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This year on April 23, the world reading day, let me emotionally, reading, is a kind of enjoyment, is a kind of happiness. Famous writer gorky had a famous saying: "books are the ladder of human progress." Book is my mentor, is my good partner. Reading is like talking with a man of noble, indeed, the taste of reading in harmony.

Reading gives me joy, from books, you can learn a lot of knowledge.

The book left a deep impression on me. Book to my weak extracurricular reading has brought a lot of help; So, the book is a good helper of my study.

The book is a good partner, I grew up bring me happiness.

Reading, not swallowed but to intensive reading. Books tell us a bit, give us the "save" in the book a lot of joy. Read more books, can learn a lot about the knowledge about human or animal and plant.

Books are our great power to learn and succeed, if we dont have to mind when reading, dont remember attentively, reading very quickly, at the end of the day have no impression, white spent a lot of time, so we dont study as a game, reading is for you to read, not for others to read.









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From all over the world, Reading Festival has become the cultural landscape of contemporary society, and it is a new trend in recent 20 years. However, the first "Reading Festival" in the modern sense, the earliest can be traced back to 1926, the king of Spain for the first time to set up a "Spanish freedom festival", and the great writer Cervantess birthday in October 7th as a celebration of the holiday.


Celebration on 1930 to April 23rd -- the anniversary of the death of Cervantes, to this day is also the Catalonia area public holiday "St. Georges day". The legend goes that the knight George slew a dragon and saved a princess, and was granted a gift in return: a book, representing knowledge and power. Every year on this day, Catalonia women will give a book to their husband or boyfriend, the men will give a rose. Thus become a custom through long time usage, and now every day, the book price by 10%, prices rose sharply rise.


World Book Day comes from this. Coincidentally, this is the famous writer Cervantes died, Shakespeare Vega, 3 famous literary masters of the day, and Nabokov, French writer USA writer Maurice de Rouen, Iceland Nobel prize winner Laks Ness and many other writers day. Coincidentally, is that people love of books and a deep understanding of the importance of reading. The main theme is the same: whether old or young, whether rich or poor, whether it is sick or healthy, can enjoy the pleasure of reading, respect and gratitude can make great contributions to human civilization, literature, culture, scientific thinking gurus, can protect the intellectual property rights.



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1987 年 7 月 11 日,全球人口达到50 亿。为了纪念这个特殊的日子,唤起人们对于人口问题的重视,联合国决定从 1990 年开始,将每年的 7 月 11 日定为“世界人口日”。

站在“7.11”这一人口节点上,回首往昔,我们欣慰的看到:正是中国对人口再生产的“理性革命”,使中国“12亿人口日”推迟了 9 年,使亚洲“30亿人口日”推迟了 3 年,使世界“50亿人口日”推迟了 2 年。中国的人口计生工作不但成就了中国,更成就了世界。

作为“黔滇门户”、“全楚咽喉”的怀化,在这场“理性革命”中,少出生人口 300 万,为建设“美丽幸福怀化”赢得了战略主动权。






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Reading is a very elegant thing, su dongpo friend yellow valley said: "three days without reading, language tasteless, detestable." The old saying also have cloud: "so are inferior, only reading high." Reading a book, the ancient has. Read volumes, such as writing. "Du gentleman encourage people read more books and well informed.

A love of reading people, there will always be a lot of close friends, because he always so pleasing manners, let people admiration and yearning.

People say; "The spirit of a person to read, the more the more robust." Without reading thoughts, he doesnt have a personalized life is special boring; Love of books, knowledge not aging, wit not dried up; Students love of books, can better learning and life. Reading, will let our life to add some elegant culture; Reading, will add some clever and intelligent for our study.

Reading reading, of course, also want to think, to choose, if everyone can take the advice of the teacher, master the methods of reading, and to the classic books, the gas of the elegant of the school will be most fragrance.







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1. at the thought of一想到…

2. as a whole (=in general) 就整体而论

3. at will 随心所欲

4. (be) abundant in(be rich in; be well supplied with) 富于,富有

5. access(to) (不可数名词) 能接近,进入,了解

6. by accident(=by chance, accidentally)偶然地,意外. Without accident(=safely) 安全地,

7. of ones own accord(=without being asked; willingly; freely)自愿地 ,主动地

8. in accord with 与…一致 . out of ones accord with 同…。不一致

9. with one accord (=with everybody agreeing)一致地

10. in accordance with (=in agreement with) 依照,根据

11. on ones own account

1) 为了某人的缘故, 为了某人自己的利益

2) (=at ones own risk) 自行负责

3) (=by oneself)依靠自己

12. take…into account(=consider)把..。考虑进去

13. give sb. an account of 说明, 解释 (理由)

14. account for (=give an explanation or reason for) 解释, 说明。

15. on account of (=because of) 由于,因为。

16. on no account(=in no case, for no reason)绝不要,无论如何不要(放句首时句子要倒装)

17. accuse…of…(=charge…with; blame sb. for sth. ; blame sth. on sb. ; complain about) 指控,控告

18. be accustomed to (=be in the habit of, be used to)习惯于。

19. be acquainted with(=to have knowledge of) 了解; (=to have met socially) 熟悉

20. act on 奉行,按照…行动; act as 扮演; act for 代理

21. adapt oneself to(=adjust oneself to) 使自己适应于

22. adapt…(for) (=make sth. Suitable for a new need) 改编, 改写(以适应新的需要)

23. in addition (=besides) 此外, 又, 加之

24. in addition to(=as well as, besides, other than)除…外

25. adhere to (=abide by, conform to, comply with, cling to, insist on, persist in, observe, opinion, belief ) 粘附; 坚持, 遵循

26. adjacent(=next to, close to) 毗邻的, 临近的

27. adjust..(to) (=change slightly)调节; 适应;

28. admit of (=be capable of, leave room for) …的可能,留有…的余地。

29. in advance (before in time) 预告, 事先

30. to advantage 有利的,使优点更加突出地



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Given is a table which clearly illustrates the striking trend of aged population in China from 1990 to 2050. During the first 22 years, the number of people aged 60 and above ascended slightly from 97.19 to 136 million, and since 2012 it is predicted that this number will surge remarkably, reaching 410 million in 2050. Meanwhile, the proportion of aged citizens revealed and will reveal the similar trend, and it will reach 27.4% in total population.

Such a scenario can be naturally associated with various problems in aged society. For one thing, aged society is best characterized by the more burden for youngsters to support parents, which will enable younger generation to work harder. For another, compared with the past and today, the aged citizens will play a more important role in society. A case in point is their age for retiring will be extended. Therefore, a larger proportion of senior citizens have to take more responsibilities in work, family and society.

Accordingly, it is advisable for Chinese government to focus more eyesight on the coming challenges in the forthcoming future. Meanwhile, it is essential for China to work out comprehensive strategies to strengthen its social welfare to reduce young people’s stress.

Such a scenario can be naturally associated with various problems in aged society, but what resulted in this change above? For one thing, the past 30 years was best characterized by the policy of Family Plan in China, which enabled a host of families to have only one kid and enabled the proportion of youngsters to decline. For another, compared with the past, medical care and quality of life is and will be better; therefore, a larger proportion of people live longer. Consequently, the percentage of aged people showed and will show a trend of rise.



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Do you know the world book and copyright day is which day? How is the world reading day origin? Xx 20 years, the United Nations to the call of "to the reading society" around the world, make reading become an indispensable part of Peoples Daily life, up to 20 xx years, UNESCO, announced every year on April 23, positioning the world book and copyright day.

UNESCO in 20 xx to the call of "to the reading society" around the world, everyone asked social members of reading, the book is necessities of life, reading be everyone an integral part of everyday life.

20 xx years, UNESCO announced on April 23, for "world reading day". This day is the Spanish writer Cervantes and famous British writer Shakespeares death anniversary. According to the data show that since the "world reading day" announced more than 100 countries and regions to participate in this activity.

In every year on April 23, the reading promotion into a home the joy of the festival.







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1、 "七月十一世界人口日,看在你也属于世界人口之一,祝福也不能忘了你,愿你爱情甜蜜恋爱绵绵,早日为世界增添人口贡献力量。祝你一生幸福,精彩生活每一秒。"

2、 地球上面人很多,摩肩接踵站满地,挥汗如雨挤满街,人山人海无缝隙,地球喘粗气,满脸疲惫意,还是计划生育好,快把人口少,生活质量提高了,生儿生女都养老。

3、 7.11世界人口日来临,世界的人口多,交流沟通有必要——多点关爱,关注周围的人和事;多点沟通,减少交流障碍;多点分享,把幸福快乐传递你我他;多点同情,帮助需要帮助的人——人口日,让你我携手共建幸福的生活世界!

4、 世界人口日来到,关注人口要记牢,世界资源在减少,计划生育时时要,少生优生素质高,和谐相处好好好,7月11日世界人口日,愿大家少生优生,幸福一生。

5、 你的奋斗投入社会的田野,你就有成功的金秋;你的幸福装入社会的巨舟,你就是开心的舵手。心有世界的人,幸福飞满宇宙。祝福你世界人口日潇洒风流。

6、 七一一世界人口日,不常为人所记起,但不能忽略其伟大意义,这是对全人类的激励,让你和我一起,为世界为自己,努力奋起!祝世界人口日开心如意。

7、 人口多了,资源少了,人口加了,土地减了,人口增了,能源降了,世界人口日,关注人口问题,爱护地球保护环境从你我做起。

8、 这个世界上,笑你犯傻的人很多,骂你犯傻的人不多;看你出错的人很多,帮你改正的人不多;陪你快乐的人很多,陪你哭泣的人不多;世界人口日,我就是你“不多”的知心人,你平安快乐是我最大心愿。

9、 "7月11日为世界人口日,今年其主题曰“关爱流动人口生殖健康”。望大家相互转发此短信,将这主题广泛来宣传,让全社会把此话题来共同关心、关注和关爱。祝愿我们的社会和谐发展!"

10、 又迎世界人口日,人口问题受重视,流动人口须关注。生殖健康放首位,不洁生活要遏止,艾滋病毒要制止。祝大家健康幸福!

11、 世界人口日来到,关注人口问题大,短信转发互宣传,和谐社会共创建,优生优育要提倡,幸福生活人人享。祝世界人口日家园美丽富饶,快乐开心如意。

12、 世界人口日,关注在此时,倡导优生优育,社会自身做起,控制人口增长,提高人口质量,共建美好家园,创造辉煌明天,7.11人口日,祝你快乐。

13、 人口增多,计划生育,保证质量,优生优育,提高素质,基因是前提,营养是后盾,胎教更重要,7月11日世界人口日,愿天下年轻人科学坐胎,加强胎教,保证营养,好好生出健康宝宝!

14、 7月11世界人口日,让我们共同保护地球,控制人口增多,提倡晚婚晚育,响应计划生育,保护环境美丽,共享幸福人生,祝你身康体健,好运财运连连。

15、 星光灿烂每一颗都很闪亮,浪花朵朵每一朵都很美丽,心手相牵你我有缘相见,七一一世界人口日,祝福有缘人收到我平安的祝福。

16、 男孩是宝女孩是花,优生优育全靠大家。生男生女全凭天定,B超射线影响心情。计划生育那是国策,我们理解就是配合。世界人口日,就先说这么多,祝您生孩子快乐!呵呵。。。

17、 "七一一世界人口日,播种春天的希望,关爱女孩的成长,蓝天之下你我他,关爱女孩靠大家,人口发展与和谐社会同步,婚育新风与小康生活同行消除性别歧视,从生育开始,倡导男女平等从娃娃抓起。"

18、 世界这样小,人多受不了。道路很拥挤,吃饭成问题,房价呼呼涨,资源已枯竭。想想怎么办?计划生育是关键。优生又优育,素质提高才知保护环境多重要。世界人口日,祝你少生优生,幸福一生!

19、 节约一粒粮食,增加一点温饱;减少一丝奢侈,减少一点饥荒;伸出一次援手,点燃一丝希望。愿世界因为有你,更美好。祝福世界人口日你快乐如意。

20、 这个世界人口多,疾病贫困围绕着,资源透支土地少,叫人忧心怎么活?控制人口是首要,计划生育不可少,优生优育提素质,保护环境最重要。世界人口日,从现在做起,给后代子孙留下一片空间!

21、 "世界人口日来了,人口多,带来了许多问题:交通拥挤,住房紧张,资源匮乏,环境污染等严重影响生活质量——营造美好生活环境,你我有责,提倡绿色生活,节约资源,过上幸福生活!"

22、 世界人口日,晚婚向你报到,优育向你汇报,节约时刻微笑,美好纷纷扰扰,顺利不请自到,愉悦开心乱叫,和谐一个劲的闹。祝你关注人口变化,把幸福甜蜜拥抱。

23、 "人口多了,房子贵了,耕地占了,粮减产了,钱难赚了,肉吃多了,压力大了,身体差了。7.11人口日到了,要少生孩子少买房,祝你后代有房住!"

24、 当前增长的速率,及时控制是必须。资源紧张的压力,引起大家的注意。孩子笑脸是喜气,超生真令人可气,计划生育很洋气,优生优育才能一团和气。祝你人口日快乐,家庭和睦!

25、 一个大房子,名字叫地球,里面一群人,名字叫人民,人口在增加,能源在减少,环境变恶劣,灾难频频发,世界人口日,提示你我他,保护好地球,完全靠大家,短信传祝福,愿你快乐伴,生活更美好。

26、 孩子是父母的贴心宝,男孩女孩都一样,何必为生男孩到处跑。只要教育做得好,女孩也能成为宝。世界人口日,愿你少生优生,幸福一生!

27、 生男未必是好汉,生女未必不豪杰。古有花木兰替父从军,穆桂英大破天门,近有秋瑾、刘胡兰不怕牺牲,现有张海迪战胜病魔,邓亚萍笑傲球场。生男生女都一样,只要提高素质,都能为国为家显身手。世界人口日,让我们做到优生优育,和谐生活!

28、 人口增多了,住处变窄了,吃穿收紧了,生活水平下降了,社会负担加重了,世界资源减少了,人们的担忧迫切了,世界人口日,关注人口,计划生育,优生优育,人人有责!

29、 地球是我们的家园,需要保护共同创建,控制人口数量增多,人人做起社会有责,7.11世界人口日,愿你身体永康健,幸福开心乐无边。

30、 世界人口日,快乐人人有责:愿你的爱情甜甜蜜蜜,愿你的事业节节高升,愿你的家庭和和睦睦,愿你的努力早添新丁。祝你幸福,精彩生活每一刻。

31、 您好,今天是世界人口日,您可能会不知道,那不要紧,关键是您现在知道了,先祝您世界人口日快乐,另外请您务必记住四句话:世界人口日,计划生育,优生优育,少生孩子多读书,谢谢,再见!

32、 【控制人口小妙招】世界各主要国家法定结婚年龄:伊朗9岁;荷兰12岁;俄罗斯14岁;法国15岁;菲律宾16岁;韩国:男18岁、女16岁以上;日本男18岁、女16岁;巴西16岁;中国大陆男22岁,女20岁;中国香港16岁;中国台湾16岁…… 人家都老夫老妻了我们还在早恋。

33、 世界人口日提醒我们:人口实在太多,地球很难承受。所以,我郑重地通知你,不能再复制出忧伤的你,痛苦的你,只允许留下一个快乐幸福的你!

34、 心与心的距离就是一个微笑,爱与爱的交集就是一个拥抱,愿你世界人口日,婚姻甜蜜散发比传单飘得远,幸福温暖传给千家万户。祝你快乐每一天。

35、 七一一是世界人口日,鉴于人口压力过大,现命令你把你克隆出来的:忧郁的你、世故的你、消极的你、不健康的你,统统消灭掉,只允许留一个健康快乐的你!祝开心快乐。

36、 儿童是世界的花苗,青年是世界的栋梁,壮年是世界的希望,老人是世界的依靠,人人都是世界一员,和谐是世界的主旋,强盛是世界的夙愿。世界人口日,让我们携手共进,让世界和谐永远!

37、 插一根幸福的枝条在人群,爱心的花朵开满枝;洒一滴幽默的甘露在人群,开心的小溪在汇集。世界人口日,祝你笑口常开,好运常在,抢眼的美丽飘人海。

38、 这个世界,每一个人都很重要,男女要平等,性别要平衡,控制人口数量,提高人口素质,优生优育,才能幸福一生。世界人口日,祝你的世界永远幸福快乐!

39、 7月11为国际人口日,关注人口增长问题,社会大家自身做起,控制人口数量增多,坚决实行国家政策,愿我们的家园共美丽,愿我们的生活幸福如意。

40、 国际人口日到了,送你几把健康金钥匙:晨饮一杯水、饭吃七分饱、运动不间断、豆类常食、戒除烟酒、善思考、勤用脑、多喝茶、面常笑!愿你健康快乐!

41、 也许你父母不希望你再种地土里刨食,结果你到处打工漂泊江湖。也许你不希望你的孩子再去打工,那就从优生优育开始吧,国际人口日,祝你的孩子富可敌国,你也不必再打工!

42、 七月十一日国际人口日,未来需要看人的素质,你是人中之龙,生个儿子高你一筹,养个女儿凤舞九天,你和她努力吧,我祝福你们诞下双胞胎,龙凤呈祥,未来属于你们家。

43、 国际人口日到了,想想世界人口在不断膨胀,我就茶饭不思,更心烦的是多数人还是打工的,寄语打工者,不是打工的也转给你打工的朋友,那么多打工的,出路何在?寄予下一代!

44、 他们,是这个世界上思想最高的动物。然而地球却被他们繁多的数量搞得疲惫不堪。地球的叫嚣和树木的倒塌最终唤醒了他们。7月11日,国际人口日,让我们——人类,来共同爱护地球,计划生育。

45、 人口众多,地球不堪重负;贫富不均,有的流油有的饥饿;计划生育,优生优育才是国策;缩小差距,共同致富奔向幸福生活!国际人口日,解决人口问题,创造美好生活。

46、 7月11日为国际人口日,异‘口’同声,控制人口增长;赞不绝‘口’,美丽家园富有;心‘口’如一,创建祖国大地;交‘口’称赞,世界辉煌明天;金‘口’玉言,祝你快乐永远。

47、 人口数量,‘居高不下’,环境质量,‘每况愈下’,资源储量,‘急转而下’,社会不可,‘世风日下’,国际人口日,大家努力一下,计划一下,祝你开心一下,幸福‘不在话下’!

48、 世界地球日,我做了一个梦,我看见了一座黄金山,你站在它的上面,愿你日进斗金,目光远大,前途无量;爱情甜甜蜜蜜,早日和爱人生一个小人,祝福你夜夜梦想成真。

49、 7月11国际人口日,短信宣传在此时,面对全球人口增,资源问题放心中,促进人口与经济,创建家园更美丽,提倡晚婚晚育,实行计划生育,祝你一生幸福,开心快乐无数。

50、 幸福多多,开心笑;财气多多,点钞票;吉祥多多,感觉妙;健康多多,不显老;人口多多,可不好,生活没质量,口粮不管饱,贫穷到处跑,国际人口日,一起支持控制人口增长,好好享受美好生活。



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The fourth Sunday of April each year for the world childrens day.

1986年,土耳其9岁的女学生丰达?卡拉戈兹莱和另一位同学给世界儿童写信说:“我们希望在社区内人人平等相待,我们希望生活在和平的世界中。我们虽然是孩子,也能够改善这个世界。”这封信被送到联合国儿童基金会,又送到联合国代表们的手中,引起强烈反响。同年4月27日被定为“世界儿童日” (World Childrens Day) ,同时,丰达?卡拉戈兹莱(funda karagozler) 亦成为该组织的名誉主席。此后,每年4月的第四个星期日,全世界的儿童代表来到纽约联合国总部,表达他们对更加美好的世界的愿望,讲述他们为自己社区所作的贡献。

In 1986, Turkey 9 year old female student Fengda? Karagozler and another student to write the children said: "we hope everyone equality in the community, we hope to live in a peaceful world. Although we are the children, but also can improve the world." The letter was sent to the United Nations Childrens fund, but also to the United Nations on behalf of their hands, has aroused strong repercussions. The same year in April 27th was designated as the "world childrens Day" (World Childrens Day), at the same time, Feng Da? Karagozler (funda karagozler) has become the honorary chairman of the organization. Since then, the fourth Sunday of April each year, the children of the world representative came to United Nations Headquarters in New York, expressing their desire for a better world, telling their own contribution for the community.



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Population control

Progress in science and the improvement of living conditions have led to the rapid growth of the world population. Modern medicine, for example, has made it possible for babies to grow up healthily and for people to live longer. With improved living conditions, particularly in the countryside, people tend to have larger families. As a result, the world population has increased so rapidly that it has now exceeded 6 billion.

But the overgrowth of population presents a threat to the existence of human society. A large population demands a GREat deal of food supply and shelter space. However, limited productivity and scarce world resources can hardly meet the needs of the ever-increasing population. Thus, in the long run, the overgrowth of the world population will only harm mankind.

To guarantee the steady development of human society, mankind must realize the consequences resulting from fast population growth and carry out a family planning programme. Only by adopting effective measures, can human society develop steadily and have a bright future.







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Every year on October 4th is the World Animal Day. It is proposed by the Italian monk St Francis in 12th century. He lives in the forests of Assisi Island for the long time, building a good relationship with the animals. So he asks people to express thanks to the animals on October 4th. He sets a good example for our human beings about how to deal with the relationship with animals. In order to memorize him and what he does, we make October, 4th to be World Animal Day. Nowadays, people from all over the world will hold various activities to celebrate on that day. The aim of this festival is to remind people to care for all animals and build a harmonious relationship with them.




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"Ordinary world" is the writer lu yao people, qingjian county, shaanxi province, was born in a poor peasant family, raised by the cure uncle since I was a child, once a year in the countryside local private teacher, then back to the county work.

"Ordinary world" won the "maodun literature award" in 1991, since then laid his status in Chinese literature in the literature.

Novel in northern shaanxi loess plateau on the fate of the sun, gold, tian three family as the center, reflects the "cultural revolution" to the reform and opening up of the face, from hao hongmei through in order to get rid of the landlords identity and keep people in love can see the current landlord by people despise, only money can call wind call rain, and from Ann and embellish leaves are truly in love but less helpless Tian Futang dividing. You can see Ann was forced to deviate from the township was of less people to the attention of the origin, composition, and how much power.

And make drought Tian Fujun risk breaking the law relief for people to let a person see the glimmer of light in this dark society, appear in all the different.

Read the "ordinary world" my biggest harvest is learned that the great of ordinary, the writer lu yao with his profound writing skills will sun shaoping, shao-an sun and a series of characters and the relationship between the characteristics of the rural simplicity performance incisively and vividly, let a person simply astounding. "Ordinary world" no dramatic plot, the legendary story again and again to give us the evolution of a truth, ordinary is great, the article characterization are also very unique, performance indications from the detail place one to fresh character.

Flows throughout the book, between the lines is full of thick love. All the love in the world to show here, it also became the biggest highlight of the book.

Because there is love, the world becomes beautiful!

Lu wrote in postscript "hope your heart and in the hearts of countless communication." I think he did it.











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4月7日是世界生日。每年的这一天, 世界各地的人们都要举行各种纪念活动,来强调健康对于劳动创造和幸福生活的重要性。

April 7th is World Health day. Every year on this day, people all over the world to hold various commemorative activities, to emphasize the importance of health and a happy life for labor.


In 1948, the first World Health Assembly called for the establishment of "World Health Day" to commemorate the birth of WHO. Since 1950, every year in April 7th to celebrate the world health day. Each year as World Health Day a theme selected key fields observed by the world health organization.


World Health Day is a global opportunity, focus on the impact of a major public health problem in the international community. World Health Day start a long-term advocacy planning, until after April 7th.



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2015年7月11日是第25个世界人口日,联合国人口基金将主题确定为:“投资于年轻人”(Investing in Young People),家卫生计生委将中国宣传活动主题确定为:“弘扬婚育新风,共创健康幸福生活”。















控制人口数量 提高全民素质


控制人口数量 提高全民素质 加强道德意识



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On Non—smoking Day, a school did a survey about how many students smoke.Here are the results:3%of the students often smoke.7%of the students smoke sometimes.These students say they smoke just for fun and they look cool while smoking

.Nearly everyone knows smoking does no good to people’s health,especially for teenagers.As students,we should not smoke.Those who smoke should give up smoking.

And if our family members smoke,we should try to stop them.Students who have never smoked should never try it






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Do you know what day is April 23rd?


April 23rd is our love reading peoples festival, world book day.


Book light life, elegant elegant life. Reading can change a persons soul, reading, can change a persons attitude to life, reading, can change a persons behavior habits. Life world wide reading, read more, will be more and more noble character, happy life will be more and more.


The book that I can put aside the troubles, put aside the impetuous, confused heart calm down, open-minded. Reading, like playing music life, there will have to clear, bright, melodious a puzzle, a creation of agitation, there the passions of resonance.


Whenever I go shopping with my mother, I would go first place is the bookstore. I like in the shop smell and temperament. Every time I went to the bookstore will be about half an hour before they agree to leave. When I met my favorite book, I want to take it home taste slowly, slowly appreciate. If you cant take it home, and sat down to read in the bookstore.


I feel that reading is a pleasure. Reading a good book can help you improve your writing ability, can let you become more rich knowledge. The ancient poet Du Fu said: reading break rolls, writing if there is god. In the study, when you see some good word sentences to write it down, then remember. As long as the continuous accumulation, when writing to write well and quickly. Read more books will help you to broaden my knowledge.


Books are the ladder of human progress. Let us grow up in a book, in the book of success!



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Water is one of the most valuable resource in the world, is the ideal liquid to sustain life. Mammals in vivo is between 60% and 65% water, two-thirds of the human body weight, 99% of the brain, bones are about 44% water. Lack of water, the human and the earth will not survive, forests will disappear, the plant will perish, the earth will appear the boundless desert, signs of life will disappear.

Currently the worlds fresh water accounts for only 2.5% of the total water resources, of which more than 70% is frozen in the arctic and Antarctic ice sheets, and it is difficult to use the snow on the mountain glaciers and permafrost, 87% of the fresh water resources is difficult to use. Humans really able to take advantage of the freshwater resources is part of the rivers and lakes, and groundwater, accounts for about 0.26% of the earths water.

Given the global freshwater resources shortage, not only will soon fall into the predicament of the water shortage in many countries, economic development will be limited, on January 18, 1993, the 47th United Nations general assembly resolution, determine the annual March 22 as "world water day". After the water act of the Peoples Republic of China promulgated in 1988, the ministry of water resources is to determine the annual July 1 to 7 as "Chinas water week", considering the "world water day" and "China water week" the purpose and content of basic same, therefore, starting from 1994, change the time of "Chinas water week" to the annual March 22 to 28, time coincidence, make a campaign more highlights the theme of "world water day".



