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I have a capacious and comfortable classroom, there are many in the classroom we learn things, now I will take you to visit my classroom.

An enter a door, can see the clean and tidy desks and chairs, no matter what you see is neat, this is all part of our labor, so we will have such a comfortable environment. Every day, I cannot leave the desks and chairs, because they are with me for five years, we dont know when we became good friends.

A large blackboard is in front, and a platform. The big blackboard is our on duty every day wipe the black shiny, feels very smooth...

Looked up, and you can see the ceiling of the electric fan and electric light, the color, dark, light work, bring us the light. When students mood blundering, fan brings us a cool wind blow gently, lets back to study, read seriously.

The upper left is a book Angle, with each student to donate inside a dozen books, let us develop good study habits...

On the right side of the wall there are three large glass Windows, glass rubbed were shining brilliantly, sun slanted in and bring us a trace of warmth. Through the window you can see our campus. Every window hanging beautiful brilliant red curtains on both sides, this is our school. The window there is a few bright-coloured flower, it is our carefully cultivated flowers bring fragrance to every one of us.

This is our classroom, you like it?











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世界上有许多:兰花 、菊花 、桃花 、迎春花 、牡丹 、茉莉 、月季……可我最喜爱出污泥而不染的荷花。






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1. 夏季的夜晚是短的,黎明早早地来临。太阳还没有升起来以前,森林、一环一环的山峦、以及群山环绕着的一片片小小的平川,全都隐没在浓滞的雾色里。只有森林的顶端浮现在浓雾的上面。随着太阳的升起,越来越淡的雾色游移着、流动着,消失得无影无踪。沉思着的森林,平川上带似的小溪全都显现出来;远远近近,全是令人肃穆的、层次分明的、浓浓淡淡的、深深浅浅的绿色,绿色,还是绿色。

2. 夏天是个变脸的季节,它时而哭,时而笑。一会儿晴空万里,碧空如洗,天高云淡,骄阳似火;一会儿天低云暗,乌云密布,狂风怒吼;一会天公大发雷霆,电闪雷鸣;一会瓢泼大雨,倾盆滂沱,;一会儿潇潇雨歇,虹桥飞架南北。夏天就如同孩子的脸一般,没有征兆地变换着。

3. 夏天是火红色的,那一轮挂在天空中巨大无比的太阳,在天空中发射出巨大无比的光芒,照得我们都睁不开眼睛。知了在树上不停地叫道:“好热呀!知了,知了!”路边的小狗无精打采地趴着,吐出舌头,耷拉着耳朵,似乎在向人类倾诉它热的烦恼。大街上许多人都戴着防晒帽或打着太阳伞,谁也不想在这阳光下多待1秒。太阳发出火红色的光芒,所以我说,夏天是火红色的。

4. 夏天是花的季节。各种各样的花儿这儿一朵,那儿一簇,大片大片的开出无限的美丽。红的、黄的、蓝的、粉的、白的……把夏天装扮的五彩缤纷;夏雨刚过就能看见雨天溅起的水花,五颜六色的伞花……把夏天打扮的生机勃勃;最有特色的,莫过于女孩子扬起的裙花,爱美的女同学便迫不及待的穿上一条条漂亮的裙子,聚在一起,叽叽喳喳的炫耀自己的新裙子。百折裙、一步裙、过膝裙、迷你裙……一朵朵裙花儿,随着女孩子蹦跳的身影幸福的绽放着。

5. 夏天是多姿多彩的。池塘里的荷花,像一个个害羞的小姑娘红着脸,随着柔风翩翩起舞。红红的西瓜瓤,像一块红玛瑙。夏天是快乐的,白天可以与小朋友玩耍,夜晚听蟋蟀断断续续地叫声,听风儿把树叶刮得沙沙作响。夏日的天空是美丽的。白天,云淡风轻,云姑娘穿看漂亮的衣裙,好像在欢迎我们来参观天空。夜晚,点点繁星,在天空中发出微弱的光茫,月亮似乎在向我们微笑。牵牛星和织女星之间像有一座桥似的,好像让他们早点相聚。

6. 夏天到了,太阳火辣辣地烤着大地。忽然,下起了倾盆大雨,炎热的天气终于可以清凉一下了,不过这一瞬间雨又小了起来,天空中出现了一条五彩缤纷的彩虹。湖边,柳叶卷了起来,好像害羞的小姑娘。湖边的荷花开出了一朵一朵鲜艳的花来,有粉红的、淡黄的、雪白的,美丽极了。湖旁的太阳花鲜花怒放。动物园里的知了整天叫个不停,小狗也整天吐着短短的舌头,大象用长长的鼻子不断地往自己身上浇水,还有老虎、狮子、黑熊整天懒洋洋地泡在水里,享受着水的清凉。

7. 夏天到了,太阳光好像在变魔术,它一照树叶,树叶更绿了,它照在花儿上,花儿更鲜艳了,它照在刚发芽的小树上,小树长的更高了。突然,太阳把一团乌云变来,自己躲在里面不肯出来,好像在休息,没过多久,这里就变成了雨的世界,无数的小雨点从天母的摇篮里欢快地蹦出来,跳到地面,滴答滴答的雨水好像在说:“总算找到我们的世界了!”;转眼间,太阳又不知不觉地钻了出来,继续变魔术,令人惊讶的是:雨一下子停了,太阳居然变出了一道五颜六色的彩虹!漂亮极了。

8. 夏天是多姿多彩的,沉静的是湖蓝,纯洁的是乳白,高贵的是米黄,热烈的是大红,典雅的是银灰,庄重的是墨黑……缤纷的色彩把温煦的夏日画满了。清雅的雏菊、馥郁的郁金香、娇艳的山茶花、妖娆的牡丹……芬芳的香气把幽幽的庭院溢满了。脆亮的蛙鼓、知了的聒噪、蚊蚋的低吟、婉转的鸟叫……丰富的声响把轻飘的空气充满了,这就是夏的神韵。让冬苏醒,让春灿烂,让夏多姿,让秋辉煌,让生活多彩。有了天地间的滋润,才有了旺盛的生命力。因为有了彼此的关爱,才有了春华秋实。

9. 夏天里,它们隐去了鹅黄,涂上了翠绿,凸显了一份老成。你看,笔挺挺的杨树,个个昂首挺胸撑开巨伞,乐呵呵地为人们纳凉;又像一个个威武的哨兵俯视着林荫小路,为游人站岗。再说岸边的柳树叫你眼前一亮,它们婀娜多姿,靓丽可人。河风吹过,它们好似轻抬秀美的臂膀,用心地梳理各自的绿色长发,然后轻盈起舞,给人以青春俊美之感。还有柏树、榆树墙修剪得整整齐齐,一丝不苟地守护在浑河两岸。远远望去,它们就像列队欢迎游人的仪仗队;又像一条绿色的长城,把浑河公园拥抱在自己的怀里。

10. 夏天的夜色,总是挂着迷人的色彩,有点深沉却带着浪漫。在黄昏天空的云彩,像是艺术家的油画,五彩斑斓。等到夜幕降临,天空出现一轮明月,犹如一根香蕉,照着大地。如果仔细一看,还有可能会发现意想不到的东西--在他的右下角,有一颗玉树,上面挂满了晶片,在树上有一个小兔子,它是嫦娥唯一的伙伴玉兔。

11. 夏天是叶的季节。一片片新绿此时正憋足劲的成长着。这儿一丛,那儿一簇的深绿肆意的生长着,壮大着,在中午刺眼的阳光的照射下反出金色的光,于是,整个世界就被这些耀眼的绿覆盖了。

12. 夏天虽然美丽,但是却很热。四处只有知了在树上叫着:“热死了,热死了……”我在河里游泳玩得正开心,没过了一会儿,只见乌云密布,云脚长毛。顿时雷声滚滚,震耳欲聋。马上便下起了豆粒般的大雨,我以掩耳不及迅雷之势跑回了家,只见雨珠像珍珠一样从天空中撒落下来。雨越下越大,不一会儿雨就像一串串雨帘一般,非常美丽。明明是在下雨,可还是很热,汗水直流,像瓢泼似的……

13. 清晨,也许会吹来一丝丝的风,可是一会就过去了,人们还没有过瘾,老天就把风给收住了。不过一会儿,太阳出来了,照得大地火辣辣的,而此时的风也不像清晨那么听话了,不但不是凉风,而且是热风,我想,这也许就是人们所说的熏风吧!

14. 万物葱绿的春天过去了,弹指一挥间。6月22日到了,太阳直射立于北回归线,夏天这个流火的季节又来到了。

15. 夏天是一个突飞猛进的季节。一切都在肆无忌惮地疯长,尤其是那夏天的绿色,又浓又深,霸占得漫山遍野,虽然是映衬着花朵,但事实上却是绿肥红瘦。雨后春笋一夜间冒出大地,竹子快速成长,关节胀得直响,原上芳草萋萋离离,林间参天大树又增加了一圈年轮。

16. 五月末的北方夜晚,是最清新、最美好的时刻。天空象是刷洗过一般,没有一丝云雾,蓝晶晶的,又高又远。一轮圆圆的月亮,从东边的山梁上爬出来,如同一盏大灯笼,把个奇石密布的山谷照得亮堂堂,把树枝、幼草的影投射在小路上,花花点点,悠悠荡荡。宿鸟在枝头上叫着,小虫子在草棵子里蹦着,梯田里春苗在拔秆儿生长着;山野中也有万千生命在欢腾着……

17. 田野里的麦子,在不知不觉间由青色而变成枯黄,使一片原野顿换了一副面目。风儿带着微微的暖意吹着,时时送来布谷鸟的叫声,这是告诉我们“春已归去”而是初夏四月的季节了。

18. 夕阳落山不久,西方的天空,还燃烧着一片橘红色的晚霞。大海,也被这霞光染成了红色,而且比天空的景色更要壮观。因为它是活动的,每当一排排波浪涌起的时候,那映照在浪峰上的霞光,又红又亮,简直就像一片片霍霍燃烧着的火焰,闪烁着,消失了。而后面的一排,又闪烁着,滚动着,涌了过来。

19. 这里固然有绝崖、陡壁、喷泉、草地,但更为离奇的却是那波光流思的冰湖。那湖水碧蓝见底,湖面映浮着远山的倒影。在霞光尽染的傍晚,你在湖边草地支起帐篷,升起黄火,看明澈的冰湖里的繁星,和那被黄火染得一片通红的雪山,简直忘掉盛夏的酷暑,如置身神话世界了。

20. 夏日的晴空是灿烂的,天是那样的蓝,日光是那样的强烈,天上地下处于一片耀眼的光明之中。一年中,数夏天的太阳最勤劳,一大早就起身了,清晨五、六点钟就已晨光熹微,晚上六七点钟,眼看月亮就要把它排挤掉了,可勤劳的太阳还逗留着,迟迟不“下班”。

21. 夏天一到,这青山一天一个样,经过烈日的暴晒,骤雨的浇淋,那草木就窜枝拔节很快地长起来,变得葱茏青黑了。这时,山地里一片青纱帐起,那些狼呀山猫呀野兔子呀……逍遥自在地活跃在里面,就像鱼儿游在海洋里那样。

22. 北方的夏天,热得真够劲!树叶晒得发白,柏油马路晒得软软的,像糖稀。推车卖冰棍的老太太早已经卖得一干二净。一家饭馆门外,好几个敞着怀、流着汗的工人,抱着啤酒罐罐,仰脖咕咚咚往下灌,活像在饮马,汗不住往外冒,似乎那一颗颗汗珠都是这啤酒挥发出来的……

23. 当花翅膀的麦雀子把乡村每个日子叫甜的时候,把黑土地的渴盼叫成金黄|色*,叫成起伏不平的波浪形,一个最最撩拨庄稼人的时令,又从镰刀上和红缨鞭上熟落了,又从那些古铜色*的胸大肌、肱二头肌和醉意朦胧的微笑上熟落了!

24. 初夏,北方乡村的原野是活跃而美丽的。天上白云缓缓地飘着,广阔的大地上三三两两的农民辛勤地劳动着。柔嫩的柳丝低垂在静谧的小河边上。河边的顽童,破坏了小河的安静:“看呀!看呀!泥鳅!这个小蛤蟆!”叫声笑声飘散在鲜花盛开的早晨,使人不禁深深感到了夏天的欢乐。

25. 沿路的景物真不坏,江南的仲夏,原是一副天上乐园的景色*。一路上没有一块荒土,都是绿的稻,绿的树,绿的桑林。偶然见些池塘,也都有粗大的荷叶与细小的菱叶浮泛在水面。

26. 夏天是个变化多端、日新月异、波澜壮阔的季节,它一直都在上演着振奋人心、波澜壮阔的历史。人生之中也有同样的夏天,现在的我们正处于这样的夏天。“莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切!”我们要珍惜当夏时节,不断充实自己,让自己的人生变地更加绚丽,去迎接丰硕的人生秋天。

27. 炎炎夏日,正是游泳的大好时光。游泳圈像一朵朵盛开的花朵绽放在游泳池上。小朋友们宛如一只只活泼可爱的小鸭子自由自在地游来游去。孩子们的喊声,笑声,打闹声包围着整个游泳池,荡漾着欢乐。大人们也被吸引了,像小孩子般的匆匆跳下水,天真的嬉戏。这一定是一个欢乐的夏天。

28. 仲夏的夜,散发着一种淡淡的柔情,似老人脸上慈祥的微笑,似壮汉脸上的汗珠,似侗族姑娘摇曳的群摆。在这夏日的夜里,天边依然挂着一抹淡淡的红晕,那抹红晕,成了夏夜里最美的柔情,好似新娘脸上的彩装,而那群山,如长长的喜帕,悄悄遮掩着新娘脸上的笑意。

29. 静静地,走在树木中间的小路上,毫不意外地听到了蝉的鸣声,使原本闷热的夏天变得更加烦躁,心里怎么也不能安定下来。路上并没有太多的人,大概是因为天气炎热而不愿出来吧。放低太阳帽,我就来接受阳光的沐浴吧。

30. 夏之使者慷慨地赠送给了她们夏之舞衣——由白到粉,又到深粉,颜色过渡的自然让你看不出一点瑕疵,却又真真切切地让你感觉到了它的融合,不愧是吓久违的杰作之举啊!一缕缕阳光落在上面,使荷花们更加富有生机,那么优美,那么自在!

31. 夏日的绿,在天地间挥毫泼墨,在蓝天白云下,描绘着一幅幅多彩多姿的画卷。映入眼里的或墨绿,或清绿,都完全地脱了鹅黄的底子,它是这般的葱茏和葳蕤着,不再浅薄、不再稚嫩,浓浓的把生命的层次极尽展现。它充满激情地吸纳着烈烈的阳光,悠悠的呼吐出纯纯的气息,让你在这样绿的庇护中,神清气爽,尽享清凉。

32. 树木被太阳晒得往下垂了,仿佛一群挨了批评的小孩,垂头丧气地耷拉着脑袋。池塘里的水,似乎进入了梦境,宁静安闲,像正在做一个清澈透明的梦,梦见自己拥抱着蓝天白云,梦见池塘里的鱼儿在蓝天白云上游来荡去,梦见池塘四周的花木也进入了梦乡,梦见池塘岸边的人们总是醒着,总是忙着,总是在寻求什么……

33. 窗外的树木生长的格外苍翠茂盛,夏日的阳光像一个个调皮的小精灵在树梢跳舞,欢笑嘻嘻笑嘻嘻系快的曲调,在树下投出斑驳的影子,也跟着动起来。看到一大片开的鲜艳的花儿,颜色张扬,如同莫奈随意画上的大片颜料一般。

34. 夏天最美、最凉爽的时候在夜晚。每年只要一到夏天,我就盼望快点到夜晚,因为白天热得难以形容。可是夏天白天最长,盼了好久好久,才盼来夜晚。

35. 早上,晴空万里,云雾漫天,太阳公公把一切都镀上上了一层层金黄色。一群群美丽的小鸟在绿树上欢蹦乱跳,叽叽喳喳地唱歌。

36. 远处的山坳里,洒落着几户稀疏的人家。碧绿的庄稼把一切都覆盖起来。我们听不到人声,只觉得凉风嗖嗖的在耳边细语。长长的去路,铺展开纵横交错的草甸,草地沉湎于无人搅扰的清寂,安睡着,等待某一种叩询和暗访,在炎阳似火的夏天,用凉意抚慰焦躁的灵魂。

37. 夏天是诱人的,蔚蓝的天空,碧绿的庄稼,又大又甜的西瓜,香甜的水蜜桃,珍珠似的葡萄,红得发紫的杨梅,火红的石榴花;鸟儿自由的翱翔,知了不知疲倦的歌唱。

38. 夏天是一个风光旖旎,风景迷人的季节。到处枝繁叶茂,绿树成荫,芳草萋萋,碧绿成茵;花香飘送,芬芳馥郁;青松翠竹,苍翠挺拔,树影婆娑,漫山葱翠。小径幽幽,流水潺潺,环境宜人,留恋忘返。

39. 夏天是绿色的。不信你走进我们的学校看看,你会发现校园被一片绿色笼罩了:大树小树绿绿的,草地也是绿绿的。榕树高大挺拔,抬头仰望,一树鲜绿的叶子在阳光下闪着光,展现出无穷的生机。法国梧桐和榕树一样高大,也是一树碧绿,它们向四周伸展的树枝上,手掌似的绿叶密密麻麻,给校园留下一片片的荫凉。如果说榕树是校园里威武的卫士,那么梧桐树则是绿色的大伞。还有其他许多的树木,都褪尽了冬天留下的枯黄,展现出一树的翠绿。

40. 夏天的窗口,青藤的脉络清晰,缠缠绕绕地布满诸多思绪,有莲的清纯,海棠的妩媚。小草偎依树下,舒展的手臂上坐着露珠儿滴滴,晶莹剔透地潜藏往日的心事,是思念的倒映亦是企盼的守侯。泉水叮叮咚咚,奏响夏的弦声,昆虫们踏着丝竹笛音,把多情的舞步摇动。

41. 不知不觉中就到了黄昏,我已经在荷岸站了几个小时了。彩霞满天,也是只有站在这个角度。才能看见一个橙红的太阳一跳一跳地跳进了大山之中,也只有在这个时候,才能清楚地看见远山那优美的轮廓。这真是一幅难得一见的美景啊!

42. 池塘里,告别了苞蕾的荷花,绽放着清丽的笑靥,在轻风拂送下,舞动着叠翠的裙裾,婷婷的妩媚着矜持的身姿,凝雾噙露着似若一婉约的女子在轻轻呤诵“掉拂荷珠碎却圆”的诗句,隽秀的枝杆无不在向你展示着夏的风情,不由得让你在赞叹那绝佳的韵致间。于蓦然回首中,已是“接天莲叶无穷碧,映日荷花别样红了”。

43. 夏天是绿色的。不信你走进我们的学校看看,你会发现校园被一片绿色笼罩了:大树小树绿绿的,草地也是绿绿的。榕树高大挺拔,抬头仰望,一树鲜绿的叶子在阳光下闪着光,展现出无穷的生机。

44. 夏天是一年四季中最炎热的季节,也是非常美丽的季节。我觉得夏季的美在于绿色,我最喜欢绿色。一到夏天,绿色无处不在。碧绿的小河,绿茵茵的草坪,嫩绿的杨柳,看起来真让人赏心悦目!

45. 夏天是多姿多彩的,沉静的是湖蓝,纯洁的是乳白,高贵的是米黄,热烈的是大红,典雅的是银灰,庄重的是墨黑……缤纷的色彩把温煦的夏日画满了。清雅的雏菊、馥郁的郁金香、娇艳的山茶花、妖娆的牡丹……

46. 夏天是红色的。唐朝诗人杨万里在诗中写道:“毕竟西湖六月中,风光不与四时同;接天莲叶无穷碧,映日荷花别样红。”你瞧,那一朵朵粉红色的荷花犹如披着轻纱的仙女在湖中沐浴。娇羞欲语,盈盈欲滴,随风飘来清香阵阵,沁人心脾。有的蓓蕾初绽;有的含苞欲放,花骨朵像火炬似的高高伸出;有的竞相开放,露出娇嫩的小莲蓬。

47. 当夜色变浓时,人们都回家了。此时,辽阔的田野早进入了梦想,那翡翠般的禾苗,那崎岖不平的田埂,那散发着宜人芳香的小花,在这温馨的夏夜里也闭上了朦胧的睡眼,在风儿轻柔的吹拂下,在青蛙欢乐的伴奏声中做着香甜的梦。

48. 雨渐渐大了,云渐渐地将原本皎洁的月亮遮掩着。使天空显得更加暗淡。这时的我仿佛已经进入了另一个世界,大脑也已被这清凉气息所清洗。路旁的骄树,也被今晚这场雨所屈折。原本炎热、寂静的夏夜也被今晚这场雨所打破。

49. 乡间的空气比城里的空气清新多了,没有一点儿杂质,仿佛是用清水洗过的一样。荷花,荷叶,整个荷塘都随着那柔柔的晚风翩翩起舞,又增添了几许夏的独特的风味。

50. 夏姐姐把火红的长裙铺在地上,大地立刻就变得生机勃勃:一朵朵花儿竟相开放,它们在阳光的照耀下梳妆打扮,向别人展现出自己最美丽的一面,好像在开选美大赛呢!一只只蝴蝶、蜜蜂围着那些五彩缤纷的花儿转来转去,好像在比谁的舞蹈跳得好看呢!各种各样的小草使劲的往上钻,小心翼翼地探出头来;各种各样的树木长得枝繁叶茂……



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Qingdao, located in the southeast part of Shandong Province, is a beautiful seaside city with clear air and enchanting sea view. This city, bordered by the Yellow Sea on two sides, has the largest bathing beach in Asia and produces the mellow Qingdao Beer. To the east of the city, a short distance across the Yellow Sea, lie Korea and Japan, making the city an important port for international trade.

For thirty three years, up to 1949, Qingdao was a colony of Germany . Thus, it has a great deal of European architecture. This foreign architecture -a remnant of the colonial past- now beautifies this seaside city.

The red roofs, green trees, blue sea, and azure sky form a bright and colorful picture of Qingdao. The city is sometimes known as the Switzerland of the Orient.

Surrounded by the sea on three sides, Qingdao attracts many tourists with its charming seascape. Sights like the Eight Passes Villas, Wusi Square, the Zhan Bridge, Mt. Laoshan, No.1 Bathing Beach, Badaguan Scenic Area will help you remember the city. Just walking on the sand and listening to the surf breaking on the beach becomes enjoyable.

Qingdao offers food with distinctive flavors--especially seafood. So take this chance to enjoy the delicious seafood. Also, the city is the home of the famous Qingdao (Tsingtao) Beer. Have a bottle of pure Qingdao Beer right here!

The Qingdao Municipal Government recognizes the importance of the tourism industry and has further plans to develop the local tourism. To enhance the tourism industry, the city now sponsors the Qingdao International Beer Festival, the Qingdao International Sea Festival, Beach Culture Festival, the Sea Affection Festival, and the Summer of Qingdao Festival.



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Who is the first to bring the greetings of the grandfather? Who put the crops gently call? Who is the earth put on a set of golden "fall"? Oh! It is it is gentle and light wind.

Autumn, you are a young child - lively and lovely. In the morning, you are like a child, walked into the gentle pace of thousands of households, wake up sleeping people, you gently leaned close to their ears, quietly said: "The up, the autumn is coming!" When people Opened the sleepy eyes, hazy, to meet him was so gorgeous bright autumn! Autumn is so naughty, but also so full of childlike.

Autumn, you are a little girl - naive, childish. Look, you just arrived in the woods, green foliage issued a "rustling" sound, accompanied by the birds singing, loudly asked: "Wind, the wind, you do what?" You replied: "partners We have brought you new clothes. "The trees are happy to put on the gifts you gave them, all of a sudden, the leaves are put on the golden" new clothes ", one by one you look at me, I hope you, Before the push after the crowded, trouble into a group. A few naughty simply leave the mother, in the earth aunts laughter, leisurely into her arms ... ... in this warm, you put a smile to complete the new mission.

Autumn, you are a girl - gentle, quiet. Look, you are singing silver bell-like song, came to the most popular autumn of the most interesting place - farm field. You are coming up with their anticipation. Walking is so light, soothing. Rice blooming smile, quietly accept your touch, happily ups and downs with the wind, like rolling the Melaleuca waves; where the sorghum, anxiously waiting, you like a group of hot fire, or how can the Sorghum dyed golden light? Timid corn doll tightly wrapped in the small was, hear the outside clamor, but also curiously stuck his head, listen to your song ... ... At this time, you have crossed the field, to the distance The Step by step autumn, step by step harvest, you will be dedicated to the earth, you will be heavy harvest into the heart of the farmers, drunk red farmhouse smile.

Autumn, you are a elders - kind and serene. You are wearing a red coat, floating on the hillside, will become a piece of maple leaves into golden red. Yuanwang, frost leaves such as drunk, like a red sea, and glow in one; near look, such as raging flames in the burning, this red red, gives a kind of unsatisfactory warmth. I follow the footprints of the autumn wind, went to the hillside, revel in the maple leaves fly. Face the autumn wind, I cried out, want to pull out all the hearts of passion ... ...

Autumn, you bring a charming autumn; bring the harvest fruit; bring the red of everything. I love you, love you rough, bold temperament, but also love you gentle, graceful temperament, love you quietly dedication of the spirit! Obsessed with you! My autumn wind.




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Hot summer quietly away, cool autumn is coming to us.

That day, I was reading the extracurricular book at home, and when I had to breathe fresh air, a little drop of water fell on my little nose. I opened my eyes and looked, "Yeah, there was a drizzle.

Rain and thin and long, stroking in my face, gently kissed me. The flowers on the balcony looked up and sat down against the rain, and it touched the flowers, and it touched the grass, the trees, and the things of nature.

The rain is getting bigger and bigger, like all the things on the earth, calling more friends to be friends with them. Because the rain is big, we have put on a raincoat and hold up the umbrella I looked from the balcony, like a colorful little rain is moving, very interesting.

I put my hand out of the window, the raindrops "snapped" fell in my hand, and I heard the raindrops hit the window, the roof, the green leaves ... ... played a wonderful music.

Afternoon, the rain stopped. On the ground, houses, flowers and trees are washed a comfortable bath, flowers and trees are playing the twelfth spirit. The air has become more fresh, so refreshing.

After the autumn, our surroundings have become better. I like this fresh environment, prefer to make it fresh autumn.



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Last Qingming Festival,I return home to worship my grandfather.Qingming Festival is a folk Festival.In the past,the Qingming Festival was called “Arbor Day”。 But Today, Chinese visit their family graves to tend to any underbrush that has grown. Weeds are pulled, and dirt swept away, and the family will set out offerings of food and spirit money. Unlike the sacrifices at a family"s home altar, the offerings at the tomb usually consist of dry, bland food. One theory is that since any number of ghosts rome around a grave area, the less appealing food will be consumed by the ancestors, and not be plundered by strangers.

With the passing of time, this celebration of life became a day to the honor past ancestors. Following folk religion, the Chinese believed that the spirits of deceased ancestors looked after the family. Sacrifices of food and spirit money could keep them happy, and the family would prosper through good harvests and more children.




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Autumn really beautiful autumn girl wearing a golden dress, sitting uncle breeze of the car came to the Xia Gonggong side, it said: "Xia Gonggong you tired, Ill take your class!"

At this time, there is a row of geese in the sky is about to fly to the south of the winter! Dayan leader led his team members for a while arranged in a "person" word, while arranged in a "one" word, while lined up a "big". They fly and say, "Dear Southern friends, we come back to see you!"

In the field, the red sorghum is like a burning torch. A piece of field covered with mature rice, a tree of rice together to become a golden "ocean". The wind blowing, as if in front of rolling the golden waves.

Orchard, Apple smiled red face; Huang Chengcheng pear, like a yellow bells; ripe persimmon in the tree you squeeze me touch, scrambling to let people pick it!

Maple forest, maple leaves are more beautiful than those who dance, the wind blowing them began to dancing, jump out of the joy of autumn!

Autumn is really beautiful, I like this golden, lovely season!



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I love the spring, because she is full of life; I love the summer, because she is hot, full of passion; I love autumn, because she has the joy of harvest; but I love the winter, because she contains a fascinating charm.

Winter morning, a eyes open, you can see the balcony of the window glass condensed out of a large fog, like chrysanthemum, like Liu, like a lake ... ... beautiful very. See here, I suddenly get up from the bed, dressed, went straight downstairs.

Just a go out, a chill hit the head, I can not help but shiver! The weather is really cold ah, even the sun in the sky are hiding in the clouds refused to come out. The air is free from a few strands and not too thick fog, as if wearing a gentle chiffon. Milky white morning fog is like a real thing, reaching a grasp, but nothing, they are like a group of white elf in amusement to you. After a little while, the fog gradually scattered. The sun also jumped out from the clouds, all around the moment a bit bright.

With the rise of the sun, everything around it seemed so bright! Some of the water on the road had condensed into a thin layer of ice. I leaned over and stretched out my hand, and there was a slippery, cool, hard feeling over my body. I quickly stood up, looking at the roadside trees, bare branches on the already no green embellishment, looks no longer as full of vitality in the past, full of vitality. Waves of cold wind blowing, the branches of the trees slightly swing, as if a chatter. They at the foot of a small amount of leaves, has long been the wind without a trace, the only remaining some of the soil has been absorbed. Touch the trunk, a rough, hard feeling hit, the same in the winter under the invasion becomes cool.

In the twinkling of an eye, the sun has risen completely. This winter morning gradually in the past, that the slightest chill is also more and more light.

I love the winter morning, because she has a kind of unspeakable, fascinating charm - which is unmatched by other seasons.



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I like aliens because I think they are smart and special.

I think aliens have green skin, so they can hide their body in hassock. There are many poisonous spiders and venomous snakes, so they cant eat grass. In addition, they use this trait to hide from plows, when they steal corns and nuts.

I think aliens live on Planet NO.5. There is much land and only a little water. There are a lot of vegetables, fruit, animals, and some many kinds of fish, but no birds. Many fearful snakes and insects live on the planet.

Nobody knows how long the aliens have lived there, because aliens are very arcane and smart creatures.





没有人知道外星人在那里生活了多长时间,因为外星人是非常神秘,非常聪明的生物。 小作者描写了外星人的样子,和生活的环境,可以看出小作者是一个天真,充满幻想的小孩子。



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Autumn is not only a harvest season, but also let us enjoy the charming scenery. Golden Lake Park in the autumn girls embellishment, like a glowing pearl!

Came to the park, you find the artificial lake is more clear, the lake that colorful stones clearly visible. Small fish shrimp more lively and lovely. Shore willow more haggard, and that golden leaves have fallen, like a group of golden butterflies dancing in the air. While the side of the holly tree is still so show tall, tall and straight.

East of the flower bed is more white, white chrysanthemum everywhere, pink little wild flowers caught in the inside extremely beautiful. What is pleasing to the eye, that is. Look, the outside of the flower beds is a vast grass, every grass is so green, each tree is a perfect art. They are different in shape, some high, some low, some thick, some fine. Fenfen red in the tender green, people relaxed and happy. Is the so-called: "million green from a little red." I can see the scene.

There is a bamboo forest in the southwest, the woods shelter, the trees green tall and straight. A burst of autumn wind blowing, the woods "rustling" sound, this is a section of how people intoxicated music ah, this is the nature of the song played. Behind the dense bamboo is a small groove, across the small ditch, a farmland into your eyes. Golden yellow rice small bent waist; booming sorghum Le opened his mouth; white snow white cotton laughing belly. Golden yellow, fire red, snow white, these three beautiful colors dressed in autumn farmland!

Autumn park really beautiful ah ah!



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Autumn rain is a password, it shut the heat, opened the cool autumn.

Autumn rain has a box of colorful paint. It gives the purple to the grapes, a string of purple grapes like a crystal gem, sparkling in the sun. It to the red to the jujube, red Yan jujube heavy hanging in the branches, like a gem. The red is given to the apple, the red apple is like our face. Sweet-scented osmanthus fairies get more color, golden, pale yellow, red ... ... they are scattered in the fall bursts of fragrance.

Autumn rain, blowing a loud little horn, it tells everyone that winter is coming soon. The cheetah is looking for food that it likes to eat. The snake crawls and crawls it quickly into the winter. The peach trees and the leaves of the pear floats to the feet of the mother of the tree. The pipa tree wears thick, green clothes. They are preparing for the winter!

Autumn rain, bring the farmer uncle is a harvest song, bring the children is a happy song.



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Hot summer girl just left, gentle autumn girl walked on the footsteps of light, quietly came to earth.

The autumn girl dressed in a golden dress. She came softly on the grass. Although the autumn girls footsteps light, for fear of moving the grass sweet dream. However, the autumn girl left, the grass is not as tender as spring, nor as quiet as the summer, but showing a faint yellow goose.

Where did the autumn girl go? Oh! It was the original to the big tree, and it was like a piece of golden sea. Autumn leaves swept, leaves have fallen, some like butterflies dancing, and some like the Yellow Eagle wings fly, and some like the actors in the ballet. The ground is full of leaves, would like to put a layer of thick carpet.

The orchard of the harvest scene. Look, the apple that is covered with branches, head down, blush, how shy little girl! There is that piece of mature pomegranate red face, grinned, as if to tell jokes? The Look at the distant hawthorn, red like a round of flames of the flames, the peoples heart to burn up.

Walking in the country on the road, full of mature crops. In front of a golden corn, golden grain broke the coat of corn cobs.

Autumn girl quietly quietly to the big map on the brilliant colors, to the hard-working people to bring the joy of harvest!



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看, 它像子弹般的往下坠,落在地上,发出哗哗的响声。 它有力的小身躯落到了地面上,溅起了一个个的小酒窝,有时候还酷似一朵盛开的水花儿。它和同伴们慢慢汇在一起,成了一条条流淌的小溪,在街道两侧随处可见。落在了植物的身上,它便成了植物沐浴最好的洗澡洗澡水了。



















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Today, as our economy develops fast, people live a much better life than

before, they start to pay attention the chase fun. When people have holiday,

they will choose to travel, most people will give money to the organization,

while some people choose to self-helptraveling. Self-help traveling can save a

lot of money, people can save the money which is given to the tour guide. What’s

more, self-help traveling can bring people a lot of fun. People can visit the

site as long as they want, sometimes they can find the interesting things in the

small place. While the tour guide will always take people to the commercial

place. Self-help traveling is becoming more and more popular now.



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她笑着说,恩,我不会忘的,我会记得那段我们 相依为命 的日子的。




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Summer sky is bright, the sky is so blue, the sun is so intense, under a bright light in heaven and earth. Year, the number of the summer sun is the most industrious, got up early in the morning, five in the morning, at 6 o clock morning light, six at seven o clock in the evening, when the moon is about to supplant it, can be hard-working and also stay in the sun, was too slow to "work".

Summer is hot, according to the different degree of heat of summer, can be divided into early summer, summer, and the summer.

It is desirable to early summer. People throughout daunting after the long winter, got tired of winter and spring while the carpet of flowers, after all, is relatively short. And early summer, people can finally take off the parcel in the body of jumbled clothes, ladies can wear the elegant dress, show snow-white skin, slim figure. Gentlemen trousers for a T-shirt, a relaxed. Early summer, eating ice-cream, sleeping mat, thin, open doors and Windows, is really the most comfortable and happy; Happy to go to swimming pool long teng hu yue, the primary and joy. Perennial frozen north, summer is a golden season. At that time, the village field is active and beautiful. The sky clouds slowly floating, broad farmers hard labor on earth. The edge of tender wicker overhanging the quiet river. The river finally thawed, has the vigor, little fish, little loach, little frog jump caper live, by the river of the urchin, more mild, broke the quiet wilderness: "look! Come see!" "Loach, it is a small loach!" Cry, laugh away the flowers blooming in the morning, make the person cant help but deeply felt the joy of the summer.

Summer, it is the suffering the most hard day of the year, very helpless. Summer sun is close to "malicious", it seems to be mean to work against human, revenge, human spirit people curse it, even to learn after yi shoot the "DuRi".
