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will christmas replace the spring festival?

christmas arouses increasing attention year by year in china. christmas cards become popular with students. people hold christmas parties and exchange christmas girts. a lot or tv and radio programs about christmas are on. meanwhile the spring festival is less appealing (有吸引力的)to youngsters. thus some people wonder whether christmas will replace the spring festival.

this worry is fairly unnecessary. why ? one reason lies that christmas only affects christians,college students and joint-venture (合资企业)workers. another reason is that christmas is mostly celebrated in cities. few people in countryside show extreme interest in this exotic(带有异国情调的) festival. by contrast,the spring festival is the most influential traditional festival in every family.




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满招损 谦受益

抱素怀朴 安性约身

秉心真实 矢口贞诚

不攻人短 莫矜己长

藏器学海 崇德效山

澹泊明志 宁静致远

读圣贤书 行仁义事

笃礼崇义 抱淑守真

干国家事 读圣贤书

刚毅多略 文雅少俦

光明正大 朴诚坚贞

好花半开 美酒微醺

精神万古 气节千秋

苦由欲生 悲从心来

宽宏大量 远瞩高瞻

宽人三尺 利己一丈

宽以济猛 俭能养廉

落时自舞 逝后闻香

莫笑人短 勿恃己长

贫不学吝 默无过言

贫贱难移 威武不屈

生作人杰 死为鬼雄

失意休馁 得势莫狂

事理通达 心气平和

淑身涉世 谨行慎言

俗心可鄙 流言莫畏

文为人表 礼是身基

胸中正气 雪里芭蕉

一言九鼎 只字千钧

以身作则 与德为邻

英雄无种 良玉须雕

愿闻己过 求通民情

云山风度 松柏精神

澡身浴德 矩步规行

知足常乐 无欺自安

忠信难克 坚贞不移

把酒知今是 观书悟昨非

鄙帚尝自珍 糟糠多相惜

不矜威益重 无私功自高

不俗即仙骨 多情乃佛心

不随时俯仰 自得古风流

不息身方健 无私心自宽

长笑对高柳 贞心比古松

待人胜待己 推腹更推心

淡心复静虑 神怡体自舒

道德为原本 知识极诚明

读书得真趣 怀古生远思

多言即少味 无欲斯有为

恩怨挥手断 是非随心平

改过如芟草 育才似栽花

格超梅以上 品在竹之间

乖逆而心顺 荣辱以自安

海量由船荡 宽怀任马驰

涵养须用静 进学在致知

红梅耐寒霜 明珠不染尘

积学以储宝 酌理以富才

己过勿惮改 未然当先思

经伦涵万物 磊落冠群英

静耕心上田 谨行脚底船

静里思三益 闲居守四箴

静思天下事 多读古人书

恪勤在朝夕 言行寡悔尤

礼貌风流美 文明大雅存

立品同白玉 读书到青云

立身宜得地 歇足易求安

砺勤以养志 持简而修身

名利淡如水 事业重如山

明耻志始立 知怒身方进

攀山将磨志 瞰海能忘忧

片言寄心语 一纸报平安

让人非我弱 得志莫离群

人无信不立 天有日方明

忍中乾坤大 笑里学问多

如意事常少 敢言人所难

三思方举步 百折不回头

升高必自下 谨始惟其终

失意休气馁 得势莫猖狂

事业由凡始 道德在躬行

守道以立名 修身以俟时

守分身无辱 知机心自闲

守身为人节 寡欲是全功

殊姿各独立 素志庶可求

文品清时贵 功名晚节难

我心本自然 此身是他物

无过方自慰 有理始心安

无言先立意 未啸已生风

无欲而名立 理得则心安

笑则喜颜回 忍而宽子路

心淡神如水 恩重义是天

心净得真趣 意闲识安乐

心净知雪白 意淡识松青

心静笔墨老 人闲字句工

心平欲不侵 气和意自安

心在水晶域 直如朱丝绳

行修而名立 得理则心安

修身立宦海 持德鉴青天

修身如执玉 种德胜遗金

虚心成大器 劲节见奇才

抑人是自抑 扬人其自扬

有容德乃大 无私心自安

语杂多是非 心静少烦恼

欲中失心性 酒后无道德

知命真君子 安贫古达人

知足苦亦乐 无欲凡已仙

直如朱丝绳 清似玉壶冰

只须份中取 不可缘外求

至人无异趣 静者得长生

终身争一息 每事必三思

竹因虚受益 松以静延年

常耻躬之不逮 欲寡过而未能

大著肚皮容物 立定脚跟做人

端正心态干事 挺直腰板做人

放怀于天地外 得气在山水间

俯仰无愧天地 褒贬自有春秋

骄傲来自浅薄 狂妄出于无知

节比真金铄石 心如秋月春云

戒骄风清日朗 除躁海阔天空

静坐自然有得 虚怀初若无能

平平淡淡生活 从从容容作人

谦者众善之甚 傲者众恶之魁

人生当知自足 静修可与贤齐

若能坦坦荡荡 何心战战兢兢

卧下野莫忧怨 居高位不骄矜

小酌令人兴奋 狂饮使人发疯

行止无愧天地 褒贬自有春秋

养心莫若寡欲 至乐无如读书

以不变应万变 见一物知百物

饮量岂止于醉 雅怀乃游乎仙

造物所忌者巧 与人相见以诚

责人之心责己 恕己之心恕人

知者乐仁者寿 居之安资之深

终生为善不足 一日为恶有余

自然无我境界 随时忘归天地

饱时莫忘饥时苦 有衣须记无衣寒

不悲镜里容颜瘦 且喜心头疆域宽

不见古人真恨晚 力当时事莫辞难

不可娇奢溺子女 须以忠孝传儿孙

不因财色毁心志 应须清寒磨悟根

才短自知能事少 礼疏常觉慢人多

菜根浓淡宜慢嚼 人生苦乐须细品

菜根滋味知君惯 潭水交情爱我深

沧桑人生从容对 坎坷世事恬淡为

常觉胸中春意满 须知世上好人多

常容心里存公理 莫用世间造孽钱

常闻贪钱丢性命 但能守廉得民心

持身勿使白璧玷 立志直与青云齐

除净私欲终世乐 洗尽俗念满身轻

此地有高山峻岭 何处无明月清风

大器量天空海阔 真聪明岳峙渊停

淡饭粗茶有真味 明窗净几是安居

当如曾子日三省 更为张公加半思

当慎世事与自事 莫将人间比梦间

得失一笑任之乎 成败静观随其然

德高言语多滋味 品端举止溢馨香

涤烦除俗寻真乐 临水登山得至情

洞悉世事胸襟阔 阅尽人情眼界宽

读能明达耕能富 成自谦虚败自骄

妒我安知非弱小 欺人绝不是英雄

度是春风常长物 心如清水不沾尘

断送一生唯有酒 寻思百计不如闲

多查自身得和失 休管他人是与非

多读书知礼明义 少饮酒多是无非

凡事皆须苦后得 一心从来恒而成

凡事忍让即为福 一心无求便是乐

反观自己难全是 细论人家未尽非

放开他人得自我 抛去执迷是真心

富贵定要安本分 贫穷切莫枉思量

根深不怕风摇动 干正何惧月影斜

古人所重在大节 君子于学无常师

观人不可以貌取 处事岂能随心为

广交三教九流人 遍读四书五经书

汗迹频落听有声 心性暗磨修无痕

豪放不解行若奢 淡泊无欲情似冷

宦海须持隐逸志 禅林不忘济世心

忌我安知非赏识 欺人到底不英雄

缄口不语是非事 冷眼静观名利人

节用爱人能道国 正心诚意乃修身

借酒浇愁愁更愁 抽刀断水水长流

借酒浇愁愁难蟹 以酒助兴兴更浓

经多实践思方壮 看破浮名意自平

经商标准唯诚信 做人法则要平心

经商标准唯诚信 从政要点尚清廉

井淘三遍出好水 人从三师武艺高

酒常知节狂言少 心不能清乱梦多

酒欲醉人人不醉 花香袭我我自清

居心中正明如镜 接物宽和蔼若春

君子善饮贵斟酌 酒徒贪杯贱名节

开怀一笑天下事 闭口不论世上人

坎坷人生作笑骂 鬼狐文章写春秋

苦海有浪随欲起 清心无痕共岸生

旷心将江海齐远 宏量与宇宙同宽

利刀割体痕易合 恶语伤人恨难消

利人时出平常语 修己常存改过心

了去烦恼即正果 忘却生死是菩提

煤须烈火识清白 人必风浪辩忠逆

每逢大事有静气 不信身旁无高才

每省自我成动力 常越本心是进步

莫道浮云终蔽日 应信绿叶乐扶花

莫言前路无知己 但恐此心难对天

墨香益智须常磨 忠言逆耳宜多听

能受苦方为志士 肯吃亏不是痴人

能知足者常知乐 到不求时便不忧

宁守寒窗独寂寞 勿滥交游乱心性

品若梅花香在骨 人如秋水玉为神

平时不说无情话 每日常观有用书

岂有文章惊海内 但留清白在人间

气清更觉山川近 心远愈知宇宙宽

谦到十分防有诈 让人一步不为愚

勤能补拙才偏敏 廉不沽名品益高

勤浴无病勤欲病 学道不忧学盗忧

清廉人品洁如玉 脱俗文章淡若仙

清心方觉景中趣 恬淡自结尘外缘

情超哀乐三杯足 心有阴晴万象殊

情于牵挂点滴事 爱具包容过失心

人到无求多自由 官居无品得清闲

人各有能我何与 身所未得心难安

人品若山极崇峻 情怀与水同清幽

人情阅尽浮云厚 世事经过蜀道平

人心若路直行好 世事如棋宽着高

人心似水宜疏导 世势如棋须左右

人遇误解休怨恨 事逢得意莫轻狂

忍一言风平浪静 退半步海阔天空

日食三餐须三省 身经一事求一得

扫来竹叶烹茶叶 劈碎松根煮菜根

身外浮云何足论 松间明月长如此

省吃俭用长流水 挥霍浪费瓦上霜

诗可养神须时嚼 墨能修心宜常品

时将山水洗心灵 常把风物换肠胃

士必遇真人而礼 计当与国士为谋

世本无先觉之验 人贵有自知之明

世事暗察蕴七彩 人生细品多五味

世事洞明莫玩世 人情练达应助人

事到盛时须警省 境当逆处要从容

事能知足心常惬 人到无求品自高

事事留心即学问 人人忘我皆兄弟

事有利弊多权衡 物持正反勿偏激

适时而行即用功 相机以动是处世

守正行权真事业 平矜节欲大功夫

书到心融真有味 事非身历且休言

书有未曾经我读 事无不可对人言

水惟善下能成海 山不争高自极天

素甘淡泊心常泰 曾履忧危体愈坚

素琴有韵随心调 短笛无腔信口吹

所贵立身无苟且 岂容应事太分明

陶情不出琴书外 遣兴多在山水间

特立独行有如此 进德修业须及时

天有慧眼惜勤苦 世存公道在人心

万古在怀日有得 一生知足天与游

万事尽从忙里错 一心须向静中安

望远能知风浪小 凌空始觉海波平

为官须从做人起 处世先自修身始

为人树起脊梁铁 把卷撑开眼海银

为人应怀渡人志 处世当持济世心

为吟雪月诗句冷 因画风花笔墨香

文章似玉清无玷 气节如松直有心

文章最忌随人后 道德无多祗本心

闻过知非须改过 见贤思齐贵超贤

无能事乃能无事 不善言而善不言

无情未必真豪杰 有度方为大丈夫

无求便是安心法 不饱真为祛病方

无事在怀为极乐 有长可取不虚生

无瑕人品清于玉 不俗文章淡似仙

无易事则无难事 有虚心方有实心

五味清淡精神爽 处事从容日月长

勿凭刀剑断恩怨 须持仁义折仇心

物我两忘真了悟 心神俱无大自在

物我两忘知恒古 天人归一识大同

物无规矩难方圆 人明法度知分寸

习勤不止能祛欲 闻过则喜自得师

贤者所怀虚若谷 圣人之气静于兰

效梅傲霜休傲友 学竹虚心莫虚情

心不定则诗无语 志不坚而事难成

心怀天地心渐宽 意在山水意自闲

心井不学时欲枯 昭华不惜日渐老

心静如水清见底 意闲似风淡无痕

心静自觉眼中景 意空方悟法外天

心明机巧形若累 意黯精明语如拙

心期过望无奈多 人怀淡泊失意少

心如山石牢守拙 意似海天勤抱朴

心收镜里求真乐 眼放长宽得大观

心无所累行必果 事多牵挂飞难高

心性常磨持中正 行止时戒秉操守

心悬一镜正言行 意存二簿记得失

行不得反求诸己 躬自厚薄责于人

行端何惧身外言 德馨自有林下蹊

行事莫将天理错 立身当与古人争

胸阔千愁似粟粒 心轻万事如鸿毛

修身岂为名传世 作事唯思利及人

虚心竹有低头叶 傲骨梅无仰面花

虚竹幽兰生静气 和风朗月喻天怀

学不自满可言博 修而无我能达道

学当自发不为名 善应心甘非图报

学浅自知能事少 礼疏常觉慢人多

学问多自虚心得 风物长宜放眼量

言以思忠归浑厚 气因善养得和平

言语中尽可积德 妻子间也是修身

眼界高时无碍物 心源开处有清波

眼于局外看自我 人在心中求真如

一人知己亦已足 毕生自修无尽期

以诚换得天下怨 用心感知世上音

意淡名利喜风雨 心怀山川忘红尘

意闲闲意意自在 心静静心心自观

淫逸能废卧龙才 娇奢可夺帝王心

英雄不与剑上论 丈夫只在智中取

鹦鹉前头休多语 小人身边须慎行

鹰隼入云睐所向 骅骝得路慎于平

用权且须留三分 与人最宜宽一丈

用心计较般般易 退步思量事事难

有关家国书常读 无益身心事莫为

有守有为识进退 无物无我生妙相

渔樵以外清景少 松竹之间风骨多

与世不言人所短 临文期集古之长

与有肝胆人共事 从无字句处读书

欲除烦恼须无我 历尽艰难好作人

欲无后悔须修己 各有前因莫羡人

欲知世味须尝胆 不识人情且卧薪

喻义自无非理事 爱名常葆不贪心

月无贫富家家有 燕不炎凉岁岁来

知识学以经世用 点滴悟而修身为

知足是人生一乐 无为得天地自然

治学当思日精进 为官应效清正廉

治学严谨勤有得 处世恭顺忍而安

做人谦恭持骨气 处世踏实摈虚伪

做人应效邓小平 引路尤崇李大钊

做事成败尽心力 处境顺逆随天意

存俨若思养浩然气 视已成事读未完书

得山水清其人多寿 饶诗书气有子必贤

读常见书作本分事 吃有菜饭着可补衣

度比江河细流兼纳 气如春夏群物发生

高情若云朗抱如月 和气当春节清为秋

古训是式威仪是力 功崇惟志业广惟勤

好大喜功终为怨府 贪多务得哪有闲时

护体面不如重廉耻 求医药莫若养性情

既动复止初念不及 自昧而明群疑尽除

俭可助廉勤可补拙 恭以持己恕以待人

见人之过若己有失 于理既得即心所安

结友交朋冰心慧眼 做人处世霁月光风

静气得兰清风引竹 朗怀映日和气当春

静以养性俭以树德 入则笃行出则友贤

酒能成事酒能败事 水可载舟水可覆舟

酒能弄性仙家饮之 酒也乱性佛家戒之

乐此幽闲与年无尽 化其躁妄得气之利

莲出绿波有君子德 兰生幽谷为众人香

临类恒和取诸无妄 随时观感咸与人同

片言九鼎源于智慧 一诺千金始自信诚

清品犹兰虚怀若竹 澄襟似水朗抱凝冰

让美归功功自易集 分怨共过过亦何伤

食莫多贪能饱便罢 酒防狂饮不醉方佳

束身如圭澄怀似镜 种德类树养心若鱼

虽无师保可对天地 不立城府自振纪纲

天道人道忌盈忌满 逆境顺境知进知退

罔谈彼短我亦有短 靡恃己长人孰无长

文当以精神贯古今 人须凭道义擎天地

心平气和千祥骈集 意粗性躁一事无成

行不得则反求诸己 躬自厚而薄责于人

有德有操可仪可象 克文克敏乃惠乃时

有能力不会出风头 无知识才好摆架子

与其轻人不如重我 但求无过非必有功

知之为知未容妄作 止其所止何敢奢求

竹柏旷怀心神共远 智仁雅乐山水同深

待足几时足知足自足 求闲何日闲偷闲便闲

多记格言胸中藏尺度 静观成败眼里燃烛灯

苟有恒无须订章罚款 最无益莫过嗜酒吸烟

立身当如泰山以凌云 处世须似空谷而虚怀

请勿入座三杯醉者也 须防出门一拱歪之乎

想如何为人便如何做 要怎样收获先怎样栽

行事休处处忘形得意 做人要时时知足虚心

一片忠诚是长寿之本 满怀善良乃快乐之源

一月休贪二十九日醉 百年须笑三万六千场

种十里名花何如种德 修万间广厦不若修身

不生事不怕事自然无事 能爱人能恶人方是正人

读经读史读遍天下奇书 修行修德修成世上俊才

浮躁一分到处遍招尤悔 因循二字从来误尽英雄

话虽未到口边三思更好 事纵放得心下再慎何妨

克去私心当如斩钉截铁 养成静性要似止水澄波

老老实实作人此为真理 勤勤恳恳工作乃是正道

莫对失意人而谈得意事 从来有名士不取无名钱

聪明人糊涂人少心人易处 文雅话粗野话无情话难听

丹心一颗千金哪比人格贵 清风两袖万贯不移品行贞

读古人书须处地设身一想 论天下事要揆情度理三思

好人多自苦中来莫图便宜 凡事皆缘忙里错且要从容

见落花飞絮莫愁春老色褪 仰翠竹苍松当效节亮风高

君子磊落胸怀坦荡浑如海 士人淡泊寒窗寂寞清似水

生当以家国为怀方是男儿 死应为民生以计可称丈夫

书未成名叹尔今生空伏案 酒能丧命劝君来世莫贪杯

同是肚皮饱者不知饥者苦 一般面目得时休笑失时人

知事晓事不多事太平无事 忍人让人不欺人方可为人

酌酒杜烟八秩老翁无芥疾 清心寡欲四时佳兴乐松年

百折不回头遇事虚怀观一是 三思方举步与人和气察群言

醴泉无源芝草无根人贵自立 流水不腐户枢不蠹民生在勤

盘中餐料料皆辛苦弃之可惜 杯中酒滴滴均醇美酌量而饮

气忌躁言忌浮才忌满学忌浅 胆欲大心欲细智欲圆行欲方

且静坐抚良心今日所为何事 莫乱行从正道前途自遇好人

仁者不忧知者不惑勇者不惧 视其所以观其所由察其所安

四体不勤五谷不分孰为夫子 小疑必问大事必闻才算学生

损人有过轻人失礼助人高尚 败业可耻守业无能创业光荣

为官半纸空文何须作威作福 做人一世得失宜当戒骄戒躁

为人莫恋欢娱欢娱即是烦恼 处世休辞劳苦劳苦乃得安康

人间无莫教之人但恐诚心未至 事里少难为之事须防立志不坚

无贪心无私心心存清白真快乐 不寻事不怕事事留余地自逍遥

吾日三省吾身高志者应虚怀若谷 尔须时正尔心修道人当大肚能容

宠辱不惊看庭前花开花落去留无意 沉浮莫叹知天上云卷云舒聚散任风

人生惟酒色机关须百炼此身成铁汉 世上有是非门户要三缄其口学金人

无事莫生事有事莫畏事此之谓解事 有官勿旷官去官勿恋官乃可以服官

无私奉献换人人安居乐业我苦何妨 艰苦奋斗看家家丰衣足食余心亦甜

傲不可长欲不可纵志不可满乐不可极 动莫若敬居莫若俭德莫若让事莫若咨

轻听发言怎知非人之谮诉需平心暗想 与人相争焉知非我之不是当忍耐三思

智不求稳辨不求给名不求难行不求异 进莫若让勇莫若义贵莫若仁富莫若廉

处事不可太认真不论叁柒贰拾壹得过且过 为人只应多糊涂管他忠孝礼义廉你知我知

吃苦是良图作苦事用苦心费苦劲苦境终成乐境 偷闲非善策说闲话好闲游成闲汉闲人就是废人

立品如岩上松必历千百载风霜方可柱明堂而成大厦 检身若璞中玉经磨数十番沙石乃堪琢圭璋而宝庙廓








著书忌早,处事忌扰,立朝忌巧,居室忌好; 制行欲方,行事欲圆,存心欲拙,作文欲华
































































































养天地正气 法古今完人

宁静而致远 淡泊以清心

三思方举步 百折不回头

勤能补拙 学可医愚

处世当克己短 交友应学人长

无情未必真豪杰 有度方为大丈夫

心平气和千佳骈集 意粗性躁一事无成

浮躁一分到处便招忧悔 因循二字从来误尽英雄

气忌躁言忌浮才忌满学忌浅 胆欲大心欲细智欲圆行欲方








疾风知劲草 大雪见青松

高瞻远瞩公仆志 作假弄虚政客风

官正廉为本 民强德奠基


蛀虫枯大树 蝼蚁毁长堤














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1、 吉祥的炮竹声增添了羊年的喜悦,绚丽的烟花映照着羊年更加灿烂,灯火辉煌喜笑欢乐声回旋荡漾。祝你羊年鸿运当头照,幸福美满溢家圆钞票多,身体健康!

2、 金蛇舞离骏羊致,羊年吉祥顺利好。一羊当先前途广,事业成功业绩高。兴隆生意遍四海,滚滚金币如涨潮。爱情甜蜜家美满,幸福如意乐淘淘。开心快乐身边绕,全家老少都欢笑。祝您羊年快乐!

3、 佛佛佛佛佛佛佛佛。把这八个吉祥佛送给八个好朋友,你今年将会财源不断,不然你今年只有佛光普照,没有财神光照,发吧,别人祝愿我的,我也祝愿你!新年快乐!

4、 新年到,祝一帆风顺,二龙腾飞,三羊开泰,四季平安,五福临门,六六大顺,七星高照,八方来财,九九同心,十全十美!

5、 新年快乐的短信_有些事不会因时光流逝而褪去,有些人不会因不常见面而忘记,在我心里你是我永远的朋友。在新年到来之际,恭祝好友平安幸福!

6、 祝你在新的一年里:事业正当午,身体壮如虎,金钱不胜数,干活不辛苦,悠闲像老蛇,浪漫似乐谱,快乐莫你属。

7、 新年到,愿君:百事可乐!万事芬达!天天娃哈哈!月月乐百事!年年高乐高!心情似雪碧!永远都醒目!

8、 这一刻有我最深的思念。让云捎去满心的祝福,点缀你甜蜜的梦。愿你拥有一个幸福快乐的新春!

9、 新春到来喜事多,合家团圆幸福多;心情愉快朋友多,身体健康快乐多;一切顺利福气多,新年吉祥生意多;祝您好事多!多!多!

10、 谢谢您的情,谢谢你的意,谢谢你的关怀和厚爱,新春来临之际,祝您全家新年快乐,身体健康,万事如意!

11、 新年到、新春到、有成绩、别骄傲、失败过、别死掉、齐努力、开大炮、好运气、天上掉、同分享、大家笑。天天好运道,日日福星照。

12、 好久不见,十分想念。在这温馨的日子里,常常忆起共处的岁月。祝新年快乐,心想事成!

13、 新年快乐的短信_虽只是几句短短的问候:祝节日快乐!却是我最真挚的祝福!

14、 新年的钟声悠然响起,飘送着我的祝福,萦绕在你的身边。

15、 祝福是份真心意,不是千言万语的表白。一首心曲,愿你岁岁平安,事事如意!

16、 每一朵雪花飘下,每一个烟花燃起,每一秒时间流动,每一份思念传送,都代表着我想要送你的每一个祝福:新年快乐!

17、 酒越久越醇,水越流越清,世间沧桑越流越淡,朋友情谊越久越真。衷心祝福吾友度过一个祥和美满的新春!

18、 祝:领导偏袒你,警察让着你,法院向着你,官运伴着你,媳妇由着你,吃喝随便你,财运罩着你,中奖只有你!

19、 新春又到祝福也到。祝福我的朋友:前途平坦,兜里有款,甜长苦短;薪水翻番,好吃好穿,常有新欢,追求的路程越走越宽!

20、 我托空气为邮差,把我的热腾腾的问候装订成包裹,印上真心为邮戳,度恒温快递,收件人是你。祝你:春节愉快!

21、 心到,想到,看到,闻到,听到,人到,手到,脚到,说到,做到,得到,时间到,你的礼物没到,只有我的祝福传到。

22、 看到天上的繁星了吗,顶上最大最亮那颗是我的真心,下面挂的是我的痴心,丝带里缠绕的是我的一颗不变的赤心,春节快乐!

23、 祝你在新的一年里,致富踏上万宝路、事业登上红塔山、情人赛过阿诗玛、财源遍布大中华。

24、 愿新的一年里,你位高权重责任轻,钱多事少离家近,每日睡到大天亮,工资领到手抽筋,手下花钱你收礼,别人加班你加薪!

25、 新春好,好事全来了!朋友微微笑,喜气围你绕!欢庆节日里,生活美满又如意!喜气!喜气!一生平安如意!

26、 在这个充满喜悦的日子里,在长久的离别后,愿新年的钟声代给你一份宁静和喜悦,和新年的祝福.

27、 凯歌辞旧岁,骏羊迎新春。丰年飞瑞雪,盛世展宏图。万象换新颜,神州共欢腾。合家欢喜忙,齐心酬壮志。只愿诸事顺,一年都欢畅。羊年到了,恭祝你羊年实现所有抱负。

28、 羊年佳节到,向你问个好,身体倍健康,心情特别好;好运天天交,口味顿顿妙。最后祝您及您的家人:羊年好运挡不住,羊年财源滚滚来!

29、 羊年好运到,好事来得早!朋友微微笑,喜庆围你绕!花儿对你开,鸟儿向你叫。生活美满又如意!喜庆!喜庆!一生平安如意!

30、 茶羊古道不复返,羊玲响起在耳边。羊蹄声声不滞前,快羊加鞭建家园。祝你羊年财运旺,工资奖金翻倍涨。愿你事业大发展,外汇美元兜装满。愿羊年梦想成真!

31、 新春已来到,人人心欢笑。万象正更新,好运已来临。财富排成排,幸福款款来。愿友心欢畅,人生放光芒。愿友羊年快乐,吉祥成河。

32、 飞羊抬头叫,好运招手笑。飞羊奋蹄追,幸福紧相随。飞羊正奔腾,今朝成美梦。飞羊已来到,愿你乐淘陶。恭祝羊年大吉大利,万事如意,爱情甜蜜。

33、 想念的话,说也说不完;关怀的心,永远不改变;真挚的友谊,永远不会忘,愿我的祝福将你围绕。

34、 思念是一季的花香,漫过山谷,笼罩你我,而祝福是无边的关注,溢出眼睛,直到心底。愿节日的愉快伴你一生!

35、 送你一件外套,前面是平安,后面是幸福,吉祥是领子,如意是袖子,快乐是扣子,口袋里满是温暖,穿上吧,让它相伴你的每一天!

36、 往日金戈铁马,今日英姿勃发,踏平坎坷羁绊,一路朝歌彩霞;新年亲人牵挂,祝愿事业腾达,富贵荣誉共享,携手海角天涯。

37、 星空中点点闪烁的荧光,环绕着缤纷的绮丽梦想,祝福你今年许下的心愿,都能一一实现在你眼前,祝你佳节温馨喜悦!

38、 相识系于缘,相知系于诚,一个真正的朋友不论身在何处,总时时付出关和爱,愿好友平安、幸福。

39、 酒越久越醇,水越流越清,世间沧桑越流越淡,朋友情谊越久越真。衷心祝福吾友度过一个祥和美满的新年!

40、 想念的话,说也说不完;关怀的心,永远不改变;真挚的友谊,永远不会忘,愿我的祝福将你围绕。

41、 祝你一帆风顺,二龙腾飞,三羊开泰,四季平安,五福临门,六六大顺,七星高照,八方来财,九九同心,十全十美,百事亨通,千事吉祥,万事如意!

42、 羊年到,歌声飘,又是一岁财运照。鸣鞭炮,福来报,礼花片片生活笑。对联妙,幸福绕,二零一四乐淘陶。恭祝您羊年大吉大利,顺顺利利。

43、 羊铃声响祝福传,唱响幸福赞歌扬。羊蹄哒哒喜讯报,羊不停蹄勇闯关。祝你新年美名扬,八面威风当高管。愿你羊年财运伴,四处精彩不可挡。羊年乐乎哉!

44、 羊年来到掷臂高呼,如意花开美满幸福。太平盛世长命百岁,身体健康光明前途。一帆风顺一生富裕,事业辉煌心畅情舒。步步高升财源广进,家庭美满和谐共处。祝你羊年开门大吉!

45、 金蛇穿云去,紫骝踏雪来。新春无限好,奋蹄起龙图。把酒庆丰年,幸福乐无边。常存千里志,立志绘蓝图。锦绣千里路,更上一层楼。

46、 绿水青山迎宝羊,红梅白雪送灵蛇。羊蹄阵阵催奋进,壮志凌云书人生。艳阳照耀岁华新,骏羊欢腾四海春。声声祝福耳边绕,只愿佳节多欢笑。

47、 天给你温暖,地给你温馨,我给你祝福。祝你运气像雨点一样密集!烦恼像流云一样飞去,忧愁像恐龙一样灭绝,幸福像蜂蜜一样甜美。

48、 星空中点点闪烁的荧光,环绕着缤纷的绮丽梦想,祝福你今年许下的心愿,都能一一实现在你眼前,祝你佳节温馨喜悦!

49、 相识系于缘,相知系于诚,一个真正的朋友不论身在何处,总时时付出关和爱,愿好友平安、幸福。

50、 羊年到了,变换的是年轮,不变的是祝福。愿你人生路上策羊扬鞭,驶向快乐的原野;愿你事业路上羊到成功,永攀财富的顶峰;爱情路上羊不停蹄,守候温暖的港湾。恭祝你羊年快乐。

51、 梅花朵朵笑春风,爆竹声声催快羊。昂首扬鬃腾浩气,奋蹄踏雪展春风。伏枥犹存千里志,添翼更上九重天。豪情振笔歌新岁,骏羊加鞭奔坦途。愿友羊年健康快乐。



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The Spring Festival is the biggest traditional festival in China.

Whenever the Spring Festival approaching, people working in the field will return to his hometown, together with the family reunion. I also follow mom and dad back to our hometown. In the thirty and middle-aged follow father affix Spring Festival couplets before twelve o clock. There is a legend, Spring Festival couplets: it is said that once upon a time there lived a monster named "year", it always hurt people. But it is very afraid of red and noise, so people with Spring Festival couplets and firecrackers to deal with it. From now on "year" never to hurt people. Me and dad stick after the Spring Festival couplets and home family reunion dinner together.

The Spring Festival this day we up and say hello to friends and relatives YiYiBai years early. Then go to the treasure of our hometown temple, an enter a door he saw a sea of people, people come here to pray for happiness and peace. People also set off firecrackers in the square, all kinds of fireworks in the sky, very beautiful. Issue we began to relatives, at that time of children the most happy is to receive a lot of red envelopes.

Im so glad the Spring Festival!







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Spring Festival is the most importantand popular festival in China.Before Spring Festival ,the people usually clean and decorate their houses.And they go to the Flower Fairs to buy some flowers.During Spring Festival ,the adults usually give lucky money to children.

People often get together and have a big meal.Some people eat dumpling for dinner.



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spring festival is approaching, every household in hurry to buy hui-chun, paintings and so on. on this night, i and my mom went to the fathers father held a spring festival party.

after a few minutes by car, we came to the destination. has just entered the scene, i was attracted those colorful lights, as well as colored spotlights and turn the ball it! i made him look happy because i was the first time i saw such a beautiful stage.

unconsciously, this chinese new year party in a unit, thunderous applause ended, the spring festival party really happy ah!


我的父亲和母亲发现,太空坐下。不久,主持人说:“春节联欢会了!”我想:今天的演出将是非常有趣。因此,我盯着主持人。 “第一个程序是吴解其缗的高原,我们欢迎的掌声!”听到这里,我不由自主地拍了拍手,因为阿姨闵是最友好的合作伙伴的父亲。随着音乐播放,敏感的母亲姊妹一起唱,观众欢呼声不时,终于来了,阿姨是在超敏在高端音频节目。观众闯入如雷的掌声,一些韩骑父亲的口号:“论,是的!”掌声和呐喊爆发。

节目主持人出来说:“第二个项目是下一个小姐朱小红舞蹈表演,我们欢迎的掌声!”不久,我们看到一个身穿红色服装,手持一个大姐姐,太极扇出人头地,当她到表,我突然感到中华民族的大火持续燃烧了1。 “邓小平,邓小平,邓小平。”音乐响起,并立即挥舞着大姐姐谁在太极球迷的下怀,跳跃精彩舞蹈。她shenqingruyan,动作一个接一个,完全没有经验,我们可以看到他的大姐姐排练,多么困难啊!




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In the Spring Festival, the grandmother as we carefully prepared a big family reunion dinner table, a large Hot pot, large bowl of pork, stewed carp, and radish, cabbage and other vegetables, burning incense, color, smell and taste the delicacy delicacies. There are eleven people in the family sitting around the table and gathering together.

New year, time renewal; reunion, space renewal; reunion of the new spring are the renewal of life. A new year, go to a new place! What about this new year, do a the dinner on New Years Eve; around the television to watch the Spring Festival Gala, farm hot Kang first day of the Lunar New Years day staying-up late on new years Eve; telephone, mobile phone information, pay New Years call



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New Year is our favorite holiday for children, because the New Year can eat dinner not only, also can get lucky money. However, I am the most happy New Year this year is that the team activities, it let me once again feel happy to help others.

Just before the team activities of snow, snow removal, so we decided to help other peoples car has obtained the consent of the classmate mother, we began to action.

That day the weather is really cold, but we can not care so much. At this moment, our little captain contented heart surplus division began: "Tang Ninghang, you and rockfall plants, clean the front of the car, Xu Chen brush the top of the car and zhang John boehner, fei-yu Chen and I rubbed the back of the car!" Points well, we are happy to do your own thing and we wipe also while talking and laughing is very happy.

Look! Our captain tao heart surplus dry how much! She first hand the snow on the car together, put them to the ground, reoccupy finger inside your car clean snow. I want to: our captain so earnest, I should learn from her!

Rub the car well, finally the classmates mother saw we rub the car so clean, the credit we said: "wow! You are a bunch of helpful boy!" Although our hands and face was flushed with cold, but we dont feel a bit cold, but like to eat the honey as sweet in my heart,

If we start from around things, helpful, aged respected, then our society will become more beautiful!









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"Spring Festival" is a festival every year, and you enjoy the holiday. Because every year Spring Festival everybody together and eat at the home of the family reunion dinner. This is just one part of it, theres a better Spring Festival party in the evening.

Many customs accompany the Spring Festival is also, let me give you simply introduce a few kinds.

The first: to stick couplets on the Spring Festival. This is the Spring Festival is bound to do. By Spring Festival couplets, bottom allied, horizontal batch of three parts, couplet, under the same words, horizontal batch are four word. If you head is rich enough, you can also create oh!

The second: stick to everyone. This is a very interesting word. General post, everyone is is that many home are down this post, it is said that here the hidden meaning is "blessing down (f)" in this way, it is also the important link.

Third, is also one of the most important: eat dumplings. Is the whole family were like this, can not make dumplings, but also in the dumplings into the special things, such as: COINS, peanut, jujube, etc. Each food contains different meanings, also let the family to eat dumpling of time to share their joy!

The custom of "Spring Festival" there are a lot of, I will introduce to here, hope you success, come!









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Chinese Spring Festival celebrating the end of winter and the warmth of

spring. It began in the last day of the lunar year, end in the 15th day of lunar

New Year, also is the Lantern Festival.

During the Spring Festival, people use red lantern and Spring Festival

couplets decorate a house, put on all kinds of colored clothes, often visit

friends and relatives or together eat dumplings, fish, meat and other delicious

food. The children are looking forward to receiving red envelope money, and

together they play each other the fireworks, with happy.

Street with dragon and lion dance and some other carnival activities, CCTV

will held the grand Spring Festival gala.






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Every year, when the Spring Festival comes, which is the biggest festival in China, Chinese people from all over the world will come back to their hometown and spend the day together. For me, as I grow up, I am not that excited about spring festival as I was a kid did. But it is true that this day let people stay together no matter how busy and how far they are. I barely have chances to see my relatives, but in Spring Festival, we will have dinner and talk the whole night. It is such a great moment for us to cherish. The meaning of Spring Festival is important for everyone.



Spring Festival is the most important holiday for Chinese people. Excitement and happiness are palpable this time of the year, and they reach the peak on lunar new year‘s eve.


Though the 15-day period, which starts with the first day of the lunar new year and ends on the 15th day (known as Lantern Festival), is relatively long, it is the busiest time of the year for Chinese people. The arrangements they have to make for family reunions, buying necessities and preparing food keeps them busy throughout the holiday. Many of them travel back home and meet friends over dinner and drinks. The celebrations include decorating the house and setting off fireworks.


But we are talking about a tradition that seems to be fading.


Spring Festival, as it is celebrated today, has undergone many changes, thanks to the country‘s economic development and globalization.


Yet no Spring Festival is complete without food. People could not get good food whenever they desired in earlier times, something that does not apply to society today. More often than not, people faced the risk of famine. The best time for people to celebrate was when food was available in plenty, and that was possible in spring, or the beginning of the lunar new year. That was the main reason why Spring Festival acquired such great importance among Chinese people.




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Today is New Years Eve, New Years Day tomorrow is a. I go to bed to turn on the TV, transferred to Hunan Satellite TV.

I deeply by those wonderful TV program attracted. I watched, I saw a good look at the sketch, the contents of "Justice" in this program are: an aunt inside the company cleaning, two swindlers is the manager, "jingle bell" telephone rang, then two swindlers the phone, the phone who is their boss, the boss asked: "woman in that you are there?" "in" "money hand yet?" "No" "Oh, goodbye" "jingle bell. "Here comes a phone," My daughter, okay? I want my daughter and I said Ill give you the money. "" Oh. "that woman is not, let aunt installed woman, in the end, the money credited into account, but the aunt, the original police aunt ah.

The Spring Festival are fabulous!



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New Year is coming, and drew a satisfactory full stop last year, and the New Year will start again.

A to the twelfth month, every household will prepare necessities and supermarket goods fully, pay team as crowded as long.

Run the necessities and to clean again, dont pass any a corner, to get the things in the house spotless, meaning to sweep away the bad things, hope for the coming year jixiangruyi, everything.

December 30, men, women and children were put on new clothes, outside has been labeled as red couplets. One day everyone unless as a last resort, be sure to go home for family reunion dinner. In the evening, the family sit together to eat a big table is rich and delicious food. The symbol of the New Year eating not sorrow to wear.

Ate dinner, we sit together watching Spring Festival gala, edge of talk in recent years, the house was filled with laughter. "For a New Years eve firecrackers, spring breeze gifts into the toso" yi? I dont see any fireworks? "Bang" fireworks into the dark sky, while the day have to be with brightness, "petals" with the sky. Does the sky is not the most beautiful New Years eve?

Resting on everyone, everywhere is quiet. Until the third day, adults busy again, they want to go to relatives and friends happy New Year. The children more happy, because you can get a lot of lucky money.

The twinkling of an eye to the end of February, the adults to work, the work to go to school children to school, people working toward the goal.










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The New Year began on New Years day, the most happy is can have a holiday for three days. Then, I took to the streets around my father and mother, everywhere is people mountain people sea.

This years New Years day is beautiful. You see the streets near the red lanterns, green trees, as if like a fairyland in general.

On New Years day is happy. A look through the window, in the warm fire men, women and children around the table eating dinner, its so sweet, so familiar.

On New Years day is fun. A child can put the colorful fireworks, adults can also talking and laughing with elders.

On New Years day or color. You will see the park began, some light like a dragon, some light to the small fish, and light like little mouse...

I like New Years day!




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Opened the exquisite calendars, I count the Spring Festival was coming. That is our traditional festival of the Chinese nation, but also I look forward to the festival, because only the last few days, I was able to put down the heavy learning, to relax the mood, elutriation the most joyous day in a year.

I look forward to the Spring Festival, the Spring Festival in Beijing is the most beautiful. Streets decorated, people laughing exult. Especially on New Years eve, the colorful fireworks, blossom in the night sky, and some like to dance measures, some like opening the tail, and as a flower blooming. They decorated Beijing gorgeous, the whole city was I port view. And I especially look forward to this years Spring Festival, because I will have a different Spring Festival, because Im going to the southern tip of our country holy land - Hong Kong, in Disneyland have a wonderful New Year. I think: there must be full of tong qu, the Spring Festival there is a castle in the fairy tale, there are beautiful and lovely Mickey Mouse, and together they kit, it must be very happy. Listen to mama said Disney in fireworks beautiful, I think they are washed up on the sky must be very beautiful, it is the smiling face of the mickey and winnie the pooh dance picture. They are welcome the arrival of the I.

Im looking forward to the Spring Festival, the Spring Festival is full of affection. Every Spring Festival, mom made a plate and a plate of delicious food. Maybe mom had forgotten days work overtime tired, forgot her sides a little bit more white hair, mother you were laborious, I really want to smooth the wrinkles around your eyes with hands. This year Spring Festival mother meet my wish, take me to travel to Hong Kong, for nervous at ordinary times I thoroughly relax the mood, I thank you very much, mom, to thank her for one year hard work, thanks to her before the lamp with my study, just let me have the happy life of today, mom, I have grown up, this year I will not let you worry about me tired for me.

I look forward to the Spring Festival, the Spring Festival is a new beginning, is the season of sowing hope. The New Year, I grow up one year old, I have a new hope, I will sow the seeds of beauty, the fruits of harvest happiness and love.







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篇一:The new year

The Spring Festival is a traditional festival for all Chinese people. On that evening there is a very traditional ceremony----Spring Festival Gala, which is the favorite for many people. It brings so much happiness to Chinese all around the world .

When asked about their opinion on Spring Festival Gala, people always reason differently. Some people deem that it should be cancelled, while there are also other people who argue that it should be continued.

Some people take it for granted that the Gala should not exist because it is too boring on the evening of the Lunar New Year. Besides, the form of the Evening seems the same every year. In comparison, there are, however, a large number of people who hold a different view concerning this issue, they insist that the Gala must be continued. They argue that it is one of the most important celebration customs. And they think the Gala is worth expecting.

As far as I am concerned, I am intending to stand on the side of the latter group of people. Admittedly, the former point of view seems reasonable, but the latter is more persuasive. Taking the above-mentioned factors into consideration, I can safely conclude that the Gala just needs a reform in the future but not to be cancelled.

篇二:Happy New Year

Spring Festival is a favorite of children a day, I was no exception. This years Spring Festival, I am particularly pleased that you want to know why? It is better for me to tell you it! Danian Ye because, I must personally against the write affixed to the door. I hope that you hope that you and so on and so on, until at last the day. Good morning, my mother and breakfast, began to put the couplet.

I wrote a lot of the couplet, "day by people Zengshou years, the Spring Fu Man on earth" and "the motherland spring, more than the well-being of the people." The election which piece? Her mother said: "The days of the years by people Zengshou, the grandfather of this to be more appropriate, we have a home which you elected Grandpa to be more appropriate, we have a home where you decide the election.

"I thought, elected on a couplet of this couplet on the Alliance are: good spring of the motherland; Xia Lian is: well-being of many people. Couplet selected, the mother began to put her in the upper right corner of the couplet , In the lower right corner, the upper left corner, a transparent plastic affixed with a lower left-hand corner. When I am in the side assistant, a short while couplet posted on it.

Couplet looked at the site, as if I saw the prosperity of the motherland, to see if the motherland is in the spring So vibrant, but also to see if the mothers life of the people happy, they are better today for the motherland and Acura. At this moment, I can not help Recitation of this couplet from: "The motherland spring, more than the well-being of the people." Father then walked over, patted me on the shoulder and said: "You write very well, I had more than once." Listening to Dad Dad, Im sweet, I think: this years Spring Festival, it can be really interesting.

篇三:Happy New Year

New Years Day is one of important days for many people in the word during the year.Most people spend the New YearsDay in hotels.January 1st is considered as the New Years Day.most companies,shops,school,and government offices are closed during that time.People prepare for New Years Dayfrom late December.Firt,people spend a few days to clean their houses completely.Some families then put up some new painting from November to be sent in January.The New Years meal is also prepared from the end of December.During the New Years Day,people usually do not cook and relax at home. On New Years Eve,it is common to have a bag dinner with family members or friends at home or in hotels and hear bells which informs us of the coming New Year.On New Years Day,people fiest greet each other. Some people wear new coats and visit temples to pray for happiness and health theoughout the New Year.Children are busy with getting the gifts from their parents and relatives.

篇四: Before New Years Eve

The celebration actually starts on New Years Eve with the family reunion dinner. By New Years Eve, you should have done the following

Clean the entire home to get rid of all the things that are associated with the old year.

Put away all brooms and brushes.

Pay all your debts.

Resolve differences with family members, friends, neighbors and business associates.

Buy the following

Red money envelopes,

Oranges and/or tangerines,

Fill a “Cheun hup(a circular red tray separated in eight compartments) with melon seedslotuschocolate coinsnuts etc.

Flowers (especially plum blossoms, peach blossoms, water lilies),

A new set of clothes and shoes for children, preferably something red or orange.

Get new dollar bills from the bank. Insert the new dollar bills into the red envelopes. Now the red envelope is called a lai see or lucky money envelope.

On New Years Eve

Get together with close family members (not including married daughters and their families) for the “reunion ” dinner.

Pay respect to ancestors and household gods. Acknowledge the presence of ancestors because they are responsible for the fortunes of future generations.

Open every door and window in your home at midnight to let go of the old year.

On New Years Day

Decorate your home with symbols of good fortune. Here are some suggestions

Colors: Bright red (happiness); gold/orange (wealth & happiness)。

Fruits: Oranges and tangerines (good health & long life); tangerines with leaves intact (long lasting relationships; being fruitful and multiply); persimmons (happiness and wealth

“Chuen Hup” circular candy tray (candy for sweet and circular for togetherness and continuity)。

Flowers: If flowers bloom on New Years Day, it will be a prosperous year.

Red banners or couplets with New Year

篇五:Chinese new year

Chinese new year is a chinese traditional festival. we also call it the spring festival. it is on lunar january 1st.

on new year’s eve, all the people sit around the desk and have a big family dinner. there are some vegetables, some fish, some meat, some fruits and some drink like juice, coke, pepsi and some nice wine. overall, this is a good and delicious dinner. after dinner, we always watch tv new year progammes. we have a wonderful evening on new year’s eve.

on the first day of the spring festival, most of people get up early and say “happy new year” to each other. for breakfast, people often eat dumplings and baozi. after breakfast, people often make many delicious foods, and children often play cards, computer games and fireworks. on the second and third day, we visit friends and relatives.

everyone is busy on chinese new year, and everyone is happy, too.

篇六:Chinese new year

In china,the spring festivai is a special day.because it leave peoples hopes.the spring festival is the first month by lunar calendar and the beginning of new year.on spring festival eve,people can special purchase for the spring festival ,do spring festival shopping,light fireworks and paper cuts .on spring festival,children dress new clothes and eat delicious food ,they can put the smork flower.on the eveving ,people eat dumplings and watch post spring festival couplets.on the beginning of new year,children go to pay new years call and get gift money people wishes their relativas happy.for examplewishing you prosperity ,everything is well,wishing youevery susses.lets happy lunar new year.

Spring Festival day that the families get together. Chinese people most like the Spring Festival.The spring festival is usually in the February ,.In the spring festival,every family all paste the lucky, Spring Festival couplets and they fire the cracker,they eat the dumplings, we are have make dumplings it,is very delious .playing fireworks in the open air. My brother and I played fireworks on that day. We had many fireworks.. the families get together to have the new years dinner,wish each other,talk about the wishes about the new year.Small I hope make progress in study and everyone in families happy. we are receive the money given to them as a lunar new year gift.l like it very much.

The Spring Festival is the most important festival for the Chinese people and is when all family members get together, just like Christmas in the West. All people living away from home go back, becoming the busiest time for transportation systems of about half a month from the Spring Festival. Airports, railway stations and long-distance bus stations are crowded with home returnees.

The Spring Festival falls on the 1st day of the 1st lunar month, often one month later than the Gregorian calendar. It originated in the Shang Dynasty (c. 1600 BC-c. 1100 BC) from the peoples sacrifice to gods and ancestors at the end of an old year and the beginning of a new one.

Strictly speaking, the Spring Festival starts every year in the early days of the 12th lunar month and will last till the mid 1st lunar month of the next year. Of them, the most important days are Spring Festival Eve and the first three days. The Chinese government now stipulates people have seven days off for the Chinese Lunar New Year.

Many customs accompany the Spring Festival. Some are still followed today, but others have weakened.

On the 8th day of the 12th lunar month, many families make laba porridge, a delicious kind of porridge made with glutinous rice, millet, seeds of Jobs tears, jujube berries, lotus seeds, beans, longan and gingko.

The 23rd day of the 12th lunar month is called Preliminary Eve. At this time, people offer sacrifice to the kitchen god. Now however, most families make delicious food to enjoy themselves.

After the Preliminary Eve, people begin preparing for the coming New Year. This is called "Seeing the New Year in".

Store owners are busy then as everybody goes out to purchase necessities for the New Year. Materials not only include edible oil, rice, flour, chicken, duck, fish and meat, but also fruit, candies and kinds of nuts. Whats more, various decorations, new clothes and shoes for the children as well as gifts for the elderly, friends and relatives, are all on the list of purchasing.

Before the New Year comes, the people completely clean the indoors and outdoors of their homes as well as their clothes, bedclothes and all their utensils.

Then people begin decorating their clean rooms featuring an atmosphere of rejoicing and festivity. All the door panels will be pasted with Spring Festival couplets, highlighting Chinese calligraphy with black characters on red paper. The content varies from house owners wishes for a bright future to good luck for the New Year. Also, pictures of the god of doors and wealth will be posted on front doors to ward off evil spirits and welcome peace and abundance.




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There are many festivals in China. Among them, I like the Spring Festival

most.Not only because it’s the biggest festival in the year, but also because

it’s a new beginning that brings hope to people and it’s time for family

gathering.Before the festival, people come home no matter where they

are.Usually, we have a big dinner on the New Year’s Eve. And then families sit

together and share their lives or planes.Some will play games or hang out to

have some fun.

On the New Year’s Day, people get up early and say good words to anyone

they meet.Children can get lucky money from relatives.In the following days, we

will visit relative’s home and bring New Year’s wishes to them.In short, it’s a

time for family gathering and all of us enjoy it.





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The spring festival is Chinese most traditional festival every 365 days. Each Chinese pay much attention on it. Every year about 15 days before spring festival, the migrate works and white-collars are beginning crowded home-returning.

But, in recent years, with the development of the world, many different attitudes between the young and the old towards the spring festival come forth. The old are still pay more attention to the spring festival, but the young gradually change the mode to spend their spring festival holiday, such as travel overseas.

When I am a childhood, I celebrated the spring festival with my family about a month in my winter vacation in traditional way, such as helping cleaning our houses, putting red couplets on gates, setting off firecrackers, and wear new clothes. Now, I spend only 4 or 5 days at home with my parents in celebrating the spring festival, then I will hurry back to work. Maybe in the near future, I will have no time celebrating spring festival hometown, and my parents have to come to stay with us in the city.

Whether or no, I like the spring festival. It is one of the most important part of our Chinese culture. However busy I am, I will try my best to celebrating it with the traditional way to protect those our ancestor has leave behind.



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My hometown is a small village in Chaoyang County of Liaoning province. If you come here, the countless festival customs will make you open your eyes. One of the most popular and favorite festivals is the annual Spring Festival in my hometown.

The Spring Festival has always been paid attention to, so the preparation for the pre Festival is also a long time, usually one month or half a month before the festival. During this period, people will always catch up with the big collection. The people coming back from the collection must be big bags of small balls, just like a big move, and those packages will have money hanging, couplets, some tobacco, sugar, tea and so on. The Spring Festival is six or seven days from the time, the hostess will take home are cleaned inside and out, clean and neat, so as not to give the guests a bad impression. One day before the Spring Festival, people were busy. The morning is posted paste antithetical couplet, register fund, at noon the hostess will be a sumptuous meal to invite two parents, one family enjoyable, fun. The night is more lively, eat dumplings and set off firecrackers, lamps and candles of a myriad families crowded.

The genius of the Spring Festival is a real buzz. On this day, people are busy getting up early to prepare breakfast, "for", everything must be careful, not negligence. The laobiye offerings are better than we eat dinner. First of all, right in the middle of a big plate, or put on three with red spots Steamed Buns, or put a plate of dumplings, and two small plates on both sides of large plate on it, put some orange, apple, and sugar, and incense to incense constantly, listening and speaking this one family can bless peace throughout the year. To finish for Lafayette, we can eat a meal. Dumplings are this day will eat meals, but not less packets must eat, the rest is good, which means "May there be surpluses every year". After dinner, we all want to put on new clothes, new shoes and socks, which represents the "new year". People will go to visit high streets and back lanes during the day, they see the elders to see knock, and comes with a spring festival!" And now this kind of custom has been forgotten by people. This day is also the most children a happy day, because not only can follow their parents to go to the door, enjoy a good treatment, but also can get lots of gift money. Theres a lot of money. If you want to buy anything, youll be happy. Children can not be punished by their parents even if they make mistakes, because it is the Spring Festival, and they are all festive and do not care about those unhappy things.

One month after that, relatives came to my house every two or three days. I was the happiest person because I could eat delicious food again. This is the time when people get the fastest weight, because they have a good date every day, so people begin to worry about their body.

Although I am now studying in a strange land, I cant go home very often, but I always cherish the memory of the Spring Festival in my hometown. That lively scene even missed the hometown that I raised for over ten years.



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Today, the campus held a grand Qingyuan Dan activities, we are early to come to school Qingyuan Dan.

Commencement of the event, we went to a classroom, you see a brilliant classroom, classroom middle of two intersecting lines. Line, there are colorful ribbons, in the middle of the intersection there is a large wreath, hanging from the windows wax flower, beautiful to watch. Close to the riddle on the blackboard one by one card, one by one they like the little face, as if to say: came for me, ah, seize me that you certainly imagine not.!

First, the school programs, is to give last year‘s entry Red Cross will be issued listing the students. They can be happy, for it is very lucky on television, they bloom everybody laugh.

Is behind the activities of our class, and first riddles, the host asked the students to the blackboard to find puzzle cards, take one to know one, I took two. Host selection up to read, I am the first to be elected to, and they are all guessed it!

After a child, the teacher and several classmates asked me to guess riddles, holding a ticket hall, we have one to the venue, we have almost desperate, because we arrived late, almost no riddles, but also drawing huge crowds, I walked around, not a riddle, when I suddenly saw a lantern riddles, so Ben, such as tiger, call to run soon as the past, a grasp, so I shouted: find. We are very excited to said: Fantastic! But I said: captured the farmer ah, to be guess it! I looked at the e bar! I think I learned my answers are wrong, we think hard, but also have no idea. After a while child, I feel tired, and himself, said: fried tofu, not old, ah. Zhou Ying-chun 1, received revelation, said: Yes I. We asked her: Why? Zhou Ying-chun said with confidence: fried bean curd is not on the old Well, so I thought. We want several times, said: Well, it has. We came in right answers fast to accept the award Goods team behind.

Soon, to us, I said: Yes I. Teachers are the answer a bitt, when my heart is like a ping-pong, pound, to jump, we saw the teacher said with a smile: Yes, take away Bar! The teacher gave me a small pendant, and we ran back to the classroom and told the teacher that we guessed right, and I also gave the teachers a small pendant, the teacher smiled and said: It‘s beautiful, thank you.

Followed by reading our class of Wang Wan-yu, Tang Yunjie come accompanied by the beautiful sound of the violin and the sweet sound of, let us enchanted.

After the cultural performance, we began to enjoy myself all at home, and bring schools to the dish, my favorite is the Lin Anqi of scrambled eggs, fresh and delicious extreme.

This Qingyuan Dan activities, I had a good time, ah!




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In the year of the festival, my favorite is the Spring Festival.

Each to the twelfth lunar month twenty-three, everyone began to prepare for the special purchases for the Spring Festival street, huge crowds of people, an inattentive may in the sea to find the Northwest southeast.

Its a really lively new years Eve. Night every household had to wear new clothes, the door was attached to the red antithetical couplet, on New Years Eve, every family lights all night, firecrackers and continue to work outside people unless they have to rush back to cannot but, from thousands of miles to eat reunion dinner. One family sit together to chat, watch the Spring Festival Gala, the time in the laughter quietly slipped away, "Dong" "boom" "boom" "boom" clock, 12, everybody went to bed, lively atmosphere suddenly become quiet, everyone enter sweet dreams.

In addition, in addition to a couple days, we are going to relatives and friends home with relatives pay New Years call, not only can eat a lot of delicious food, can also receive gift money, this is the part I love, gift money can not only buy Stationery, can also go to buy toys, hand you always wanted ornaments, pendants and so on......

The Lantern Festival is listed, and a climax to the Spring Festival, the lunar January fifteen, everywhere decorated, very prosperous. In the evening, I had a few small partners and slipped into the street. Ah! Its the ocean of the light. There are many lights, the peacock lights, the lotus lights, the tiger lights... It is so beautiful! At this moment, I seem to have entered a colorful world of fairy tales.

In the blink of an eye, it was nineteen on the first month. The students should go to school, the adults went to work, and everything returned to the past calm.
