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X. One possible version:

May 23th, 2005

Dear Mr Qiu,

Thank you so much for teaching me so well. You are very kind to me. During the last three years I have learnt a lot of knowledge from you. I’ll never forget you. I’ll keep on studying hard as usual in the senior middle school.

Wish you success in the future teaching work. Wish you a healthy body for ever. And wish you a happy life in the future. And I also hope that everything will go well in our school! Best wishes for you and for our school!

Your student,

Li Hong





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New year, New Year! I have long been looking forward to the new year. New years old people come to us with joy, and our faces have opened flowers.

For the new year, everyone took out the already prepared fireworks, rushed out to the door, and ignited the lead. Ah, how beautiful! The sky suddenly opened a brilliant flower, the sky was dyed extraordinarily dazzling. Streets and lanes have already become the world of children.

After the new year, I went to my grandparents home early and sent a good word: "wish you, happy Spring Festival!" The blessing suddenly >warm you and me. At night I also send a text message to my teacher, which says: I wish you good health and all the best. Your student: Lu Yao. And write back to the teacher: Thank you, I wish you a happy new year, learning progress! When I read the mind tianzizi.

In the new year, I got one thousand yuan more in my wallet. I really want to spend one hundred yuan on my wallet, but I think of grandma again, "Daddy is not easy to earn money, and money must be spent in the most needed place." I hold back.

I have been a year old again. I grew up, increased weight, increased a lot of knowledge, and should be more knowledge-based.

Ah, new year old man, thank you for this joy. In this year, I will certainly make you happy. Believe me! Come on for me!



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Love is a stranger a hand; Love is the teacher sets a white hairs in the homework; Love is the mother of a move, let you feel the warm.

A little boy, I hate my mom, but since that time, I understand the mothers love.

On one occasion, I was just about to do the homework, but found that I lost my homework, Im afraid I carelessly, didnt see it, just opened the bag, take out your book all, one by one to find, but not yet, my heart suddenly tense up, thought: without the book I cant do the homework, tomorrow, but how to account with the teacher! True when I worry, mom came back, I just want to let my mother to help me get to the school, but have to see mother look very embarrassing, appear very tired, very worry, dont let mother go, cant replacement tomorrow, let mother go, mom look very tired today, should have a good rest at home. When my mother found my exception, a little angrily said: "what are you doing! Dont do your homework?" I speak hesitatingly ground to say: "my homework...... in the school, cant... help me to get?" After mother, drop a words: "I cant help you any more, let you suffer, next time do not!" I reluctantly went back to the room and felt very upset, and in the end I had to do other homework well first, after a while, I heard a door shutting, also didnt care.

The next morning, I was bedding bag, found that fall in the school yesterday book appear in the table above, feel very strange, suddenly recalled that door shutting in the brain, ask mother, mother said: "I cant help you with, it must be you didnt see!" But I think mother lying, ask grandma, grandma, mother to help me to get in the rain at night, my heart was warm, head emerge with a tired mother help me to take his umbrella rain notebook.

At this point, the warmth welled up in my mind.








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Today is Sunday.Its sunny today.I go to the zoo with my mother.I can see many animals.There are tigers,lions,pandas,snakes and many more.Look!The pandas are over there.Theyre from China.Look at the baby panda!Its climbing trees. How cute it is!I love pandas.

Next,we go to see the lions.The lions are so strong.Their mouths are too big.The tigers ae next to them.They are from Asia.They are yellow.At last,we go to see the monkeys.Some are climbing moutains,some are eating bananas.THeyre so much fun!

I see many animals at the zoo and Im so happy today!



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I used to be fond of skating. But now things have changed because of a horrible experience.

One winter, the weather was so cold that water turned into ice. One day on my way home, when seeing a frozen lake, I thought that the ice must be thick enough to support me. Being so interested in skating, I couldnt help going down and sliding on the ice. Suddenly, I heard a sound of crack. Looking down, I saw the crack on the ice surface. I was frightened out of my life and didnt dare to move. But nobody could help me. I had to move toward the bank carefully.

As soon as I got onto the bank, the ice broke. How horrible it was! Even ifit has been a long time since then, I can still feel the fear. And I no longer like skating since then.






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The bell rang and the class was over. The classroom became noisy. Some students went out of the classroom. I was just chatting with some of my classmates when Li Hong came to me. She smiled and said to me, "Whats four minus four? Do you know?" "Its zero. That is easy." answered I.

But Li Hong shook her head and said "Its wrong. Its eight." "Why? Thats impossible!" "You will understand if you cut down four corners of a desk." said Li Hong. "Is that a joke?" "Oh, yes." We all laughed. During the class break, we had a good rest. We often have a pleasant break.



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1、 昨天拜年早了点,明天拜年挤了点,后天拜年迟了点,现在拜年是正点,拜年啦,拜年啦!祝福您春节快乐,财源茂盛,万事如意,合家幸福!新年快乐。

2、 春节是一个全新的开始,无论世界如何变幻,不管时空如何流转,我的祝福永远不变:在新的一年里,幸福快乐,健康如意!呵呵,新春快乐!

3、 在新的一年开启新的希望,新的空白承载新的梦想。朋友拂去岁月之尘,让欢笑和泪水,爱与哀愁在心中凝成一颗厚重晶莹的琥珀停留。祝最好的朋友新年快乐!

4、 我发短信主要有两个目的:一是锻炼指法,二是联络感情,我很负责任的告诉你,今天除夕,新的一年羊上来到了,送句有技术含量的话:春节快乐!

5、 羊年羊上到,电话短信要挤爆,我的短信提前到,就是为给你祝好!祝你新年多红包,健康围着你来绕,整天哈哈开怀笑,快乐幸福永拥抱!预祝春节假期愉快

6、 字斟句酌辛苦,祝福发自肺腑。昨夜酝酿一宿,刚才还在忙碌。网上搜索百度,俺的短信最酷:春节一年一次,朋友一生一世。哥们给您拜年啦!

7、 财源滚滚随春到,喜气洋洋伴福来。骐骥一跃奔锦绣,大地流金万象新。高居宝地财兴旺,福照家门富生辉。欢聚一堂迎新春,欢天喜地度佳节。春节快乐!

8、 彩旗高扬欢声笑,锣鼓高声唱春宵。水晶饺子端上桌,金银元宝怀里抱。花团锦簇起舞蹈,祝你幸福鸿运照。红红灯笼吉祥耀,愿你美满守孝道。春节喜悦合家欢,贵客盈门抱拳拜。

9、 春运开始第一天,发个短信问问安;春节长假将到来,归家团聚心期待;车票争取提前买,贵重物品随身带;祝你春运旅途愉快!

10、 圣旨到!奉天承运皇帝诏曰:春节期间气候多变,天气忽冷忽热,特颁此令,爱卿善待自己。添衣饱暖,避免感冒。随时保持快乐心情,抗旨绝交钦此。

11、 新年之际祝你:东行吉祥,南走顺利,西出平安,北走无虑,中有健康;左逢源,右发达,前有福星,后有菩萨;内积千金,外行好运!

12、 春节祝福到,愿你开口笑,微笑迎接幸福,憨笑召集快乐,大笑陪伴健康,嘲笑本性贪婪,冷笑天生懒惰,笑一笑,勤劳到,笑一笑,幸福扰,笑一笑,更逍遥,新春佳节,愿你笑笑眉梢翘。

13、 新年之际,给你拜年了!祝你一家和和睦睦,一年开开心心,一生快快乐乐,一世平平安安,天天精神百倍,月月喜气扬扬,年年财源广进。新年快乐!

14、 春节到来放鞭炮,万千烦恼都跑掉。合家团圆吃水饺,畅享天伦欢喜笑。骏马飞奔热情高,春风鼓荡多美妙。一切美好来报到,愿友春节乐淘陶。

15、 感谢在我人生旅途中所遇到的朋友们,因有你们我才如此开心快乐!每个好朋友都是我生命里最珍贵的财富!直此佳节,献上我最真挚的祝福。祝你新年快乐!

16、 愿欢快的歌声,时刻萦绕你;愿欢乐年华,永远伴随您;愿欢乐的祝福,永远追随您。祝福您:春节愉快,身体健康,阖家欢乐,万事顺意!

17、 漫天的星辰,装上我平安夜的祈祷;跳动的烛光,摇曳着平安夜的心愿;悠长的钟声,传送着我新年的祝福,轻轻为你捎去一声问候:祝你开心、平安、幸福。

18、 愿幸福做加法,烦恼做减法,快乐做乘法,困难做除法,幸运开平方,霉运开根号,坏心情像小数点,好心情循环无极限。祝春节快乐!

19、 鞭炮声响,锣鼓喧天,新年到来,祝福送上:愿您在新的一年里,事业飞黄腾达,家庭和和睦睦,爱情甜甜蜜蜜,钞票赚的多多。新年快乐!

20、 春节到,祝福早:一祝生活好;二祝烦恼少;三祝;四祝永不老;五祝开口笑;六祝幸福绕;七祝忧愁抛;八祝收入高;九祝平安罩;十祝乐逍遥。

21、 红烛摇来团圆的情意,灯笼照亮平安路途,春联盈满美丽的企盼,佳酿散发吉祥的气息,烟花描绘幸福的图画,新春寄托真诚的祝福:春节快乐。

22、 拜新年,贺新年,家家户户庆团圆!平时忙碌难相见,今日相聚俱欢颜。先祝父母多福寿,再拜亲友都平安。福禄吉祥都送到,一家胜似一家欢!春节快乐!

23、 以真诚为圆心,以感谢为半径,送你一个圆圆的祝福!付出总能得到回报,真心总能得到抚慰,愿爱你的人更爱你,你爱的人更懂你,朋友。春节快乐!

24、 在您英明领导下,业绩一路飙升;在您辛苦栽培下,我一点点的进步;感谢您不断的提携,不懈的指点,春节到,给您拜个年,愿您合家欢乐,春节快乐!

25、 张灯结彩闹新春,合家团圆享天伦。喜气洋洋访亲友,笑语盈盈情意久。天地一派幸福景,愿友春节好心情。吉祥如意身旁绕,爱情事业皆欢笑。愿你春节快乐。

26、 堂堂正正做人,大公无私干事,毫不利己奋献,处处带头表率,丰功伟绩人赞,认人唯贤纳士。领导春节别忙,策划下步工作,全家幸福安康,如意事业辉煌。

27、 烟花炮竹喜庆吉祥,窗花剪影幸福美满。欢声笑语团圆喜悦,杯中酒香溢满大年。祝你新春喜乐洋洋,工资渐涨好运连连。愿你福气享不完,儿孙满堂家兴旺!

28、 你说客气我说请,你发帖子我会顶。你是天地我是风,你是将军我是兵。新年快乐祝福到,你是领导应该笑。暂忘工作与烦恼,快快乐乐新年好。新年快乐!

29、 在冰雪还没飘下,鞭炮还没响起,酒宴还没开席,财神还没来到,红包还没准备好之前,先祝福你春节快乐!吉祥如意金鼠伴你旺一年,一年比一年甜!

30、 问候道不尽,祝福如海流:祝你喜乐常相见,好运无极限,幸福多笑脸,健康伴身边,开心天天,平安年年,春节快乐,马年吉祥!

31、 新春佳节喜庆到,锣鼓喧天响鞭炮。一早拜年又跑桥,弯腰叩首老人笑。瓜子蜜糖进腰包,还有几张新钞票。彼此祝福新年好,哥们一定要收到。春年快乐!

32、 新年到,为你送上一桌年夜饭,祝你年年岁岁都平安!一盘金玉满堂,愿你财运多多,福气满满,一盘四季发财,愿你财源滚滚,事业步步高。

33、 愿甜蜜伴你走过每一天,愿温馨随你度过每一时,愿平安同你走过每一分,愿快乐和你度过每一秒!愿你在新年里天天有好心情!

34、 春节是“节”,祝你芝麻开花节节高;春节是“戒”,祝你戒愁戒忧戒烦恼;春节是“结”,祝你结朋结友结欢乐;春节是“接”,祝你接金接银财富多。

35、 不送花,不送酒,送你青春能常留;每天爱,每天抱,给你天使一般的笑。老婆,新年咱不放鞭炮,咱拍照,愿我们年年情侣一样美,岁岁新婚一样甜。春节愉快,你作最漂亮的女人。

36、 威风雄狮昂首啸,锣鼓喧天踩高跷。花团锦簇扭秧歌,火树银花到晨晓。千家万户歌舞蹈,男女老少全家跳。开怀畅饮团圆酒,幸福美满皆欢笑。愿你春节乐开怀!

37、 送你的祝福里,总是添着浪漫的气息;为你许下的心愿中,总是夹着甜蜜的氛围;新春佳节到,亲爱的我爱你,愿你新年快乐,青春永驻!



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I’d like to tell you something about my childhood. when i was six years old, i was a lovely girl!

One day, my father saw some fish in the river, so he asked me, why can fish only live in water? i thought about it, then i gave him the answer, because there are some cats on the bank. my father laughed when he heard that. then he said, you are smart! i was happy to hear that.

Maybe you will say, it’s a funny answer. now, i think, it is very interesting. and now i am smart. my parents love me very much. i am so happy to have that childhood.







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Blowing balloons is an interesting game. You may have some ideas of it. It is of great value to your health, especially to those who are fat. People usually make an airless balloon halfairfilled, put it on the hand, then blow it hard. Shortly after it flies up, his partner blows it away towards the opposite party. And the opposite blows it back.

Repeat doing so until the balloon drops onto the follr. Any party onto whose floor the balloon drops will be the loser. So any party who tries to control the balloon’s direction and blows it with great efforts will make the balloon fly straight to the other party and will have more opportunities to win.

[初一英语作文 Blowing Balloons



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My cousin is only five years old. She comes to my house every weekend. We like her very much. Though she is very young she has ideas of her own. She says she wants to invite a fairy to help my mother to clean the kitchen. She prefers to be a super model. So she keeps on learning English and practising walking every day. Last week her mother told her to sleep in my bed. Half an hour later, she didnt fall asleep. Her mother was very angry. Then I went into the room, and asked whether she had slept. She closed her eyes tightly and said "Yes".

Shes such a naughty and clever girl.

[初一英语作文推荐: My Cousin



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During May day,I went to Shanghai with my family.We all fell in love with it at the moment we saw it.

Shanghai is really a beautiful city!There are many tall buildings and trees!There are also many flowers,it makes Shanghai look like a nice garden!If I have oppotunities to visit Shanghai again,I will be very happy! i go to beijing yestoday.i see great wall and so on .

im very happy because i see a old red man. he is 95 years old.i like him because he tel our many story.







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I met a girl called Sue on the Intemet. We are of the same age.she is in France. She is in No.1 Middle School, Class 7, and Grade 9. She can speak English and French. And we talked happily with each other. We can write down what we feel and what we think and then forward to each other. We also try to write in English. She once lived in with her parents, so she can speak native English.

In this way, we are getting closer and closer. And furthermore both of our English has improved quickly and greatly. Her favorite sport is soccer. Her favorite subject is math. Her favorite color is red. Her favorite food is sandwiches. Her favorite movie is Home alone. She has a brother. Her brother’s name is Tom.

She is a happy girl. How nice it is to have a "pen pal”



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Nowadays, most people, especially those who live in the country, want to

move to the city. But is the city life perfect? Every coin has two sides.


Its true that things seem to be more convenient in some ways such as

finding jobs, transportation service, etc. Also places for relaxing like parks

and hotels are attractive.


But we have to say something bad, too. The environment is awful because the

population is too large and too much rubbish make the air unfresh.We have to pay

lots of money on our life including the bad things above!


In my opinion, we must take a correct attitude to it. No matter where we

are, we can creat our own sky if we try our best!




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据了解,预计2015年春运期间(2月4日-3月15日)东莞市平均气温略偏高0.5℃;降水量略偏少1成左右。期间可能出现4次冷空气过程,大致在:2月5日-8日(中等偏弱)、2月18日-22日(中等)、2月25日-28日(中等)和3月5日-9日(弱)。最冷时段出现在2月18日-22日和2月25日-28日(春节期间),并可能出现轻度低温阴雨天气。据初步预计, 春运期间平均气温为16-17℃,最低气温 6-8℃。至于降水量,则保持在60-70毫米 左右,比往年偏少。










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Hello! My name is Tom,I’m a student of NO.7 Middle school,I like my school,because my school life is very interesting.I like my classmates and teachers.They are very friendly.

Classes begin at 8:00.I have four classes in the morning.I study English,Chinaese,math,biology,history and some other subject.I like English very much,I also like music.But I dont like geography at all.Because it’s very boring. Do you think so?I often have lunch at school,in the afternoon.I have four classes,too.

After school,we have outdoor actives.I usually play basketball with my classmates and sometimes I read books at school library.You must keep quiet at school library.There are so many beautiful flowers and trees in school gardens.And there are some apples on the trees,they are very delicious.I often go home on foot with my friends.

This is my school life. Do you like my school life? I think you must like it very much!



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How to study English?

Study English,You do need to use English with speakers who are not teachers of English. This isnt easy, since everyone feels constrained speaking English with friends with whom it would be natural to use a shared mother tongue. Joining an English Club is a good idea and joining a club with an international membership (where English is in use at least some of the time) is, for many people, even better. If nothing like this is accessible, you might consider what would be involved in getting something going.




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How time flies ,It has past half an month since beginning of the summer

holiday .

As the weather getting hotter and hotter ,my parent and me go to the

seaside .Last week we are go to the Xiamen.Its a beautiful city , bule sky and

bule sea .The Xiamen is an island neal the Taiwan .From top of the Riguan rock

we can see jinmen island .

We spent a happy day in Xiamen .
