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Protecting birds is part of our jobs of protecting our own living environment. Imagine you live in a place with green trees and colourful flowers. The little birds are flying around and singing happily. Its such a wonderful place to live. On the contrary, if we damaged the nature, chopped all the trees and kill all birds, we will live in a desert where has no living creatures. What a boring live would be! Therefore, we should protect birds as we protect our childern and ourselves future.




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1. 环境保护很重要,你我时刻要记牢。节约水,节约电,垃圾分类处理好。多植树,多种草,退耕还林青山绕。爱护花,爱护鸟,鸟语花香乐陶陶。世界环境日,愿你我一起努力,保护好我们的家园!

2. 不摘花,不塌草,美化环境绿荫道;节约水,节省电,低碳生活为环保;垃圾扫,废物倒,举手之劳环境好;环境美,生活好,美好地球同创造;世界环境日到,创造环境的美好,你我都需要参与哦!

3. 若要生活美,环保最重要;人类不环保,地球受不了;污染太严重,以后不得了;人人都环保,世界多美好。世界环境日,愿你绿色心情,快乐逍遥。

4. 花草守护土地,让荒漠远离;树木守护天空,让污染远离;流水守护生命,让世界生意盎然;人类守护环境,让生命绵延不绝。世界环境日,守护好你身边的环境,享受你的绿色人生!

5. 少排放点儿黑烟,让天空更加蔚蓝,空气更加清新;少排放点儿污水,让河流更加澄澈,让水源更加清洁;少排放点儿废渣,让土壤更加肥沃,让植物更加清爽。世界环境日,爱护环境,温馨你我。

6. 龙卷风在吹,火山在爆发,地震在舞蹈,海啸在狂飙,洪水在肆虐......这些都是破坏环境的报应。世界环境日,保护环境人人有责;保护环境从我做起,从现在做起!

7. 绿色在减少,地球不微笑,垃圾到处倒,空气不美妙,为了后代好,大家多环保,世界环境日,节约要记牢,低碳要做到,祝你环保生活更美好!

8. 一滴水虽少,却是生命的延续;一根草虽小,彰显青春的活力;一棵树虽弱,饱含人生的希望,一朵花虽娇,塑造灵魂的美丽。爱护地球,保护环境,珍惜生命,从点滴做起!

9. 生活垃圾不乱倒,墙上不贴小广告,徒步自行身体好,鸟语花香多美妙,世界人人是一家,爱它护它大家夸!世界地球日,为绿色努力!

10. 给地球一点爱护,地球还你一片阳光明媚,给地球少一点排污,地球还你个鸟语花香,给地球一点节能,地球还你个温度适宜,给地球一点温柔,地球还你一个美丽世界,世界地球日到,愿你快乐的给予地球,得到幸福快乐哦!

11. 环境污染又严重,狂风吹来尽是沙,温室效应更严峻,诱导北极雪融化,物种濒危现危机,不堪负重唤大家,世界地球日,我的生日,请大家助我更美丽哦!

12. 坚持节能为生活理念,做到减排为生活信念,发扬节约的传统观念,拥护环保为基本概念,爱护地球毫无悬念,世界地球日,愿你爱护地球,从小事做起哦。

13. 节约一度电,为未来攒得一分光明;节约一滴水,为未来存得一分甘甜;节约一升油,为未来储蓄一分动力。世界地球日,望低碳生活哦!

14. 金星上没有金,木星上没有木,水星上没有水,火星上没有火,土星上没有土。宇宙浩渺,像地球这样宜居的家园还没发现第二个。世界地球日,请珍惜地球,爱护地球!

15. 一树一生命,少伐一棵空气清;一水一珍贵,节约一滴生活美;一屑一污染,捡起一些干净伴;一污一毁灭,减排一点心愉悦。守护环境,守住心灵,世界地球日,愿你爱护地球多一点,快乐每一天。

16. 世界地球日,捡一捡垃圾,抱一抱大地,一点卫生一片美丽;植一植树木,拥一拥蓝天,一点绿意一份惬意;节一节资源,减一减污染,一点贡献一种期盼,愿你爱护环境,守住心灵宁静,世界地球日快乐。

17. 少一点浪费,多一点节约;少一点耗能,多一点节能;少一点污染,多一点环保。世界地球日,低碳环保,节能减排,愿你多一点认识,多一点实践,愿世界多一点美丽,祝你生活多一点美好!

18. 世界地球日,我的问候是节能减排先锋,保你节省开支,减少浪费,快乐生活;我的祝福是绿色环保天使,保你亲近自然,幸福长久,惬意无忧!

19. 甩掉“污染浪费”脏鞋子,举起“节能减排”小旗子;拔掉“破坏地球”小钉子,安上“低碳呵护”小垫子;停下“颓废烦躁”哭调子,吹起“热爱生活”小笛子。世界地球日,请你爱护地球,幸福生活。

20. 环境保护很重要,你我时刻要记牢。节约水,节约电,垃圾分类处理好。多植树,多种草,退耕还林青山绕。爱护花,爱护鸟,鸟语花香乐陶陶。世界环境日,愿你我一起努力,保护好我们的家园!

21. 不摘花,不塌草,美化环境绿荫道;节约水,节省电,低碳生活为环保;垃圾扫,废物倒,举手之劳环境好;环境美,生活好,美好地球同创造;世界环境日到,创造环境的美好,你我都需要参与哦!

22. 若要生活美,环保最重要;人类不环保,地球受不了;污染太严重,以后不得了;人人都环保,世界多美好。世界环境日,愿你绿色心情,快乐逍遥。

23. 花草守护土地,让荒漠远离;树木守护天空,让污染远离;流水守护生命,让世界生意盎然;人类守护环境,让生命绵延不绝。世界环境日,守护好你身边的环境,享受你的绿色人生!

24. 少排放点儿黑烟,让天空更加蔚蓝,空气更加清新;少排放点儿污水,让河流更加

25. 出门不踩草,污水不乱倒,人人都环保,生活真美妙。爱护地球日,每天都继续,低碳从此起,美好不远离。

26. 地球是我们共同的家,人人都该爱护她。植树种草环境好,保护土壤无风沙;绿色出行利健康,低碳环保身体佳;绿色资源多开发,减少污染人人夸。世界地球日到了,保护地球,让我们有一个美丽的家!

27. 少浪费一张纸,多留下一些树木;少浪费一粒米,多省下一些粮食;少浪费一滴水,多省下一些江河;少浪费一度电,多留下一些资源;世界地球日爱护环境!

28. 沙漠中的一滴水可以拯救一个生命,沙漠中的一株绿可以带来一片绿洲,一只蝴蝶拍一拍翅膀可以带来龙卷风。月日世界地球日,珍惜每一滴水,保护每一片绿,爱护我们共同存在的地球。

29. 地球母亲泪涟涟,伤痕累累恢复难。不肖人类欲难填,毁我森林伤我颜。环境污染太严重,天空变色水变质。见利忘义遭天谴,自然灾害常连连。.世界地球日,保护地球刻不容缓,让我们的母亲展开笑颜!

30. 桃花开了,小草绿了,山水妩媚了;烦恼去了,好运来了,世界美好了;青蛙醒了,信儿来了,我也该提醒了:世界地球日,请爱护地球!

31. 地球是咱家,人人都爱她,保护好环境,个个有责任。地球日到了,打个电话呀,费电又费钱,发个短信吧,实惠又方便。

32. “卡巴斯基”扫不掉道路的尘埃,“三六零”清不掉河流的污垢,“瑞星”杀不死漫天的苍蝇,“金山”除不掉悬浮的颗粒,唯有你我共同努力,世界环境日,保护环境,从你我做起。

33. 绿色地球是我家,环境保护你我他;低碳生活显高雅,清新空气心情佳;文明行为作用大,节能减排人人夸;绿色使者邀你加,共创美好靠大家。世界地球日,让我们携手共创美好环境吧!

34. 一个大房子,名字叫地球,温度逐年升,绿化渐减少,水源成黑色,环境非常差,世界环境日,快来护环境,节能又减排,多种花草树,爱护水资源,保护大环境,世界地球日,一起爱地球,愿你快乐伴,生活永无忧。

35. 环境保护很重要,你我时刻要记牢。节约水,节约电,垃圾分类处理好!多植树,多种草,退耕还林青山绕。爱护花,爱护鸟,鸟语花香乐陶陶。世界环境日,愿你我一起努力,保护好我们的家园!



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Today is April 22nd, is the "World Earth Day", the first "Earth Day" in the history of mankind, is today in 1970 by a USA Harvard University law school, just over 25 years old students in Campus -- Dennis Hays initiated and organized, but now he is known as the father of earth day.


Maybe some students think, to care for the earth environment is the thing, or that it is a matter of environmental protection departments, has nothing to do with us. In fact, we all know, we all live in the same earth, all the villagers, the earths environment and our lives are closely related. Below I to the necessary stationery in our lives -- as an example to illustrate the relationship between paper, save paper, paper and reasonable to protect Earths environment.


Each of us every day in the paper, using a variety of different types of paper. Your statistics? You every day how much paper? How much paper for a week? A month or even a year how much paper? After the statistics, we will find that this result is astonishing.


A piece of paper from why and come? Raw material for paper is mainly composed of bark and other plant fibers "change". A tree often require long years, decades to be human use. But sometimes people are unkind, chain saws, decades old growth trees crashing to the ground. The wood, was shipped to the paper mill, turned into a sheet of paper. The paper gives human life has brought a lot of convenience, but at the same time, the paper also human excessive use of forest resources caused great negative impact. As we all know, a large area of the forest can conserve water sources, prevent soil and water loss, purify the air, forest oxygen is produced "factory", forest can absorb harmful substances, soil and water conservation forest can. Visible, saving every piece of paper, is essential to protect the earths environment.



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6月5日( June 5)是世界环境保护日, 我们周围的环境变得越来越糟糕,污染越来越严重。环境问题影响着人们的工作,学习,生活等,而我们的工作,生活,生产等又使环境污染越来越严重......如何保护我们的环境? 请以“ How to protect/save our environment/world? ”为题写一篇短文。

提示:存在问题:1.水污染越来越严重;2.砍伐森林严重;3. 大气污染严重;4. 白色垃圾等。

要求:如何改善/保护环境?至少:3---4个方面, 80字左右的。

★ 范文

How to protect/save our environment/world?

The environmental pollution is worse and worse /more and more seriously today. Water is polluted; we have no clean water to drink. Many trees are cutting down, some animals is getting less and less. Some factories are pouring dirty air in the sky, the population is increasing faster and faster, resources are getting less and less…etc. Not only does it affect our lives and health, it but also has a great affection in the future. Peoples health has been greatly affected by air, noise and water pollution. Many people died of diseases. In order to live a better life, we need protect our world.

We shouldn’t throw away rubbish everywhere. We want to recycle, reduce, reuse things .Don’t waste things. This saves money and reduces pollution. Use things for as long as possible. We don’t use plastic bags. We must plant more trees and stop the people cutting them .We hope our world becomes more and more beautiful.


地球是我们人类共同的家园,人类只有一个地球。“低碳、环保”已成为当今时代主题。目前,我市英语学会准备在全市中学生中开展以“Save(拯救)our earth”为主题的英文征文活动。现请你根据以下三个方面的提示,写一篇80词左右的短文参评。




参考词汇:disaster n.灾难 protect V. 保护




★ 范文

Let’s Do Something to Save Our Environment

It is recently reported that some rivers and lakes have dried up in South China. A lot of fishes died. The bottoms of the rivers and lakes have become grass land. The water is becoming less and less because of the bad weather.

So everyone should do something to save our environment. First, we should save every drop of water, such as turning off the taps after using it and recycling the water. For example, we can water the plants and clean the rest room with our used water. Second, we should save energy, such as less turning on the lights and turning off the lights when we leave;Do more walking, more bicycling and less driving and so on. Third, we should ask our government to control the pollution from the factories.

Let’s act now from everything to save our environment. Don’t let our tears be the last drop of water in the world!


1. in order to


He worked very hard in order to realize his dream. 2. in order that


She worked hard in order that everything would be ready by 6 o’clock..

3. so…that


They were all so tired that they could do nothing but yawn.

4. such…that


It was such a cold day that there was nobody on the street.

5. would rather do…than do


He would rather listen to others than talk himself.

6. prefer doing to doing


He prefers making speeches after careful preparation.

7. prefer to do…rather than do


Compared with women, men always prefer to sleep at home rather than spend so much time shopping.

8. not only…but also


In just three years, she had not only finished all the lessons, but also received her doctor’s degree.

9. either…or


You could either buy an MP3 or go to Yunnan for a visit if you pass the exam.

10. Neither…nor


He is a boring man. He likes neither entertainment nor reading.

11. as well as


He was kind as well as helpful.

12. …as well


The child is active and funny as well.

13. One…the other


Have you seen two pens on the desk? One is red, the other is black.

14. Some…others


Everyone is busy in classroom. Some are reading, others are writing.

15. make…+adj /n


What we do will make the world more beautiful.

16. not…until


I didn’t know the truth until she told me what happened.

17. as if


He talks a lot as if he knows everything.

18. It is no use (good) doing…


It’s no use pretending that you didn’t know the rules.

19. find it + adj to do…


I find it necessary to take down notes while listening.

20. It is + time since…


It is two years since I last met him.

21. It is + time when…


It was 8 o’clock when I got to the cinema.

22. It is + time before…


I won’t be long before we can meet again.

23. It is…that…


It is friendship that I value most.

24. It is + n / adj + that / to do…


It is a must that everybody should know how to use computers.



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Green, the color of life; The color of green, environmental protection; With green have the fresh air; With green have the ooze of flowers; Green and healthy life.

Low carbon, environmental protection is refers to life work and rest of the energy consumption to reduce as far as possible, so as to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide. In our ordinary people low carbon is a kind of attitude, we should pay attention to the saving, fuel-efficient, solar terms, from the start bit by bit.

Over the years, with the deepening of industrialization, a large amount of carbon dioxide discharge, make the global temperature rise, climate change, it is indisputable fact. The world meteorological organization reported: nearly 10 years of 10 years is global warmest on record. In addition, global warming also makes the Antarctic ice began to melt, causing sea levels to rise, the use area of narrow, humans cannot survive, massive death of animals and plants.

Each piece of articles for daily use, big to small home appliances to toys, books and decoration, each items of the production cost of resources and energy, will bring carbon emissions, perhaps you abandoned things may be needed by others, no longer buy new articles for daily use, will naturally reduce the resources and energy, reducing carbon emissions.

The classmates, in order to "green" of the world, let us act, to cherish green, take good care of green, to create green give an own strength.








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1. 建立一个宣传小组,宣传环保知识,让人们进一步了解破坏环境的危害性,加强保护环境意识。

2. 在生活中节约资源。用水后及时关水;人走时及时关灯;少看电视多看书、不用一次性制品,杜绝白色污染;提倡步行、骑自行车或乘坐公交车,尽量少让家长开车……

3. 制作一个回收站,把一些没用的东西放进去,通过我们自己的小手改造成别的创意物品,这样就能变废为宝啦!




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Now the earth is yellow and the green is decreasing. Whats going on here? It turns out that people are cutting down trees, which not only causes the birds to lose their home, but also causes the collapse, the flood and so on. Without trees, our earth would seem to be missing a supporting beam.

Now each store all follow our hobby, mass production soda, and soda "appearance" is the jar and jar is a kind of pollution, the road, the park even schools have become their home. The cans are made of aluminum, which is also harmful to the human body.

You know what? Waste batteries contain a lot of heavy metal pollutants - chromium, lead, mercury, etc. The effects of pollution from used batteries are slow and profound. When they are mixed with ordinary household waste, under certain conditions, will produce a series of chemical reactions, slowly releasing toxic substances, these toxic substances atmospheric pollution when burned, seeping into the underground pollution of groundwater and rivers and lakes; Once in the soil water, it will enter the body through the food chain, damaging the nervous system, hematopoietic function, kidneys and bones. Therefore, it belongs to hazardous waste. Experiments show that a mercury battery pollutes more than one persons lifetime total.

Before the river bottom, can see Derek fisher, now the factory in order to improve the efficiency, they put the stream discharge sewage as a good place, river sewage got dirty, passing pedestrians were quickly leave.

To conserve water is to protect our environment, which is to save resources. We want to own practical action to protect the environment, the most simple is to start from oneself, pay attention to save water, such as: use after the tap turn off the tap at any time; Water the washing water with water, rinsing and flushing. Dont think that a few drops of water in a water bridle cant make a difference. A water bridle drops a drop of water every second, and a year is a waste of 36 square water. If a family saves one person per month, how much water is saved in a month?

Fortunately, people have learned the earth now to be polluted, everyone has to act, I hope people who didnt act, they bent and picked up the paper on the ground, a low back, let us tomorrow is more beautiful, neat!




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As time goes by, man is making the earth sick. People cut down too many trees and leave rubbish everywhere. Factories let out their waste without doing anything to it . This has caused some serious problems. Such as the land is sandy, the river is dirty, the air is less clean, even the temperature of the earth is rising. What should we do to save the earth ? My suggestion is that we should plant more trees, put rubbish into dusbins and stop factories (from)pouring waste directly into the air or rivers. In all, we have only one earth, we should do our best to protect it, or we will regret.



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It is well known that trees can absorb carbon dioxide, emit oxygen, purify the air, and are the necessary conditions for our human survival. But some people for the money to deforest trees, resulting in excessive soil erosion, the earths vegetation has been severely damaged, oasis and the city is also desertification, our human survival has been threatened. We usually use a one-time chopsticks, every day to spend dozens of acres of forest, in those eyes, trees can be made in addition to furniture and building materials, it seems that there is no value. Is there someone who does not understand what trees mean to us? Our living area is already very small, and if you go on like this, it may be that our only land is lost. Also, our mother river - the Yellow River in recent years, the river bed and the increasing amount of sediment, becoming the countrys most serious pollution of several rivers. We can not watch the Yellow River from our hands exhausted, so there are many environmental scholars have studied the treatment of the Yellow River pollution program, trying to improve the water quality of the Yellow River. But without our common participation, the cradle of our life - the Yellow River will go to failure and death.

If we are unbridled to destroy the environment, nature will give us punishment. Those large floods deprived of the lives of many people, and because of the greenhouse effect, the Antarctic Arctic glaciers melt the water level, the sea flooded the coastal areas, the economic losses. Is not this the best proof?

My hometown of Guangning is relying on bamboo sea eco-tourism to develop the economy, and now, some bamboo forest environment disorganized, people complain incessantly. Bamboo sea ecological tour is the root of our development of Guangning, if the root was destroyed, how can grow lush foliage, out of the beautiful flowers

Let us be kind to mankind and be kind to nature! I wonder if you have seen "100 things to protect the environment" this article. In fact, we can do a lot of things. Conservation of wild animals, is the ecological balance; treasure water resources, do not dump the garbage to the river; when the environmental guards, the use of each green anniversary publicity environmental awareness, so that the Castle Peak, the United States, the United States, the United States, Often, green water flow, soil fragrance ... ... this is what we can do, why do we not want to practice it?

Now, the earths ecological environment intensified, environmental protection alarm clock has been sounded. Let us join the ranks of the protection of the environment, the creation of a harmonious coexistence between man and nature of the future, so that human beings and nature endlessly reproduce it.



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these days, different ways are being taken to protect cultural identity。 obviously, not only is much contribution made to maintain old houses but also rules of laws associated with cultural protection are changed for the better。 some people even say that new buildings are right to be set up in the conventionalway。 i seem to be one of opponents who believe that the action can be unsuitable in our world。

one of the main reasons is that most of traditional buildings, in my nation, that offer provide few rooms can hardly hard to meet the demands for housing as increasing numbers of people pour into the city。 compared to before, today’s population has doubled and even trebled, which puts seriouspressure on housing supply。 as a result, new buildings must be substituted for old ones that have more efficient utility, even for some old buildings that have been damaged seriously。no doubts that building or maintaining traditional buildings is very essential to raise art sense and increase choices of people’s housing。 plus, these old houses are believed as very important resources to attract international visitors。 however, the proportionof traditional houses has to be under control, and otherwise the housing of citizens is badly affected。

overall, my view is that cultural identity is so preciousthat more efforts and measures should be taken but carefully。 the excellent tradition helps with deep understanding of history, and educates youths。 nevertheless a simple and recklessbehavior。 that new buildings are built in a typical way does more harm than good in the improvement of people’s being。




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Environmental pollution can cause direct damage and impact to ecosystems, such as desertification and forest damage, which can also cause indirect hazards to ecosystems and human societies. Sometimes the harm of this indirect environmental effect is greater than the direct hazard caused by it, It is more difficult to eliminate. For example, the greenhouse effect, acid rain, and ozone depletion are the environmental effects derived from atmospheric pollution. This environmental effect derived from environmental pollution is lagging behind, often at the time of the occurrence of pollution is not easy to be perceived or expected, but in the event of environmental pollution has been developed to a very serious point. Of course, the most direct and most environmentally conscious consequence of environmental pollution is the decline in the quality of the human environment, affecting human quality of life, physical health and productive activities. Such as the citys air pollution caused by air pollution, peoples morbidity and so on; water pollution so that the deterioration of water quality, drinking water quality generally decline, threatening human health. Serious pollution incidents not only bring health problems, but also cause social problems. With the increase in pollution and peoples awareness of the environment, due to pollution caused by population disputes and conflicts increased year by year.

Let us all love nature, love the earth, hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder, heart to cast a green embankment, to defend the resources, to defend the environment, to defend the earth, to defend our beautiful home now!





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There used to be many kinds of birds which are pests for protected crops. They are good friends at present.But the number of the birds has been greatly reduced because too much poison is used. As the result, the numberof the pests has increased.The peasants spent a lot of money and time in killing them every year.But it is still hard to eliminate them.Now you can see how poor it is for us to protect wild animals and to keep the balance of nature.Only that everyone know these can we live on a beautiful lives.

