students should attend the sports meeting.


Nearly a quarter of people think//believe that…

Almost a half of the students suggest that …

Two fifths of our group are for the idea of …

Thirty percent of us be are against that

The rest of the interviewees agree that…

The majority of them disagree the opinion of…



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I plan to go to travel alone this summer vacation. I have traveled several times, but gone with my family or friends, never did it alone. I want to do it once, so I can train myself to be stronger and more confident. I told my parents about my plan, they supported me very much, and they thought it is a good opportunity to help me grow up. They also told me many tips of traveling and prepared the package for me. I am grateful that my parents understand me and respect my decision. I won’t let them down.




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陶渊明的菊花在南山下悠然开放;周敦颐的莲生于污泥浊秽中而依然盛开;川端康成的海棠花也在无人的黑夜里散发着阵阵幽香,沧海桑田,世事变迁,大自然的美丽在时间的沉淀中愈发醇厚。面对纷繁的花花世界,王维“独坐幽篁里,弹琴复长啸”,悠然自得;李白“举杯邀明月,对影成三人”,惬意潇洒,在面对了无数是是非非后,在经历了多次的大起大落后,这样的气节与风度带给我们的是无尽的思索与回味。 无论成功还是失败,都让我们明白,人生需要一个好的心态。得意时告诉自己,谦受益,满招损,人生最忌张狂,那些浅尝则傲,暂获则骄的行为,终是一种自毁的心理。失意时警示自己,不能沉沦,不能消极,人生最怕消沉,那些挫则不起,败则自弃的行为,终是一种自卑的心理。人生的进退,生活的好坏,有时取决于我们的心态,努力是一种结局,放弃也是一种结局。只是不同的心境,有着不同的结果,你笑天是蓝的,你哭天是阴的。学会生活,需要一个好的心态,走好人生,需要一个好的心境,心态有时决定着生活的成败。时光流转, “林花谢了春红,太匆匆”,历史的长河中总回荡着无尽的叹息,悲喜相续,忧乐共融,夹杂着希望的沙砾奔腾着涌向前方。无不映射了生命之旅的一个又一个站台。人生的悲欢离合,无法避免,那么,在必须选择前进的路上要坦然面对一切困难,乐观面对生活吧!正如前人所说:“闲看庭前花开花落,漫随天外云卷云舒。”





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I am going to shool from Monday to Friday,and every day in school I am very busy.In the morning,I have four lessons,and in the afternoon I have three lessons.Of course I take two hours to go home for lunch.And we begin classes at 2:30,the school is over at 4:55.

After school,sometimes I’ll stay in the classroom.But sometimes I play games with my friends when I go home after school.I think my school life is busy but happy.



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Looking forward to the long winter vacation finally arrived, the thought of winter vacation I can open happy nature watch TV, play computer. The most pleasant or can sleep a big in)its really beautiful!

But the next morning I never thought, imagination with practical difference too far. Every morning, if I dont get up, her mother will be bothering me in bed but sleep, and watch TV, play computer. Mother every day I only at noon and provisions of the evening to see, other time let me write winter vacation work, back classical Chinese poetry, write a diary and play the Chinese zither. Im very busy. I had to dawdle ah, then drink water, toilet and eat find every reason and mother do right, gas of old mama Shouting at me. This did not reach the purpose of me to play, and this is my winter vacation life! Was too sad!

I want to play for a while the computer, watch TV for a while! I know you are good to me, but you know, you bring me much pressure ah, I hope you, and all the mother give children a happy childhood!





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I began school at seven in accordance with the law in a remote village. Short of funds, the school had only a few classrooms, all poorly constructed.  to say, our teachers were few, too. As a pupil I preferred the playground to the classroom and often liked to play tricks on girls, as by hiding insects in their desk drawers. On one occasion, I even grimaced behind the back of our teacher, caing the whole class to break into laughter; however, instead of becoming angry, he merely asked why we were laughing and wondered whether there was anything wrong with him. On ather occasion, I punctured the tires of a  parked inside the school by ing something sharppointed, leaving the principal frightened and bewildered after he had ticed that. Such were the happy moments in my life at that school. The happiest moment, to me and to all of my schoolmates, however, was the one when the school was letting out at the last bell of the day and we were rhing home as if we would never be back. Once, on our way home, a bunch of naughty students found a crickets hole and exerted themselves to inject water into it with loud cheers. The girls were  less frantic than the boys when they were having a good time at such games as jump-rope, hopscotch and battledore and shuttlecock.



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weeks ago ,I had a military training . Many students think military training is not only boring but also terrible .but I don‘t think so .In my opinion ,military training life is wonderful .At first ,I‘m afraid of joining military training ,at that time ,I think military training is scaring ,but I have to take part in it ,because I‘m a student .I have to obey the school regulations .But in fact ,we are wrong,military training is cold .but at the same time ,military training also brings happiness for us.For example , in our spare time ,the commander taught us singing songs,or had a singing match with other classes .On September third ,we had a match with Class Five . First ,one of the girls from Class Five sang songs ,she sang very well,I thought . Next, other students also performed the programmes ,some sang ,some dancd ,and another students told jokes . Finally ,our class won the first prize ,the other class‘ students are also very happy ,although they failed in the match .All in all ,all of us were very happy .What a happy day it was ! I‘ve never forgotten that day.




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I see a show about painting. An exhibition at a private art gallery is a way of introducing a new artist to the public .

The idea is to stage an event that will create interest in the artist and stimulate sales of his or her work. Exhibitions of painting , sculpture, and photography at public museums and galleries are different from private showings.

The works exhibited at public museums are by established, well-known artists. Many exhibitions include works from the museum’s permanent collection—that is, works owned by the museum.




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Childhood is often regarded as a memorable and beautiful period of one’s life and I passed it happily as a grade-school student. My grade school days were really carefree ones. I got along well with my classmates and On holidays we strolled along the street visited the park and shared one another s candies The teacher of our class was a patient woman who took pains to teach us how to behave and often accompanied us to play games after class-games which were enlivened by songs prattle and laughters. My grade school days were surely the happiest time in my life. Though in retrospect what I did long ago is some-what childish it is nevertheless unforgettable.



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Do not rely completely on any other human being, however dear. We meet all life’s greatest tests alone.” -Agnes Macphail


I have found that the more time I spend alone, the more comfortable I become in my own skin because I can truly get to know myself. This provides me with more patience to accept myself as I am, wherever I am in my journey, on a daily basis.


This lesson was something I learned after spending a summer alone in Italy with a family friend.


I embarked on the journey, turning off my phone for the first time, well, probably ever. I would be jetting all over America then landing in a country with a family basically unknown to me.


It wasn’t until two years after I returned that I wished I had spent more time living in the moment while experiencing the greatest adventure of my life. I was not comfortable enough in my own skin to truly be present in the magical moments presenting themselves in a foreign country.


My mind stayed distracted as I wondered what people were thinking of me, and what I would post online to my friends back home.


At 19 years old, it seemed much more important to capture photos to upload to social media. The Internet was a crutch for me to not feel so alone in an unknown territory. As brave as I was to be completely alone in my adventure, I had a thousand people to “connect” with on my lonely nights!


Two years later I realized that I could have filled my days with activities for growth.


I now wish I had traveled to nearby cities, spent my days reading in a cafe, tried acupuncture—anything out of the ordinary.


The truth was I didn’t have the hobbies I have now. The trip did help me grow, but I regret that I could not simply enjoy the moments, instead of wanting thousands of others to see I was enjoying them.


I discovered that if I want to be happy, it would be my own doing. Happiness is an interior process and comes without validation from others.


This is something that is a lesson to be relearned each day.


Spending small moments of time alone—sans phone, tablet, laptop, TV, and radio—allows one to really tune in. We need to ask ourselves things like: What is my body telling me today? How do I feel today?


There are all kinds of things we can do to enjoy our alone time, some of them very simple. I enjoy my shower, my yoga practice, and the scenic drive home, all without communication to the exterior world. This helps me to really absorb my practice and just “be.” I find it helpful to journal, old fashion style, with a pen and paper after this little escape.

我们可以做很多事情来享受独处的时光,有些事情非常简单。我喜欢淋浴,喜欢瑜伽练习,喜欢在开车回家的路上看秀丽的风 景,这些都不需要和外部世界联系。这能帮我真正消化自己的所做所为,仅仅安静的待着。我发现在这种小小的消遣之后,用在纸上用笔写日记这样古老的方式很有帮助。



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just as is revealed in the pictures above, people are generally classified into two types: the pessimistic and the optimistic. we can see in one picture some people, long-faced and downhearted, are counting the nights by the shadows while in the other picture the happy-go-lucky people are enjoying the starry nights. what a contrastive view! remember, it is not the bad thing that determines our state of mind but the way we look at it matters.

an example that comes to mind is sars crisis that has recently torn apart and ravaged most of china. admittedly, it has cost us quite a lot. some people suffered from health damage and still some even lost their lives. and our economy suffers a temporary setback and a slowdown.

however, we still have learnt and benefited a lot from it. first things first, we are more concerned than never before with our health, and the environment we live in. additionally, we tried and bettered and are still bettering our mechanism to respond to unexpected crises. these and other lessons at the expense of blood, tear, toil and sweat are benefiting and continue to benefit us and generations of chinese to come.

the best way to overcome the frustrations brought about crises is to always take a positive outlook on life. just as a well-known ancient chinese notion goes, the past lessons if not forgotten are good teachers for us all. if we can bear in mind sufferings and ordeals we have experienced, then our sufferings will not go unrewarded.




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Dear parents,

Words fail me when I want to express my thanks to you. You have taken good care of me since I was born.When I am in trouble,you always encourage me and cheer me up.Once I argued with my best friend and was upset,you talked with me the whole night and finally helped me solve the problem. With your help,I have become a good student.I am so thankful for your love that I will work harder and try to do better in the future.

Best wishes


Zhang hua



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Today, the weather is really hot!

1 and 2 at noon when the weather is very hot. The sun sends out a burning hot; Send out the dazzling golden light. As long as you look up to take a look at your head that a round with the light of the "fire ball", you will feel hot.

You see, in this hot summer, also is hiding a pair of beautiful picture. You to look carefully, on the other side of the tree cicadas sing, you listen to "see, see, see..." ; On the other side of the flat ground puppy drooping ears lying there quietly; On the other side of the big shade and the elderly, children, youth... ; On the other side of the tree the bird flying leisurely standing on a tree or; This quietly hidden a pair of beautiful picture.

This burning heat seems to be smoke all around, as if the house is a bamboo steamer, steam us to flow the oil. The sun shone on the house and glittering like a gold.

Ah! Today the weather is so hot!
