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¤快乐的端午节日记300字¤ ¤ Happy Dragon Boat Festival 300 words ¤

¤快乐的端午节日记500字¤ ¤ Happy Dragon Boat Festival 500 words ¤

¤端午节日记300字左右¤ ¤ Dragon Boat Festival Jest 300 words ¤

¤端午节日记300字¤ ¤ Dragon Boat Festival Jest 300 words ¤

¤端午节的日记150字¤ ¤ Diary of the Dragon Boat Festival 150 words ¤




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In the morning, it is very fine! Then I climb the mountain with family, the

air on the mountain is very fresh, the flowers plants and trees on the mountain

all seem extremely beautiful. In the afternoon, I go to friends home to play,

the friend entertains me warmly, show me a lot of books of his , has listened to

his CD for me , then also ask me to eat a sumptuous dinner. Coming back home in

the evening, family and I sat and watched TV together, we are returning and

eating the fruit while chatting, the whole family is happy and harmonious!




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The Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional festival of the han. It is a very important festival in our hometown, so every year the Dragon Boat Festival is very busy.

The Dragon Boat Festival is the most indispensable, nature is zongzi, every year the grandmother of the Dragon Boat Festival and everyone will pack hundreds of big dumplings! There are many kinds of dumplings, such as reed leaves, bamboo shoots, wild leaves and lotus leaves. But our hometown is a lot of reeds, so most of them are wrapped in reeds. First, grandma "rate the army" to pick reed leaves. When picking reed leaves, a large family listens to grandmothers labor trumpet: "come on! A zongzi three leaf! Hundreds of zongzi thousands of pieces, hey, come on!" Listen to the drum of the "general", "little soldier" more effort! After the reed leaves, just burn them. But the preparation material is not so simple, still have to go to the bazaar to buy the good red bean, the pork, the peanut, the plate millet, the jujube and the glutinous rice, also buy the red line!

Of course, the most fun time is when you make zongzi. When making zongzi, the man is responsible for cutting the meat into small pieces. Women are responsible for the washing of red beans and glutinous rice. The child was responsible for washing the basin clean, and then putting the mans work in a large basin. The older people are in charge. When everything is ready, the dumplings are started. The adults are working harder, and the kids? Is playing in a side, always when the adults do not pay attention to, to steal a couple of dates, mouth on the surface seems to be a little things didnt do, but in my heart secretly complacent - because jujube is delicious!

The final step is boiled dumplings, grandpa always keep the temperature of fire to grasp well, smell very sweet, very strong, if eating zongzi in the first, you can see the meat dumplings are always tender oil and see jujube rice dumplings are always the golden tender; The eight-treasure zongzi is always delicious, and we are cute.

Last year, my grandparents might have made zongzi, if they hadnt taken care of my uncle and aunt in yancheng. I was suddenly "disgusted" with my uncle, aunt, who had a good economic condition, why not find a babysitter? Take my joyful Dragon Boat Festival and zongzi all "take away", I be so angry! Or miss the delicious dumplings!








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1.(凶险可怕) dangerous; perilous; ominous


(1).险峻而贫瘠。《史记·张仪列传》:“ 韩 地险恶山居,五穀所生,非菽而麦,民之食大抵菽饭藿羹。一岁不收,民不饜糟糠。”

(2).危险可怕。 唐 韩愈 《泷吏》诗:“险恶不可状,船石相舂撞。” 明 刘基 《公无渡河》诗:“世路如何险恶实多,平地倏忽滔天风波。” 郁达夫 《感伤的行旅》:“﹝我们﹞谈到了社会上的险恶的人心。”



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Whatever a man’s status is (may be), he must have an aim。 If not, he can

hardly stand on his own two feet in the world。 That stands to reason。However

important fame and wealth may be, we must not let them bee our object in life。

We should aim at doing something useful to the society。If my aim can e true, I

hope (wish) to be a teacher。 However, teaching is by no means an easy thing。 I

must apply myself closely to my studies so as to be able to cope with my duties

(as a teacher)。



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Father, how great words; The father love, how beautiful melody. Dear dad,

when busy, can you find such a festival of fathers day?

Today, is my dads first holiday, I carefully prepared a card, then tape

posted a petal in the upper left corner. It with the aromatic, with my feelings,

as the wind blows gently, the beautiful kind hearts float into dad.

The father loves the warmth in June and Thanksgiving. When I was in

elaborate greeting card, write the handwriting which asm, I hand in trembling,

my heart in the jump, the sincere words from time to time pull at my heart!

In fact, fathers love is gentle, father use it rough hands stroked my head;

Dad with his warm words of comfort me; When he humorous language make me

laugh... At that time, I really realized the father loves the also gentle.

Dad is the pillar of the family, when his broad shoulders to assume the

burden of the family; When I found a piece of white silk on his head; When I

find the wrinkles on his face. My heart is with sour.

Generation of letters, mostly because their children mother selfless and

moved, so for the selfless love left countless love. And for the whole family

outside the hustle and bustle of the father? Nothing left.

Here, I want to sing loudly fathers love is great!



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Early in the morning, I opened the calendar. At first, its the Dragon Boat Festival.

I put on my clothes and went into the kitchen. Ah! You can smell the flowers. I asked my mother curiously, "whats the Dragon Boat Festival coming from, Mommy?"

My mother smiled and said to me: "once upon a time there was a poet named Qu Yuan, he is very patriotic. One day, Qu Yuan heard that the state and defeated, then jumped the river. After that, people put the rice regiment into the river and let the fish and shrimp no longer eat the body of Qu Yuan. Since then people put rice into his love the taste of the regiment, with reed leaves wrapped and tied with a rope, such as dumplings. At the same time, people also have to play dragon boats. "

I asked again, "what do you want to do, mom, on the Dragon Boat Festival?"

And she said to me, "there is it in it! We want to eat sweet dumplings, Dragon Boat Race fun, drink realgar Yellow Wine, of course, the people also want to eat yellow".

I asked my mother: "what is the five yellow"?

Mother said: "five to eat five things. The first is the yellow fish, the second is the cucumber, the third is the salted duck egg yolk, the fourth is the yellow bean dumplings, and the fifth is the realgar bar.

Listen to mother like this, I have a lot of knowledge!



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June 13th Friday

It is a fine day today. There are some clouds in the sky, but the sun is shining. Mr Jones is with his family. They are walking on the bridge. There are some boats on the river. Mr Jones and his wife are looking at them. Sally is looking at a big ship. The ship is going under the bridge. Tim is looking at an aeroplane. The aeroplane is flying over the river.






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假期很快过去了。我很开心因为我已经做完作业了。我还帮妈妈所了家务。我想我已经长大了,应该长大将来要做什么。我要更努力学习,将来做个好人。 七年级寒假英语日记50字篇九:

Saturday, my grandma made dumplings, one of the dumplings like obedient little ducks swimming in the bowl. My in the mind have a little not to eat them. But the smell of fragrance and let me greedy slobber, I eat up tit-bit. But I eat dumplings, the heart have a kind of feeling can not tell.



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October 1st is National Day, our whole family all came to visit the farm at the foot of lushan mountain. I can be happy, because I can play, play!

I came to the farm, sister skip stones are, I ran past, cried, "sister! Here I come! Lets eat meal to fishing! Ok?" Sister walked over, said: "yes! After dinner to say again first." Soon finished eating dinner, my sister and I rushed out, a man with a rod, a bait, blunt went fishing.

Unexpectedly, it look easy, it can be difficult! I first in the water and some fish bait, lure the fish swam into my "encirclement", and then wear worm on the hook, fishing pole with a heavy, 1 of "pa", wasnt I hook into the "encirclement", the buoy floats on the surface of the water, I started to wait. All of a sudden, buoy sank, there is a fish! I hurriedly pulled up, yi! ? Empty on the hook, it ran to which go to? Oh, how terrible, the fish eat earthworms, should wipe a wipe your mouth, tail jilt a swam away, the fish is not virtue, to a restaurant didnt pay! My lungs are Fried. Since sacrifice a worm, you must catch a big, fat fish. I to strenuously, and forcibly dumped out the line. Within an hour I didnt catch, a thought, anyway also cant catch a fish, here it is a waste of time, better to do something meaningful. So, I went to feed the rabbit. Later, I saw daddy to help us, sister and brother also play "dont catch any fish, shi dont go home" banner and fish launched a "life and death" war. I after more than three hours of sorrows and bitter, into the dark, I finally caught a fish "treasure", I was ecstatic, leaving it in "automatic door silly fish" as a treasure, put it in his fishing net. Next, the elder sister also caught a fish, is one over ten the size of my fish (not brag oh!) , however, there is harvest is good, the fishing is really impressive.

Fishing can TaoZhiRen temperament, the fishing also makes me understand a truth: no pain, no gain.







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一大早,村子里不管是老人还是孩子,都早早起床了,开始为端午节作准备。我当然也是其中的一员。大人要赶着去集市上买油条、糖糕,这可是端午节必不可 少的早餐,去得晚了就没份了。孩子们有一个特殊的使命——割艾草。过端午时,家家户户都要在门前插上几株艾草,说是辟邪。其实孩子们割艾草才不仅仅是为了 这个呢!艾草在他们手里还有更重要的作用——缝荷包。

吃完了早饭,我们又开始忙碌起来了——包粽子啦!粽子是端午节不可缺少的,所以在这天大家都必吃无疑。我也跟着大人们学过,比如说,先到河边摘些苇 叶,放在锅里煮软,再买些糯米,还要买葡萄干、红枣、海棠等做馅,当然还要放糖,也有用肉做馅的。包好以后,便可以放在锅里煮了。

接近中午,大人们就开始忙着准备佳肴了,鸡、鱼、肉、蛋……而我们这些孩子则拿上自家的粽子聚在一起,互相交换,犹如一场交换集会。换完了便开始猛 吃,然后评论谁家的好吃,那场面绝不亚于辩论赛,因为谁都认为自家的粽子最好吃。其实,我每次去都是为了可以吃到不同口味的粽子,至于谁家的好吃倒在其 次。趁着大人们还没喊开饭,年龄大一些的孩子,便给小不点们讲从老师那里学到的关于屈原的故事。大孩子讲得认真,小孩子听得仔细。

终于开饭了,一大家子围坐在一起,吃着美味的饭菜,时不时地讲几个笑话,引得大家哈哈大笑,这场面其乐融融。最重要的是还可以从电视上看龙舟竞赛,这 可是最有趣的事了。我们边看边打赌,赌哪条龙舟会赢。大人小孩都可以参加。当比赛接近尾声时,我们都非常激动;比赛结束时,不管输赢我们都很开心。






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I like to surf the internet, fix puters, use smart phones and take photoes。

And I found my hobbies were popular with people around me。 If my co-workers have

trouble with puter or smart phone, they will ask me to help。 When I go out for a

trip, I will take many photoes for others。 Today I helped my friends nephew

install QQ messenger on his iphone4 and access to the internet through


I like to study, not to play Majiang。



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Everybody wishes (hopes) to get money so that he can maintain his

livelihood。 In other words, money is so useful that it is impossible for mankind

to live without it。 For this reason, we have an interesting proverb。 It says

“Money can make the world go around。” In a word, money is more powerful than

anything else。

However, money should not be wasted。 It must be used for (some) proper

purposes。 We young men should form the good habit of not spending money in the

wrong way。





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Today, I came to the breakfast。 See the lads with chopsticks busy busy。 So

I took a seat, a young man walked to nete over and ask me to eat something, so I

had a bowl of beef noodles peppers。 Soon, a noodles。 I take chopsticks, soon

finished eating。 On the way to school, I also think that bowl noodles





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Today is the Qingming Festival once a year, a week ago, grandma said to take me to worship, I hope to look forward to finally look forward to.


Two years ago, is the grandfather took me to the ancestors, so, this is my grandmother took me to the. On the way to worship their ancestors, grandma is particularly serious, usually the humorous she disappeared Not the least trace was found.. The pale blue flowers, pure golden rape flowers, green grass of the small, put on airs to this piece of bamboo and so on to worship the "picture with a unique flavor of feeling, it can only express a serious expression.


A few minutes later, my grandmother and I arrived at the destination, the official start of the ancestors. Grandma let me to go to the great grandfathers time on both sides of the candles, grandma said, I can express my great grandfathers respect. Then, she put flowers on my great grandfather before free, my grandmother and me in front of the souls bowed, and then say a few words to bless our family. Later, grandma gave some money to burn bright in front of the souls. Then, we again in front of the souls to knock a few heads with hand around the garbage picked up, and then to visit the grave, then plug in three lighted incense. The ancestor worship even be accomplished!


On the way back, my grandmother told me many living things. After returning home, I said to my mother what do we worship, and my great grandfather that next time, ancestor worship, I must take my mother to go.
