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In North, when winter comes, the weather is very cold, the cloud covers the sunshine all the time, it is hard for people to see the sunshine. So the sunshine becomes very rare in the winter, when it comes, I will feel very comfortable, my mood turns good even I am not happy. I love sunshine, it just like the hope for me.





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I have many teachers now and I love them all,but my favorate teacher,I think she is my english teachter mis/miss gao.

She is tall and thin,in my eyes she is most beautiful teacher woman in the world,I love her sweet smile and attractive.SoI always feel free in her class.

I like her class very much,she often tell us interesting stories in her class,and she teaches us to play english games and english songs,too.since she become my english teacher,I have madel a lot of progess.

I like english,I like my english teacher.



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与任务(task)相结合。目标明确, 如写“我的梦中小屋”,有目的的引导学生画画、描述、说明想要的小屋。调动学生的积极性,所以在培养学生这方面的能力时,我尽量与教学的多种任务相结合,而不是纯粹布置一篇作文。贯穿这节写作课的也是一系列的任务。


1). 准备工作 ①.仔细审题,明确要求 ②.紧扣要点,寻求思路。

2). 写作之中 ①.开门见山,紧扣主题。②.语言正确,规范地道。尽量使用学过的、最熟悉也最有把握的句型、结构,应尽量避免中国式英语。要养成正确运用标点符号的好习惯,切忌一点到底的错误方法。③.重短轻长, 就易避难。④.过渡自然,表达流畅。注意前后句、上下文尽量过渡自然,正确使用and, or, but, because, so, then, after等词,保持行文的流畅。不重复使用可置换的词,如描述“我的梦中小屋”时,可以用firstly, secondly, then, after that等表示先后的序列词。







篇4:五年级英语作文:A happy trip500字

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I went hiking to a mountain with my friends last summer. It was a good trip at the beginning but something unexpected happened on the half way. One of my friends suddenly felt a terrible pain in his stomach and he couldnt move any further. Nobody knew what to do. One girl tried to call her mum with her mobile phone but there was no signal in the mountain area. Luckily we brought a tent with us. We put it up and let him rest in it. He took some medicine. Then he drank some water, and ate some food. After a while, he felt much better and we walked on. We all enjoyed ourselves on the top of the mountain.


篇5:五年级英语作文:Asking the way

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(t is short for tourist, s is short for sally) t: excuse me, i am a tourist from new delhi(新德里)。 can you tell me the way to sun yat-sen memorial hall? s: well, the place where you want to go is far from here, youd better catch the no.2 bus, and get off at the third stations; sun yat-sen memorial hall is in front of you. you cant miss it. t: but where the bus-stops? s: go down this road, turn left at the first crossing, and then go straight, you’ll find the bus-stops. t: thank you very much!



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Far the Antarctic glaciers are melting, polar bears are chewing son is important, lunan assault in the northwest desert dust is a... We will ask who is this, my answer is: ourselves.

With the development of science and technology, the term "low carbon" is often appear in our life. But, we really do low carbon? On the road, the car is everywhere, exhaust air pollution. Life, watching TV dont turn it off, dont turn off the light when you go out, is a waste of energy. In the campus, after class, students litter, eat the food bag is full. You know, it is full of pollution?

Speaking of which, I thought of his hometown river. Past, shadow of the trees such as on the green grass like the sea. But now, people in order to build a house, cut away the trees on the Banks of the river, pull out of the bank of the soil, hollow out the Cumberland river. So, one to the rainy season, flood river flooded river on both sides of the green crops, the stream sobbing, green in the sigh. People, this is not in oneself life?

Now that you know the importance of environmental protection, low carbon, so, we all will move together! Such as: less car more cycling, the door in the toilet cistern put two bottles, saving a drop of water every day. You dont see these are trivial, but we do it together, that is not trivial! Heard my introduction, do you want to save, low carbon life? The environmental protection together!!!!







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Waiting for a long time vacation finally arrived, what should I do? Originally planned to play a big, but thought of the coming of the UPSR again, as if a stone weighs heavy on my heart.

The so-called "aspirants, race into", so I decided to study hard, hard work! In this way, I would get brilliant achievement.

Every day, I have to burn the midnight oil, the second day to re-read it again in case I forget, one thousand really tiring! Maybe even when I sleep, will dream about homework in front of the desk!

Carefully wanted to think, live a life the hell, I will be sorry! Finally, I made a holiday plan - "half a day, half bitter", this is the most fair plan! Start my holiday life!







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A Happy Day

Today is Saturday, my family and I go to have a picnicin the park, I feel so excited, because our family does not have the activityfor a long time. At first, I go to see the park and play for a while, then Icome back to my parents, and join them. I play games with my parents, theylaugh happily. Today is a happy day for me.





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1. 你总是笑呵呵的,好象从未经历过忧愁,数学课上你分析问题总有独到之处,老师欣赏你的机敏。当你在数学的奋斗中享受成功的喜悦时,你是否为自己没能很好的完成语文作业而苦恼?愿你在渴求知识的时候,要文理兼顾,努力平衡自我、完善自我。

2. 你是一个听话的孩子,做事认真仔细,这个学期各方面进步明显。你能虚心接受别人的意见,热情待人,尊敬老师,团结同学,热爱劳动,做事有条有理。学习有很强的自觉性,上课能积极举手发表自己的意见,老师对你的进步很满意,希望你继续努力,利用寒假把字好好练一练,争取更上一层楼。

3. 在老师的眼里,你是一位很乖巧可爱的女孩,你的嗓音细嫩甜美,你的字迹潇洒漂亮。看你平时不多言多语,课堂上你却专心听讲,认真完成作业,常常受到同学和老师的赞赏。如果课堂上你也能把手举得高高的,让同学听听你那独到的见解,那就更好了!老师期待着...

4. 你,学习成绩拔尖,但从不骄傲自满;处处遵守纪律,但依旧天真活泼;平时说话细声细气,但课堂上能响亮地回答问题。老师打心眼里喜欢你!愿你不断锤炼自己,争取百尺竿头,更进一步。

5. 知道吗?这学期你的进步真大啊!你的书写、你的作文、你的计算都有了起色,的每一点进步,老师都为你感到高兴。课堂上,有时也能看见你高高举起的小手,听到你正确的回答,这些都让老师深切地体会到你在越变越好!继续加油,你将会变得更加出色的!

6. 你是一个聪明活泼的男孩,课堂上思维敏捷,偶尔能听到你发言的声音,并且观点新颖。后段时间,书写也有了很大进步,老师是多么高兴啊。但是,你交的一个坏朋友却老是使你的成绩上不去,那就是贪玩。假如你能丢掉这个坏朋友,再交上个好朋友:认真学习、认真听讲,按时完成作业,那么,下一个学期的你,成绩一定会突飞猛进的。

7. 你是一个文静而又懂事的女孩,见到老师你总是很有礼貌地向老师问好。对待同学你也很热情、真诚。同学都愿意和你交朋友。你学习较认真,只是你在学习上还缺少一点钻劲,所以学习成绩总不那么理想。在这里,老师真诚的希望你记住,学无止境,只要不断拼搏,你一定会比现在更加出色。

8. 你有礼貌、爱劳动、讲卫生、发言积极。瞧,老师一连串数出你这么多优点,看来这学期你进步不少,老师看在眼里,喜在心里。可是你有时仍贪玩,忘记了自己该做的事,也让老师失望。好孩子,你那么聪明,要是把更多的心思用在学习上,谁也比不上你。在此,老师赠你一句话:少年不努力,老大徒伤悲。清你好好想一想,今后该怎么做?

9. 你在校尊敬老师、团结同学,关心集体是你的特点、优点。看到你用心听课时发言是那么积极,老师是多么高兴。可你有时也很让老师生气,作业不及时完成,字迹潦草,上课不专心,让老师伤心。你知道吗?如果你改掉这些小毛病,你肯定会成为一名好学生,老师期待着这一天。

10. 在老师心目中,你一直是一个勤奋好学的孩子。上课认真听讲,积极参与课堂讨论,按时认真完成各科作业。你乐于帮助同学,热爱劳动。不过,你的写作水平总达不上老师对你的要求。记住:学无止境,只要不断拼搏,一定能获得更大丰收。

11. 你是个聪明的男孩,具有一定的才华。课堂上你也常出人意料说出惊人妙语,老师不禁为你感到骄傲,可是你知道吗?要想成才,必须和“勤奋”交上朋友,不是有句话“勤奋出天才”吗?相信聪明的你一定知道怎么做吧!老师期待着你给老师和同学带来惊喜。

12. 你是一个天真可爱的男孩。见到老师,你总是很有礼貌地向老师问好。你积极参加学校开展的各项活动。上课时,偶尔也能听到你精彩的发言。只是你在学习上还缺少一点钻劲,所以学习成绩总不那么理想。如果你能和认真、细心交上朋友,你一定会非常出色。

13. 在老师心目中,你一直是一个勤奋好学的孩子。上课认真听讲,积极参与课堂讨论,按时认真地完成各种作业。你乐于帮助同学,热爱劳动。不过,你的写作水平总达不上老师对你的要求。如果你把细心当朋友,在学习中尽量少一些失误,

14. 你是一个沉默、文静的孩子。老师布置的任务一定会认真完成,从你工工整整的字迹中可以看出你对待学习非常认真。但在学习上有不懂的问题不敢提出疑问,不知道你是否发现了自己这一不足。希望在今后的学习中,不懂就问,大胆地问,成功将属于你。

15. 你是个很认真的学生,每一次作业都做得很认真,而且仔细,不过,你不能持之以恒。课堂上老师也能看到你高举的小手,让老师十分欣喜,但现在,你却交了个坏朋友,那就是贪玩。记住,玩是可以的,但是贪玩,就不对了。好好表现,老师相信你还能迎头赶上.

16. 你是一个活泼可爱的男孩,打扫卫生总是不怕脏,不怕累冲在前头。但是,你交的一个坏朋友却老是使你的成绩上不去,那就是贪玩。假若你能丢掉这个坏朋友,再交上个好朋友:认真学习,认真听讲,认真完成作业,那么,下一个学期的中队委员,你一定会当上的。

17. 在老师眼里,你是一个文静而又可爱的女孩。你热爱劳动,积极参加学校开展的各项活动。对待同学,你也很热情、真诚。不过,你上课的时候总是那么安静。老师觉得,你应该以好学生为榜样,学习他们勤奋刻苦的精神,学习他们先进的学习方法,扬长避短,你一定会取得成功。

18. 你表面上是个文静的女孩,但老师知道,你又是个好强的女孩,你总不服输,成绩也是喜人的。愿你在新学期里敢于质疑解难、大胆发言,做一品学兼优的好学生,相信你能做到!

19. 你是一个心地善良,有责任心的孩子,对任何事都能尽职尽责地做好,你努力向身边的同学学习,成绩在一天天进步。老师喜欢你在知识的海洋里畅游的学习劲头,更愿意看到你在课余时间象蝴蝶一样在大自然中快乐飞舞。

20. 文静、听话的你上进心强,老师最爱看见你上课时瞪大眼睛专心听讲的样子,从你工工整整的字迹中可以看出你对待学习非常认真,希望今后更大胆一些,争取做个全面发展的好学生!老师拭目以待。

21. 撇开你的学习不说,你是个可爱的男孩,但作为学生,学习是最主要的。我认为,学习失败的主要原因在于你自己,你学习自觉性不够,上课时容易走神,学习上不肯下功夫。老师最喜欢看到的就是你的进步。好好努力,争做一个人见人夸的好学生!

22. 可爱的你上进心强,老师最爱看见你上课时瞪大眼睛专心听讲的样子,从你工工整整的字迹中可以看出你对待学习非常认真,希望今后更大胆一些,争取做个全面发展的好学生!老师拭目以待。

23. 见到你的第一眼,就被你那双小而有神的眼睛给吸引住了。因为那里盛满了顽皮、热情……课堂上,你比较好动,不时的做一些可爱的小动作,引起同学的哄笑;课间,从没见你好好休息,不管做什么游戏,你总是特别活泼、突出。正是因为这些,你的成绩不够理想,希望在以后,要以学习为重,专心读书,把自己锻炼成为一名全面发展的好学生。

24. 你是个心地善良,是非分明,有责任心的孩子,对任何事情都能尽职尽责地做好,你努力向身边地好同学学习,成绩也在一天天进步。老师很喜欢你!老师想经常听到你在课堂上发表自己的建议。能做到吗?

25. 你热情开朗,当别人遇到困难,你总是愿意伸出援助之手。可对待学习就有些马虎了,上课分心。如果上课时能认真听讲,积极动脑,做到不懂就问的话,你会发现学习原来很容易!

26. 在老师心目中,你是个可爱的女孩。你尊敬老师,团结同学,积极参加公益劳动。上课专心听讲,时而能听到你精彩的发言。不过,老师觉得这学期你在学习上没有明显进步。在这里,老师希望你认准目标,脚踏实地向前进,相信在收获的季节里,你会品尝到辛勤奋斗的甜果。

27. 你是一个听话的孩子,做事有条有理,待人热情,尊敬老师,团结同学,热爱劳动,,学习也细心多了,上课有时也能独立思考问题,举手发表自己的意见,书写美观。老师觉得你太听话了,听话到不敢有自己的思维,这对于你的思维发展是极为不利的。希望你大胆一些,把小孩子那种“初生牛犊不怕虎”的胆气拿出来。

28. 撇开你的学习不说,你是个可爱的男孩,但作为学生,学习是最主要的。我认为,学习失败的主要原因在于你自己,你学习自觉性不够,上课时经常走神,作业基本不能按时完成,即使这样,你也还不肯下功夫,这怎能进步?老师最喜欢看到的就是你的进步,好好努力,争做一个人见人夸的好学生!

29. 爸爸妈妈不在身边,你还是这样听话,并且能体谅爷爷、奶奶的良苦用心,你真是懂事的孩子,老师为有你这样的学生感到骄傲。在班上,你谦和的为人赢得了很多好朋友,老师也看在眼里,喜在心头。不过,学生当以学习为本,在这方面,你能完成老师的任务,但这是不够的,还需要树立远大的理想,并为它努力,孩子,你做到了吗?

30. 你是一班之长,你的表现说明你无愧于这样的称号,你所取得的成绩说明你是个认真、执着、上进的女孩,你也树立了你的威望,你是老师的得力助手,我为你喝彩,我为你骄傲!我也发自内心的感谢你。今后,老师希望你在学习上能有更好的方法,使自己的成绩能芝麻开花—节节高。

31. 你是一位内心世界十分丰富的女孩,当老师看到你内涵丰富、文情并茂的作文时,是多么喜悦,可是,这样的作文不多。记得你曾经对我说,你不是学不到,而是不想学,这一点老师又何尝不知道呢?孩子,无论是什么原因,你都不能不学习啊,一天不学就掉队,将来就更难学了,小孩子不读书是不行的。

32. 你是个聪明、活泼而且非常可爱的小女孩。平时能歌善舞、兴趣广泛、知识全面、思维敏捷,特别使老师高兴的是,你的语言是多么丰富,多么与众不同,作文简直棒极了。老师相信,只要你上课不说"悄悄话",那就更棒了。

33. 你是个聪明、性格开朗的小女孩,同学们都喜欢接近你,与你在一起都感到很快乐。你懂礼貌,尊敬老师,关心集体,工作责任感强,还有一手工整漂亮的字,这些都是你的长处。如果在学习上你能更加严格要求自己,不能满足现状,有竞争思想,那么,你一定会跟“优秀”靠得更近一些。

34. 古人云:书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟,学习上岂有平坦的大道?不付出艰辛的代价怎能有辉煌的成就?你天资不错,又有求知欲,有上进心,父母也对你寄予厚望,相信你会不断进取,勤奋学习,为自己开创出美好的未来。

35. 每次值日或大扫除时你拿着扫帚在教室里独自忙碌着,老师看在眼里,喜在心里,多好的学生!你的学习基础是差了一些,但你不要有太多压力,不必提心吊胆,也不要灰心,“世上无难事,只怕有心人”,只要你学习专心、勤奋、你的成绩会赶上来的。

36. 你是一名聪明、文静而勤奋好学的孩子。学习上能刻苦钻研,书写规范整洁,作文写得具体并且较有文采,成绩总是保持优良;平时你总是带着甜甜的笑容,与同学友爱相处;你工作积极,乐意当老师的小助手,不过胆量不够大。今后希望你能大胆一点,这样不仅有利于工作,也有利于促进思维的发展。

37. 你有助人为乐的精神,但你还有不少缺点,同学们正以更高标准要求你。愿你扬长避短,我永远是你忠实的朋友,我会做你的有力支持者。“世上无难事,只怕有心人”,只要你学习专心、勤奋、你的成绩会赶上来的。

38. 社会中流传着一句名言:如果连你自己都不相信你自已,谁还会信任你呢?老师想把这句话送给你,希望能对你有所启示。其实你是个很不错的孩子,要对自己有信心,大胆展示自己,不断地锻炼自己,久而久之,你也会与别人一样棒的。此外,老师希望你在假期里把字给好好练一练。

39. 经过老师和父母的帮助教育,你的学习目的明确多了,学习态度也有了很大的转变,你总是尽力把作业做好,尽力与同学处理好关系,努力弥补自己的不足,即使遇到挫折,也毫不气馁,老师很高兴。希望你能树立信心,不懈努力,别让大家失望。

40. 你是一个聪明机灵的小男孩,只是课堂不会听讲,作业自然难以完成,成绩也不理想。老师知道你并不愚笨,只是对学习缺少信心。贪玩占用了你很多时间,爱玩虽不是缺点,可无论是学习还是工作,贪玩都会影响你的进步。希望你与贪玩说再见,努力培养良好的习惯。

41. 学习如驾车登山,不进则退,聪明的你之所以在学习上不象我们希望的那样,是因为你还缺乏主动性。只有鼓足学习的热情,并且脚踏实地,不断积累,才能不至于埋没自己的良好天资。加油吧,孩子!

42. 你是善良、朴实、懂事而又认真的女孩,虽然你平时不善言辞,但你充满着一种上进的朝气,能克服各种困难,不断战胜自我,不断取得进步。你做事总是那么认真,对待同学总是那么友好。愿你在紧张学习之余锻炼自己的各项能力,做一个全面发展的优秀的小学生。

43. 你是一个乖巧听话的孩子,有可爱的笑容,做事仔细,热爱学校生活,和小朋友们相处愉快,也尊敬老师,爱劳动,爱班级。但上课时不敢大胆表达自己的观点,这对你的成长是不利的,希望你以后能克服胆怯心理,大胆发言,老师期待着。



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Today was Saturday, early in the morning, I woke up and stayed at home the

whole morning to watch TV. After finishing my lunch, I had nothing to do, so I

decided to call my friends out. I headed to the coffee shop which was near a

square. There were a lot of people in the square, some women were dancing and

singing, while some men were taking the chess. I walked into the coffee shop,

chose a table which was near the window, so that I could see the outside

scenery. When my friends came, we talked happily, we shared the things that

happened during these days. Then all my pressure was relieved, I forgot about

the annoyance on my study. At that moment, I was enjoying theTimetalking with

my friends. I had the great time this afternoon.



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Traffic safety, it is people life should pay attention to one thing, otherwise, will cause a lot of consequences, light, disability, or dead. Traffic accident is a very powerful time bomb, was careless, will explode, blown family broken, Fried popular American jails.

Not to say that cant avoid the traffic accident. As long as everyone do not run a red light, no crossing guardrails, speeding... And so on. Do these also can avoid a lot of traffic accidents.

Walk back out at ordinary times, I can see many such examples. Some people in order to quickly on to the bus, dont go zebra crossing, inclined wearing the road; Some learn from comrade liu, willy-nilly, also dont see warnings on the guardrail, straight leap barriers, car to raglan from their side, very dangerous, and the driver in order to catch time, gas exploded, left a turn, turn a turn, make the car and the pirate ship is no difference, the most easily lead to overturn. Dont think we can once again is the Monkey King was dead and alive.

Once, when I passed by the square, suddenly heard a scream behind them. I look back "..." Along with the sharp brakes, a van had stopped in front of a little girl fell down, at the same time a large group of people to come to there, I also in the past. See the girl in shock, his face with white, after a long time, only to cry loudly. The bloody hands really let a person love dearly. Thanks to that girl doesnt matter. This is the consequences of not obey the traffic rules.

According to statistics, the world each year about 1.27 million people died in traffic accidents, isnt that enough? For traffic safety, the minor matter, is not to do.

All in all, an example of this. Life only have once, hope you can have a good protection! Hope everyone should pay attention to traffic safety, safe travel. Life only have once, dont cry because it is a little bit of time and lost their lives! Safety is more important than mount tai.








篇12:五年级英语作文:Student life400字

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Speaking of my student life, its very interesting. Besides studying, we have many parties at our school for special festivals. Of course, we must study many subjects at school and do homework every day. I receive instructions from my teachers and discuss problems with them.

Although sometimes we have many exams in our student life, it can be good for us. Everyone hates exams, but it helps us realize how much weve learned from school. Just enjoy your student life. It goes by fast.



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Last summer holiday, I learned to swim. It was very unforgettable and interesting. I went to the swimming pool with my father. He taught me how to swim. At first, I was afraid of diving in the water. And I felt uncomfortable in the water. But father said it doesn’t matter and he would protect me. Then I began to swim, but I couldn’t swim forward at all. It made me upset. Then father told me how to move, how to stretch out my hands and legs. Slowly, I could move a little. In fact, it was not that easy. I learned it for almost half a month. I was excited when father told me I made it.




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I have a dream about my career. I want to be a teacher, because I think teacher is a good job. Generally speaking, teachers have much knowledge. They can help students to enrich their knowledge. Besides, teachers can communicate with students all the time. It helps teachers keep young at heart. Finally, teachers have two long holidays a year. In the free time, I can do many things I like. And I have time to travel. It makes me exciting. I must work hard to realize my dream.




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Some time ago on TV have been on the topic of family, said everyones home to have a family tradition and family. I am according to the news on the subject, to write this essay. Now we are very focused on the home atmosphere, the atmosphere of the scope is big is small, a country wind, also have class, today, this tradition.


The so-called family is his family atmosphere, family atmosphere is good or not will affect future generations, of a family or clan tradition should be positive, the first is to pay attention to Drake home, home to the rule of virtue. Wind is divided into several, at home to do a thing, do the housework at home, in the home to do things is a good family. Wind is also called the name, is a home or family tradition.


The rule is very strict, so the rules of the house must strictly abide by the norms of behavior required of a family, usually by a family inherited the education norm descendants criterion. The rule is also called the law, state law, family rules, is that a country has a national law, a family has a family rule, this rule is equivalent to the law of the country. To the family rules, must know how to do anything about the rules.


Finally, I think a good family rules and everyone should strictly abide by the norms of behavior, also, they comply with the good rules to our students, to justice.



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Today is October 1st, the annual National Day again.

National Day seven days off, some people traveling to some rest at home, they are also in a shu Lin, it is difficult to come out. Early in the morning I and my mother went shopping, I saw on the street is crowded, people as the tide came from all directions on the street, many places with flags, flags fluttering with the wind, beautiful. Everywhere showing a festival atmosphere.

Every time my birthday, mom and dad wish I could grow up healthy, happy. Today is mothers birthday, I wish the motherland prosperous, more and more powerful.

I also want to remind you: a festival when many cars, more must pay attention to safety when crossing the street, but also to do the red light stop, green line.







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If I Were A Teacher

When I go to school, I have learned so many things from my teachers, they are like the angels to me. So I want to be a teacher when I grow up, if I were a teacher, I would teach my students all my knowledge. I would tell them what is right and what is wrong, I would teach them with all my heart.





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One time, on Sunday, our teacher organized a boys and girls basketball contest.

我们分为两队,男生叫做猛龙队,女生叫做飞凤队。 比赛开始了,老师一发球,我们对队的得分王,便夺得了篮球直接投了三分球,那个球在空中划过了一条美丽的弧线,最惊险的是另一幕。我们队的中锋正准备传球,谁知被女生抢走了。于是,把球抢回来的重任交给了我。正当那个女生准备传球时,我瞄准一扑,把球拦了下来,并把球投了进去,得了2分。

We divided into two teams, the boys called raptors, the girls called the Phoenix team. The beginning of the game, the teacher serves, we on the team in scoring, he won the basketball directly into three ball, the ball in the air across a beautiful arc, the most dangerous is another scene. Our teams center is preparing to pass, who knows the girl away. So, getting the ball back with a burden to me. When the girl to pass, I aimed at the ball, stopped, and throw the ball in, got 2 points.


Since then, I fell in love with the basketball.


I really miss myChildhood!



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my weekend英语作文篇1

This is a story that happened on Sunday. At that time, I do not know how to get hooked. I like to play chess, my mother naturally became my chess friends. That night, my mother and I set out the "battlefield", ready to kill a "die you live." I looked at the board and thought about the first step. Mother is sitting opposite, calmly fight. I think again and again, and finally out of the first step. My mother is also a relatively step, we are so go. The two forces will clash, and I first control the commanding heights, did not think my mother actually avoided my edge, biased a step away. What does it mean? I am nervous about the board. Oh, thats where she wants to ride herself, and then fly through my chess. I quickly blocked, thinking: "how do you see?" Mom smiled, brought a pawn, direct to the top of my position. I am suddenly stunned, and quickly returned to my mothers pawn, anxiously said: "No no, I do not go so, you get back, I go back!" Mother said: "This is not!" I said: Good mother, you let me go back, on a back! "Mom said, but I agreed. I took a step back, my mother had no choice but to step back. I took the pieces and took a step, suddenly found himself there is a step wonderful, very subtle. I hastened to mention the pawn to return, my mother grabbed my hand, said: "I do not want to regret chess." I am very embarrassed, had to give up that step wonderful chess, but secretly pray mother do not see that step. Days do not follow the wishes of the mother happens to see, and took a move, it blocked my army forward. I am so angry enough to hammer chest, but there is no way, had no choice but to sigh.

This time playing chess, make me feel happy, had an unforgettable happy weekend!

my weekend英语作文篇2

Today is Sunday, afternoon, I finished my homework, then wrapped around my father and mother want to find some fun? Mom and Dad are busy bored, but also want to music, so their eyes invariably cast me? I see the father My mothers mind, so I came up with a way, I said: "The United States has a April Fools Day, why not come today fool festival?" Parents agreed?

Everyone agreed that todays cheated people, not angry, not angry, who was the most deceived, who is the "stupid king"? Finished, I went back to the study reading, my father watching TV, my mother went to dinner?

For a while, my father called me: "Lu Yuting, you like to see the" two-gun "began!" I heard, apart from anything else, went to the living room, a look, how can there be "double-gun", but advertising? The son of a turn, came up with a yarn approach to look back at him? I hold back laugh, while knocking on the door, while learning the voice of Wang Bobo: "Some people have your letter?" Dad heard, Hurry to come to open the door? He saw me, they know they fooled? At this time, only to hear my mother while washing things, while said: "You two come to eat my good apple!" We eat an apple, Then you catch me rush to the kitchen to the kitchen a look, what is the wash of Apple, is clearly radish Well? I and my father are stupid?

In the evening, I announced the results: "Mom was cheated twice, my father was cheated twice, I was cheated three times?" Finally, I won the first "fool festival" "fool king" title? Although I was "stupid king "But I am also very happy because we have spent a pleasant day together

my weekend英语作文篇3

This weekend is very special, because there is a called "Sixth smart little clever happy mathematics" game. Yesterday I have been gearing up, review the math, to meet the game!

I wait and so on, and finally wait until this moment! I picked up my little backpack, to participate in this math game myself! Yeah, how have so many people! One of the black pressure, all gearing up, eager, presumably master gathered, it is difficult to deal with. Just that stock is very high, must pass the spirit of a burst of cold wind blows out. "Or first review it!" I thought. I quietly opened the book, my heart silently carrying the formula.

Suddenly, "the classmates in the playground upstairs." I pulled out from the book sea abruptly out. I strode to the past, poles step on the floor, found the seat sat down. May be too boring, I have been quietly looking out the window in a daze, until the bell rang, the teacher hair volume. I got the papers, cast a glance at the first question, found very simple, so they mentioned the pen buried up. The second question, the third question, the fourth question ... ... Road, I was "broken" the. But I saw the sixth question, the head is big. Now I still vaguely remember the subject. He is: a four-digit, each digit is +5, get a new number more than 4 times the original number 5. I was scratching the gills, wretched, wait for all the knowledge of all spit it out, and then one by one to find. After the subject more and more difficult. Finally, I lost 2 questions of "score" lost to this test paper.

Pay the volume, just listen to many students are in the answer. My heart more and more lost, anxious to dig a pit, drill into.
