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传说在很久以前,凶禽猛兽很多,四处伤害人和牲畜,人们就组织起来去打它们, 有一只神鸟困为迷路而降落人间,却意外的被不知情的猎人给射死了。天帝知道后十分震怒,立即传旨,下令让天兵于正月十五日到人间放火,把人间的人畜财产通通烧死。 天帝的女儿心地善良,不忍心看百姓无辜受难,就冒着生命的危险,偷偷驾着祥云来到人间,把这个消息告诉了人们。众人听说了这个消息,有如头上响了一个焦雷。吓得不知如何是好,过了好久,才有个老人家想出个法子,他说:「在正月十四、十五、十六日这三天,每户人家都在家里张灯结彩、点响爆竹、 燃放烟火。这样一来,天帝就会以为人们都被烧死了」。

大家听了都点头称 是,便分头准备去了。到了正月十五这天晚上,天帝往下一看,发觉人间一片红光,响声震天,连续三个夜晚都是如此,以为是大火燃烧的火焰,以中大快。人们就这样保住了自己的生命及财产。为了纪念这次成功,从此每到正月十五,家家户户都悬挂灯笼,放烟火来纪念这个日子。







这一则传说与吃元宵的习俗有关:相传汉武帝有个宠臣名叫东方朔,他善良又风趣。有一天冬天,下了几天大雪 ,东方朔就到御花园去给武帝折梅花。刚进园门,就发现有个宫女泪流满面准备投井。东方朔慌忙上前搭救,并问明她要自杀的原因。原来,这个宫女名叫元宵,家里还有双亲及一个妹妹。自从她进宫以后,就再也无缘和家人见面。每年到了腊尽春来的时节,就比平常更加的思念家人。觉得不能在双亲跟前尽孝,不如一死了之。东方朔听了她的遭遇,深感同情,就向她保证,一定设法让她和家人团聚。

一天,东方朔出宫在长安街上摆了一个占卜摊。不少人都争着向他占卜求卦。不料,每个人所占所求,都是“正月十六火焚身”的签语。一时之间,长安里起了很大恐慌。人们纷纷求问解灾的办法。东方朔就说:“正月十三日傍晚,火神君会派一位赤衣神女下凡查访,她就是奉旨烧长安的使者,我把抄录的偈语给你们,可让当今天子想想办法。”说完,便扔下一张红帖,扬长而去。老百姓拿起红帖,赶紧送 到皇宫去禀报皇上。

汉武帝接过来一看,只见上面写着:“长安在劫,火焚帝阙,十五天火,焰红宵夜”,他心中大惊,连忙请来了足智多谋的东方朔。东方朔假意的想了一想,就说:“听说火神君最爱吃汤圆,宫中的元宵不是经常给你做汤圆吗?十五晚上可让元宵做好汤圆。万岁焚香上供,传令京都家家都做汤圆,一齐敬奉火神君。再传谕臣民一起在十五晚上挂灯,满城点鞭炮、放烟火,好像满城大火,这样就可以瞒过玉帝了。 此外,通知城外百姓,十五晚上进城观灯,杂在人群中消灾解难”。武帝听后,十分高兴,就传旨照东方朔的办法去做。

到了正月十五日长安城里张灯结彩,游人熙来攘往,热闹非常。宫女元宵的父母也带着妹妹进城观灯。当他们看到写有“元宵”字样的大宫灯时,惊喜的高喊:“元宵!元宵!”, 元宵听到喊声,终于和家里的亲人团聚了。




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An old story goes that once there were four single men, leading very boring lives. None of them were married, or had lovers, or did anything exciting. They just sat around all day and played Mahjong.

One day they played Mahjong from 11 in the morning until 11 at night. During the game, no matter who won, the winning card was always the four columns card (the card shows four independent, parallel columns in two lines)。 Even more of a coincidence, it was Nov 11, or 11/11. In order to commemorate the day, they nicknamed it "Singles Day".



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摘要:April Fools Day, sometimes called All Fools Day, is one of the most light-hearted days of the year. Some see it as a celebration related to the turn of the seasons, while others believe it stems from the adoption of a new calendar.愚人节英语是April Fools’ Day,也叫做All Fools’ Day。有些人相信愚人节是为了庆祝季节变更,有些人则相信这是因为年历的变更才形成的节日。

April Fools Day is traditionally a day to play practical jokes on others, send people on fools errands, and fool the unsuspecting. No one knows how this holiday began but it was thought to have originated in France.


The closest point in time that can be identified as the beginning of this tradition was in 1582, in France. New Years was celebrated on March 25 and celebrations lasted until April 1st. When New Years Day as changed from March 25 to January 1st in the mid-1560s by King Charles IX, there were some people who still celebrated it on April 1st and those people were called April Fools.


Pranks performed on April Fools Day range from the simple, (such as saying, "Your shoes untied!), to the elaborate. Setting a roommates alarm clock back an hour is a common gag. The news media even gets involved. For instance, a British short film once shown on April Fools Day was a fairly detailed documentary about "spaghetti farmers" and how they harvest their crop from the spaghetti trees. Whatever the prank, the trickster usually ends it by yelling to his victim, "April Fool!"


April Fools Day is a "for-fun-only" observance. Nobody is expected to buy gifts or to take their "significant other" out to eat in a fancy restaurant. Nobody gets off work or school. Its simply a fun little holiday, but a holiday on which one must remain forever vigilant, for he may be the next April Fool!


Each country celebrates April Fools differently. In France, the April Fools is called "April Fish" (Poisson dAvril)。 The French fool their friends by taping a paper fish to their friends backs and when some discovers this trick, they yell "Poisson dAvril!".

每个国家用不同的方式过愚人节。在法国,愚人节被称作“April Fish”。法国人和他们的朋友是这样开玩笑的:把一张裁成鱼形的纸用胶带粘到朋友的后背上,当有人发现的时候,他们就会喊:“Poisson dAvril!”。

In England, tricks can be played only in the morning. If a trick is played on you, you are a "noodle". In Scotland, April Fools Day is 48 hours long and you are called an "April Gowk", which is another name for a cuckoo bird. The second day in Scotlands April Fools is called Taily Day and is dedicated to pranks involving the buttocks. Taily Days gift to posterior posterity is the still-hilarious "Kick Me" sign.

在英国,只能在早上搞恶作剧。如果你被耍了,那你就是“面条”。在苏格兰,愚人节要持续2天,被耍的人被称为“四月布谷”。苏格兰第二天的愚人节叫做Taily Day,恶作剧主要在别人的屁股上做文章。



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If you ask me what my favorite holiday is, I will not hesitate to tell you it is the Lantern Festival. I remember the Lantern Festival last year.

That day I was out of the house, and I was happy. Our family gathered together to make gnocchi. My mother has a good dumpling. The dumplings were white and round, and they looked delicious. How did the name tang yuan come from? My mother told me that it was round and soup, so it was called tangyuan.

At this moment, we can begin to eat dumplings, I like to eat bean paste filling of dumplings, taste sweet, sticky taste good. As soon as I ate, I ate a dozen. Tangyuan, like its name, is round and round. This is a fun day! After dinner, we went home. On the way home, I saw a group of kindergarten children, carrying only a variety of small lanterns, row tidy team in the parade, the lights of the small lantern, the light of the earth as the street was radiant.



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According to legend, the spring and autumn period and the time of day, ChuZhao over the Yangtze river, wang see something floating on the river, and he lives recovered, a carefully look is a kind of white red can eat. In order to find out what it is, the king of ChuZhao Confucius went for advice. Confucius saw this after something floating on the water, said: "if this thing called duckweed fruit, who got it, suggests that the individual will be to revive the country." ChuZhao the king ordered the fifteenth day of a year, every household will boil the white inside the red lantern eat outside.

To one thousand people are still eating yuanxiao, to show people yearning for relatives. When the Lantern Festival, our family get together in my grandma together, chatting, such as father and mother cook the rice glue ball well, my cousin and cousin together hold up competing to eat the sweet and fragrant slippery tender after yuanxiao. Everyone again fanfare together watch TV, eat sugar, you joy.

Listen to grandma said, original yuanxiao is just put the brown sugar, white sugar and bean paste and so on ordinary materials. Now has been in use for some good black sesame seed, chocolate, fruit, etc. Its everything. Yuanxiao now compared to the original yuanxiao taste better, with higher nutritional value.

I particularly like our Chinese traditional festivals. Can eat the food not only, still can let me door reunion together, happily spent a happy holiday.







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1.What month do soldiers hate?

--March (三月,行军)

2.How many feet are there in a yard?

--It depends on how many people stand in the yard. (码,院子)

3.Why is an empty purse always the same?

--There is no change in it. (零钱,变化)

4.What book has the most stirring chapters?

--A cook book. (动人的,搅拌的)

5.What kind of dog doesnt bite or bark?

--Hot dog. (热狗)

6.What is the smallest room in the world?

--Mushroom. (蘑菇)

7.What kind of water should people drink in order to be healthy?

--Drink well water. (井水,健康的)

8.How do we know the ocean is friendly?

--It waves. (起波浪,招手致意)

9.Which can move faster, heat or cold?

--Heat, because you can catch cold. (追上冷,患感冒)



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The Lantern Festival is a festival celebrated on the fifteenth day of the first month in the lunisolar year in the lunar calendar marking the last day of the lunar New Year celebration. During the Lantern Festival, children go out at night to temples carrying paper lanterns and solve riddles on the lanterns .It officially ends the Chinese New Year celebrations.

It is not to be confused with the Mid-Autumn Festival; which is sometimes also known as the "Lantern Festival" in locations such as Singapore and Malaysia.

In ancient times, the lanterns were fairly simple, and only the emperor and noblemen had large ornate ones .

[citation needed] In modern times, lanterns have been embellished with many complex designs. For example, lanterns are now often made in the shape of animals. The lanterns can symbolize the people letting go of their past selves and getting new ones, which they will let go of the next year. The lanterns are almost always red to symbolyze good


In Hong Kong, it is commercialized as the Chinese equivalent of Valentines Day.



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Lantern Festival has a lot of interesting activities, put wishing lamp, eat yuanxiao, belongs to the activities of the festival is over, it means the New Years day is over, we will be good work and to go to school, looking forward to the arrival of the New Year next year.

I wove a about the legend of the Lantern Festival, people listen to, I whether very will say story?

Legend in a long time ago, there is a place in the universe, a place called yuanxiao island, their biggest different places with us, is very love to eat dumplings, regardless of the early, middle and dinner to eat dumplings, it is interesting to note that the dumplings there are floating in the air, want to eat how many there are, eat until you support dead.

One day, there are two children s and o night, o had his eureka moment, give the kings dumplings, to take Fried, unexpectedly, after the king had said is very good.

From now on, all the people into eating Fried dumplings, and memory of yuanhe o night, o so named hang them on the day of the yuanxiao.

Have you ever eaten Fried dumplings? Give it a try! O the yuanhe flaring invention of food!









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Looking forward to, look forward to, look forward to the stars, looking forward to the moon, the annual Lantern Festival, eventually came in the evening, the family after dinner, I took mother and fathers hand, clamouring for mom and dad took me out to see lanterns.

Came to the pedestrian street, here was the lantern ocean, looked up and there are lifelike monkey lamp, small and exquisite rabbit lamp, looks very fierce tiger lamp... It is vivid, very spectacular.

Suddenly, I dont know whats wrong, your feet do not seem to work, follow the crowd, we are living have to squeeze into the pipeline. On the second floor, we saw a group of people around together excitedly, as if in riddles, and riddles but my specialty skills, why not let me show my bad? I took mom dads hand and squeezed into the crowd, also immersed in the happiness of riddles.

Im taking it from the above a, title is: once a heart can be lasting. (guess a word) ha ha, guess the riddle is my specialty talents. I think "a" and "denier" may be a word, read it carefully, and saw the word "heart", think "heart" can be written as "忄" ah, so, the answer to this question I want to come out, this word is "constant" word, with perseverance can last. Sure enough that I expected, so the answer is "constant".

Time is the past, like is playing much, look at the time, god, at nine o clock, we reluctantly left, however, through our efforts, and won many prizes!

Looked up at the sky, the moon is so bright, it seems smile to us, and together we revel in the joy of the holiday.









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The 15-Day Celebration of Chinese New Year.

The first day of the Lunar New Year is "the welcoming of the gods of the heavens and earth."Many people abstain from meat on the first day of the new year because it is believed that this will ensure long and happy lives for them.

On the second day, the Chinese pray to their ancestors as well as to all the gods. They are extra kind to dogs and feed them well as it is believed that the second day is the birthday of all dogs.

The third and fourth days are for the sons-in-laws to pay respect to their parents-in-law.

The fifth day is called Po Woo. On that day people stay home to welcome the God of Wealth. No one visits families and friends on the fifth day because it will bring both parties bad luck.

On the sixth to the 10th day, the Chinese visit their relatives and friends freely. They also visit the temples to pray for good fortune and health.

The seventh day of the New Year is the day for farmers to display their produce. These farmers make a drink from seven types of vegetables to celebrate the occasion. The seventh day is also considered the birthday of human beings. Noodles are eaten to promote longevity and raw fish for success.

On the eighth day the Fujian people have another family reunion dinner, and at midnight they pray to Tian Gong, the God of Heaven.

The ninth day is to make offerings to the Jade Emperor.

The 10th through the 12th are days that friends and relatives should be invited for dinner. After so much rich food, on the 13th day you should have simple rice congee and mustard greens (choi sum) to cleanse the system.

The 14th day should be for preparations to celebrate the Lantern Festival which is to be held on the 15th night.



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Another year when the Lantern Festival. A happy family, candlelight celebration. On this day we all get together to eat yuanxiao, lanterns, fireworks.

Yuanxiao is a traditional Chinese custom of the Lantern Festival atmosphere rendering incisively and vividly. As grandma "dumplings." Everyones face broke into a radiant smile. The dumplings, hot air dense on my face, instantly, face wet, light surface are sweet, I could not help but bite, fragrant sesame taste with my mouth, let me good. Dumplings are not only taste good, also signifies the family reunion. The taste of sweet also represents our future life sweet meimei.

After dinner, I and my family went to the workers club to see lantern. The Chinese zodiac, the lead, they some carrying copper wire, the significance of money immediately; Some on, the significance of career smoothly; Some of the dragon and hope people healthy body, the eaves. After the horse has a lifelike mice, hard work cattle, commanding a tiger, cute little rabbit, dragon, such as individual swished up snakes, gentle lovely sheep, lively and naughty monkey, chin big rooster, dog is so honest, simple and honest pig, this small lanterns decorate more beautiful night.

Looked up, and the sky is full of bloom of fireworks, varied, colorful, some colors together, there are purple, red, gold, green, etc., some like the stars, some like smiling, like the sun, they are strings, rows of fly to the sky, scattered upon the earth. Firework although transient, but its beautiful, fresh, give people a joy. To the people to enlightenment, and I love the fleeting fireworks, love this beauty more sweet dumpling.

Or spend the night "Oriental, more trees, stars like rain." In a traditional festival in China, one of my favorite is the Lantern Festival, because it represents the reunion, represents joy. Although this years Lantern Festival is over, but it is long in my memory the most dazzling one page, I love the beautiful sweet dumpling.








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The 15th day of the 1st lunar month is the Chinese Lantern Festival.


According to the Chinese tradition, at the very beginning of a new year, when there is a bright full moon hanging in the sky, there should be thousands of colorful lanterns hung out.


During the Lantern Festival, people will try to solve the puzzles on the lanterns and eat yuanxiao (glutinous rice ball).


In the Sui Dynasty in the sixth century, Emperor Yangdi invited envoys from other countries to China to see the colorful lighted lanterns and enjoy the gala performances.


By the beginning of the Tang Dynasty in the seventh century, the lantern displays would last three days. The emperor also lifted the curfew, allowing the people to enjoy the festive lanterns day and night.


In the Song Dynasty, the festival was celebrated for five days and the activities began to spread to many of the big cities in China.


Today, the displaying of lanterns is still a big event on the 15th day of the first lunar month throughout China.


The fillings inside the dumplings or Yuansiao are either sweet or salty. Sweet fillings are made of sugar, Walnuts, sesame, osmanthus flowers, rose petals, or jujube paste etc. A single ingredient or any combination can be used as the filling . The salty variety is filled with minced meat, vegetables etc.




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The ancients of January, lunar called night for the fifteenth, so says the Lantern Festival. A year on the 15th day of the first month circle, but also a dollar complex night beginning, the earth de-aging rate-and night, people celebrate the New Years celebration, also continue. The Lantern Festival is also known as "or shang yuan festival".

According to Chinese folk tradition, in this day of the night, people brand bright lights million lamp, points up to show celebration. Go out to celebrate the, randeng put flame lantern riddle quiz and Himalayan, were yuanxiao, have a family reunion, celebration festival, feel happy.

The Lantern Festival is also called the Lantern Festival, yuanxiao randeng custom since the han dynasty, since ShangDeng activities to tang dynasty, more prosperous, the palace, street lights up everywhere, must build tall lamp wheel, lamp floor and lamp tree, a great poet of tang dynasty who at the time of this in 15 night view light "as described the Lantern Festival randeng pageantry" connect han yi starfall, depending on the floor. "like month suspended

More attention the Lantern Festival, the song dynasty ShangDeng activities more lively, ShangDeng activities must carry on the style of five days, light more rich and. The Ming dynasty ShangDeng 10 days to continuous, which is Chinas longest Lantern Festival. ShangDeng activities in qing dynasty, but even though only three days ShangDeng activities on a big scale, unprecedented, except randeng besides, still set the fireworks.

"Lantern riddle quiz" and that "dozen riddles", is the Lantern Festival is an event then increased in the song dynasty, appear. In southern song dynasty when the Lantern Festival, the capital city linan whenever the fans who made numerous puzzle. It started in the remnants of a bunch riddle written in brightly colored lights posted offer people guess. Because riddle can enlighten the wisdom and interesting, so spread by various social strata in the process of welcome.



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"Tangyuan dumplings dumplings, sweet sweet dumpling is round and round..." And this is a sing "tangyuan" yuanxiao. Because, we all said to eat dumplings, the dream is round, so the aunt to sing, sing uncle, uncle sing, we sing.

In a few days off, I am the most happy day, is the Lantern Festival. That day, uncle came to my house to have a meal, uncle had just sat down and asked me: "whoever, you pass the fireworks?" I replied, "let one or two." Uncle went on to say: "that you still want to put a?" I said: "of course! But mother partial about fireworks are dangerous! Dont let me more." Uncle said: "dont be afraid, I told your mother, she will agree!" I jumped for joy "three thousand feet", I shouted: "can fireworks again! Can fireworks again!" I turned to uncle said: "or uncle loves me!" Uncle smiled to me, looking back at his newspaper again.

After dinner, uncle gave me a big bag of fireworks, and three incense sticks, let my mother and I went downstairs to put. Stone chair beside the downstairs, I put the fireworks pipe on the ground first, then the fireworks near the tube with a lit incense probe, lighting, before long, the fireworks "sou" sound like a rocket, fly in the sky, then, "touch" scattered in the sky, just like a flower! Later, I took a look, there are red, have yellow, with purple, with green and various different variety, really good-looking!

Later, I got home, my mother brought me a bowl of dumplings to eat, ah! I really like your Lantern Festival!


在放假的几天中,我最快乐的一天,要属元宵节了。那天,伯伯来我家吃饭,伯伯刚坐下就问我:“凡琪,你放过烟花吗”我回答道:“放过一两次。”伯伯接着说:“那你还想放一次吗”我说道:“当然想啦!可是妈妈偏说说放烟花有危险!不让我多放。”伯伯说:“不用怕,我跟你妈说,她会同意的!”我高兴得蹦了 “三千尺”,我大喊道:“又可以放烟花了!又可以放烟花了!”我扭过头对伯伯说:“还是伯伯最爱我!”伯伯对我笑了笑,又回头看他的报纸去了。





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"Zhong Qiu Jie", which is also known as the Mid-Autumn Festival, is celebrated on the 15th day of the 8th month of the lunar calendar. It is a time for family members and loved ones to congregate and enjoy the full moon - an auspicious symbol of abundance, harmony and luck. Adults will usually indulge in fragrant mooncakes of many varieties with a good cup of piping hot Chinese tea, while the little ones run around with their brightly-lit lanterns.


"Zhong Qiu Jie" probably began as a harvest festival. The festival was later given a mythological flavour with legends of Chang-E, the beautiful lady in the moon.


According to Chinese mythology, the earth once had 10 suns circling over it. One day, all 10 suns appeared together, scorching the earth with their heat. The earth was saved when a strong archer, Hou Yi, succeeded in shooting down 9 of the suns. Yi stole the elixir of life to save the people from his tyrannical rule, but his wife, Chang-E drank it. Thus started the legend of the lady in the moon to whom young Chinese girls would pray at the Mid-Autumn Festival.


In the 14th century, the eating of mooncakes at "Zhong Qiu Jie" was given a new significance. The story goes that when Zhu Yuan Zhang was plotting to overthrow the Yuan Dynasty started by the Mongolians, the rebels hid their messages in the Mid-Autumn mooncakes. Zhong Qiu Jie is hence also a commemoration of the overthrow of the Mongolians by the Han people.

在14世纪,中秋节吃月饼又被赋予了一层特殊的含义。传说在朱元璋带兵起义推翻元朝时,将士们曾把联络信藏在月饼里。因此,中秋节后来也成为汉人推翻蒙古人统治的纪念日。 字串7

During the Yuan Dynasty (A.D.1206-1368) China was ruled by the Mongolian people. Leaders from the preceding Sung Dynasty (A.D.960-1279) were unhappy at submitting to foreign rule, and set how to coordinate the rebellion without it being discovered. The leaders of the rebellion, knowing that the Moon Festival was drawing near, ordered the making of special cakes. Packed into each mooncake was a message with the outline of the attack. On the night of the Moon Festival, the rebels successfully attacked and overthrew the government. What followed was the establishment of the Ming Dynasty (A.D. 1368-1644). Today, moon cakes are eaten to commemorate this event.




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In the joy of the Lantern Festival, a tree, bamboo pole, beautiful lanterns are hung, far look like a beautiful flower, the modelling of each hand carry lanterns, in the darkness of the night, appear more bright beautiful, and huge lanterns, light up every dark corner.

Traffic on the road, everyone is permeated with a happy atmosphere, the side of the roads shouts and cries, let the streets become more lively. In this cold weather, people eat a bowl of bowl of warm dumplings, eating a chain of moments of squid balls, listening to the sweet songs and after night! But people still boiling, forgot the time.

Looked at the pairs of friends and partners together talking, then ask yourself the answer, my good friend! Where is she? Isnt forget time, or have a problem on the way, my heart try so hard, like a cat on hot bricks went around every corner, I couldnt find her, dont have time to listen to the beautiful lanterns. When I was about to give up, just saw, the front is not my friend? I quickly ran to the front of her, she handed me a cup of hot cocoa, and warm let me so moved, cold hand, and warm up.






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Yesterday is the lantern festival, can be noisy! according to the traditional chinese folk, the day of the magnificent on brand night, people points up lights all light, to show celebration. go out the moon, burning lamp burning, happy event put lantern riddle quiz, were yuanxiao, have a family reunion, the backdrop of the festival, feel happy.

At 7:00 in the evening, i just have a meal, the sky sounded the zhalei general noise, and bam! bam! bam! each a barrage of put up the fireworks! i hurried stop chopsticks, rushed out of dining room and father, brother ran upstairs to watch the fireworks to! because my home in this area are of high buildings! i stand on top of the panoramic view of all the scenery! fireworks rose! some like a blooming chrysanthemums! some like the dancing like fireflies, some like a snow mountain blasted general! the most beautiful to a few big fireworks, is likely the volcanic eruption, purples, green, yellow, a mountain even a mountain out! like a meteor scattered, lined with black night, gorgeous and dazzing! the dark of night as a bright

Read other peoples fireworks, my brother and i also put their fireworks take out to put! i took out chongtianbao, lit, like a meteor shot out, trailing behind a long tail! colorful! brother took out the christmas tree, sent out a powerful sparks! color various kind! like a fountain, moving short, when light dark! sparks from the day and drop, like countless pearls hung in the sky! like heaven fell in the milky way. shine! still put yuhua is like fairy scattering flower, fell from the sky, and sometimes flower heart still open little, such as flower general. theres like ufo flash in the past, speed eyes cant keep up, some like a gyroscope general crazy rotating............. in the night

Finally put out the fireworks, about the quiet down, and to see this beautiful fireworks, reminds me of the xin qijis jade case yuan xi, he found in the thousands of degrees, suddenly look back, that person but in, fire dim. yuan xiao party is over, but the happiness and laughter, a long time to curl up in our window...



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The fifteenth day of the first month is a traditional festival of our

Chinese nation. At this moment, my heart has been hooked by the rich dinner. Who

makes today the Lantern Festival on the fifteenth day of the first month!

"The moon is round and round on the 15th day..." this classic song is

around my ears again. Listen... At this time, I have come to my grandparents

house: "Grandpa, grandma, happy Lantern Festival!"

"Wow" my eyes fly away with the fragrance and catch a large piece of meat

again, hee hee!

After dinner, dusk shrouded everything around us, so we decided to go to

Swan square to enjoy the moon.

As I walk, the moon also walks. If I walk fast, it also walks fast; I walk

slowly, so does it. As soon as I looked up, a round, large and high disc hung in

the air, as if it were the most dazzling star in the sky. The surrounding stars

were not shy and comparable with the moon. It seemed to say, "you see, you have

dominated all the glory of the 15th, how can you let me shine!"

Suddenly, my eyes were fascinated by the fascinating riddle guessing. I

quickly took my family to join the fun.

"There is a prize if you guess right, there is a prize if you guess right!"

At this time, my uncle opened his voice and attracted people heartily. Before

waiting for my uncle to finish, the visitors had already begun to grab

mysteries. Some secretly turned over reference books, others discussed with each

other, or enlightened, and happily competed for prizes. It was so lively!

As the night gets deeper and deeper, there are more and more people playing

in the square. Adults and children gather together, like the vivid pictures of

the master and the hot partners, spreading their troubles and playing


Suddenly, I dont know where there is a strong smell of sleeves. Oh, my

mother peeled off this sweet and delicious thing, and the juice penetrated from

it. Wow, its so fragrant! I quickly took a bite, um, a word: "incense"! Its

still slowly aftertaste after eating!

It was getting late. I looked at the people who were playing hide and seek,

playing balloons, guessing lantern riddles and setting off fireworks










