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+ 加入清单时间对岁月,对苍生,对大地再次进行了洗礼。
2010年4月14日青海玉树发生了7.1级地震,造成了重大伤亡。地震发生后,为做好青海玉树抗震救灾工作,中X共中央总书记、国家主席、中央 军委主席胡锦涛乘飞机前往玉树地震灾区,看望慰问灾区干部群众,实地指导抗震救灾工作。也许上帝想要灭亡玉树,也许大地想要摧残玉树,太多的也许太多的伤 痛集聚在了玉树,但我相信玉树会长青。
神州大地,历经磨练。经得起伤痛的考验,记得5。12的汶川地震举国同悲。那时的我也曾落泪,我想为什么上苍要带走这么多无辜的生命,为什么大 地会如此抖动,为什么,我不知道。但这次玉树的震颤使我朦胧的懂得,懂得了生命的含义。也许是有了生命的存在引起了上天的不满,也许是上天对我们的考验。 我相信,神州大地经得起考验,我更加相信,玉树会长青。
万物生灵,不会毁灭。经得起时间的洗礼,地震已经过去了数天,生命的钟表依旧在延续。风,断续吟怀;雨,依旧飘扬。我24小时,48小时,72 小时……,生命的最佳救援时刻已经过去,但我们没有放弃,我们相信生命的最后一秒得等我们自己喊停。我们会摆脱这一切的,法罗门说过“一切都会过去”,我 想把这一句话送给玉树的同胞,相信我们的能力,相信我们强大的祖国,相信玉树会长青。
逝者离去,成为永恒。经的起心灵的抨击,在这场灾难面前,我们大悲,国旗降半旗,表明的是我们对生命的尊敬,表明的是我们对逝者的尊敬,表明的 是我们对心灵的尊敬。我们放飞了千纸鹤,我们洒下了格樱花,我们会相信去天国的路上会有常青的玉树,我们更加相信玉树会在漫漫人生的路上长青。不倒的玉树 送我们希望,我更愿意我们的希望会造就一片玉树林。
春天来了,在我们的面前是生机,是美好明天的希望,是一切幸福的开始。玉树,一个可以是梦开始的地方,当然更应该是一个能够将梦延续的地方。我 坚信,格樱花不落,玉树不倒。
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+ 加入清单爱,在那一刻绽放
爱是什么? 爱是我们美好生活中一个美丽的音符, 爱是历史长河中荡涤起的朵朵浪花,爱是幸福的源泉.世界因为有爱,才使得人们的生活变得五彩缤纷,才使得人们沐浴在幸福的爱河其乐融融.
再也没有这样朴实的话让我们感动. “兄弟姐妹们,你们所遭受的灾难也是我们的灾难,你们所遭受的痛苦也是我们的痛苦,你们失去的亲人也是我们的亲人.请大家放心,我们一定会安排好解决好你们的生活.” 这是温总理冒着余震的危险亲临现场时对灾区老百姓的一席话.“救人要紧,只要有一线希望,就要付出百分之百的努力.”爱,在那一刻绽放:危难时刻,敬爱的温总理为灾区人民送去了最坚强的福音.
再也没有这样的瞬间让我们流泪了.刚到达玉树的消防特勤中队长许军出现高原反应,人们劝他先休息,他却说:“我是来救人的,不是来拖累人的.” 随即便投入了一线救灾中.克服了高原反应,连续战斗了两个多小时,他依然坚持着.“大队长,发现了生命的迹象.”话音刚落,许军便倒在废墟中晕过去了.爱,在那一刻绽放:在强烈的高原反应下,仍然争分夺秒,永不放弃.
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+ 加入清单May 12th is an ordinary day in 2008,itis in this day that shocking earthquake happened in Sichuan province,China.The earthquake destroyed nearly everything in Wenchan county Sichuan province. It was terrible.We cant describle the scene what we saw with any words.thousands of people were injured even died. And thousands of children became such unlucky ones who lost fathers or mothers , they longed to have families to continue their lives .I am sympathetic to their fate ! But I believed that we can fight against the fate and change it .For example ,there many people keeping living without food or water for about 100 hours during the earthquake!
What an unbelievable thing it is !their great spirits showed the powerful life vitality of humans!However,they must keep fighting against the death .Many schools were destroyed and there were many students and teachers who left us forever.Sadness,hoplessness and different kinds of danger spreaded out here and there !
But ,fortunately ,love is around us :the Communist party helps us ,the army helps us ,the people all over the world help us .They offer us with money ,goods ,love and so on !For example ,li lian ji, a warm-hearted man ,offered us with 20 million yuan !
With the help of the such a large love ,we will over come the damage of the earthquake and face our beautiful future !
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+ 加入清单大灾过后的感人事迹:玉树地震,三个人的妻子遇难。他们是从忠县来玉树打工的重庆人,准备集体将遇难的亡妻用农用车送回老家安葬,让死者们能够落叶归根。
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+ 加入清单4月14号,青海玉树发生的了7.1级地震,我知道以后,我问妈妈:“妈妈,青海省又不是岛国为什么会发生地震?妈妈回答我说:"不一定是岛国才发生地震啊!”奥!今天晚上,我和妈妈一起看了发生地震后的图片,其中有一张好悲惨啊,有些人在地震中死了,他们有可能在睡觉,我看到有一个男人把手搭在自己孩子身上,救援人员把那些死人都放在一个木架子上,抬走,我还看到有些救援人救出一些压在废墟下面的人们,你们知道那些人是怎么出来的吗?我悄悄的告诉你们,是救员官兵、消防人员一个个用手挖出来的啊!
我希望他们能坚强起来,我们和你们一起渡过难关 。
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+ 加入清单时间对岁月,对苍生,对大地再次进行了洗礼。
201x年4月14日青海玉树发生了7.1级地震,造成了重大伤亡。地震发生后,为做好青海玉树抗震救灾工作,中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央 军委主席胡锦涛乘飞机前往玉树地震灾区,看望慰问灾区干部群众,实地指导抗震救灾工作。也许上帝想要灭亡玉树,也许大地想要摧残玉树,太多的也许太多的伤 痛集聚在了玉树,但我相信玉树会长青。
神州大地,历经磨练。经得起伤痛的考验,记得5。12的汶川地震举国同悲。那时的我也曾落泪,我想为什么上苍要带走这么多无辜的生命,为什么大 地会如此抖动,为什么,我不知道。但这次玉树的震颤使我朦胧的懂得,懂得了生命的含义。也许是有了生命的存在引起了上天的不满,也许是上天对我们的考验。 我相信,神州大地经得起考验,我更加相信,玉树会长青。
万物生灵,不会毁灭。经得起时间的洗礼,地震已经过去了数天,生命的钟表依旧在延续。风,断续吟怀;雨,依旧飘扬。我24小时,48小时,72 小时……,生命的最佳救援时刻已经过去,但我们没有放弃,我们相信生命的最后一秒得等我们自己喊停。我们会摆脱这一切的,法罗门说过“一切都会过去”,我 想把这一句话送给玉树的同胞,相信我们的能力,相信我们强大的祖国,相信玉树会长青。
逝者离去,成为永恒。经的起心灵的抨击,在这场灾难面前,我们大悲,国旗降半旗,表明的是我们对生命的尊敬,表明的是我们对逝者的尊敬,表明的 是我们对心灵的尊敬。我们放飞了千纸鹤,我们洒下了格樱花,我们会相信去天国的路上会有常青的玉树,我们更加相信玉树会在漫漫人生的路上长青。不倒的玉树 送我们希望,我更愿意我们的希望会造就一片玉树林。
春天来了,在我们的面前是生机,是美好明天的希望,是一切幸福的开始。玉树,一个可以是梦开始的地方,当然更应该是一个能够将梦延续的地方。我 坚信,格樱花不落,玉树不倒。
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+ 加入清单北纬33.1,东经96.7,玉树。一个全国人都不熟悉的地名闯入了我们的视野。
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+ 加入清单A powerful earthquake measuring 7.8 has hit Chinas southern province of Sichuan, shaking buildings as far away as Beijing, Shanghai and Bangkok.
It was not immediately clear if there were any casualties or damage from the tremor which the the US Geological Survey (UGS) earlier put at 7.8.
The epicentre of the quake was 93 kilometres north of .
Wenchuan, which took full force of the quake, has a population of 111,000 people.
It is in an ethnic area in Aba county which recently saw violent clashes between and Chinese authorities.
According to some reports there was a second earthquake measuring 3.9 which hit the Beijing district of Tongzhou at roughly the same time.
Telephone lines in the affected area are jammed and there are still no reports of casualties.
Reports from Thailand say high buildings in Bangkok continued to shake several minutes after the tremors began.
"We felt continuous shaking for about two or three minutes. All the people in our office are rushing downstairs. Were still feeling slight tremblings," said an office worker in .
Chinas tallest building, the Jinmao Tower, and other highrise buildings in Shanghais financial district were evacuated after tremors were first felt.
"People were shouting get out, get out, so we all ran out of our dorm," said a student surnamed Zhang at a university in nearby Chongqing.
A spokesman for the China Earthquake Administration said it was still checking the epicentre and scale of the tremor.
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+ 加入清单你们好!
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+ 加入清单4月14日清晨7点49分,当我们在校园读书时,一场可怕的7。1级的大地震,发生在青海玉树。
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+ 加入清单I was a child Aba, examinations of the University of the Southwest University of Finance and Economics.
Yesterday afternoon, and I always like sitting in their dorm room, ready to classes on the afternoon of a sudden, a while obviously felt the shake, and then I immediately from the reaction, shouting out: "Earthquake!" With a female dormitory probably not Reaction from, surprised at me and asked: "What!" Voice soon, the bedroom floor, has been keen shaking up, because I live in the girls bedroom, fifth floor, and bedroom area of relatively large, so is feeling very strong, almost Standing instability, along with Weng Weng Sheng,…… cabinets on the table to start things out below, I thought…… quick collapse of the house!
I Benchu bedroom door, dormitory building came girls panic sounds……
My first reaction was running toilet, the toilet because of the relatively small frame, but from a sudden reaction. Our hostel is a collective toilet area than the bedroom are also some big panic, I do not know aisle in which the girls called out: "drilling under the table!" I reaction from immediately back bedroom with drilling on the computer under the table. Under the table, I immediately called her roommate also under the table, but she has disappeared, this time I only house one person, accompanied by a drastic shake, I looked at the table under the bed shaking and suddenly think: " I also do not want to die ah! "
This time seems to be shaking a little bit better, I go all out for his calm, that should not be very serious, and then outside the bedroom door, crying next to a friend, did not expect she disappeared……
Then I speed the return of dormitory, Nahao keys, bag, close the bedroom door, and then with the crowd Xialou.
This has shocked when drawing to a close.
Xialou run, all the girls dormitory below, friends and roommates are safe, my friend is to phone, but could not see me down, she was pleased. Later we went to the relative safety of the spacious, sunny square of the school started to discuss the issue of the earthquake, the phone completely unreasonable.
Friends said: "Mobile is not to say that in the Himalayas have signals on them……" She said she took Xialou the student cards Khan…… NDS has also brought me to see all the people Are playing out in the telephone, then perhaps more than telephones
Commissary of the phone cards are sold out
The bank teller who is also a long line of the team, although there are disturbing, but everyone together, let me feel at ease. Later, we take things back to the bedroom, she was wearing slippers, go back and change, did not expect the unit first arrived, the ground began to shake with the speed we end things, the withdrawal and return to the Sunshine Plaza! Friends and I Started discussions on the issue of earthquake!
We analyzed, certainly not the epicenter, and then she said that the epicenter may Xichang side, I suddenly of a heart Jiling, which will not be the Aba side! Heart has begun unrest, a friend using a mobile phone Internet barely started to help me check the earthquake information……
This time the people have been found next to, to listen to him said: "Wenchuan!" Is Wenchuan! ! This扎the same name as the knife in my heart, Wenchuan! I GREw up in small places! My home! My mother is still there! I asked the person-the past, he said: "Wenchuan, 7.6 earthquake in Tangshan, and almost" the moment I have Meng, fell into the hands of the cups to the ground. Then I began to frantically phone, unreasonable……
Mother fighting to stop, could not use a landline, a cell phone……
At that time, I thought, I have to go back, I have to go back! !
Later, in the plane of the dial in Barkam, the father of the telephone, immediately feel at ease the minds of many, he has not news, but nothing……
I am anxious to spend in the afternoon to evening, the school issued an order to prohibit students back bedroom, so we all sleep in the square, we very good mentality, playing poker, playing computer, tents, mats blankets, food, We are ready to put a square in the audio, broadcast earthquake in the relevant circumstances
I can not under the heart, the only non-stop the call, and then ah! Then ah! Each time a busy tone I was disappointed on the one night I played no fewer than 100, the occasional-be: "I am sorry, you are temporarily unable to dial the phone connected!" Now every section of the news affects all of my Heart……
I have been praying in his heart, on God, must let my mother without incident, I Wenchuan in exchange for it, let my mother come in here! Wenchuan all the relatives, friends, Come on! You must be OK! Also my mother! Hope that we pray for them!
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+ 加入清单In fact, we have always cry from the earthquake that moment, we have always cry from the first to see the bodies of dead children the moment; In fact, we all cry together, to see tens of thousands of PLA personal danger and rushed to the disaster areas moment, but we have not cry, because there are too many disaster areas we need to rescue our compatriots, we need to help, we simply did not have time to cry, so we QianGREnleishui, comfort each other, we Another road, toward the disaster areas, where there is a need our help the brothers and sisters, we have to strong, we loudly told myself, now, we can not cry.
But today, three minutes, we cried, we cried the whole land of mountains and rivers touching it, over the entire Chinese nation and uniting the strength of the grief and indignation, we no longer need to suppress the sentiments in mind, no longer need to control in the past few days in Yanquan Dazhuan tears, street car on a collective whistle, sounding the alarm over the city, a city of Wu Yan, it is also crying, cry on Kuba, we have too many needs to suppress the release, cry on Kuba, We have too many depressing need venting, 3 minutes, we do not want to do what, we just cry, as we are brothers and sisters toward heaven, for those who are strong to survive the hand-foot-compatriots.
On this day, we all Chinese people, is a lifelong hard to forget the day, because today is the "national crisis," Sadness Wenchuan, the country Zhiai, we use such a way, to commemorate those in earthquake In the passing away of relatives, we used this as a way for them came in on the road toward heaven, I hope they can all the way走好, Yao Wang homeland when they look back at the earth, will see tens of thousands of their compatriots hand-foot - , Look up to the sky pray for them, so they will not be alone, not lonely,
The deceased have to, toward the heaven, where there will be no more disasters, there will be no more tears, but for those who survived the disaster in the compatriots, alive to become a challenge, let them in an instant disaster Separated from the experience of life and death, the mother and son have Qingshen, once the husband and wife Enai, the twinkling of an eye they are yin and yang, the two separated, disaster, not only their physical destruction, destruction of their soul, flesh wounds over time slowly healing, Can be the soul of grief, but not so far recovered pieces, post-quake reconstruction of their homes can, we can even build their homes more beautiful, but for us, more important is how to build their own spiritual home, how to ask The soul-deep scars.
Broken heart, tend to become very fragile, post-disaster reconstruction, the firm has become particularly important, three minutes after we wiped away tears, we can not Zaiku, to bravely live, because their relatives in heaven We watched, Tongbuyusheng, sad to tactic is not their wish to see, good to live in, they are to our expectations, think about this, it has the ruins to life for the life of the mother, "Dear Baby, if Can you live, to keep in mind that mother love you "; think that in order to save the expense of four children and teachers, we go to these family members, in their own lives to give us an opportunity to a live, To them, we have to live better.
Just as Premier Wen said the sentence, as you live, to live well, not only Premier Wens expectations, even tens of thousands of brothers and sisters of our expectations, think about all those days and nights in Disaster areas the army for help, from the ruins of their hand to you to save 1.1 points out of the broken hand, the bloodshed, they moved the hands of tile brick shift has not stopped, they run the risk of aftershocks at any time to And the death race, is to allow more people to live, so that the good live, not only for ourselves, but also to all the people we love, good living, is our responsibility as well as your Obligations.
May 12, 2008, let us all Chinese people always remember this day for it, our "national calamity," the history of the Chinese nation, engraved too many disasters, but never the candidate of our national glories , One of the disaster, and again before loading the line, then let us bury the grief of all good, clean up all the ruins, was once their homes on the land, rebuild our homes, to live boldly, to live On a good living.
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+ 加入清单在4月12日只一天,玉树发生7.1级地震,我非常痛苦。当我再4月14日也就是地震第二天才知道的。
当时,我打开电视,看见的“玉树不到,青海常青”就像一看究竟,原来是玉树地震了,我非常痛心,心想:今年的灾难真多。我也不得不想起了我知道的一些巨大地震:唐山大地震,洛杉矶大地震……地震中的人们都是灾难的受害者,如果有什么能避免这些,哪怕付出生命,我也愿意。在昨天 4月21日玉树纪念日,好多人都献出自己的微薄之力,来帮助玉树!在21日的晚上还举办了晚会,上面有好多感人的故事,我都被深深打动了。还有各种帮助灾区的捐款:
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+ 加入清单北京时间4月14 7时49分,在青海省玉树藏族自治州玉树县发生7.1级地震“ 我通过电视知道青海地震的消息后,让我回想到了前年的汶川地震。仿佛时间又定格在那个令许多生命之花凋谢的瞬间 ,这种强烈情绪的突然来临,堵在心门,想到灾区的同胞、身在苦难中的人,很多都在亲人不幸的罹难当中忽然间就转换了整个生活的道路就让我十分的 难受。 在玉树灾区,一幕幕感人的故事也在不断传送,玉树医院几名医护人员跟随玉树警方到三岔路口救援。救援地点位于工商行政大楼里面的一处招待所,招待所全部垮塌,有十余人被埋。警方用铁锹挖出了一具年轻的女性遗体,发现她整个身子弓着,两手撑开,好像在死命护着什么。当警察将她拉出土堆时,发现有一只小手紧紧拽着她,遗体底下有个小女婴,而且还是活着的。女婴不到一岁大,眼睛充满着惊恐,头发上有湿漉漉的血迹。这时,人们才发现这是一对母女,地震发生时,年轻的妈妈为了保护女婴,将女儿死死搂在怀抱里,用身体挡住垮塌的楼房。妈妈当场被砸身亡,她用鲜血挽救了女儿的生命。警察将女婴抱起来,女婴嚎啕大哭,使劲用手抓着妈妈的血衣,凄惨的场景让所有人落泪。
生者离去,提醒我们最重要的是珍惜现在的生命、珍惜当下。此刻的阳光很平常,但是想想那些九泉之下的同胞,这缕阳光他们再难见到。山西王家岭煤矿下面被救上来的一百多人,他们上井之后,会像我们忽略这看似平常的阳光吗? 什么是活着,什么是生命?生命不是意味着有呼吸,真正的生命是:生命在生活里活着,就是珍惜当下每一秒。记着,如果我们如愿以偿的话,我们也最多活不过2、3万天,在这之后就离开人世。要注意,我们说的是“如愿以偿”的话,不排除中间发生像玉树地震发生这样的事情。所以,我们要珍惜每一天,把每一秒当成第一秒也是最后一秒,这是地震第一个提醒,一个值得所有活着的人要思考的一个巨大的提醒。
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+ 加入清单青海玉树地震作文字一方有难,八方支援。青海玉树指挥部发布急需物资说明:目前,灾区急需挖掘设备、帐篷、被褥、生活物资、防寒物资。有意者可与玉树州政府副秘书长黄立明联系。家评
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+ 加入清单青海的玉树发生了大地震,我的心也被这残酷的灾难所震颤,在这天灾发生之际,我想到了那次汶川大地震。
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+ 加入清单警报一响,我们先钻进桌子下面,第一声铃声响起来,一楼的同学先往外跑;第二声铃声响起来,二楼的同学再向外跑;第三声铃声响起来,……第四声铃声响起来,……老师说:“在跑的过程中不许笑,因为这不是做游戏。”我在跑的时候把嘴张开了,往后看了一眼,翟老师看见我长着嘴巴,以为我在笑,就批评了我一顿,吓得我赶紧合上了嘴巴,立刻掏出了翟老师的视线范围。
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+ 加入清单青海玉树地震发生的时候,香港货柜司机出身46岁的志愿者黄福荣先生到玉树孤儿园做志愿服务才4天。地震的时候他先跑到安全地带了,看到还有老师孩子没有出来,就奋不顾身冲进去。这一去再没有出来。他做志愿服务多年,从来不愿意宣扬:“做事就行了,有什么可说的。”不仅自己极为低调,也不愿意别人多说他做的事。他实现了自己的愿望:“就是死在志愿服务的路上,也是值得的。”
全文共 6082 字
+ 加入清单I was a child Aba, examinations of the Chengdu University of the Southwest University of Finance and Economics.
Yesterday afternoon, and I always like sitting in their dorm room, ready to classes on the afternoon of a sudden, a while obviously felt the shake, and then I immediately from the reaction, shouting out: "Earthquake!" With a female dormitory probably not Reaction from, surprised at me and asked: "What!" Voice soon, the bedroom floor, has been keen shaking up, because I live in the girls bedroom, fifth floor, and bedroom area of relatively large, so is feeling very strong, almost Standing instability, along with Weng Weng Sheng,…… cabinets on the table to start things out below, I thought…… quick collapse of the house!
I Benchu bedroom door, dormitory building came girls panic sounds……
My first reaction was running toilet, the toilet because of the relatively small frame, but from a sudden reaction. Our hostel is a collective toilet area than the bedroom are also some big panic, I do not know aisle in which the girls called out: "drilling under the table!" I reaction from immediately back bedroom with drilling on the computer under the table. Under the table, I immediately called her roommate also under the table, but she has disappeared, this time I only house one person, accompanied by a drastic shake, I looked at the table under the bed shaking and suddenly think: " I also do not want to die ah! "
This time seems to be shaking a little bit better, I go all out for his calm, that should not be very serious, and then outside the bedroom door, crying next to a friend, did not expect she disappeared……
Then I speed the return of dormitory, Nahao keys, bag, close the bedroom door, and then with the crowd Xialou.
This has shocked when drawing to a close.
Xialou run, all the girls dormitory below, friends and roommates are safe, my friend is to phone, but could not see me down, she was pleased. Later we went to the relative safety of the spacious, sunny square of the school started to discuss the issue of the earthquake, the phone completely unreasonable.
Friends said: "Mobile is not to say that in the Himalayas have signals on them……" She said she took Xialou the student cards Khan…… NDS has also brought me to see all the people Are playing out in the telephone, then perhaps more than telephones
Commissary of the phone cards are sold out
The bank teller who is also a long line of the team, although there are disturbing, but everyone together, let me feel at ease. Later, we take things back to the bedroom, she was wearing slippers, go back and change, did not expect the unit first arrived, the ground began to shake with the speed we end things, the withdrawal and return to the Sunshine Plaza! Friends and I Started discussions on the issue of earthquake!
We analyzed, Chengdu certainly not the epicenter, and then she said that the epicenter may Xichang side, I suddenly of a heart Jiling, which will not be the Aba side! Heart has begun unrest, a friend using a mobile phone Internet barely started to help me check the earthquake information……
This time the people have been found next to, to listen to him said: "Wenchuan!" Is Wenchuan! ! This扎the same name as the knife in my heart, Wenchuan! I GREw up in small places! My home! My mother is still there! I asked the person-the past, he said: "Wenchuan, 7.6 earthquake in Tangshan, and almost" the moment I have Meng, fell into the hands of the cups to the ground. Then I began to frantically phone, unreasonable……
Mother fighting to stop, could not use a landline, a cell phone……
At that time, I thought, I have to go back, I have to go back! !
Later, in the plane of the dial in Barkam, the father of the telephone, immediately feel at ease the minds of many, he has not news, but nothing……
I am anxious to spend in the afternoon to evening, the school issued an order to prohibit students back bedroom, so we all sleep in the square, we very good mentality, playing poker, playing computer, tents, mats blankets, food, We are ready to put a square in the audio, broadcast earthquake in the relevant circumstances
I can not under the heart, the only non-stop the call, and then ah! Then ah! Each time a busy tone I was disappointed on the one night I played no fewer than 100, the occasional-be: "I am sorry, you are temporarily unable to dial the phone connected!" Now every section of the news affects all of my Heart……
I have been praying in his heart, on God, must let my mother without incident, I Wenchuan in exchange for it, let my mother come in here! Wenchuan all the relatives, friends, Come on! You must be OK! Also my mother! Hope that we pray for them!
2008-05-215.12四川汶川地震一年祭 让我们一同悼念祈福
全文共 2295 字
+ 加入清单At 14:28 on May 12, 2008, wenchuan earthquake! At that moment, earthquakes, countless people lost their homes in this sudden disaster, family. From TV and newspaper, I also learned that many like me are get ready for class in the school classrooms brother, sister, brother and sister, they are at the time of the earthquake, because no time to escape, be forever buried in the rubble, lost the life is like a flower. News, all people act to help for the people of disaster areas, some contributions, some unpaid blood donation, some also toured the disaster area to participate in the rescue. Everyone is trying to dedicate a love for the people in the disaster areas.
In our school, but also to develop the mourning and disaster relief activities. In May 2008 on May 21, 19 solstice, is the National Day of mourning, the school playground that flag also quietly be flown. At 14:28 on May 19, 2008, the entire school teachers and students to stand in silence for three minutes for the people of disaster areas the dead. Our school has carried out the donation activity. Under the call of the teacher, the students have their peacetime accumulated pocket money to the school. In class, the students in my hands, to deliver contributions to enthusiastically, 5 yuan, 10 yuan, 50 yuan, one hundred yuan, although money is not much, but every points on behalf of the classmates to the disaster area peoples love. Donation ceremony held in the school, the school classmate to stand on the playground, every class representative on donations, solemnly embodies the students love will be cast into the donation box.
At this moment, I believe that the people in the disaster area with the help of the people all over the country, must be able to stand up from the disaster, rebuild beautiful homeland.