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My father often said that reading more, there will be a lot of advantages, even the teacher said reading good, also known as the open book beneficial, the benefit of the composition reading. But I dont know what good reading actually has in life.

But it soon changed my mind.

Once a school organized extracurricular knowledge competition. One question is: why is the koala sweet? The three choices: A was born, B lived in the fragrance, C he ate A fragrant leaf, the time grew fragrant. Ive seen this one where Ive seen it, oh, its a scientific paper that I read the day before yesterday. It is said that the koalas love to eat eucalyptus leaves, which have a component in the leaf, which has a long time to eat. I chose C. After a few days, the examination paper issued a look, and sure enough, it was C. There are so many questions that I have seen before I have done them right.

Theres another one. The teacher asked us to write an essay on exhort. Im quoting some quotes, ancient poems. Many people didnt think of it, but I thought of it. In the comments, the teacher read the article to everyone, let everyone study, and praised me for the love of reading. These are the effects that I usually read more and accumulate more.

I finally understand that reading allows us to supplement our extracurricular knowledge and write good articles. Of course, the most important thing is that reading makes life more exciting. So reading has a lot of benefits.



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There is no denying that people can get a lot benefits from reading classics. On the one hand, it is a good way for readers to broaden their horizon and increase their knowledge in many aspects. For instance, they can learn the society characters by reading classic literature novels about history or culture. On the other hand, it also provides a chance for them to enhance their aesthetic taste in that most of classics has a very beautiful or unique language style and arts, which gives readers more enjoyment and interest.


However, nowadays a large number of people, especially the young, are unwilling to or cannot spend their times in reading classics. There are some reasons accounting for the phenomenon and I would like to state two of them. For one thing, people are distracted by other things increasingly, which can give their more joy and fun and have no requirement in thinking, such as all kinds of entertainment activities. For another, some people think that it is no use of reading classics because these classics are outdated and useless to our society and lives.


In my opinion, it is wrong to consider classics as an outdated matter because it still has many important functions and influence on our society and our lives. Classics are a kind of treasure in a nation. Therefore, we should give enough attention to them. And I advocate that all of us should try our best to read some of them.




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Talk about "reading", no one would deny the necessity of it, because reading is an important way to acquire knowledge, but this is only for the way of knowledge.

Here have to mention a famous ancient Chinese historical allusions, indulge in empty talk. During the warring states period, zhao zhao enclosed, the son of a tycoon Zhao Sha, who has read much, worth about military strategy, even his father, one of the eight star of the contemporary Zhao Sha, also is not his opponent, but zhao enclosed military experience is extremely scarce. But prince of zhao appreciate his understanding of the art of war, so after his father died, and handed the relieving zhao enclosed, let he led an army to another state of qin xiang leitian world war I, zhao enclosed since think you win, as the written pledge to fulfill a military order. Lack of actual combat experience zhao enclosed and battle-hardened Bai Qixiang war, is doomed to failure, four hundred thousand troops wiped out, and the enclosed zhao family is nearly wiped out with her.

Yes, zhao enclosed he read, read, worth have been read, worth for the knowledge in the book his father also candidly admit defeat, but he is fragile on the battlefield. So, although the study is necessary, but the practice is a must.

In fact, the ancients have been reminded us that practice is far more important than reading books. Water conservancy expert Liu Yi, song dynasty, put forward to "read thousands of books, view". Ming dynasty geographer xu xiake, he is in order to practice their learned knowledge from books and trudge through mountains, so as to realize the breakthrough of knowledge.

Todays education. Professor course, not only knowledge, but also through the experiment to verify the knowledge we learned, such as the physical chemistry experiments. Isnt this a kind of practice?

Therefore, for us, not only should read textbooks, more want to go to practice, because practice is another important way to acquire knowledge, and is on the transformation of the book knowledge. Books of knowledge is, after all if we just stand on the shoulders of predecessors, then only the height of the predecessors; Only through their own practice, knowledge to achieve a breakthrough, to achieve a higher, farther, the deeper level.

Therefore, to study, should practice more; To learn, more to ponder.










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What one describes in the books is one’s thought in his mind. The personality of a book is that of the author.


If a man empties his purse into his head, no one can take it from him.


Ignorance is not innocence but sin.


Isn’t it a happy thing if you review what you have learned on time?


It never will rain roses. When we want to have more roses we must plant trees.


Knowledge comes, but wisdom lingers.


Knowledge is one thing, virtue is another.


Learning without thinking leads to confusion; thinking without studying results in tardiness.


Life is short and art is long.


Much learning shows how little mortals know.


No matter how much one has experienced, he can’t enrich his knowledge without reading books.


A great poem is a fountain forever overflowing with the waters of wisdom and delight. -Shelley

一首伟大的诗犹如一座喷泉,不断地喷出智慧和快乐的泉水。 -雪莱

There are two motives for reading a book: one that you enjoy it; the other that you can boast about it.-Bertrand Russell

读书有两种动机:一是从中获得乐趣;另一种则是可以向人夸耀。 -罗素

aosheng need of water; the growth of the juvenile need to learn.


Stars so dazzling gorgeous sky; knowledge is their talent and abilities.


Health food supplement, rich in the wisdom books.


Reading a book, by a gain in your wit.


Do not eat the hungry, do not read the stupid.


Too great an eagerneto discharge on obligation is a species of ingratitude.


What one describes in the books is one’s thought in his mind. The personality of a book is that of the author.


“Classic” A book which people praise and dont read. -Mark Twain

“经典之作”是人人皆称赞却不愿去读的书。 -马克·吐温

People die, but books never die. No man and no force can abolish memory. -Franklin Roosevelt

人会死亡,书却无朽。没有任何人可以丢弃记忆。 -拂兰克林·罗斯福

Traveling thousands of miles is better than reading thousands of books. -Chinese Proverb

行万里路,胜读万卷书。 -中国谚语

Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors; and the most patient of teachers. -C.W.Eliot

书籍是人类最宁静很最永恒的朋友,也是最易接近和最具智慧的顾问,还是最有耐心的良师益友。 -C.W.艾略特

Life being very short, and the quiet hour of it few; we ought to waste none of them in reading valueless books.-John Ruskin

人生十分短促,宁静的时间又不多;我们不应该浪费宝贵的时间去读毫无价值的书。 -约翰·拉斯金

If well used, books are the best of all things; if abused, among the worst. -R.W.Emerson

如果利用得当,书籍就是最好的朋友;反之,如果滥用,它就会变成最坏的东西了。 -R.W.爱默生

The reading of all good books is like a conversation with the finest men of past centuries. -Rene Descartes

读好书,如同与先哲们交谈。 -雷内·笛卡尔

If a man empties his purse into his head, no one can take it from him.


Ignorance is not innocence but sin.


Isn’t it a happy thing if you review what you have learned on time?


It never will rain roses. When we want to have more roses we must plant trees.


Knowledge comes, but wisdom lingers.


Knowledge is one thing, virtue is another.


Learning without thinking leads to confusion; thinking without studying results in tardiness.


Reading make a full man, conference a ready man, and writing an exact man.


Reading ten thousand books is like traveling ten thousand miles.


The art of being wise is the art of knowing what to overlook.


The three foundations of learning; seeing much, suffering much, and studying much.


Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must undergo the fatigue of supporting it.


Time is a bird for ever on the wing.


Too great an eagerneto discharge on obligation is a species of ingratitude.





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书是人类的朋友,书是人类进步的阶梯 。与书同行,汲取知识,增长才干,传承美德,小编收集了读书好处的经典句子,欢迎阅读。

1、 读书好比隐居山林,避开世俗的纷争,避开凡尘的喧嚣,独享一份精神的愉悦自然;读书如同归隐田园,独享着书赐予的静之美、静之馨、静之醉。读书时,你可以在溪边垂钓,亦可以在林中小憩,你可以在田间劳作,亦可以在月下独酌。世界读书日到了,让自己忙碌的灵魂来一次别开生面的隐居吧。

2、 走进书籍就是走进思想的闪光圣殿,当你静静地融入书中时,就会慢慢地发现,你的思想已不再是别人的跑马场,而是思维积存下的精神百花园,那里繁花似锦,那里五彩缤纷。世界读书日到了,一起走进书的世界吧,在春暖花开的时节,为自己建一座精神的百花园。

3、 流于指尖的年华,青葱了整个华夏,悠悠文化深入百姓家;天马行空的思绪,共鸣了万千好奇,源源不断迸射新的创意;美丽传神的描写,唤醒了自由的契机,山山水水留下足迹。世界读书日,书中的宝是探索不完的神奇,快点加入寻宝的队伍吧。

4、 读历史使人明智,读地理使人灵秀,读数学使人周密,读政治使人深刻,读诗词使人庄重,读法学使人善辩。四二三世界读书日,愿友多读书长知识,凡有所学皆成性格。

5、 学好高等数理化,走遍天下都不怕。只要读懂黄金屋,自有幸福太阳出。现代建设全靠它,国防航天离不开。国强民丰要用它,读书识渊胸怀大。4.23世界读书日:一起读书来学习,掌握现代高科技。

6、 读书能使人充实,否则须欺世有术。讨论能使人机智,否则须天生聪颖。笔记能使人准确,否则须记忆特强。四二三世界读书日,告诫朋友要读书,还要会读书,否则无知而显有知。

7、 万事皆烦恼,唯有读书高。书从眼前过,知识全入脑。周礼天下先,礼仪之邦源。意深品自高,诗经与离骚。书山遍开花,诸子与百家。万花丛中过,书香满生活。世界读书日,读书让生活更美好!

8、 人生就像是读书,开始的时候懵懵懂懂,读到中间的时候一知半解,到最后终于明白,不管酸甜苦辣,都是我们最珍贵的记忆。世界读书日,愿你心灵如书,宁静致远。

9、 读书人至高无上受人尊重,读书要科学要现实要有尊严,读书时不可存心诘难作者,不可尽信书上所言寻章摘句,多读多思考多琢磨多推敲。四二三世界读书日,祝愿朋友理智读书,幸福生活。

10、 心情烦躁时,读一读书,还心灵一个宁静;工作疲惫时,读一读书,还心灵一份轻松;人生苦闷时,读一读书,还心灵一份快乐。世界读书日,快快捧起你心爱的书吧!

11、 有一技之长者鄙读书,无知者羡慕读书,唯明智之士要读书,然书并不以用处告人,用书之智不在书中,而在书外全凭观察得之。四二三世界读书日,祝愿朋友爱读书,会利用书中之智,否则白读不如不读。

12、 "渔民把海洋当作一本好书,农民把大地当作一本好书,医生把病人当作一本好书,气象人员把天空当作一本好书,相爱的你我把对方当作一本好书,用眼睛去看用心去体会,一生认真阅读属于自己的那本好书。423世界读书日,祝愿朋友读出快乐,读出成就,读出幸福。"

13、 书籍是进步的阶梯,是静心的沉思,是前进的动力,是梦想的牵引。世界读书日,让我们一起读书(www.sIaNDian.com 【闪^点】情话网),让书籍带领我们思考与前进。

14、 让书本化作一只方舟,带你遨游历史的长河;让书本化作一架飞机,带你领略无边的美景;让书本化作一剂良药,为你治愈心里的创伤;让书本化作一张笑脸,将快乐带到你的心中。世界读书日,让书本成为你的朋友,愿快乐与智慧与你比肩。

15、 有人读书为了消磨时光,有人读书为了荡气回肠,有人读书为了黄金万两,有人读书为了滴滴娇娘,有人读书为了救死扶伤,有人读书为了事业辉煌,我们读书是为了家国两旺。世界读书日,传递正能量!

16、 书是人类最好的朋友,它不仅教给人们以知识,还教给人们许多的经验,开拓人们的眼界,陶冶人们的情操,培养良好的情感态度。世界读书日,爱读书,成功之路就在脚下!

17、 “今天,你读书了吗?”世界读书日,送你一声亲切的问候,送你一声遥远的激励,也送你一声深沉的鞭策,最最重要的是,送你一声温馨的祝福,愿爱读书的你快乐。

18、 岁月的流逝可以改变人的容颜,可以消磨人的壮志,可以抹除人的回忆,不变的是知识的积淀。读书可以增长知识,可以陶冶情操,可以令人青春永葆。世界读书日,爱读书,会让你的生活永远丰富多彩!

19、 院落阳光融融,面南而居。春光潋滟绵绵,绿草红花。执一卷诗书,品一份真情,观一段人生,悟一种哲理,世界读书日到了,做自己生命的思想者,守着暖暖的春光,读着春天的诗行。

20、 劝君莫惜金缕衣,劝君读书长精神。有书堪读直须读,莫待垂老空叹息。书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。勾画圈点长作伴,不动笔墨不读书。世界读书日,让书充实自己,让自己快乐读书。

21、 读书多才学,平生志气高。别人怀宝剑,我有笔如刀。不慕名利禄,只为增学识。天长复日久,书山书海游。世界读书日,加入读书的行列,用心读书。

22、 在书的海洋里畅游,捕获知识财富;在书的大山上攀爬,登上成功顶峰;在书的绿林中阅览,陶冶休养内涵;世界读书日,多读书,在书本的世界中收获自己的硕果,愿你读书日快乐!

23、 人心如良苗,得养才生长;苗以泉水灌,心以理义养。一日不读书,胸臆无佳想。一月不读书,耳目失清爽。世界读书日,把读书作为一项生命里的长久工程,坚持读书。

24、 读书如树木,不可求骤长。植诸空山中,日来而月往。露叶既畅茂,烟打渐苍莽。世界读书日到了,不要仅仅只在这一天才读书,把读书作为每天日常生活中的一部分吧,生活会因此而变得熠熠生辉。

25、 山林中白鸟啁啾,笑林里欢声不断,竹林里情韵悠长,书林里智慧闪光,世界读书日,一起攀登广阔无边的书林,欣赏独一无二的绝美风光。

26、 多读好书,收益良多:净化心灵,提高素养;陶冶情操,丰富情趣;开拓视野,广交善缘——世界读书日来临,愿你多读好书,享受阅读的快乐,过着幸福美好的生活!

27、 读经典,破万卷;记仁义,名礼仪;泱泱史,五千年;勤读书,文明扬;广博学,中华传;汲精华,天地宽;心似海,路更敞。世界读书日,让书籍的智慧光芒把人生的路途照的更加明亮。

28、 书要选,选要精,精典才能有益身心;书要品,品要细,细琢才能深入你心;书要记,记要用,用到举一反三为上乘。世界读书日,选一本好书细细品吧。

29、 人们往往把交往看作一种能力,却忽略了独处也是一种能力,并且在一定意义上是比交往能力更为重要的一种能力。如果说不擅交际是一种性格的弱点,那么,不耐孤独就简直是一种灵魂的缺陷了。世界读书日,朋友,排除干扰,耐得孤独,享受寂寞,潜心读书,愿你快乐阅读,丰富精神,左右逢源、日益强大!

30、 读书得到启蒙,读书学到礼仪,读书升华自我,读书提高了文化水平素质。读书增长社会经验阅历,读书才使我成了有用之才,读书才使我感悟到自然人类的变迁。世界读书日:博学今古典藏,善行美德渊源。

31、 卵石臻于完美,在于水的载歌载舞;鲜花笑靥连连,在于阳光的体贴入微;精神日渐成熟,在于知识的耳濡目染。世界读书日到了,拿起书本快乐阅读吧,让精神的花园一片灿然。

32、 意志在执着和向往中坚强,思想在挫折和坚定中跃进,人生在失败和反思中成长,精神在读书和品味中发光。世界读书日,把自己置身书的国度,让精神暖暖地发出灿烂的光芒。

33、 青山碧水,那是自然之绿;翠草丛生,那是生命之绿;人影悠然,那是生活之绿;快乐读书,那是精神之绿。世界读书日到了,拿起书本快乐阅读吧,让浓浓的绿意弥漫精神的花园。

34、 阅读,是一种多功能的活动,也是一种潜移默化的滋润活动。世界读书日,读书最大的成就是:以书为种子,在我们的心田种一株快乐的树!

35、 读书时,春天的鸟鸣更动听,花香更沁鼻,夏天的暑气被消降,蝉鸣不再聒噪,秋天的落叶多了一份韵味,冬天寒冷的白雪成了美丽的笼罩。世界读书日,读书改变我们的心境,愿你天天快乐。

36、 一种书籍,代表一种人生,或宁静、或淡雅、或富贵、或粗犷、或聪慧、或高洁。读书让人变得成熟,让心灵变得轻松,世界读书日,书不可不读!

37、 散文给人智慧,小说给人故事;课本能学到知识,书籍真是个好东西。世界读书日,甭管武侠、言情还是都市文,爱你所爱,读你所读,愿你心情美丽!

38、 开卷有益有朋友,书墨淡淡香盈袖。毫端蕴秀书彩笺,口齿噙香送祝福。古风可以常借鉴,网络新书勤浏览。君若有才诺贝尔,读书就要读莫言。423世界读书日,读书改变生活,写书改变命运,祝读书日快乐!

39、 精读书本科学知识,心明眼亮豁然通达。品味书中人生哲理,拓宽思路开明眼界。分析名著史学经典,顿添智慧充实能量。世界读书日:多读书立壮志有理想。

40、 书籍能给人一种宁静,让心灵轻松;书籍能给人一种清雅,让生活舒适;书籍能给人一种美好,让快乐同步。世界读书日,读出你的快乐,读出你的幸福!

41、 "书,生活中最要好的朋友,人生最忠诚的朋友,读本好书就交一益友,增长知识悟人生道理,获取快乐赢得幸福,世界读书日祝君多读书,读好书。"

42、 读“正版书”,做正派人;读“精装书”,做精品人;读“简装书”,做简朴人;读“纪实书”,做实在人;读“传记书”,做传奇人。呵呵,世界读书日,开心读书,潇洒做人!

43、 鸟欲高飞先振翅,人欲上进先读书;马欲前进先食饱,人欲发财先读书;草欲发芽先播种,人求真爱先读书。世界读书日,祝你官运亨通,财源滚滚,爱情美满。

44、 读万卷书,如行万里路;写万卷书,如人生铺设幸福路;品万卷书,事业成功,好运提速;世界读书日,以书为友,时时读书,益处多多。

45、 "生活里没有书籍,就好像没有阳光;智慧里没有书籍,就好像鸟儿没有翅膀,书是促进成长的基源,世界读书日请大家都能多多读书,汲取书上的知识,健康成长!"

46、 "读书可以令人陶醉,读书可以陶冶情操,读书可以获得快乐,读书是一种享受,读书是一种快乐,读书是一种幸福。四月二十三日,世界读书日到了,祝愿快乐读书。"

47、 多读书、乐读书、会读书、读好书 ,感受文字之美,尽享读书之乐 。与经典同行,为生命阅读 。读书,让生活更和谐 。

48、 科幻书,读出美丽的梦想;故事书,读出动人的微笑;感情书,读出浪漫的爱情;小儿书,读出纯真的幸福!世界读书日,多读多收获!

49、 书是人类的朋友,书是人类进步的阶梯 。与书同行,汲取知识,增长才干,传承美德,树立良行,做一个快乐的读书人。

50、 读天下书知天下事,读万卷书行万里路,世界读书日到了,静心去翻阅一本好书,逐句逐行细分析,一理能通百理通,未来一定能成功。

51、 好友如书,散发着岁月的芬芳,读着读着,醉了心房。每字每句,镌刻着友情的清香,品着品着,填满心扉。世界读书日,愿你与书为伴,幸福翱翔!



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Competition and Cooperation

It is generally received that the importance of competition and cooperation cannot be overemphasized too much. Competition is common in every field of life while it stimulates peoples interest in work and helps society to go forward. As competition goes hand in hand with cooperation, cooperation not only lets us get help and understanding, but also makes the world being progress at peace and in harmony. I am convinced that both competition and cooperation are significant and we are supposed to combine them well. There are three justifications to support my argument.

First of all, competition plays an important role in our life. Darwin came up with the natural selection and competition is universal. "Whether the competition for jobs or for promotion, the competition encourages us to go forward and try our best to build a more advanced society. Furthermore, cooperation is an inseparable part of the livelihood. No one can exist alone in the society. Only by the way that we have teamwork with other can we achieve the greater success. Last but not least, we should combine competition and cooperation. There is no doubt that neither competition or cooperation can separate each other. Some examples can make this point clearer. Take the basketball match for example for example. The members of the team cooperate with their teammates to shoot at the basket while them compete with the other team. After considering the matches, we can take the history of mankind into consideration; the history of mankind is a history of coexistence of competition and cooperation.

From what has been mentioned above, we can draw the conclusion that both competition and cooperation are of great importance, and it is wise for us to combine them. As college students, we ought to arouse our awareness of competition and cooperation.



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Reading has many benefits, in the world of this book, many hidden secrets, there are many things we dont know. I will talk about the benefits of reading now!

Remember since third grade, I especially love to read reference books. Such as "cpaing", "cc" lu, a lot of trouble in the ma small jump ", "fairy tale" and so on. They are deeply attracted me, I couldnt put it down on them, they there are many good story, fantasy, legends, experienced things, a book! Is the sea of knowledge, it with the childrens ship, step by step. When it reaches a destination, just cant help cheering! When to another destination, and cheered, so had been go forward rowing. A book is like a tree full of fruit tree of knowledge, you have to eat a fruit will get some knowledge, you keep eating fruit, knowledge have been long in your body, you more and more knowledge I have!

Hiding a book, some we dont know something, you dont read it, just do not know collected Taoist scriptures with some what, as long as you read it, it will make friends with you. A book, a "longevity nut", as in help us to extend the meaning of reading. Shakespeare said: "the book is the nourishment of the world." The more you read, be cheerful note movement.

Reading a book! A book full of human soul all beautiful!







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Oh, you are having an exam? All right, here is the composition:

There are many different kinds of sport, such as play basketball, volleyball, badminton, Ping Pong and many other interesting sports. These sports can help us keep healthy and strong. When I was young, I didnt like to do sports. What I hated the most was morning exercises. However, now I realized that in order to keep healthy, we have to do sports, such as long-distance running. Couple with some healthy diet like rice and vegetables, we will definitely be much healthier and stronger now than before. Trust me and lets do more sports!




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Smoe people say that money is the best thing in the world. But I consider

reading books as the best and the most precious thing one can ever have.

Reading books is very important. First of all, it is knowledge that makes

society develop and by reading books you can get all kinds of knowledge.

Furthemore, reading books makes you a qualified person and makes your life


One is never too old to learn. No matter what time you rcalize the

importance of reading books, you can enjoy it during the rest of your life time.

Love books, for they are your best friends.



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Knowledge can be acquired from many sources. These include books, teachers and practical experience, and each has its own advantages. The knowledge we gain from books and formal education enables us to learn about things that we have no opportunity to experience in daily life. We can study all the places in the world and learn from people we will never meet in our lifetime, just by reading about them in books. We can also develop our analytical skills and learn how to view and interpret the world around us in different ways. Furthermore, we can learn from the past by reading books. In this way, we won’t repeat the mistakes of others and can build on their achievements.


Practical experience, on the other hand, can give us more useful knowledge. It is said that one learns best by doing, and I believe that this is true, whether one is successful or not. In fact, I think making mistakes is the best way to learn. Moreover, if one wants to make new advances, it is necessary to act. Innovations do not come about through reading but through experimentation. Finally, one can apply the skills and insights gained through the study of books to practical experience, making an already meaningful experience more meaningful. However, unless it is applied to real experiences, book knowledge remains theoretical and, in the end, is useless. That is why I believe that knowledge gained from practical experience is more important than that acquired from books.




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if we have a book ,we will not be felling of being longly

When Im free or in trouble, I always take out a book and read quietly. In no time, Ive put my heart into it so that Ill forget all the troubles. Its in this way that Ive formed the habit of reading in any time.

Little boys as I was, I was interest in picture books and storybooks. I was struck by them. No sooner had I entered the middle school than I began to read novel, plays, essays and so on. I found I could get much from them. Little by little I took great interest in literature and last term I won the first prize in the composition contest among middle-school students in Zhe Jiang.

Reading “The Emperors New Clothes”, I had to let out a burst of laughter over his fool. “The Little Match Girl” couldnt keep me from crying for her misery. “ Robinson Crusoe” took me into a strange world full of danger. And I was also deeply impressed by Helen Kellers patience and perseverance… Besides these, books also tell me other thing -how to be a man and how to tell the difference between right and wrong. In a word, good books can make me know what I didnt before. So I think of a good book as my best friend.

Ill never forget this famous saying,“ Good books are best friends who never turn their backs upon us.”








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The great writer gorky once said: "books are the ladder of human progress." "He spoke such a truth: actually the human to hard climbing, climbing a ladder of books. The books are made of ladder above, is a resplendent and magnificent palace of knowledge, therefore, we must try to climb, to learn from.

Human knowledge to create wealth, as the vast ocean, extensive and profound. People often think of elementary school, middle school and university studies described as the "everybody" on climbing, in the "university" swim in. So, we should read more books and books to purify the mind, in the book knowledge to enrich themselves.

In our life, if always too passively reading, tend to be less than the pleasure of reading. With a scholarly paper, open a little tenderness, and then quietly looked at the text as time moves slip from your eyes... At this time, you will feel that reading is a matter of how to make people happy! Reading is a kind of mood, the elegant comfortable is the best psychological reagent. Go to the reading, you will have more found.

Read more books, read good books. Due to a selective reading of the book of knowledge also should have choice to adopt, is the so-called take its essence.








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Take a cup of tea and fetch a book, the house is full of Aton Johns

vicissitudes of singing, calm down and enjoy this rare leisure time.

Heavy heat from the fragrant tea, flicking my cheeks, itchy, but I cant

take care of it, because I was devoted to the book...

The book has a different position in everyones heart. People who have a

desire for knowledge think that the book is a dinner, especially needed; for

some people who are busy with work, it is a pack of snacks. Some energy...

The book is a snack type in my mind. It is for my entertainment. Of course,

I can supplement and broaden my knowledge while I am busy. It made me appreciate

Qin Wenjuns humor, Guo Jingmings romance, and Zhang Xiaoxians faint sorrow. The

book gives me a huge vocabulary and gives me a deeper understanding of

literature: literature is not the boring articles in "textbooks". Literature can

be funny and humorous, literature can be romantic and beautiful, and literature

can also be pretentious.

From the thin "good children" in childhood to the thick "junior literature

and art", from the interesting "Andersens fairy tale" to the endless aftertaste

of "The Dream of the Red Chamber", I also understand the value of various books.

After reading some campus novels, I feel that there is a lot of excitement.

After a few months, I basically have no impression. But classical literature can

not only increase your literary culture, but also learn some incomprehensible

ancient poetry. Wouldn’t it be fun?



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