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The History of Christmas ——圣诞节的来历

Christmas is a Christian holiday that celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ. No one knows the exact date of Christ‘s birth, but most Christians observe Christmas on December 25. On this day, many go to church, where they take part in special religious services. During the Christmas season, they also exchange gifts and decorate their homes with holly, mistletoe, and Christmas trees. The word Christmas comes from Cristes maesse, an early English phrase that means Mass of Christ. The story of Christmas comes chiefly from the Gospels of Saint Luke and Saint Matthew in the New Testament.

The history of Christmas dates back over 4000 years. Many of our Christmas traditions were celebrated centuries before the Christ child was born. The 12 days of Christmas, the bright fires, the yule log, the giving of gifts, carnivals(parades) with floats, carolers who sing while going from house to house, the holiday feasts, and the church processions can all be traced back to the early Mesopotamians.

Many of these traditions began with the Mesopotamian celebration of New Years. The Mesopotamians believed in many gods, and as their chief god-Marduk. Each year as winter arrived it was believed that Marduk would do battle with the monsters of chaos. To assist Marduk in his struggle the Mesopotamians held a festival for the New Year. This was Zagmuk, the New Year‘s festival that lasted for 12 days.




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这一则传说与吃元宵的习俗有关:相传汉武帝有个宠臣名叫东方朔,他善良又风趣。有一天冬天,下了几天大雪 ,东方朔就到御花园去给武帝折梅花。刚进园门,就发现有个宫女泪流满面准备投井。东方朔慌忙上前搭救,并问明她要自杀的原因。原来,这个宫女名叫元宵,家里还有双亲及一个妹妹。自从她进宫以后,就再也无缘和家人见面。每年到了腊尽春来的时节,就比平常更加的思念家人。觉得不能在双亲跟前尽孝,不如一死了之。东方朔听了她的遭遇,深感同情,就向她保证,一定设法让她和家人团聚。

一天,东方朔出宫在长安街上摆了一个占卜摊。不少人都争着向他占卜求卦。不料,每个人所占所求,都是“正月十六火焚身”的签语。一时之间,长安里起了很大恐慌。人们纷纷求问解灾的办法。东方朔就说:“正月十三日傍晚,火神君会派一位赤衣神女下凡查访,她就是奉旨烧长安的使者,我把抄录的偈语给你们,可让当今天子想想办法。”说完,便扔下一张红帖,扬长而去。老百姓拿起红帖,赶紧送 到皇宫去禀报皇上。

汉武帝接过来一看,只见上面写着:“长安在劫,火焚帝阙,十五天火,焰红宵夜”,他心中大惊,连忙请来了足智多谋的东方朔。东方朔假意的想了一想,就说:“听说火神君最爱吃汤圆,宫中的元宵不是经常给你做汤圆吗?十五晚上可让元宵做好汤圆。万岁焚香上供,传令京都家家都做汤圆,一齐敬奉火神君。再传谕臣民一起在十五晚上挂灯,满城点鞭炮、放烟火,好像满城大火,这样就可以瞒过玉帝了。 此外,通知城外百姓,十五晚上进城观灯,杂在人群中消灾解难”。武帝听后,十分高兴,就传旨照东方朔的办法去做。

到了正月十五日长安城里张灯结彩,游人熙来攘往,热闹非常。宫女元宵的父母也带着妹妹进城观灯。当他们看到写有“元宵”字样的大宫灯时,惊喜的高喊:“元宵!元宵!”, 元宵听到喊声,终于和家里的亲人团聚了。



传说在很久以前,凶禽猛兽很多,四处伤害人和牲畜,人们就组织起来去打它们, 有一只神鸟困为迷路而降落人间,却意外的被不知情的猎人给射死了。天帝知道后十分震怒,立即传旨,下令让天兵于正月十五日到人间放火,把人间的人畜财产通通烧死。 天帝的女儿心地善良,不忍心看百姓无辜受难,就冒着生命的危险,偷偷驾着祥云来到人间,把这个消息告诉了人们。众人听说了这个消息,有如头上响了一个焦雷。吓得不知如何是好,过了好久,才有个老人家想出个法子,他说:「在正月十四、十五、十六日这三天,每户人家都在家里张灯结彩、点响爆竹、 燃放烟火。这样一来,天帝就会以为人们都被烧死了」。

大家听了都点头称 是,便分头准备去了。到了正月十五这天晚上,天帝往下一看,发觉人间一片红光,响声震天,连续三个夜晚都是如此,以为是大火燃烧的火焰,以中大快。人们就这样保住了自己的生命及财产。为了纪念这次成功,从此每到正月十五,家家户户都悬挂灯笼,放烟火来纪念这个日子。



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he Lantern Festival is a very busy day. On the Lantern Festival this year, I went to the small square with my mom and dad to watch the Lantern Festival. When we walk on the road, I see the small square is a sea of people, very lively. I cant wait to get a small square, where the lights are all kinds of pagoda shaped, with lights, big fish shaped lamps, saw a whoosh, a fireworks into the sky, in the sky from colorful light.

One of the lanterns slowly rising into the sky and gradually drifted toward the east.

After watching the lights and returning home, I decided that next years Lantern Festival would also go to the small square to see the lights. I believe that the Lantern Festival next year will be more lively than this year.



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Happy New Year arent in the past, the Lantern Festival. I am excited and looking forward to its getting dark. In the evening, early supper, my father to accompany me to go to the lantern.

Enter a gate, I was impressed by a red lanterns. Lanterns are the four most beautiful women in ancient: Yang, wang zhaojun, sable chan and xi shi, the moving posture they make every person who watch the tut praise good. Move on, and I will think of a childrens song: "one boy is a boy, two boys half a boy, three boys no water to drink." See the three boys cry sigh, I couldnt help laughing. This story also tells us a truth, do look beyond their own private interests, pushed around the result is nothing. So, whatever we do, we are of others, to put a little generous.

Across the small stone bridge, I see a beautiful peacock in corner, saw it slowly unfold its beautiful feathers, a lot of tourists can not help a deep sigh of "wow" and "wow". To the other side of the river is two dragon boat, with a "leap" in the middle, two fish kept jumping before, and if really jumps the gantry. Go forward again, the scene is spectacular. Only nine shape with different color dragon churning the fly to the sky, a sign of the explosion of China. Our country will be prosperous day after day!

Have seen lanterns, we went home. Walk the road, I think: next years lantern certainly is better than this year!







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七夕情人节指的是农历七月的第七个夜晚,这个节日是汉代传统的民间节日。七夕的晚上不仅仅是传说中的"牛郎"和"织女"一年一度相会的夜晚,同时也是为编制姑娘们祈求心灵手巧的好机会。因此,七夕节又叫"乞巧节","女儿节"。尽管七夕节不如其它节日那般流行,但是在中国,男女老少都对节日背后的故事相当熟悉。 The Double Seventh Festival refers to the seventh night of the seventh lunar month. It is a traditional folk festival of the Han people. This night is not only the time when the legendary Cowherd and the Girl Weaver are supposed to have their annual meeting, but also a good opportunity for women to pray for the Girl Weaver for the purpose of seeking dexterity. Therefore, this festival is also named " Maidens Day", " Daughters Day". The day is not as well-known as many other Chinese festivals. But almost everyone in China, young or old, is very familiar with the story behind it.

很久以前,有一个放牛娃名叫牛郎,父母早亡,只好跟着哥哥嫂嫂度日。然而,哥哥嫂子为人狠毒,经常虐待他。他们逼牛郎干苦活,不让他吃饱睡好,最后又把他赶出了家门,牛郎除了身上的衣服和一头老水牛外,一无所有。 Once upon a time, there lived a poor cowherd, Niulang, whose parents had died long before. He had to live together with his elder brother. Unfortunately, his brother and his sister-in -law were very mean and often treated Niulang very badly. They would not give him enough food to eat, and made him work so hard that he hardly had time to sleep. Finally, they kicked him of their home. All he had in the world were the clothes on his back and an old ox.




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Today is the fifteenth day of the Lantern Festival, play boxing finished eating breakfast in the morning, grandma said to me: "today is the Lantern Festival, the streets can be noisy, do you want to see?" "Yeah, I want to see too much, my grandma, lets go!" Im happy to jump up.

I followed my grandma came out from home, he heard the sound of beating drums on the streets, and all kinds of music voice, very lively. We come to the construction of road, the original spill over broad road is now, is people mountain people sea, some children cant see adults to shoulder? I slowly into the crowd, and then stepping high up over time to see, they can go from our perch on top of the stick so stability is not simple ah! Followed by a donkey, and big head boy, and dancing... Is really too good, my favorite is the dragon dance, two long dragon like swimming in midair and flexibly, really cute!

While enjoying the wonderful show, I thought in my heart, these people want to walk so long time, but also for everyone to show, I really want to say to them: "uncle, aunt, grandpa, grandma, you were laborious!"






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Tree planting day is a day to plant tress on 12th March. It was a tradition in ancient China. This custom has been modified many times and was finally fixed in 1981.

This special day can aware us of the importance of gazuoweng and simulate people to plant .

Since the environment is going from bad to worse, it is our duty to care more about mother nature.



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Im so excited tonight. When you do your homework, you have to go to the light meeting. Mom had no choice but to take me. I went to the streets with great interest, and there were lanterns hanging in the sea. There are lanterns, rabbit lights, monkey lights, chicken lights, and lotus lanterns... They shine in the moonlight, and my eyes are dazzled. The streets were decorated with lights and decorated. By the way, there are not only all kinds of colorful lights, but also colorful neon lights.

Shopping arcade etc.service, brand stores to attract a lot of customers, the store down the street a wide variety of goods, uncle have to wear a suit, the aunt wear jewelry, and kids love to eat ice-sugar gourd and pearl milk tea. People came to the street in high spirits to watch the night scenes.

I seemed to enter the world of man and lamp.



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probably more food is consumed during the new year celebrations than any other time of the year. vast amounts of traditional food is prepared for family and friends, as well as those close to us who have died.

on new years day, the chinese family will eat a vegetarian dish called jai. although the various ingredients in jai are root vegetables or fibrous vegetables, many people attribute various superstitious aspects to them.

other foods include a whole fish, to represent togetherness and abundance, and a chicken for prosperity. the chicken must be presented with a head, tail and feet to symbolize completeness. noodles should be uncut, as they represent long life.

in south china, the favorite and most typical dishes were nian gao, sweet steamed glutinous rice(糯米)pudding and zong zi (glutinous rice wrapped up in reed(芦苇)leaves), another popular delicacy.

in the north, steamed-wheat bread (man tou) and small meat dumplings were the preferred food. the tremendous amount of food prepared at this time was meant to symbolize abundance and wealth for the household.



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The fifteenth day of the first, is the Lantern Festival. The the flashing kongmin light in the sky. Beautiful fireworks, the joy of children on the ground, filled with smiling faces of the adults, let a person festive atmosphere of a festival...

Street people mountain people sea, waves sweet laughter came, I saw a dark sky, a flash of flap "stars", turned out to be that is people put kongmin light. From the ground, looked at it a little bit of rose in the sky, seem to want to hurry up arms into the sky. "I want to buy a kongmin light." I thought to myself, and for my mothers opinion, she agreed. So I went to buy a lamp.

The tiantai, I quickly put kongmin light. There is a saying: "write down their wishes on kongmin light, will be a dream come true." I hasten to write his pen, sweet, beautiful, to the elder brother, help me a candle on, just light is gone with the wind. Put before or large, but the sky is a little small.

Kongmin light flew away, with my wishes, gradually disappeared in the sky...

Lantern Festival was wonderful! The street, alley everyone chatting, really busy. Really want to under a Lantern Festival came to quickly, that it would be great!








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The fifteenth day of the Lantern Festival, the day at noon, mother, brother and I a line of six people went to the cultural square to see make yuanxiao activities. Can be more people on the road, it is a sea of people and traffic. Gongs, firecrackers exploded everywhere permeated with festive holiday!

A team of a float away to come over, a variety of performances won the audience bursts of cheers: ChuanGongZhaoLu yangko twisting the cheerful jumped, red waist drum, yangge, exciting performance of stilt, land boat show humor, darling of the big head doll, dragon dance lion dance, dance out of the prosperity and peaceful!

In the evening, we go to watch the fireworks, people could all the way, they are cheerful,, talking and laughing together from all directions to watch the fireworks party, spend the night passion.

28 points, at 7 o clock fireworks party begin!

Suddenly, a sound "bang", a "missile" fly into the sky and exploding in the sky, float however to colorful "paratroopers". Clusters of colorful bouquet of flowers to fly to the sky, then there is countless small fireworks, small fireworks "or" exploding in midair, accompanied by "rumbling" salute. All kinds of fireworks, colorful and varied dyed the sky red. Suddenly, a golden dragon appear on the Banks of the river, the river water reflected the lit. Cause the audience cheers. Phones, cameras, people want to keep this beautiful moment!

I like this years Lantern Festival, more looking forward to next years Lantern Festival!









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This year, the most memorable is the Lantern Festival, the day the weather

is not so good, but the streets are crowded with people, the streets are hung

colorful lanterns, it is beautiful.


I and my father, mother, brother and sister went to Zhongshan Park,

Zhongshan Park door lights and other materials in the hands of workers and their

uncle aunt, decorated very beautiful. There are hundreds of red lights on the

gate, like the red sun, with a smile, welcome every friends arrival. We came to

Zhongshan Park with the crowds, and the lights were better. I saw a beautiful

castle “ ”, represents the beauty of the motherland beautiful rivers and

mountains of a country. There are lights on is the uncles and aunts with colored

paper and other materials made of small and beautiful dance friends there. It

really makes me look dizzy.


This years Lantern Festival is really something I cant forget.



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Lantern Festival is one of the traditional Chinese festival, is also one of the childrens favorite holiday.

Still remember when I was a child of the fireworks are diverse, drill day, a small bees, have all over the sky star, a... Every fifteen, dark night is always a bright day, decorated with are all kinds of fireworks, the reflecting pool. Spring Festival in recent years the state advocates civilization, advocating less people set off firecrackers and fireworks, less so now, the Spring Festival, the lantern in a noisy degree than before, but even so, when the Lantern Festival is still a lively scene.

After ten years of the Lantern Festival, put ten years of fireworks, however, only the most let me remember this year.

Before the Lantern Festival is spent in their own homes, only behind the dinner would be allowed to run into the street with friends. But this year is spent in my uncles house. And because of that, this years Lantern Festival didnt let me so memorable.

Sister-in-law the year before last Septembers just add a child, this year has been one and a half, it is carefree, lively and active, so the scene is particularly lively. We first had a sumptuous dinner, and then enjoy the beautiful fireworks fly kongmin light, the next step is to watch my show little nephew of the age of one and a half.

He also is very good and we in the "audience" interaction, occasionally pulled my 13 year old brother and his dance together, or go to our side to give us a kiss, when we are going to hold him and ran away quickly.

The laughter of the room, the fireworks out of the window is gorgeous. The laughter of the room through the window, across the are in full bloom of fireworks, fly far away...










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In my hometown is always fine, on the fifteenth day of the lanterns, praying for good crop weather, academic progress, go in peace, the business is thriving...

Nightfall, accompanied by a loud firecrackers, families of children and adults in front of kitchen candles and prayers, and then, we carry lanterns, he hurried home, to the temple gate, then, we carry lanterns stop-go, unknowingly came to the mountain path, the adults talking and laughing, loud firecrackers is playing by the road, we watched the bundles light "shout" washed up on the sky, in the air, like the flowers, zhankai smiling faces, there are red, with purple, and yellow, beautiful! And firecrackers played to ring, "crackling" heard "crackling" homophonic is the meaning of "in peace", and to put the ring the better, we saw the front of every household, all with lamb, beef, and folded gold ingot, etc., I asked my mother: "why ask mouth put in these things?" Mother said: "this is called LuJi, is to worship the gods." We as the stream of people came to lees ancestral hall, zhou ji, ancestor worship, then lanterns to be brought back to the temple. The lanterns ceremony is over.

Our country is one of the ancient civilizations in the world, traditional culture, rich and colorful, but I still like our hometown lanterns.






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after the spring festival, here comes the lantern festival. in china,

people celebrate it on the lunar calendar fifteen. it symbolizes the short rest

has come to an end after the spring festival; people need to get back to work

with their best wishes in the brand-new year. we all celebrated this festival

with plenty of food and fun. the most important and traditional food on the

lantern festival is tang-yuan. with sweet and soft rice outside and peanuts or

sesame inside, this little rice ball stand for the happy reunion, and the best

wish for the whole families. apart from having dinner with parents and

relatives, there are also lots of activities on that day. the lantern shows as

well as guessing riddles are part of the lantern festival; and the most

interesting part of the show is that the riddles are written on the lantern.

after dinner, the whole families go to the lantern fair, to enjoy the happiness

in this moment.

in every city, there are always a main street known for its lantern fair,

on that special day, the street will become as bright as daylight in the night

with myriads of lanterns and streams of spectators. at this moment, the

happiness in the heart is beyond all deion. by watching various lanterns, eating

sweet tang yuan, and hanging out with the people we love, thinking of the bright

future in front of us. it’s worth everything.

happy lantern festival!






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Lunar New Year , the most solemn of traditional Chinese folk festivals. First day of the first lunar month in the traditional Chinese lunar calendar, known as the Moon, commonly known as "New Year" and "New Year." The long history of the Spring Festival, which originated in the Shang period the year draws to a close servicemen and the memorial activities. According to Chinas Lunar, the first day of the first lunar month yen ancient name, Yuan-chen, a copy, is Emperor, the New Year Day, which is commonly known as Day of the Republic. switch to the Gregorian calendar, the calendar on January 1 as New Years Day, January 1st called the Lunar Spring Festival.



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The fifteenth day of the first arrived, my family and I go to the lantern.

Can be busy in the street, people mountain people sea. At seven o clock is very to, start with fireworks, "bang..." Voice rings, the fireworks are green, red, yellow, purple, colorful, colorful. Look, a "super-sized" fireworks fly the sky, and then with a roar, and fireworks sprayed out of the little one was full of the sky, sometimes like a bauhinia, sometimes like a chrysanthemum. Some township, bine... "Bang! Bang" rang again, and some bread with a small bee in fireworks, after the blast, emit the light of fireflies. The colorful decorated enveloped the entire lijin county. See gold waterfall flows down, every gold falls and shiny golden flowers covered with earth. As the tang dynasty poet li bai have cloud: "plunges three thousand feet, suspected galaxy nine days."

Watching the fireworks, we go to see the lanterns again, we saw the Chinese zodiac, they seemed to be waving to us, the rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse,... In the said the New Years blessing to tourists. Further on, we saw the Disneyland, the inside of the Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, such as "master", they are playing Musical Instruments, are thriving, a happy New Year! We also see "three kingdoms" lamp, zhang fei and guan yu, liu bei, three people, they in taoyuan sworn brother, I seem to hear them say: "although we cant born in the same year on the same day, I wish we are in the same year on the same day to death." And drums, gongs, it sounds really beautiful melody.

I had a really happy today.







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About the origin of Halloween, the largest version of the legend, which is originated from the ancient Western European countries before the birth of Christ, including Ireland, Scotland and Welsh. These expressions of ancient Western Europeans called Druids. Druitt in the November 1st, new years Eve, so that young people set Druids team, wearing all kinds of strange mask, carrying a carved turnip lamp (the Jack-O-Lantern later the Department of customs, the ancient Western Europe pumpkin is not the first), they walk in the villages. This was actually a kind of harvest celebration; also said to be "Halloween", the legend who died that year, the soul will be the eve of Halloween, visit the world, said that people should be allowed to visit the ghost to see the ghost of a successful harvest and show great hospitality. All the bonfire and lights, the one to frighten away the ghost, but also for the ghost light line, to guide their return.


In medieval Europe, there had been destroyed by the pagan history of christianity. But before the new years Eve celebrations never really eliminate worship, but in the form of witchcraft. This is why we are now Halloween, also left the witchs broom, black cat, spells.



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The lunar calendar new year origin, has the basis, also is rich and picks the varied fable to be possible to trace to several millenniums before; Most is famous is "the year beast" fable. "The year beast" is a cruel terrible wild animal, ancient times the person believed "year beast" when lunar New Years Eve night can come out eats the person.

The fable "the year beast" extremely fears red, the flame and quarrels the mixed sound, the people on paste the red paper in the gate, and selects the torch all night, is setting off the artillery candle,avoids "the year beast". To second day early morning, "has congratulated" the sound to the ear, in the air does not fill theair is defeating "the year beast" the victory and the rebirth joy.



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Today is the Lantern Festival, my grandfather took me to the Ocean Park, he

said: "Ocean Park, there are many fish", then unable to buy a ticket and went


Grandpa and I started a dolphin show that take the door, we are at the

dolphin show place and my grandfather chose a place to sit down, dolphin show

started in the first place is to let the dolphins jump up, and then throw a

small hoop to go in the water, with the beginning of a wonderful! Uncle have a

jump into the water and the dolphin show, uncle dolphins swim with the top of

the head with his feet, and uncle special fast, uncle came to like

skateboarding, on the back of the dolphin when uncle dolphins and put him on the

top, the audience all applaud for them, show is over I went out and grandpa. Out

grandpa and I saw a couple of milk to eat only fish, so I just bought a bottle

for fish, once a big fish to the dropped the bottle mouth down into the water, I

went to pick it up quickly.

I also found there yellow snakes, lobster, shell, dinosaur bones, the great

white whale, jellyfish, turtle, octopus, polar bear, arctic Wolf, penguins, sea

snakes, grass carp,... I also see! Time the bell rang at noon I and grandpa to

go, I really want to see for a while.



