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Many people like to read books, I also like reading, the book brings us a lot of fun, also let us understand a lot of truth. Gorky once said that books are the steps of human progress, book is also the source of my courage. Book is the sea, and I am a fish, swim freely in the sea; Book is the sky, and Im a bird, fly in the sky happily.

Since I was young, I like reading, I cant read, can only see some picture books, and often let mother read it to me. In elementary school, I often is not holding a fairy tale book, is carrying a copy of a document. Over time, I like reading books, no matter what, I will watch carefully. So, I know sleep, a lot of knowledge from the book, also understand a lot of sense, from the book, we also accumulated a lot of good words. My composition level increase a lot. Im more like to read books, to see whether the book for a while before sleep every night.

From these things, I know reading is indispensable to everyone. I dont know how to express my love of reading. As long as a free, I drilled into the fairy tale world. And the Snow White and the seven dwarfs together; Cinderella and sometimes together; And sometimes, and Peter pan roam freely in the sky; And when dumbo waiting and looking forward to its mother, sometimes...

When free, I would walk into the composition and the house, to see their life and fun, think about how to enrich the life, the rich world. In a word, reading group bring you lots of fun, will enrich your life, your world. I like to read books, because I have given up a lot of knowledge and truth, I want to say to everyone loudly: "I love reading, the book has its own gold room."








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Its Important to Learn English

English is widely used throughout the world. So many people speak it as a second language. n line, youll find lots of information in English. If you dont understand English, how can you know more about the world, how can you get more knowledge. At international conferences, English is also used as the official language. Without good English, you cannot express your ideas well at such conferences, neither can you introduce China to the outside world.



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Both opportunity and ability are equal and important in success.If there is opportunity given but you do not have the ability,you will not have the gut to take up the opportunity.On the other hand,if you have the ability butyou will not given the opportunity,you will also not shine.Therefore to be successful,be ready and be prepared with all the knowledge you can acquired so as to strengthen your ability.Grasp the opportunity the moment it comes.Opportunity does not always come and it can come very fast and goes very fast.Only those who act fast grasp the opportunity.



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16、君子忍人所不能忍,容人所不能容,处人所不能处。 ——马南

17、礼貌经常可以代替最高贵的感情。 ——梅里美

18、礼貌对于人性,犹如热力之对于蜡。 ——Arthur Schopenhauer



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虚心使人进步 ,骄傲使人落后,我们应当永远记住这个真理。






































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There are many people who think that wealth is better than health. I used to think so until one day I read a story about Howard Hughes. He was an American billionaire who got anything he wanted. However, in the last twenty years of his life, his health began to deteriorate and he was miserable. He had the best doctors and nurses. However, he could still find no relief. I realized that health is worth all the money in the world. If you have millions of dollars but your health is poor, you will not be able to do what you want to do. So I would like to say dont hurt yourself trying to make money. Instead take care of your body and be happy with what you do have. Health is more important.

很多人都认为财富宫比健康更重要。在读到Howard Hughes的故事之前,我也是这么认为的。Howard Hughes是美国的一个亿万富翁,能得到他想得到的任何东西。但是在他生命最后的二十年中,他的身体变得很糟糕,他很悲惨。他有最好的医生和护士,但仍得不到解脱。我意识到在这个世界上,好的身体抵得上所有的金钱。因为即使你有百万美元但身体糟糕,也不能做你想做的事情。因此我想说的是关心你的身体,对你所拥有的一切感到高兴,不要为挣钱损害你的身体。健康更重要。

Which is more important, health or wealth? It is a hot topic among people. I can hardly answer this question. I didnt realize that health is more imporant until I saw a businessmans real life.

A successful businessman, one of my fathers friends, devoted himseff to his business. He works from morning to night every day. There is no weekends in his mind. He often says, "I must earn much money so that I can get what I want. "Lately, he is ill. Though he has a lot of money, he can do nothing but lie in the hospitals bed.

So I think health is more important than wealth. People can do nothing if they are always in poor health, let alone happiness. No matter we are rich or not, we can not ignore the importance of health.














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静以修身,俭以养德。 —— 诸葛亮

君子忧道不忧贫。 —— 孔丘

贫而无谄,富而无骄。 —— 子贡

强本而节用,则天不能贫。 —— 荀况

侈而惰者贫,而力而俭者富。 —— 韩非

礼貌使人类共处的金钥匙。 —— 松苏内吉

讲话气势汹汹,未必就是言之有理。 —— 萨迪

礼貌是儿童与青年所应该特别小心地养成习惯的第一件大事。 —— 约翰·洛克

礼貌使有礼貌的人喜悦,也使那些受人以礼貌相待的人们喜悦。 —— 孟德斯鸠

坏事情一学就会,早年沾染的恶习,从此以后就会在所有的行为和举动中显现出来,不论是说话或行动上的毛病,三岁至老,六十不改。 —— 克雷洛夫

礼貌经常可以替代最高贵的感情。 —— 梅里美礼貌是最容易做到的事,也是最珍贵的东西。 —— 冈察尔

脾气暴躁是人类较为卑劣的天性之一,人要是发脾气就等于在人类进步的阶梯上倒退了一步。 —— 达尔文

蜜蜂从花中啜蜜,离开时营营的道谢。浮夸的蝴蝶却相信花是应该向他道谢的。 —— 泰戈尔

夫君子之行,静以修身,俭以养德,非淡泊无以明志,非宁静无以致远。 —— 诸葛亮

奢者狼藉俭者安,一凶一吉在眼前。 —— 白居易

不念居安思危,戒奢以俭;斯以伐根而求木茂,塞源而欲流长也。 —— 魏徵

历览前贤国与家,成由勤俭破由奢。 —— 李商隐

霸祖孤身取二江,子孙多以百城降。豪华尽出成功后,逸乐安知与祸双? —— 王安石

侈则多欲。君子多欲则念慕富贵,枉道速祸。 —— 司马光

奢则妄取苟取,志气卑辱;一从俭约,则于人无求,于己无愧,是可以养气也。 —— 罗大经

半截粉条犹爱惜公家物件总宜珍。诸生不解余衷曲,反谓余为算细人。 —— 徐特立

让自己完全受财富支配的人是永不能合乎公正的。 —— 德谟克利特

谁在平日节衣缩食,在穷困时就容易度过难关;谁在富足时豪华奢侈,在穷困时就会死于饥寒。 —— 萨迪

奢侈的必然后果——风化的解体——反过来又引起了趣味的腐化。 —— 卢梭

礼仪的目的与作用本在使得本来的顽梗变柔顺,使人们的气质变温和,使他尊重别人,和别人合得来。 —— 约翰·洛克摘自成功赚钱网

善气迎人,亲如弟兄;恶气迎人,害于戈兵。 —— 管仲

天下有大勇者,猝然临之而不惊,不故加之而不怒。 —— 苏轼

我们应该注意自己不用言语去伤害别的同志,但是,当别人用语言来伤害自己的时候,也应该受得起。 —— 刘少奇

不论你是一个男子还是一个女人,待人温和宽大才配得上人的名称。一个人的真正的英勇果断,决不等于用拳头制止别人发言。 —— 萨迪

火气甚大,容易引起愤怒底烦扰,是一种恶习而使心灵向着那不正当的事情,那是一时冲动而没有理性的行动。 —— 彼得·阿柏拉德

青年人应当不伤人,应当把个人所得的给予各人,应当避免虚伪与欺骗,应当显得恳挚悦人,这样学着去行正直。 —— 夸美纽斯



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There are some things in the world is very small and very strong, as the proverb goes: snow is one of the most fragile thing in nature, but in the winter, they together has become one of the most spectacular scenery in the world. Although small, fragile, but they are for us to show the power of the team.

According to a latest survey, the team spirit has become a skill in todays workplace is in urgent need to.

Many enterprises in hiring more valued employees team spirit. Therefore, students should learn how to cooperate with others. In addition, two heads are better than zhuge liang. Go hand in hand with team work compared to single individuals, are more likely to get a better and more efficient results.

In a nutshell. I fully support the team cooperation. The school should encourage team spirit, and it will also help your career has been in rapid development track.




简而言之 。我完全支持团队合作。学校应鼓励团队合作精神,而它也将有助于你一直处在事业的高速发展轨道上。



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In an exam, the teacher let us find other competitors, my rival is my deskmate, dont look at him all day without no sound, achievement is in our class before ten, and my opponent is he.

Every day when I come to the class, I found that he had started reading books on the seat, which makes me feel a sense of crisis is also a kind of jealousy, when the class I will inadvertently do some small action, thereby disrupting his ideas, because he is my competitor. I always see if he is unable to restrain the emotions in learning, if you learn, my heart has a strange sense of crisis, which disrupts his learning, he also started a is I not take it seriously, inadvertently do, but slowly he discovered the trick.

The day I came to the school, I was surprised that he was still not to the class, which makes my heart there is a happy, finally earlier than he once, who knows when he comes to he call me outside, he seriously said to me, the competition is not damaged, but cooperation a win-win situation, for a moment I ashamed to say a word, from the beginning, I secure learning, there is not a problem will ask him, slowly I have self-confidence more than his confidence.

After the exam, I do more than, we smile, because we know the truth of win-win cooperation.



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Tolerance is a kind of cultivation, but also a virtue. Tolerance is not a timid thing, but a sea of generosity. Learn to be tolerant.

Tolerance is like water. Forgiveness is to forgive others for their mistakes, not to be resentful, not to be specific, to be generous, to be generous. It is more effective to be forgiving and gentle than to overreact in times of conflict. It is like a clear spring, the money wiped away each others momentary hostility, calm and sober.

Tolerance is like fire. Because a more generous level of tolerance, not only means not to care about personal gain and loss, but also can use their own love and sincerity to warm the hearts of others. It is rare that the heart is as tolerant as water. The tolerance, the more precious, more touching. Tolerance, can melt each others heart freeze, more the heat of love into each others heart. Isnt that kind of tolerance that people need in this competitive era? Choose tolerance, which is to choose love and warmth, and also choose the broad sky of life.

Tolerance is like poetry. Tolerance is a poem of life. To the high level of tolerance, not only in the daily life of the treatment of one thing, but also sublimation is a kind of life attitude. The meaning of tolerance is not limited to the understanding and love between people, but to the inclusion and fraternity of all life between heaven and earth.

Tolerance is a learning. You can be happy to be tolerant of small mistakes and small mistakes. But for gross negligence, big mistakes, think clearly. Tolerance is not a cover-up, it is a help.

Tolerance, of course, should be "discipline and generosity". Forgive yourself easily, its not tolerance, its cowardice. To be lenient with others, also to look at the object, to tolerate people who do not cherish tolerance, is to abuse; Tolerance is not forgivable; it is palliative; It is an indulgence to overlook the unforgivable. So, tolerance itself is also a learning.

Because of tolerance, the complicated life becomes pure; Because of tolerance, the monotonous life appears bright. What a beautiful color of life!

Heaven and earth are so broad, but there is something broader than him-hearts. Let us learn to forgive!




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Speaking of reading, thats and I have a deep love! In reading, I learned a lot of knowledge, understand a lot of truth. I have benefited a lot from!

When I was a child, no matter I like it or not, my mother always told me before you go to bed a bedtime story ", and "reading" with me. Gradually, I will love the book, Ive always wanted to own to read a book.

Slowly, I have reached the age of the kindergarten. This time, I began to try to read some picture books, at this time, I understand a lot of sense from the picture books, learned a lot of knowledge. Also, my mother gave me booked child illustrated, I always look fondle admiringly. Once, I was watching the childrens illustrated, mother cried, I eat dinner, but I did not even hear listen to, continue to see their childrens illustrated, after a while, mother cant wait, came over and asked me to eat, I just dream again wake up, go to the dinner table.

Pretty soon, I was in primary school, my mother is in the post office gave me a book "we love science", "small Copernicus", "scientific inquiry" and other books, also borrowed a lot of books in the library, also bought me a lot of good books online! For me, I also often habitually study good books in the home, soon, I will put a lot of books to drill through, during this period, I have mastered a lot of knowledge, such as the nature of the book: I know the growth of the tree is to start from the top, paper, up to seven times, the candles in the water also can burn, friction in the application of life, etc.; The history books: let me know the history of five thousand years of Chinese civilization, know the four great inventions in ancient China, and know a lot of celebrity anecdotes, know the "water can carry the boat, also swallows" profound truth; Read literature books: let me understand a lot of human reason, be kind, be love, be grateful, be tolerant to others, to persevere, be brave.

Because a lot of reading, but also let me learn better. Math, I can quickly understand the question, seize the key points, clever problem solving; Do Chinese reading questions, because of the large amount of reading, I rarely lose points on it. Composition is my strengths, my composition is often happy, as my class! When writing blog, because of large amount of reading, writing articles is often recommended.

Now, I have become a veritable little bookworm, reading, nature will grow with me.









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"Books are the ladder of human progress." A person how much read elementary school to high school? Dont just decided to the rest of his life.

Once upon a time, there lived a rich old man, he has two sons, one is xiao Ming, another is xiao gang. Xiao Ming finish sixth grade dropout, and Dr Xiao gang read will graduate. One day, the old man called his two sons to him distribution property, he and 1000000 yuan for xiao Ming and xiao gang, to their own start-ups. Xiao Ming to play like a nuclear power, because his understanding of the knowledge of nuclear is less, and where the uranium nucleus and smoking, so nuclear explosions in nuclear power plants, xiao Mings hands and feet are affected by the nuclear caused by gene mutations, hands and feet were deformation. Xiao Ming was lying in hospital, said: "really regret, why not read a book."

Xiao gang is learned because of electronic, and so he created a Microsoft, thriving business, all of a sudden become a billionaire.

Books there is no limit, to is the soul of human beings, is decided by how much a person reading the rest of his life.







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With the development scientific technology and the improvement of people’s life standard, a growing number of e-books have been available for the readers. Therefore, some people hold the idea that e-books will replace traditional books in the future, because the former is more advantageous than the latter, such as more convenient and less expensive.


However, as far as I am concerned, e-books will not and cannot replace traditional books. First, compared with traditional books, we cannot get the same pleasure from reading e-books in that e-books are easier to make our eyes to be tired and dry when reading. Second, with concern about copyright, there are many books are not available in digital form, especially classics. In other words, the resource of e-books is quite limited and cannot satisfy the readers. Third, there is a function of traditional books that e-books do not have—as a gift and a collection. I suppose that those who love reading would be willing to keep a printed form even though he has read the electronic form of it.


In a word, traditional books will continue to be the most important form in our reading.




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静以修身,俭以养德。 —— 诸葛亮

君子忧道不忧贫。 —— 孔丘

贫而无谄,富而无骄。 —— 子贡

强本而节用,则天不能贫。 —— 荀况

侈而惰者贫,而力而俭者富。 —— 韩非

夫君子之行,静以修身,俭以养德,非淡泊无以明志,非宁静无以致远。 —— 诸葛亮

奢者狼藉俭者安,一凶一吉在眼前。 —— 白居易

不念居安思危,戒奢以俭;斯以伐根而求木茂,塞源而欲流长也。 —— 魏徵

历览前贤国与家,成由勤俭破由奢。 —— 李商隐

霸祖孤身取二江,子孙多以百城降。豪华尽出成功后,逸乐安知与祸双? —— 王安石

侈则多欲。君子多欲则念慕富贵,枉道速祸。 —— 司马光

奢则妄取苟取,志气卑辱;一从俭约,则于人无求,于己无愧,是可以养气也。 —— 罗大经

礼貌使人类共处的金钥匙。 —— 松苏内吉

讲话气势汹汹,未必就是言之有理。 —— 萨迪

不论你是一个男子还是一个女人,待人温和宽大才配得上人的名称。一个人的真正的英勇果断,决不等于用拳头制止别人发言。 —— 萨迪

火气甚大,容易引起愤怒底烦扰,是一种恶习而使心灵向着那不正当的事情,那是一时冲动而没有理性的行动。 —— 彼得·阿柏拉德

青年人应当不伤人,应当把个人所得的给予各人,应当避免虚伪与欺骗,应当显得恳挚悦人,这样学着去行正直。 —— 夸美纽斯

礼貌是儿童与青年所应该特别小心地养成习惯的第一件大事。 —— 约翰·洛克

礼貌使有礼貌的人喜悦,也使那些受人以礼貌相待的人们喜悦。 —— 孟德斯鸠

坏事情一学就会,早年沾染的恶习,从此以后就会在所有的行为和举动中显现出来,不论是说话或行动上的毛病,三岁至老,六十不改。 —— 克雷洛夫

礼貌经常可以替代最高贵的感情。 —— 梅里美礼貌是最容易做到的事,也是最珍贵的东西。 —— 冈察尔

脾气暴躁是人类较为卑劣的天性之一,人要是发脾气就等于在人类进步的阶梯上倒退了一步。 —— 达尔文

蜜蜂从花中啜蜜,离开时营营的道谢。浮夸的蝴蝶却相信花是应该向他道谢的。 —— 泰戈尔

半截粉条犹爱惜公家物件总宜珍。诸生不解余衷曲,反谓余为算细人。 —— 徐特立

让自己完全受财富支配的人是永不能合乎公正的。 —— 德谟克利特

谁在平日节衣缩食,在穷困时就容易度过难关;谁在富足时豪华奢侈,在穷困时就会死于饥寒。 —— 萨迪

奢侈的必然后果——风化的解体——反过来又引起了趣味的腐化。 —— 卢梭

礼仪的目的与作用本在使得本来的顽梗变柔顺,使人们的气质变温和,使他尊重别人,和别人合得来。 —— 约翰·洛克摘自成功赚钱网

善气迎人,亲如弟兄;恶气迎人,害于戈兵。 —— 管仲

天下有大勇者,猝然临之而不惊,不故加之而不怒。 —— 苏轼

我们应该注意自己不用言语去伤害别的同志,但是,当别人用语言来伤害自己的时候,也应该受得起。 —— 刘少奇



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Since the reform and the opening up great changes have taken place in china so is the education unfortunately the development is uneven especially between rural and urban areas.

As we know education affect the future of a country it is so important that none of us can afford to ignore it.

Generally speaking as a result of the economic situationsthe city is more advanced in everyway compared with the country sidefar more fund and resources are poured into city while the rural erea was laged far behind.it is common to see that children in the city sit in the comfortable classroom with brandnew desk and chairs listening to the best teacher in almost every field while the students in the country side even did not have enough money to buy a penciland there is only three or four teachers in a so called school.

I remember that premier Wen said develpment must be for the people by the people and the achievement must be shared by all the people i dont think its right to see the gap in education expanding again and again there must something can be done to make sure the students in the countryside can enjoy equal high quality and affordable aducation as there counterparts in the city.
















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Dream is public property, everyone has a dream, there were dreams to struggle the rights. The poor are poor, because there is no struggle for the dream of courage and perseverance; The rich are rich because they fight for a dream. What can dream? Must have different definition in everybodys heart. Some people think that the dream is false; Others think unattainable dream, it really... ; I think: the dream regardless of high and low, regardless of their size, there is no false and true.

I have met all kinds of people in the pursuit of dreams, some of them because of others opposition, sitting there hesitation, some because they cant do, sitting in the depressed; Others because of his dream too far-fetched, therefore, give up your dream. I am sad also very puzzled: "why do they give up their dreams? Yao is hard work can realize their dreams, and look forward to success. But, they dont have to do so, they chose to escape?"

The ancients there is a saying: "there are paying is not necessarily return, but not paid will not return". Whether did finally get the corresponding return, but I believe that: in the stick to dream on the way, there must be a make us unexpected harvest. And, of course, everyone has the value of life in this world, there are some an unrealized dream, chasing for the dream, struggle for the dream. Dream is everyones right to the pursuit of the process is also enjoy the process. To dream into reality at that moment, you will feel the joy and pride.

So, how important it is for a dream. However, in the process of realizing our dreams, dont let the problem by the nose, but toward the dreams, let the dream for your navigation. Sometimes the biggest obstacle to achieve your dreams tend to be yourself. Love spell will win, as long as toward a target unremitting struggle finally will belong to you.







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As the development of the world, there is more and more entertainment for people to kill time. Reading used to be an important amusement. But now there are less and less people fond of reading. But there are still a large number of people stand on the side of reading. For me, I think reading is very important. The reasons are as following.

First of all, reading can broaden our vision. The main way we learn the things happen long time ago is according to the book. People will try their best to write the things in their stage in their way. When we read books, we have the opportunity to learn everything. The content in the books contains the knowledge all over the world and every aspect. We can read the knowledge about biography, science, technology, culture, economic and so on from the book. It is hard not to broaden vision from reading.

Secondly, reading can cultivate our taste. I am sure that reading some elegant sentence or the beautiful things described in the book will make us feel relax and comfortable. And we all know that the more knowledge a person has, the better-behaved he will be. I think this is the charming of reading. If there are more people like reading, the world will become more civilized.

The importance mentioned above just a part of reading. It has so many advantages that I can’t list all in a short time. It is irreplaceable in human beings’ life.







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Currently,self-confidence has become the order of our life, which improves the theorythat nothing is more valuable than self-confidence.


Itis obvious that self-confidence means trust in one’s ability. If we are full ofself-confidence, we’ll have creative power to live and work, helping us successor dreams come true. On the contrary, if we have no confidence in ourselves,there will be little possibilities for us to win. We’ll always face failure.


What’smore, no one can deny another fact that self-confidence gives us light when wewalk in the dark and courage when we face stumbling blocks. Withself-confidence, we can achieve goals in our life.





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首先,我们要孝敬父母。父母花了无数心血,抚育我们成长,孝敬父母是做人的基本道德。我们要永远记住父母的恩情,对父母要有礼貌。关心体贴父母,做一些力所能及的事情,减轻父母的负担。 其次,我们要友爱助人。人与人之间要友好相处,当别人有困难时,应伸出援助之手。人人都需要友爱和帮助。友爱助人,能使人蓬勃向上,增强克服困难的勇气。







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whatever one does, one should do it with confidence. if one has no confidence, there is little possibility that one would ever achieve anything, especially when one is faced with drawbacks or hardships. this troth seems to be self-evident. however, in re ality we do see a lot of people who complain that they lack the ability to do ,something or that their difficulties are too great to be overcome,for someone, this might be true. but for many others, this only shows that they have lost heart.

why do people often feel frustrated even though they are capable of doing some thing? there are, among others, two main reasons. first, these people do not have a correct estimate of themselves. second, they overestimate the difficulties.

it is passible to build up faith in oneself by having the right attitude towards ones own abilities. we should never underesrimate our abilities but should believe in the proverb: "where there is a will, there is a way." confidence is the promise for fulfilling a task successfully.
