全文共 1561 字
+ 加入清单My hobby many, such as painting, music, production, dance... One of my favorite is dancing, why do you say I like to dance, that from the second grade.
One day, I and friends went to the auditorium to see performance together, when I saw the wonderful dance performances, the in the mind secretly determined to join the school dancing group, serious training to compare with these actors door.
Later, I get it to join the dancing group, of course, I will also meet with difficulties in training. Once, for example, I have leg press pressure was really exhausted, so I sat down to rest, captain was discovered, she said I am lazy, also gave me a kick. My stomach full of gas, cried and ran home. Back to home, grandma asked me why I cry? After I said: "I dont dance, dance is too hard." Grandma said: "children, do what matter will encounter difficulties, you must stick to it, grandma sure you do. Grandma have confidence in you." Listen to the grandma, and I ran to school. Later, in the game, I won the first prize of dance.
Tell you a secret, I hope the Chinese dance around the world, rushed out of Asia. However, I still cannot come true, because I was a dancer, the in the class!
全文共 1203 字
+ 加入清单Smoking And Health
Today smoking is a widespread habit ali over the world. Not only the old,
the youth, but also middle school students have been engaged in smoking. Many of
them think that smoking is a smart symbol.
However, smoking is harmful to one’s ,health. It contributes a lot of lung
cancer, from which many people have died in the past years. It can also cause
many other diseases. In a word, if you smoke, you do have a much greater chance
of losing your health. Furthermore, scientific research shows that smoking is
not only harmful to smokers themselves, but also a threat to public health,
especially to women and children. Therefore, many countries have made laws
forbidding smokers to smoke m public places such as cinemas, stations,
hospitals, and so on Giveup smoking! If you don’t smoke, don’t start. Give
upsmoking for the sake of your health, for the sake of your family, and for the
sake of the whole world.
全文共 2348 字
+ 加入清单Nowadays, people more and more busy, rarely have time to meet, every day to see the neighbours parents and children are all rush to, and meet up to nod to say hello, seldom have time to sit down and a talking and chatting, let alone have a chance to meet some new friends. I basically every day is two point one line, not to go out to go to school is to come home from school, the occasional twice a week of after-class learning, parents also is standard office worker, used to see when they communicate with others also is to make a call. With the rapid development of information society, a lot of application in the communication network technology widely applied, as Internet telephony, network video, blogs, twitter, and these technologies are used phones, we can manage information anytime and anywhere.
Recently, with the microblogging is the most popular, most type 140 words, with a brief blog content published to the Internet. Weibo has formed a new Internet society, on the weibo social can at any time to post the latest news, news, reviews, feeling, can use the form of text, images, and voice, people can share to know, dont know, can become oneself to like peoples fans. In this world, there is no high and low in the normal exchanges, anyone may become a popular star here, as long as sincere communication, not met can also set up a communication relationship, and as long as you like. Weibo society, enhance the transparency and communication degree in todays society, also can be in here to any knowledge of people learn something different, people more closely. I also have their own weibo, here, not because of my age hinders the communication with you.
Weibo has been integrated into all aspects of society, weibo is changing the way we know the world, change our lives.
全文共 1563 字
+ 加入清单Scorching summer, fruitful autumn, vanity of build by laying bricks or stones jade winter is cute, but I prefer that all things recovery, vibrant spring.
Spring, flourishing in full bloom, flowers, and willow, willow branches under the spring breeze blowing gently shaking, the swallow flew back from the south.
Spring is the season of flowers. You see, the clusters of flowers on the grass in full bloom, red, yellow, purple, white... Colorful, beautiful! They hide, like a shy little girl. You lifted up his eyes looking from a distance, the lawn is like a piece of silk, the flower is on satin dotted pattern of stars.
In the spring, spring rain mingled with continuous underground, like voice spinning out of line. It touch the earth, as if is a kind mother, gently stroking the childs face.
At this time, the farmers began sowing seeds, the birds began to sing, animals began to cheer, continuous rain, the seed moist, the fish in the water looked up breathing, animals in the rain shower, how wonderful!
Ah! In the spring! You bring hope and life walking slowly, everywhere, which contains the thriving vitality. Spring is a colorful picture scroll, full of spring! I love you!
全文共 1960 字
+ 加入清单Watching the les miserables, jean valjean tall image always emerge in front of my eyes. He is ready to help others, honest is good, good character, although due to the forced by life, had made some mistake, but this does not affect his personality, because he spent a lifetime in continuously improve their difficulties and adversity.
Jean valjean was out of work, because life poverty, he stole a loaf of bread, was caught in prison, the evil old society! After prison, he was leader of bent on revenge influence restored confidence in life and aspire to from good, he came to monte, renamed Madeleine, set up factories, became a millionaire, has helped many people, as the mayor. Integrity, however, he didnt want to let others take the rap for him and was put into prison...
What kind of jean valjean, he good for bad, ready to help others, raising a baby, you planned to. In order to make cosette happiness, have the courage to admits his true identity, this need how much courage, how much love! Although repeatedly by the peoples misunderstanding and discrimination, but jean valjean always abide by the promise of the bishop, silently to do an honest, kind person.
I moved for jean valjean, if we can face up to its own like jean valjean error, can try their best to correct, look at the world with a heart of universal love, our world will become more beautiful. Im sad for jean valjean, for his newspaper, if jean valjean had life in socialist China, so his experience might not be so rough.
全文共 3703 字
+ 加入清单放飞和平鸽,让幸福的旋律盘旋天际,插上橄榄枝,让绿色的快乐响遍五州,小编收集了精选关于世界和平日的句子,欢迎阅读。
1、 没有痛苦的离散,没有撕心的呼唤,一家团圆是多少人的期盼;没有战争的硝烟,没有枪炮的轰鸣,世界和平是人类的祈愿。国际和平日,让我们放飞和平的白鸽,愿世界永远和谐!
2、 和平是一束明媚的阳光,驱散战争的迷雾,让幸福的生活闪光;和平是一根神奇的魔法棒,让废墟变成高楼大厦,让迷失的人们充满希望;和平是一个可爱的天使,抚平岁月创伤,温暖人们的心房。国际和平日,珍惜和平,拒绝战争,生活更美好!
3、 我们最应当畏惧的不是地震,不是海啸,不是台风,不是洪灾,而是我们自己。战争的恶魔游荡在广阔的天空,为了政治,为了能源,为了利益,极端主义者释放出巨大的诱饵吸引着它,于是在世界的一些地区硝烟弥漫,血雨腥风,生命骤然间如草芥。当人们通过战争获得物质的极大满足时,战争的恶魔正在偷着乐:哈哈,现在距离人类灭亡的目标又近了一步。
4、 没有纷扰生活会很平静,没有争斗人生会很安宁,没有战争世界会很太平。生活中人们需要心静,人生中人们需要淡定,地球上人们需要和平。像珍爱自己的眼睛一样珍爱和平,让和平的种子播撒四方,开出娇艳的花,结出饱满的果,让世人亲如一家,走向大同。
5、 我们不想在枪炮轰鸣中醒来,我们不想在硝烟弥漫中行进,我们不想在悲观绝望中沉沦,我们渴望和平!我们渴望地球村的每个角落都鸟语花香,我们渴望地球村的每片土地都草长莺飞,我们渴望和平鸽永远在大地的上空自由的飞翔。国际和平日,一起维护和平。
6、 战争是死循环,无穷的痛苦与哀嚎,无尽的绝望与灾难。让我们用爱,用和平阻止并解决这个死循环,将绿色的生机播撒,将友爱的快乐与希望传递。国际和平日,拒绝战争,维护和平。
7、 美满的家庭因为战争而支离破碎、美好的理想被战争而生生的撕碎。仇恨使幸福越来越远,流血使快乐不复存在。只有用爱才能去治疗创伤,用和平去共同建造幸福的家园。国际和平日,希望和平一直能陪伴我们左右。
8、 大地宽容了花草树木,使自己变得更加美丽;地球宽容了阳光,使自己得到了光明;海洋宽容了鱼儿,使自己变得更加有活力。国际和平日,国家、人人都宽容了,世界将会变得更加丰富、多姿多彩!
9、 "9-21国际和平日,全天下人类幸福快乐共庆佳节,我们携家带口都走出我们温馨的小家庭,感受阳光灿烂的舒坦,感受草绿花红的安然,感受社会大家庭和谐的氛围,让孩子们从小就懂得珍惜和平的幸福生活。"
10、 没有硝烟战争横尸遍野,没有悲欢离合家破人亡,没有妻离子散山河破碎,没有压迫剥削弱肉强食,世界将变的美好灿烂炫丽辉煌。国际和平日,为和平自由奋斗!
11、 唱起和平歌,快乐的笑容在脸上荡漾;跳起和平舞,幸福的足迹在大地踏遍;挑起和平旗,安定的生活在角落扎根。国际和平日,让白鸽在蓝天自由飞翔,让和平的世界永远幸福安康!
12、 遍插和平之旗,让战争的硝烟灰飞烟灭;放飞和平之鸽,让战争的苦痛永远消失;许下和平之愿,愿天下和平安康,和谐永远!世界安定,太平永远!
13、 战争让人们流离失所,战争让大地血流成河,战争让国家分崩离析,战争让人们失去快乐。国际和平日,让我们拒绝战争,维护和平。
14、 和平是全世界人民共同的心声,回荡在世界的每个角落;和平是人们心底的梦,在梦里都能发出甜美的笑;和平是春天婉转的歌,萦绕在地球的每片土地;和平是孩子们灿烂的笑脸,绽放在每一个幼小的心灵。国际和平日,让和平的钟声永久敲响,让世界铸剑为犁,和平永驻。
15、 战争湮没了似水年华,让生命动荡不安,但和平的精灵正努力飞舞,唱出欢乐的歌谣,让我们在和平的沙滩上,踏上坚实的脚印,使之蕴成强大的时代潮流。国际和平日,我们呼唤和平,热爱和平。
16、 放飞和平鸽,让幸福的旋律盘旋天际,插上橄榄枝,让绿色的快乐响遍五州,摇动和平大旗,让详和的讯息传遍世界,国际和平日,愿世界和平,愿人民幸福!
17、 国际和平日九月二十一,停止暴力行为和平解决争端。战争摧毁一切战火烧杀掠强,生灵涂炭山河破碎。人无安宁之日,觉醒吧!请停止硝烟炮火走向和平,愿世界人民都安居乐业!
18、 白鸽飞,谷穗弯,孩子纯真的笑脸,这个世界平安最珍贵;小河淌,天空蓝,妈妈怀抱的温暖,这个世界和平最灿烂。国际和平日,愿没有战争纷扰,到处都是鲜花烂漫。
19、 世界和平日,双手合十,默默许愿,愿没有杀戮,人类安宁,愿没有争端,人民安定,愿没有战争,世界和平,愿和平的旗帜高高飘扬,愿和平的阳光洒满全球!
20、 放下刀枪,消除战争隐患,彼此理解和尊重,让和平的白鸽衔来橄榄枝,带来和平的讯息,让世界充满和平的阳光。国际和平日,愿世界永远和平!
21、 国际和平日,让太平之旗遍插全球,天下安定;让和平之光普照万家,百姓安康;让和谐之音响彻云霄,永无战争。愿世界和平,永无纷争!
22、 将和平的方舟驶向世界各地,播洒和平幸福美好的阳光。让世界人民都感知温暖,只有和平才能安居乐业,减少战火才能使世界更美丽。国际和平日,愿世界人民团结起来走向美好明天。
23、 和谐,是春风,吹开幸福的大门;和平,是春雨,熄灭战争的烽火;太平,是白鸽,驱散战争的硝烟。国际和平日,愿天下永和平,世界永繁荣!
24、 和平使幸福无限,和平可家圆国强。和平能国泰民安,和平将天下和谐。国际和平日,放飞和平的白鸽飞向世界各地,播撒幸福的种子,让幸福之花灿烂绽放。
25、 和平之旗高高飘扬,把和平的祝福传向八方;和平之鸽蓝天飞翔,把安定和幸福飞越四海;绿色的橄榄种遍角落,把快乐的种子播撒五洲。国际和平日,愿世界永远和平,远离战争!
26、 放飞和平鸽,让幸福飞越五洲四海,种上橄榄枝,让快乐开遍大江南北,插满和平旗,让安定布满全世界,世界和平日,愿世界和平,人类幸福安康!
27、 和平,是欢乐的基础,是快乐的源泉,是安康的核心,是幸福的根本,世界和平日,高举和平旗帜,愿世界和平,愿人民安定幸福!
28、 如果和平是一片美丽的树林,我们便是那可爱的小鸟,偎依在它的怀里,我们才会欢唱,;如果把和平是一片汪洋,我便是那游动的鱼儿,游荡在它的世界里,我们才会欢快。国际和平日,我们带着和平的心愿放飞手中的白鸽,微笑地,看着它融入远方的那一片湛蓝!
29、 和平是宁静,让人们的心田时刻充满安详;和平是财富,让人们的精神时刻保持抖擞;和平是幸福,让人们的歌声时刻洒满阳光。国际和平日,我们向往蔚蓝的天空,明媚的阳光,美好的花香,碧绿的草地,幸福的家园。
30、 推开窗抬头仰望,我看见一只白鸽划过天际。美丽的和平鸽,你带上人们的殷切希望在炮火中无畏飞翔吧,在五大洲的蓝天上自由的翱翔吧!人们的心会永远伴随着你穿越风雨,飞越沧桑,但不改的依旧是对和平的渴望,因为人们坚信,在和平的阳光里,青绿的橄榄枝一定会插遍地球村的每个角落!
31、 让战争成为历史,永远不再发生,让和平之花永远绽放,让明天的世界真正成为充满阳光、鲜花和爱的家园。国际和平日,丢掉心中的罪恶,放下武器,张开双臂,拥抱和平吧!
32、 在和平的世界里,阳光是最灿烂的,河流是最清澈的,树木是最苍翠的,人们是最善良的,一切的一切,都是最美好的。国际和平日,让和平永驻人间,让和平鸽重返蓝天,让每一张笑脸更加灿烂!
33、 平息民族间的仇恨,不让战争萌芽;阻止厮杀的呼号,不让家园毁灭;制止战争的风暴,让各国人民亲切的拥抱。国际和平日,光明的和平向大地徐徐降临,美好的明天让人们欢呼雀跃。
34、 远离纷争战乱,远离炮火如烟,让人们在和平中享受生活的美好,阳光的灿烂!国际和平日,全世界的人们都来守护和平吧,给孩子们一份家的宁静,给老人一个幸福的晚年。
35、 一样的世界回响着一样的声音,一样的期盼里飞翔着一样的眼神——渴望和平。看吧,和平的白鸽高举着橄榄这飞向太阳,万道金光便是灿烂的明天。看吧,风雨过后,每一篇土地都熠熠生辉,国际和平日,我们呼唤和平,拥抱和平,我们用行动维护这平静安宁的世界。
36、 平息战火,让幸福为主旋律普照大地,减少争端,让快乐为新篇章谱写和平,放飞白鸽,让和平为主题飞越天宇,世界和平日,愿世界和平,人民幸福!
37、 愿和平的阳光普照大地,快乐的歌声永远唱响;愿绿色的橄榄自由生长,幸福的滋味心底流淌;愿和平的白鸽蓝天翱翔,和平的世界不再动荡。国际和平日,远离战争,保卫和平,尽自己的一份力量!
38、 国际和平日,让和平旗帜飘扬,抚平战争的苦痛;让和谐花朵盛开,消散阴霾的天空;让自由白鸽飞翔,带去太平的音讯。愿世界和平,天下安康!
39、 国际和平日,意在停止战火纷飞的争霸,取消硝烟的笼罩还人类自由,平等和谐共处。施行人道主义精神,让世界人民团结起来,为争取全世界和平而努力!
40、 和平的方舟已然起航,衔着橄榄枝的白鸽正在蓝天寻找和平的讯息;和平的花朵已经盛开,向往和平的人们正在为和平的生活不懈的努力。国际和平日,愿世界远离战争,永远和平!
41、 国际和平日,唱响和平之歌,愿世界永安;跳起和平之舞,愿天下安康;点燃和平之灯,愿全球和谐;放飞和平之鸽,愿世界永太平!
全文共 1693 字
+ 加入清单International Day of PeaceSeptember 21st In 1981 the United Nations General Assembly passed resolution 36/67 declaring an International Day of Peace. In 2001, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a new resolution 55/282 declaring 21 September of each year as the International Day of Peace.
The Assembly declared that the Day be observed as a day of global ceasefire and non-violence, an invitation to all nations and people to honour a cessation of hostilities during the Day. It invited all Member States, organizations of the United Nations system, regional and non-governmental organizations and individuals to commemorate the Day in an appropriate manner, including through education and public awareness, and to cooperate with the United Nations in establishing a global ceasefire.
Peace Day for Young People at the United Nations
Since 1997, the World Peace Prayer Society has assisted the United Nations Department of Public Information in producing a program for New York school children at UN Headquarters, including a World Peace Flag Ceremony. On Sept. 23, 2002, this program included greetings by Mrs. Nane Annan, Under Secretary-General Shashi Tharoor, and a videoconference with children in five countries that had recently experienced war.
International Day of Peace Vigil
The goal of the International Day of Peace Vigil is: To encourage the observation of a worldwide, grassroots 24-hour vigil for peace and nonviolence on the International Day of Peace, Sunday, 21 September, in every house of worship and place of spiritual practice, by all religious and spiritually based groups and individuals, and by all men, women and children who seek peace in the world.
全文共 502 字
+ 加入清单My best friend is WangMing. He is 12 years-old.He always play jokes
with me.I like to stay with him.It is because he can help me all the time. When
I find him say that I am sad or happy,he always listen to me and he is very kind
to me.He is very clever.He always help with my homeworks.If I have a worry and
dont know how to do he could help me.He can be a friend with
全文共 380 字
+ 加入清单The end of the summer, should have a good rest! But my mother is very busy。 As the daughter of course I want to help my mother to do some。 Early in the morning I got up, washed the dishes, sweep the floor, cooking and so on, at noon, I tired, lying on the bed, fan fan, more fortable。翻译:最后放暑假了,就应好好歇歇了!但是妈妈很忙。作为女儿的我当然要帮妈妈分担些了。一大清早的我就起来了,帮妈妈洗碗,扫地,做饭等等,到了中午,我快累死了,往床上一躺,扇扇电风扇,舒服多了。
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+ 加入清单If I ruled the world, I would do some changes that will make the world become better. I would publicize concept of peace, and try to reduce wars. I would also try my best to reduce taxation, help poor people with their producion and make business revive. I would change education too, because it is said that the fature of a country depends on children of the country. In a way, the future of the world depends on children of the world. So I think, the education is a very important factor to make the world become better. I would reduce class-time, reduce homeworks and build many appliances for play on the playground. I would make the schools become a kind of place that kids can be happy there, and like there. I would definitely be a good leader. If somebedy gave me honor to rule the whole world, I wouldn’t let him(her) down. I would do anything I can do to make the world become more beautiful, more peaceful and warmer.
全文共 500 字
+ 加入清单以下是英文写作翻译频道为大家整理的《简单英语作文翻译:关于运动会的谈话》,供大家参考。
Hi,Jack,we’re going to have our school sports meeting on the playground next week.It will last three days from Thursday to Saturday.We have many competitions in running,such as 100-metre race,200-metre race,400-metre race and the .Please be on time,wear your sports shoes and take a bottle of water. Good luck to you!
嗨,杰克,我们要有我们学校的运动会在操场上下周。它将从星期四持续到星期六三天。我们在跑步比赛,如100米跑,200米跑,400米跑和接力赛。我们也有跳远,跳高等等。我知道你很擅长跑步。请参加男子400米的比赛, 星期五上午10:30,请准时,穿上你的运动鞋,带上一瓶水。祝你好运!
全文共 737 字
+ 加入清单Karen is on the swim team. She is on the swim team at school. She is a good swimmer. All the swimmers on the swim team are good swimmers. She swims every day. She goes to the pool after her last class. Her last class is her English class. After English class she walks over to the pool. She changes into her swim suit. She dives into the water. She swims for two hours. Her coach watches her swim. He gives her advice. He tells her how to swim better. Her coach is her swim instructor. He is a good instructor. She will win a race one day.
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+ 加入清单Today, I did housework for grandmother. She is not very healthy and I
decide to do housework for her more frequently. And she will feel happy and
become better. Suddenly, an idea hit me that it’s terrible to grow old becuase
you have to worry about both your health and others’ opinions. Once again, I
make a decision to be a good girl.
全文共 258 字
+ 加入清单Mingming came to my house today. We spent some time playing computer games.
We played basketball game online. I chose NBA and Mingming had to take CBA. Of
course, I won finally. We had a good time.
明明今天来我家。我们一起玩电脑游戏。我们打在线篮球游戏。我选NBA 球队,明明只能选CBA球队。当然,我赢了。我们玩的很开心。
全文共 1025 字
+ 加入清单iraq is a part of the middle east next to iran & kuwait. it is very important to the rest of the world because of its underground petroleum fields.
it is said that oil is industrial blood and for this reason perhaps the war started.
on september 11,20xx,the twin towers in new york as well as parts of the pentagon were destroyed by an airplane planned by terrorists, which made george bush declared to fight the country’s was said that iraq still possessed many weapons of mass destruction and weapon inspectors were sent to the country by the un to find the clues.though no evidence was found, america still wanted to go to war with iraq and the main target is sadam hussein. the war was just like the quiet battle between france and china in was said that a relation of sadam betrayed him.
i think war is not just a matter of two persons or two-family fight. it is related to so many victims’ inrerests . as a leader, one must always think for all the people, so will his country be prosperous for always.
全文共 1435 字
+ 加入清单The drawing portrays a tragic scene in which people are still polluting and leaving about the rubbish. Lots people show bad manners , entirely indifferent to the environment of the world we are living in.
The aim of the painter is assailing the serious environmental problem——pollution, for which several factors are responsible. Population as by far increased, our country is marked by the surpassing growth of economy; living standards are high up. But the environment leaves much to be regretted.
How miserable it is to live in such an environment! Who is to blame for the tragic? Everybody should be responsible. we must prevent garbage from being thrown away into rivers, ponds, and lakes. With the water pollution going on someday we shall die with no water to drink at all. The scenery spots waiting to be re-beautified. Wild realization of what is our environment responsibility should be awakend. The must be exercises of our authority over the tourists to punish them sternly when they are found defiling our nature. Only in this way may can we cure the problems drastically, and regain perfect environment to live in.
全文共 902 字
+ 加入清单Im Li Xin. Haiyan wrote a letter to his friend asking him not to write for
a long time, but I still miss him very much, because we are good friends. You
went to Yanan a few weeks ago and stayed there for a few days.
You visited ancient tombs, pagoda mountain, scenic spots, and climbed
mountains. According to many photos, Haiyan picked up pebbles and happily told
his friend Haiyan that my English teacher was very good, but She was ill for two
weeks, and a teacher took her place. Cui Cuis teachers were very young, but
they had a good class.
They also had to participate in the teaching game with us. I will study
harder. I believe that relying on hard work, I will get excellent results and
reply quickly.
全文共 577 字
+ 加入清单Hello everyone. My name is .... I am a student of Grade eight . I am an outgoing , lovely girl and I am so welcomed by my friends and my classmates.
I often go to the movies with my friends on weekends. I can aslo play the violin and have won many prizes in the competitions. I take violin lessons twice a week.
It is a little hard for me but I am very happy , because I have a dream. I want to be a great violinist one day.
Thank you.
大家好。 我的名字是......我是八年级的学生。 我是一个外向的,可爱的女孩,受到我的朋友和同学的欢迎。
我经常在周末和朋友一起去看电影。 我也可以拉小提琴,并在比赛中赢得很多奖项。 我每周两次上小提琴课。
这对我来说有点难,但我很高兴,因为我有一个梦想。 我想成为一名伟大的小提琴手。
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+ 加入清单I like the Chinese new year better than any other festival。 This is a time especially for rest and joy。 I need not study。 I wear good clothes and eat good food。 I have a good time from morning till night。 I am as happy as a king。翻译:我喜欢中国新年比喜欢其它任何节日更甚。这是一个专为休息和欢乐的时光。我不需要读书。我穿好衣服,吃好东西。我每一天从早到晚日子过得简单愉快。我和上帝一样快乐。
全文共 1882 字
+ 加入清单Christmas, annual Christian holiday commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ。 Most members of the Roman Catholic Church and followers of Protestantism celebrate Christmas on December 25, and many celebrate on the evening of December 24 as well。 Members of the Eastern Orthodox Church usually delay their most important seasonal ceremonies until January 6, when they celebrate Epiphany, a commemoration of the baptism of Jesus。 Epiphany also traditionally commemorates the arrival of the Three Wise Men of the East in Bethlehem (near Jerusalem, Israel), where they adored the infant Jesus and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh。 The official Christmas season, popularly known as either Christmastide or the Twelve Days of Christmas, extends from the anniversary of Christ’s birth on December 25 to the feast of Epiphany on January 6。 Christmas is based on the story of Jesus’ birth as described in the Gospel according to Matthew (see Matthew 1:18—2:12) and the Gospel according to Luke (see Luke 1:26—56)。 Roman Catholics first celebrated Christmas, then known as the Feast of the Nativity, as early as 336 ad。 The word Christmas entered the English language sometime around 1050 as the Old English phrase Christes maesse, meaning festival of Christ。 Scholars believe the frequently used shortened form of Christmas—Xmas—may have come into use in the 13th century。 The X stands for the Greek letter chi, an abbreviation of Khristos (Christ), and also represents the cross on which Jesus was crucified。
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+ 加入清单Annual, we ushered in the most important festival - the Spring Festival. When it comes to the Spring Festival, people face is full of excitement, joy. During the Spring Festival comes, also want to do many things, look! Early in the morning, everyone is busy.
Through the streets, and I saw people put on new clothes, in the New Year come, Families will also couplet posted on the front, for the New Years greetings; And people will be a long line of red rings hanging in front, when lit, is really happy, is really "firecrackers in New Years eve, the spring breeze gifts into toso". At this time, dont think that young children have nothing to do, look! At ordinary times the most naughty boys small gun, bought a few in groups, in the shooting, sometimes will also be a pyre gun, after exploding, wood is split into two and a half, they always cheerfully run away. The girls are very gentle and quiet, busy cleaning for the parents, get rid of the old gas, for a completely new look.
Have a holiday in the New Year, many factories, some of them go home, some traveling, and family. Mom and dad have a holiday, hard for a year, they used the results let me spend the New Year to remember. At this moment, you will feel very good, because in this New Year, you are walking with his family, and tasted the sour, bitter, hot, and the taste of life is the most splendid - sweet, it makes you feel, suffering is not before. Make you understand business before pleasure, is sure to succeed.
Eating delicious food, and see this wonderful program, that is how happy ah! The bell sounded the moment, represents a new beginning, new goals, new ideals, new everything, let us meet new change again.
Although has year after year the Spring Festival, every Spring Festival, they all have different meaning, let we spent together the happy Spring Festival!
一年一度,我们又迎来了最重要的节日——春节。一说到春节,人们的脸上就充满了兴奋、喜悦。在春节来临时,也要做许多的事情,看!一大早,大家就忙碌了起来 。