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说实话,在这个寒假里是再无聊不过的了,补习了20天的课。终于有时间休息了,可还是没事做,直到寒假快结束时的前几天,我和爸爸去了奶奶家。这不去不知道,一去才有了很多的感悟。 To be honest, it is boring in this winter vacation, tutoring for 20 days.I finally had time to rest, but I still had nothing to do. Until a few days before the winter vacation ended, my father and I went to my grandmas house.I do n’t know if I do n’t go. I only have a lot of perception as soon as I go.






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第二天早晨,我们就与导游陈叔叔一同去香港有名的101大厦吃日本料理!在路上陈叔叔自豪的向我们引见:“这101大楼是香港新建的,只要101层开放,而下面就是全香港最正中的日本料理。并且下面 可以仰望维多利亚港湾的夜景!”上了101层,透过玻璃墙,我不由惊叹一声:“好美啊!”只见上面纸醉金迷,灯火辉煌!高楼犹如平地一样绵亘不绝;灯火就如有数颗珍珠一样将香港点亮;还早晨停 泊着一些游轮,仿佛晶莹剔透的贝壳!陈叔叔骄傲的说道:“假如是星期五维多利亚港湾还会举行焰火晚会,那是别提有多美丽了!”“真的吗?”我似乎看见了那时的美景,我有些兴奋也有些遗憾。

合理我们如痴如醉是,效劳员上菜了,看蟹子寿司顺滑鲜嫩,金枪鱼寿司美味可口,鳗鱼寿司酸酸甜甜,芥末令我耐人寻味。其中的重头戏还属龙虾刺身,夹起一片,闻一闻,丝毫没有海鲜的腥味,反 而有股苦涩扑鼻而来,龙虾刺身晶莹剔透,划一的铺在通红的虾壳下面,真是美丽。悄悄咬一口,鲜香可口,入口即化,真是色香味俱全啊!最妙的是龙虾头被雕琢成了宫门,它的身躯被雕琢成华美的 宫殿,每一个细节,每一次雕琢,都是非常精致!在香港的四天里,我还旅游了杜莎夫人的蜡像馆,外面活灵活现的蜡像令我惊叹;玩耍了陆地公园,憨态可掬的熊猫令我哈哈大笑;收索了迪士尼乐园 ,巴斯光年乐园令我恋恋不舍。香港你真不愧是我国的西方之珠啊!香港我何时能重回你的怀抱?



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A winter vacation passed, but I was still looking back on a cold holiday - a firecracker. Setting off firecrackers is the custom of the new year. For our children, it is the most interesting thing to do in the new year. Right, we spent this years new year in the "sound of firecrackers" in my grandmothers house.

We in the new years Eve that night, came to my grandmothers home, sitting in the living room, my uncle was in the town, received several letters, the uncle of the child will be clamoring to set off firecrackers. Just as we bought some cannons, too. Mom said to me, "you go up with them and watch them." I was excited to say, "good!" In fact, Im happier than they are.

We quickly went on the rooftop, wait ripped the plastic bags pack firecrackers, but I see many kinds of firecrackers also true: rockets, mouse, parachute, bomber. There are also the most common firewood cannons and sand cannons, and there are many fireworks.

I give them a few sticks of incense come free, when the lighter with burn it. When everything is ready, we can start to put it. "What would you do first?" Im thinking. All of a sudden, my sister said to me, "parachute first." I havent seen it yet! " The other children also expressed their approval. "Good!" I put on a pair of "child king".

Then I put the parachute on the floor, lit the fuse, and went to the side. I saw "parachute" and "go" flew into the sky, that is, "popping" burst, the most interesting thing is: a toy little man came down from the sky with a parachute. It is Japanese to invade China fighter explosion, we see this situation all happy clap hands.

Follow the "ground mouse". I pass the fragrance to my sister and let her put it. She put the gun in the air and lit it carefully, and walked far away. "Mouse" immediately began to disperse, scurrying around, still shining with different colors of light, but for a while he went out. I cant help feeling that its "life" is very short, but it also makes a contribution to people and brings happiness to people!

While I was thinking, my mother came up and said happily, "lets put the fireworks together!" "Good!" It is obvious that they cant resist. In this way, in the dark, they take their own fireworks and are walking and jumping happily. I cant help laughing!

Because I seem to see the hope of the motherland flickering in this night. This years set of firecrackers on the new years Eve, it was really full. Next year, Ill come.



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第二天,我们来到了香江之滨的深圳公园。公园沿海岸线长约11公里,总面积约128.74公顷,是深圳市惟一的密集滨海休闲带。东起福田红树林鸟类自然保护区,西至深港跨海大桥,天气好时可以清晰地看到隔海相望的香港米埔自然保护区。“小河弯弯向南流,流到香江去看一看”,当我站在香江边时不由自主得唱起了罗大佑的《东方之珠》里经典的歌词,海风吹拂着椰林,波浪击打着海岸,梦里多少次出现的景象终于呈现在眼前,我们都难掩心中的激动,眺望远方,在茫茫海雾中找寻香港的痕迹,远处长长的跨海大桥将两地紧紧连在一起。 园区绿地面积占总面积的90%以上。这里绿草如茵,椰树林立,花草争艳,南亚热带植被风光尽现眼底。租辆自行车绕海岸线一圈是 必须的,用时两个半小时,既锻炼身体又可大饱眼福。来这里休闲的当地人很多,大多带张休闲毯树下席地而坐,吹着海风,呼吸着新鲜湿润的空气,也是一件很惬意的事情。



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在放寒假时校长要求我们在假期中要多充实自己,多看书,所以一有时间我就喜欢四处看看,但就是在自己的不经意间发现了很多有价值的东西,你看这样故事:  《杯子满了》一天,南因先生家里来了一位客人,要向南因请教学问。



一旁高谈论阔的客人一开始觉得十分奇怪,看到南因先生还没停下,水已经开始往外溢了,他终于忍住了手。  你没看见杯子已经满了吗?他说,再也倒不进去啦!  这倒是真的,南因终于住了手,和这个杯子一样,你自己已经装满了自己的想法。要是你不给我一只空杯子,我怎么给你讲呢?  从这个故事当中我知道,要使自己的思想吐故纳新,就要及时将大脑清空,如同必须清空装满了水的杯子才能容纳更多的东西一样。这让我想起自己的工作,在工作当中也一样,要及时的清空大脑,做好充分的准备来迎接新的东西。只有如此,你才能在工作中不断进取,不断创新,也才能做出好的成绩来。



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I didnt live at home this Spring Festival, but I spent it in my grandmothers house, so this years dinner is also eaten with grandparents, uncle and brother.

My grandmother lived in the beautiful Fuchun River, far from our home! When a family of three of us arrived from home in the early and thirty-one days, it was already evening. Along the way, every family saw the red paste, paste Fuwa, hang up red lanterns, a bursting with happiness.

As soon as she entered the grandmothers house, grandma and Grandpa were happy to call up, "ah! Ah In the end, you are looking forward to it. Wash your face first, and then you can eat a years dinner. " When I looked in the kitchen, I saw seven bowls, eight dishes, colorful dishes on the table, and my saliva came out. I picked up chopsticks and tried to taste a few mouths. Grandma hastened to pull my hand, "do not remember to eat, but not to the ancestor." The ancestor must be sacrificed and the heaven and earth can be eaten. "

"Oh! Thats the way it is. "

After a few dozens of minutes, Grandpa began to eat a reunion meal. So a large group of children sat around the big round table. They had very rich dishes, including chicken, duck, fish and meat, and red, green, yellow and white vegetables. Its really full of color and fragrance. There are many kinds of staple food, such as rice cake, zongzi, steamed bread and rice. Grandma also said, "eating New Year cake can go higher and higher every year, that is to go forward." Theres a lot of it. Its all a few lucky words. Its fun!

I first come to drink a cup of grandma and grandpa, I wish they will always respect the family health and longevity; then a cup of joy, the whole family zhikua I.

Then the whole family you respect me, I respect you. The room was full of jokes and laughter all over the room, and it was very lively. Looking at one family loves each other, happy look, and smiled.

Unwittingly, a few hours passed, and the dinner was also eaten. But a lot of us are still chatting around the table. I think they dont want to let this reunion dinner end.



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The time passed quickly, it was another year, and this morning, the school started the winter holiday. I like past holidays, there will always be on the first day of the holiday started, make a plan for the feasible, purpose is in order to be able to make myself in the holiday, have a more happy and substantial, and can learn more knowledge outside, and after a joy.

I want to cultivate my interests and hobbies. I want to practice calligraphy and write a Spring Festival couplet for my family. I can write good words when I grow up. Watch the news on TV and learn about society. I need to exercise more and keep fit.

I must keep a diary. I plan to watch 30 minutes of extra-curricular books every day and record what I have seen and heard during the winter vacation and write articles about people or things that are meaningful. Look at some excellent compositions and learn from others strengths.

When visiting relatives and friends during the Spring Festival, I should be polite and respectful to my elders.

This is my winter vacation plan. What do you think of my winter vacation plan?



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The new year has come, the winter vacation will begin, and the Spring Festival is close to us. In the new year, we have all gone through the sweet and sour life, and there are many things that I will never forget, and two of them are:

One day, my mother took my brother and I go to relatives wallace. In the evening, both aunts and aunts came. The smell of a smell of me, slowly go up, a look, wow! There are so many Hunan dishes that have wild boar, wild deer, and pork dough... Beyond count。

Eating, I cant wait to eat. Mother said, "to commemorate this unforgettable day, I want to use my cell phone as a memento." The video began. They were busy helping the guests with the dishes, and I helped them with the dishes, and they all laughed and opened the flowers on their faces. After dinner, we put out fireworks, a deafening voice, a flower blooming in the sky, we were enjoying the colorful fireworks, yellow, purple and pink. We screamed, and there were fireworks everywhere, as if a fireworks party was held. The uncles and aunts were also running to take the beautiful fireworks, and the sound of the fireworks could be heard at night. This sound, can make me full of vitality; this sound, can make me unforgettable; this sound, is the most beautiful memory of my memory. I cheered, skipped, frolicking... Finally, we also looked at the Spring Festival Gala. Its both happy and unforgettable.

There is one more thing that makes me memorable: in the past year, I put up the Spring Festival couplets, and it was our custom to attach the Spring Festival couplets. A golden edge is embedded on the word. There is a goldfish jumping and a bead in its mouth. It reminds me of a word: "there is more than enough." At this time, I saw my grandmother in the post character, I also go up and join in the fun. "Grandma, you have to turn"." I said loudly. When grandma said: "I was deliberately put anti, lose character is good, said a bonanza, Safe trip wherever you go." I couldnt understand it at all. My brain was full of questions, and I began to wonder again: "can we turn a tree upside down and show that our money is rolling in and out?" Grandma listened to me, laughing, I dont know what in my grandmother laugh, my sad face, grandma still arguing with me, but finally, grandma or competition for me, give up, put the word posted it.

This new year is really colorful, colorful, immediately started school, the New Year holiday is about to end, I really want to stay in this happy moment.



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Moving is the most sincere moment of the person. It gives people a spirit of praise, but also reflects the peoples side most chastity. Maybe people would think that moving is needed, but last night, I was touched by that little moment.

Last night, the air was fresh, and a few dazzling stars were hanging in the gray sky. My mother and I decided to go shopping in the street. We stopped at the doorway of a dessert house, and my mother whispered to me, "I havent been with you for dessert for a long time. Come on, lets go in and have a bowl." I nodded, and I went in my mothers hand.

Sitting next to me was a young father and a little girl about 4 years old. The girls dress was very lovely, a pink coat and a waking jeans, and a pair of new sports shoes. The round face on the face of red microwave, the day really no evil smile hung on the face, let people intoxicated.

The little girl is playing with her father. They play a lot of games, such as palm, guessing and so on. The father and daughter created a kind of warm scene. At the moment, Bing Bing like dessert because of the two daughters presence and become warm.

At this moment, the waitress finally put the rice cakes from the kitchen - out, the little girl saw very happy, kept patting hand, happily smiled, but her attentive father stroked the little girls head, slightly in front of her smile, and then use the spoon to cut into a rice cake a. When the father carefully picked up the spoon feeding time was about to put the rice cakes in the mouth of the little girl, the little girl suddenly walked away, gently pull his fathers shirt, and said: "Daddy, daddy, I grew up, let me. My mother told me before he went to my uncles home that I could do what he could do and not make you worry too much. " The little girl kept on the corner of his father. Father listened in amazement, he gently spoon down, staring at her daughter, said: "yes, mom said, grow up to learn to do things by yourself." Then the father put the spoon in her hands, breaking off her finger and said: "come, hold it tight, dont drop." So, he put his hands on his head, watching his daughter eat.

I saw this little girl cleverly putting the spoon into the mouth every time. After eating, she made a grimace of grimace to her father and said with a grin, "its delicious, daddy, do you eat it?" Ill feed you, would you like it? " The father seemed to be thinking about something, and it was easy to go back to God and say, "well, dad wants, dad wants it!" The little girl put the spoon into the mouth of the father, and the father and daughter see smile, and a tear out of the corner of the father falls gently on the table when......

I was touched by this moment, this young girl should be so filial and sensible, and in contrast, what do I do?

Instantly moved, and left a beautiful moment, my mother and I walked out of the dessert, looked at walking in front of us and the two long leaned back, my mothers hand more real......



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