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我的家就是我的城堡,一砖一瓦都要用去建筑,家人的微笑给我不尽的财富,家人的关爱给我无限的力量……——题记家属于离开家的人,因为他需要家温暖的照顾和细心的体贴;家属于失去家的人,因为他需要家的激励与鼓舞;家属于刚刚失败的人,因为他需要家的拥护与开拓……家,永远属于我,一个内心需要阳光的人。家,是每一个人的期望与梦想,因为家将记载你一步步成长的体验,它是神灵的向往,是太阳的光芒,它哺育着每一个善良的人。我的家,我的成长,我的记忆,我的欢乐,我所有的一切,都在家中得到了延长。在家中,我永远都需要家的关怀与扶养,因为我的身影不曾离开……家中的每一块砖,每一块瓦,或许都留有我的足迹,或许那是我淘气的体现,或许那是我成长的经历;不管怎样,我始终在家中,始终未曾离开,始终都被养育着。家,是我人生的起点,是我生命的开始,在家中,我向世界宣布了我的到来。家,给予我温暖,给予我关爱,在成长的道路上给予我所需要的一切。所有的东西也许都会随时间的消逝使人忘却,但忘却不了的则是家的身影。唐代诗人李白在诗中则有“举头望明月,低头思故乡。”的诗云来表达对家眷恋。只是我不曾体验过李白当时的处境和心情,我只懂得:在家中很快乐,很幸福。在不久在将来,也许我会外走他乡,到了那时,我不知道自己会成什么样子,会是什么心情,但盼望着:我与我的家同在,我需要家的扶养。我成长,我快乐,我温暖,我幸福,我爱我家——I love my family! 第2篇我的家作文650字

我的家你认识我和我的家人吗?一起进入我们的世界吧!家庭成员:爸爸、妈妈、我和弟弟。人物个性。爸爸:他个子不高,不过很聪明。他有一个原则,该买的就买,不该买的就不要浪费,所以常常被人视为“小气”。妈妈:她是个急性子,嗓门还挺大,不过温柔起来会像小绵羊的。弟弟:他是个调皮鬼,整天跑这跑那,经常惹人生气,但他有幽默感,体能也很好。我:那就不太好说啦,不过用别人的话说,那就是聪明、可爱、勤劳、乖巧。家庭状况:和和睦睦。在家里,我们互相尊重,在我们的字典里没有“暴力”这个词。在公园,“一个回旋球!”这是我们在打羽毛球,一个个大汉淋漓,笑容满面。这是我们的假期,快乐的氛围用不消失。暑假,我们一家人四处游玩,把欢乐撒向世界。老鹰抓小鸡、捉迷藏、四个大字,这些游戏在我们家“发扬光大”。爸爸是我的好老师,象棋、羽毛球,还有画画、读书,我总是虚心学习,也学有所成。整理房间、烹饪、洗衣服,这些当然少不了妈妈。弟弟就是我们的开心果,少了他,我们的乐趣就少大半了。吵吵闹闹。有快乐,也有悲伤,这才是生活嘛。我和弟弟可算得上是死对头了。无聊时你跑我追,不过爱赖皮的弟弟总会惹出一些祸事来。而每当灾难来临时,弟弟便失去了他的“男人气概”,像个小姑娘似的哭了起来,迎而而来的不用说,就是妈妈的一顿“口水弹”扫射。不过玩归玩,过一会儿我们又笑眯眯的了。家庭愿望:一家人和谐相处,永远快乐。也祝全国的无数家庭快快乐乐。我期待着这个和睦的家庭。 第3篇我的家作文650字

一提起家,爸爸、妈妈的形象就出现在眼前,就会想起家中那些温馨而有趣的故事。电视大王----老爸“老爸,做个榜样吧!不然,我就让你‘有其父,必有其女’了!”我摇着爸爸的肩膀,着急地说。哎呀,爸爸看电视迷到了极点,家中的一切活都不管了;把我的话也当作耳旁风,一点也听不进去。老爸,做个榜样吧!不然,在你的“培养”下,我要成“电视二王”了。在家中,我也要成为“榜上有名”的小四眼了。老爸呀,老爸!“电视大王”这个称号,非你没属了。减肥王----老妈我的妈妈,经常说的一句口头禅就是:“我真胖,得减肥了!”可是,左减右减,也看不出减了几斤。星期五的下午,我放学回来,妈妈正在包饺子。下完水饺,我津津有味地吃着。妈妈在客厅里,走来走去,我知道,这又在减肥了。妈妈高兴地说;“早上干了点活,可能会减半斤哩!”晚饭后,妈妈习惯地躺在沙发上,歪着脑袋,舒舒服服地看起了电视。看来,妈妈又得长半斤了。磨蹭鬼----我哎,我是全家的磨蹭鬼,写一篇日记也得用半个小时。有一次,语文作业布置的少了一点。这么点作业,小菜一碟吗!就看起了漫画,心想;“就是看到八点半,我也会做完的。”八点半到了,开始写作业。我边写边玩,九点半了,还没写完。妈妈着急地喊起来:“还没作完啊?明天还上学不?你个磨蹭鬼!”我们三口虽然性格各异,各有所长;但我们互相关爱地生活在一起,是多么温馨,是多么幸福啊!瞧,我们这一家子! 第4篇我的家作文650字

爸爸和妈妈都在电业局工作,家里的电器坏了,爸爸十拿九稳会修好。正因为这样,爸爸朋友家里的电脑一坏,就会叫我爸爸去修电脑。其实,我爸爸就是个电脑专业人员,对电脑很有一手。杀病毒,下载大型文件,对他来说就是张飞吃豆芽——小菜一蝶。爸爸还在电脑上安装了无线路游器,使我们的电脑方便了许多。人家的有线宽带插着线,没有了线就不能上网,而我们家的无线宽带能在100米远的距离接收无线路游器的信号,路游器还能使多台电脑同时使用一个无线网络,爸爸天天离不开电脑。最近家里买了台液晶电视机,爸爸又迷上了高清晰电影了,整天下载他精心选择的电影,我因此看到了许多国外的名著和有趣的电影,如《雾都孤儿》、《小魔怪》、《旋转的木马》等,其中《狮子、女巫和魔橱》最让人喜欢了。他手也很巧,给他一个空瓶子,一根吸管和一把剪刀,不过半小时,一个喷雾器就做了出来。他数学也不错,提高班上的题目他总能想出来。妈妈则相反,语文比爸爸懂点,也比爸爸勤劳。早上,我一起床,就能吃到可口的早饭;家里变脏了,妈妈就会拿出吸尘器开始“奋战”。她把我们的家整理得井井有条。爸爸和妈妈还常常会闹出笑话来。“妈妈。”当我大声喊妈妈时,他们俩立即同时回答:“哎。”真是一呼百应啊,我常常笑得躺到地板上。爸爸和妈妈有时候也会吵架。因为爸爸打电话妈妈插嘴,所以就引起了唇枪舌战,吵得我心烦。但不到5分钟,“战争”就停止了,他们又和好如初了。我们有一个幸福的家庭,充满笑声的家庭,在这个幸福的家庭里,电脑迷爸爸,蜜蜂妈妈和开心的我快乐地生活着。 第5篇我的家作文650字






这就是我的一家,一个朴实的家而又充满幸福的家庭,我爱我家。 第6篇我的家作文650字








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201_年_月_日 星期_ 晴

I have planned a happy weekend.Saturday morning, I must go to see me

aunt.In the afternoon, I must go to the shopping center to go shopping.Evening,

I planned makes the homework.Sunday in the morning, I watch the television, the

television program is e_tremely interesting.In the afternoon, I planned listens

to music and paints pictures.I thought this weekend I can be very weary, but is

certainly very joyful.




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“i have a dream!”我常常爱高高地喊出这句话,听着它响彻云霄,我的心中便一阵舒畅——是的,梦想的花,正在朝我慢慢绽放。















[我的梦想 My Dream英语作文



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Today is mothers birthday, but I didnt know what to by for her.A watch was a good present, but it was too expensive for me to buy.Flowers were not so expensive, but they would die soon.A birthday cake was too sweet and mother didnt like it.


Then father thought a good idea.He said, "Why dont we make a wonderful dinner for her?That will show our love for her!" Oh, that was good.Love is the most expensive present in the world.


I will never forget the smile on mothers face when we were having supper together.




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i have a dream : i want to be a lawyer .the reason i want to be a lawyer r is i think this profession is very important and meaningful. if i am a lawyer, i will can contribute to maintaining  the fairness and justice of society in the form of law: on one hand, i can take advantage of my expertise help mediate peoples conflicts and disputes, so that they can live in harmony.

on the other hand,i can defend legitimate rights and interest

s for innocent, avoiding them suffering  from some unnecessary injury.

in addition, i can often contact with somebody who need legal aid,try my best to teaching them some basic legal knowledge,therefore they can obey the law and apply the law.


一方面,我可以充分利用我的专业优势帮助解决人们的矛盾纠纷,以便让他们和睦相处。 另一方面,我可以为无辜受害人争取合法权益,避免他们收到不必要的伤害。 此外,我还会经常与一些需要法律援助的人经常进行交流,尽力教给他们一些基本的法律知识,让他们能够守法用法。




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Jack is a seven years old boy, he has a dream to be a president in the future. When he saw Obama giving a speech, he is inspired and makes up his mind to realize his dream. When his parents hear his thought, they support him. No matter what kind of kind Jack will work on whe he grows up, his families love him all the time.





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My father is an ordinary farmer, on the career, on the status of my father are nothing worthy of my pride, but my fathers love for me, but it is meticulous.

People often say "strict parent", but in my eyes, my father and my mother, my father is more kind than my mother. Life no matter how many of our sister to do something wrong, my father always patiently educated us, inspired us.

I clearly remember that my father had never used violence to educate us. It was a summer day, the sun was burning, without a trace of wind. When we work in the ground, inadvertently I found the neighbors of the family of watermelon, has matured, my family has not cooked. Looking at the round and big watermelon, my mouth straight mouth saliva. Suddenly my mind flashed a thought: it is better to pick a taste. Wait until the morning my father and mother came home, I secretly picked a watermelon, sitting under a tree, relish to eat up. Just eat a few mouthfuls, I saw a person from afar. I took a closer look at my father. I hid the watermelon in the back. Dad came to see me panic panic look, my heart suddenly understand a lot. Dad said kindly: "how can children eat, eat their own homes, how can we eat someone else? Besides, how can we have the nerve to get someone elses labor fruit?" Dad patiently guided me, I was ashamed to low Head of the head.

My father is such an ordinary farmer. He taught me in a loving way, encouraged me, and I was proud of having such a father.



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There is the famous saying of live and learn, which inspires so many people

to keep moving on when they want to give up. Age is always the reason for people

to give up, but some people insist on doing what they want and enjoy the

success. An old woman took part in a famous show. When she started to dance, the

judges felt a little bored at the beginning, so he gave a "no" for showing his

opinion. The old woman continued to dance, then the audience was shocked by the

old ladys wonderful action. She was like a cheerleader, jumping and turning

over her body. The judge apologized and gave her the great applause. The old

lady just picked up her dance after her husband died. She found the pleasure and

all her families supported her.



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快乐的周末 A Happy Weekend

I have a happy weekend!Take lessons on Saturday, Im going to cram school,

tutoring English and maths. In the afternoon, I watch TV at home. In the

evening, I want to go out for a walk with mom and dad and sister.On Sunday, Im

going to the shopping center reading, the book is really interesting. After

lunch, Im going to the sports, the body health is very important! In the

evening, I at home reading. How about you? What are you going to do this




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I am xxx and I am 12 years old. My favorite sports include basketball, swim and football. One of my favorite stars is Liu Xiang because he is the fastest runner in the world and a pride of our country.

I have love fruits like watermelon, grapes, banana, and so forth. When I have time, I like watching TV, playing games on my computer, surfing the web, and reading. I have a lot of friends and we often play football together.




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When the founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerbergs daughter was born, he

announced a general decision and surprised the world. Mark told media that he

would donate 99 percent of his fortune to the charity organizations. Some people

wonder why he did not save the heritage for his offspring. In fact, in western

countries, for some rich people, they dont trend to leave much fortune for

their kids, instead, they use the money to educate their children and cultivate

them to be the wise persons. The rich people leave the invisible fortune, which

is their fame. Their children can have more chances to do their business or

receive better education with their family names. The wise rich men know the

best way to educate their offspring. They teach skills and the way of thinking,

which values everything.



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“那 ——,还是给你看吧!但是看完以后一定要给我看哦!”




篇14:小学二年级英语作文Sang Lan 桑兰

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My favorite star isSangLan. She is one of the best gymnasts in our country and she is very beautiful. Her smile like sunshine makes everyone happy.

Unluckily she was hurt badly in a contest. Since then she hasnt stood up. But she faces the fact bravely and overcomes all kinds of difficulties.

Now she is studying hard in Beijing University. She wants to do some useful things for our country after graduation. Her spirit encourages many people.



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New York is the first big city in America. It is the world’s commercial

center and there are many sites that attract people from all over the world to

take a visit. One of the famous sites is the Statue of Liberty. Everybody knows

this great site and it has become the symbol of New York.

The Statue of Liberty stands on an island of the New York City harbor. It

is the tallest building ever built. When people get there, they will see a woman

holding a torch of fire. In her feet, people can see the chains that are broken,

which means she gets away from the restrictions and chases for freedom. There is

a book on her right hand, which is the Declaration of Independence.

The complete name of this statue is Liberty Enlightening the World. It is

the present from French people to American people. The meaning of friendship and

freedom are shared by both countries. Today, the meaning of the Statue of

Liberty is shared by the world. People can feel the peace when they see this




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National Day to the sixty-seventh anniversary of our country, organs, schools, factories, communities, units in front of a red cloth, which says "to celebrate the National Day" four characters.

In order to celebrate this day, our country put seven days of holiday, so that everyone happy to rest. Some people take their children to travel, and some children with the autumn tour, and some children with the supermarket, shopping street, into the park, we all play very happy. When we are home, we are carrying a large bag, eat, have to wear, useful, and school supplies and books. Mom and Dad told me that life is now really happy, as if sesame seeds flowering high, it should be grateful to the partys reform and opening up policy is good.

National Day of the night more beautiful, the streets have a variety of palace lanterns, colorful, as well as sidewalks on the fire tree Yinhua little stars, sparkling, people see after lunch.



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hobbies are very important to a person. without having any hobby, life wont be as colorful as it should be. i have a variety of hobbies, such as collecting stamps, playing musical instruments, reading, and doing sport activities.

when i am free, i will spend time on my hobbies. when i am in a blue mood, i will also do my hobbies to cheer myself up. hobbies can help us improve our moods. many hobbies requires devotion. for eample, when you play a musical instrument, you have to practice over and over in order to perform good music.

after a period if you still enjoy it, gradually it will become a hobby of yours. but, remember: a hobby is like gold under the ground; no hobby will come to you unless you dig it out yourself. if you can treat study as one of you hobbies, learning will be more enjoyable. i hope all of you can find your own hobbies and also have fun from them.



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December 25 is Christmas Day, the day is originates in the western country,

it is in honor of the birth of Jesus Christ. In the Bible, it is record that

Jesus saved people out of trouble, he is the son of god, he died of suffering

for the purpose of saving people. Jesus is so great, everyone in the western

country knows his story. Though Christmas Day belongs to foreign countries, now

it has become a worldwide festival. In China, we can find the day is more and

more popular, people find the Christmas tree sold in the shop and there are

parties to celebrate Christmas Day. On that day, families get together, having

dinner, eating turkey and sharing happiness. This is a good chance for people to

get reunion, this is the most important day for western people, just like

Chinese New Year.



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"Pursuit of the perfect idol the same time, same time talented idols, the legendary weapons of China want to learn, everything is magic will be cool again." Christmas party in laughter came to a close, just like that. Recall JiYuTong they elaborate scene, in the mind... So, let us together with an endless again! This Christmas is precious, it is beautiful, but also we spent in primary school the last Christmas, meaningful!

In the afternoon, when we all walked into the classroom, having a unique style when everyone excited, when the classroom becomes hot, the "Christmas party" has officially kicked off.

We fight, itch to try. One funny show who is happy, sweet, make us all to my memory. We join together to sing the "inverse fight", "where dad", "I believe" and other songs; The forms of performance respectively, and the most to my favorite one show, is Wu Andi and Qiao Xinran acting funny sketch - many problems. This essay makes us burst into laughter, she classic lines to our delicious, relish!

Such as: Xu Zhao outcrop, audience friends must worry; Xu Zhao two outcrops, crosstalk from the impressive; Xu Zhao 3 outcrop, frighten to death a cow in the field. Xu Zhao four outcrop, the national peoples jump off a building. And learning is not outstanding, literature and art is not outstanding, lumbar shoulder dish outstanding, do not speak in class, the meeting is not speak, flat conductor yan. More online games such as study, dont dine. The college entrance examination examination of six or seven door, lack of a selective college door... Listen to the humorous language, how can not happy? ! And I am the "audience" also turned into "performer". Sang together with Wu Andi, Qiao Xinran and JiYuTong TimeZ "idol same time". Also became the last a finale performance!







