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灯谜在我国由来已久。灯谜最早是由谜语发展而来的,起源于春秋战国时期。它是一种富有讥谏、规诫、诙谐、笑谑的文艺游戏。谜语悬之于灯,供人猜射,开始于南宋。《武林旧事·灯品》记载:“以绢灯剪写诗词,时寓讥笑,及画人物,藏头隐语,及旧京诨语,戏弄行人。” 南宋时,首都临安(今杭州)每逢元宵节时制谜、猜谜的人众多。开始时是好事者把谜语写在纸条上,贴在五光十色的彩灯上供人猜。因为谜语能启迪智慧又饶有兴趣,所以流传过程中深受社会各阶层的欢迎,当时不少的文学家都成为制谜高手。


明清两代,灯谜活动的举行频繁,规模也不断扩大。不仅在元宵节,中秋、七夕(七月初七)也经常举行灯谜活动。在明末,扬州谜家马苍山首创了“广陵十八格”(广陵是扬州的古称),卷帘、徐妃、 粉底、虾须等绝大多数谜格都沿用至今。灯谜格式自“广陵十八格”之后,不断增加,如《清嘉录》记谜格二十四种,《拙庐谈虎集》记谜格六十种,《谜格释略》记谜格二百余种,《增广隐格释例》记谜格多达四百零七种。谜格的创立,标志着灯谜发展到成熟阶段。小说《红楼梦》、《镜花缘》等,都有猜灯谜的情节。灯谜经过这些文学作品的渲染和传播,更加普及于民众。



元宵节也称灯节,元宵燃灯的风俗起自汉朝,到了唐代,赏灯活动更加兴盛,皇宫里、街道上处处挂灯,还要建高大的灯轮、灯楼和灯树,唐朝大诗人卢照邻曾在《十五夜观灯》中这样描述元宵节燃灯的盛况:“接汉疑星落,依楼似月悬。” 宋代十分重视元宵节,赏灯活动更加热闹,赏灯活动要进行5天,灯的样式也更丰富。明代要连续赏灯10天,这是中国最长的灯节了。清代赏灯活动虽然只有3天,但是赏灯活动规模很大,盛况空前,除燃灯之外,还要放烟花助兴。





























◎墙上挂灯谜 (打一动物名) 壁虎

◎爷爷当先锋 (打南北朝人名) 祖冲之

◎又一个星期 (打古代文献名) 周易

◎盼天明 (打一欧洲国家首都) 巴黎

◎绝妙好言 (打一动物) 狼狗

◎一年四季是春天 (打一城市名) 长春

◎人言此山天外来 (打一书名) 岳飞传

◎相依相伴对残月 (打一字) 羽

◎上上下下,不上不下 (猜一字) 卡

◎书签 (猜一字) 颊

◎中山立志振华夏 (古书目) 文心雕龙

◎出水芙蓉 (猜花名) 荷花

◎哑姑 (打一成语) 妙不可言

◎一点不假 (打一旅游胜地名) 滇池

◎十分精巧 (打一广东地名) 湛江

◎七六 (打一国家名称) 希腊

◎狼牙山壮士跳崖 (打一成语) 五体投地

◎吕奉先雄心十足 (猜人名) 布什

◎板门店和谈 (猜一成语) 美不胜收

◎夜半新月挂枝头 (猜一字) 季

◎芳龄几何 (猜一古人名) 盘庚

◎寄书长不达 (打一成语) 难以置信

◎魏武挥鞭 (猜一名词) 操行

◎日落星出月当头 (猜一名词) 生肖

◎残阳如血 (猜一花卉名) 晚来红

◎相见时难别亦难(猜一成语) 祸不单行

◎清除 (猜一成语) 满不在乎

◎化妆讲座(猜一成语) 谈何容易

◎生财有道(打一出版名词) 发行

◎家家迎元宵 (打一学校用语) 第二节

◎齐唱 (打一成语) 异口同声

◎二十四小时 (打一成语) 一朝一夕

◎但愿花长开 (打一礼貌用语) 不要多谢

◎文明 (猜一人名) 朱时茂

◎清明前夜 (打一传统节日) 元宵

◎迁怒 (打一国名) 挪威


◎水管结冰用火攻 (打一成语) 融会贯通

◎望断南飞雁 (打一日常用语) 久仰

◎无可奈何花落去 (打一日常用语 )感谢














































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Han, also known as the Chinese family is the main part of the Chinese nation, for the ancient tribes and culture, descendants of the tribe or Chinese people. The han nationality or a in history has never been interrupted, long, also is the worlds most populous nation.

According to the pre-qin literature records and xia, shang and Zhou Li scope, the ancient ancestors of the han nationality can be generally up long mountain, mount tai in the east and west of Huang Hezhong, downstream for activity area; Are mainly distributed in the area of yangshao culture and longshan culture of these two types of neolithic culture, as the pioneers of the han Chinese ancient cultural relics. The two civilization as the representative of the circle of Chinese civilization.

For the ancestors of the han emperor and yan emperor in the central plains tribe alliance leader and an outbreak of e. springs, yan emperor tribes, incorporated into the huangdi tribe, yanhuang alliance into shape. Later, they defeated here in integration involved problems.the zhuolu war nine li group leader human-god, expand the coalition forces to todays shandong province. And then to yan tribes and huangdi tribe as the main body, and formed a larger part of shandong province here tribe of huaxia tribal alliance, huaxia basic fixed source. Before the 2100-2100 BC in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River descendants of the yellow emperor group has established the xia dynasty, shang dynasty and zhou dynasty.

In 221, before the qin dynasty unified China, huaxia clan from division to unity again. Han the pre-qin period claimed to China, from the beginning of the han dynasty and gradually appear "han" claim. Therefore, huaxia clan has another name: han. But the original title "huaxia" did not disappear, but with the name "han" used together ever since.

According to genetic research compare migration history record of fudan university, the expansion of the han nationality is mainly from north to south in the history of the mobile population. Before the jin han are mainly distributed in the north, and later due to factors such as always fine the disorderly moves southward migration, migrating south han and gene with the han nationality and language different aboriginal mixed in southern China. From north to south in the history of this mass movement has also changed the civil population distribution density.








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after the spring festival, here comes the lantern festival. in china,

people celebrate it on the lunar calendar fifteen. it symbolizes the short rest

has come to an end after the spring festival; people need to get back to work

with their best wishes in the brand-new year. we all celebrated this festival

with plenty of food and fun. the most important and traditional food on the

lantern festival is tang-yuan. with sweet and soft rice outside and peanuts or

sesame inside, this little rice ball stand for the happy reunion, and the best

wish for the whole families. apart from having dinner with parents and

relatives, there are also lots of activities on that day. the lantern shows as

well as guessing riddles are part of the lantern festival; and the most

interesting part of the show is that the riddles are written on the lantern.

after dinner, the whole families go to the lantern fair, to enjoy the happiness

in this moment.

in every city, there are always a main street known for its lantern fair,

on that special day, the street will become as bright as daylight in the night

with myriads of lanterns and streams of spectators. at this moment, the

happiness in the heart is beyond all deion. by watching various lanterns, eating

sweet tang yuan, and hanging out with the people we love, thinking of the bright

future in front of us. it’s worth everything.

happy lantern festival!






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May in Chinese lunar calendar, known as the "Dragon Boat Festival", the end is the beginning "," early. ". Fifth day of the called side five. Chinese to Chinese era, the construction of the bases in February, to May May afternoon, so called the number "Five" and "good", "Five" is a positive number, the Dragon Boat Festival is also known as the end of five, five, the Dragon Boat Festival, transit, afternoon, afternoon, in addition to some place Dragon Boat Festival will be called in May Festival, AI Festival, the summer festival. From the historical point of view, the "Dragon Boat Festival" two word first appeared in the Jin Zhou Chu "endemic in mind": "a dragon boat festival dumplings, cooked duck". The Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional festival of the Han people in china. This day indispensable activity gradually evolved into: eating dumplings, dragon boat race, hanging calamus, Artemsia argyi, smoked herb, dahurian angelica root, drink realgar Yellow Wine. It is said that, eating rice dumplings and dragon boat race, is in memory of Qu Yuan, so after the liberation of Dragon Boat Festival had to be called "poet Festival", in honor of Qu Yuan. As for hanging calamus, Artemsia argyi, smoked herb, dahurian angelica root, drink realgar Yellow Wine, it is said to be evil in order to pressure.


Today, the Dragon Boat Festival is still Chinese people a very popular in the grand festival. The Dragon Boat Festival from 2008 onwards for national holidays, the holiday is a day. The state attaches great importance to the protection of intangible cultural heritage, May 20, 2006, the customs with the approval of the State Council included in the first batch of national intangible cultural heritage list.



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Today is the Lantern Festival, also called the Lantern Festival. Everywhere permeated with a festival festival, people have hung up the all kinds of lanterns, such as watermelon lamp, silk lamp, kongmin light.

Lantern Festival, people will eat yuanxiao, yuanxiao is a lot of more phyletic, red bean paste, sesame seed -- -- -- -- -- - look at that fat yuanxiao in vain, let a person appetite. The most happy thing is to watch the fireworks in the evening, my father and I came to the square early on, gathered a lot of people here, they are holding all kinds of fireworks, in an uncles advice, you put the fireworks display in rows on the ground, then firing together, just a ignition, see all kinds of fireworks hatched, let out a loud noise, the sky, as if the sky blasted a hole, the yellow blossoms of colourful fireworks decorate the deep blue sky, open fireworks like a ball, like snowflakes, like the meteor out, drag strips, like contend in fragance and fascination with each other in spring flowers, pleasing, like the day, the dark night with the lantern night is so beautiful, I can be charmed.

This years Lantern Festival is happy.






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At night, today is the annual Lantern Festival, people happily walked to square, see yuanxiao party, watch the fireworks.

Have people mountain people sea, in the square heads. The faces of people like smile became a bright flower. My mother and I to watch, I cant see, mother picked up me, I see, is surrounded by a piece of boundless, it is estimated that there are thousands of!!!!

Yuanxiao party began, the first show is the dragon, you see, the two dragons in tease each other, play, the scene like live. The second program is the dance, see them wearing a green skirt, turn left, turn right, neat, beautiful, fast, like a dragonfly flying.

The fireworks began to put, hey! All kinds of fireworks various, rapidly changing. Fireworks fireworks like a gem, like a "in" word, and fireworks as lanterns. Oh!

Fireworks can also rapidly changing. In front of the fireworks is a just now, suddenly becomes open into millions of fireworks. Clearly is an ordinary fireworks, a flash becomes like a meteor.

Yuanxiao party today, what a linger.









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there was a kindly nobleman whose wife had died of an illness leaving the nobleman and his three daughters in despair. after losing all his money in useless and bad inventions the family had to move into a peasants cottage, where the daughters did their own cooking, sewing and cleaning.

when it came time for the daughters to marry, the father became even more depressed as his daughters could not marry without dowries, money and property given to the new husbands family.

one night after the daughters had washed out their clothing they hung their stockings over the fireplace to dry. that night saint nicholas, knowing the despair of the father, stopped by the noblemans house. looking in the window saint nicholas saw that the family had gone to bed. he also noticed the daughters stockings. inspiration struck saint nicholas and he took three small bags of gold from his pouch and threw them one by one down the chimney and they landed in the stockings.









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传说在很久以前,凶禽猛兽很多,四处伤害人和牲畜,人们就组织起来去打它们, 有一只神鸟困为迷路而降落人间,却意外的被不知情的猎人给射死了。天帝知道后十分震怒,立即传旨,下令让天兵于正月十五日到人间放火,把人间的人畜财产通通烧死。 天帝的女儿心地善良,不忍心看百姓无辜受难,就冒着生命的危险,偷偷驾着祥云来到人间,把这个消息告诉了人们。众人听说了这个消息,有如头上响了一个焦雷。吓得不知如何是好,过了好久,才有个老人家想出个法子,他说:「在正月十四、十五、十六日这三天,每户人家都在家里张灯结彩、点响爆竹、 燃放烟火。这样一来,天帝就会以为人们都被烧死了」。

大家听了都点头称 是,便分头准备去了。到了正月十五这天晚上,天帝往下一看,发觉人间一片红光,响声震天,连续三个夜晚都是如此,以为是大火燃烧的火焰,以中大快。人们就这样保住了自己的生命及财产。为了纪念这次成功,从此每到正月十五,家家户户都悬挂灯笼,放烟火来纪念这个日子。







这一则传说与吃元宵的习俗有关:相传汉武帝有个宠臣名叫东方朔,他善良又风趣。有一天冬天,下了几天大雪 ,东方朔就到御花园去给武帝折梅花。刚进园门,就发现有个宫女泪流满面准备投井。东方朔慌忙上前搭救,并问明她要自杀的原因。原来,这个宫女名叫元宵,家里还有双亲及一个妹妹。自从她进宫以后,就再也无缘和家人见面。每年到了腊尽春来的时节,就比平常更加的思念家人。觉得不能在双亲跟前尽孝,不如一死了之。东方朔听了她的遭遇,深感同情,就向她保证,一定设法让她和家人团聚。

一天,东方朔出宫在长安街上摆了一个占卜摊。不少人都争着向他占卜求卦。不料,每个人所占所求,都是“正月十六火焚身”的签语。一时之间,长安里起了很大恐慌。人们纷纷求问解灾的办法。东方朔就说:“正月十三日傍晚,火神君会派一位赤衣神女下凡查访,她就是奉旨烧长安的使者,我把抄录的偈语给你们,可让当今天子想想办法。”说完,便扔下一张红帖,扬长而去。老百姓拿起红帖,赶紧送 到皇宫去禀报皇上。

汉武帝接过来一看,只见上面写着:“长安在劫,火焚帝阙,十五天火,焰红宵夜”,他心中大惊,连忙请来了足智多谋的东方朔。东方朔假意的想了一想,就说:“听说火神君最爱吃汤圆,宫中的元宵不是经常给你做汤圆吗?十五晚上可让元宵做好汤圆。万岁焚香上供,传令京都家家都做汤圆,一齐敬奉火神君。再传谕臣民一起在十五晚上挂灯,满城点鞭炮、放烟火,好像满城大火,这样就可以瞒过玉帝了。 此外,通知城外百姓,十五晚上进城观灯,杂在人群中消灾解难”。武帝听后,十分高兴,就传旨照东方朔的办法去做。

到了正月十五日长安城里张灯结彩,游人熙来攘往,热闹非常。宫女元宵的父母也带着妹妹进城观灯。当他们看到写有“元宵”字样的大宫灯时,惊喜的高喊:“元宵!元宵!”, 元宵听到喊声,终于和家里的亲人团聚了。




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Watching lanterns on the Lantern Festival is a traditional Chinese custom.

No, I went to see it last night. Our family has a rule: go to grandmas house on

New Years Eve, go to grandmas house on the 15th of the first month, go to

grandmas house on the first day of the new year, and go to grandmas house on

the fifth day of the new year. Therefore, it is certain to come today.

The fireworks show at Grandmas house was beautiful, with smiling faces and

circles. We had dinner there, watched a fireworks show and talked about family

affairs, so we left. When I came, I brought a box of fireworks. When we left, we

went down and put some white ones. Send my sister and them home, and well go to

the ceramic technology city to see the lanterns. The lanterns there are so


When I went there, what impressed me most was that I split the mountain to

save my mother. It was very vivid. Unfortunately, I didnt move. If I moved, it

would be good. Itll be more realistic. Theres another one called ghost. I

forgot, but its also very good. And the story of Cowherd and weaver girl. While

walking, I listened to my mother explain what happened to Cowherd and weaver


Gradually, I was thirsty. My mother said, "do you want pear soup?" "Yes!"

We bought two drinks, 10 yuan. Thats enough. What annoys me most is that it

tastes the same as mineral water. No, no, no, no, its harder to drink than

mineral water. I guess mineral water, edible pigment and pear slices are really

hard to drink. Walking, I saw the peacock open the screen. Its really big and

very beautiful. There are many light bulbs on a feather, led. Its time for us

to go back. Its beautiful. Its beautiful. I was dazzled.

Mother said, "always buy a souvenir home." Im so happy.

I came to several stalls. There were many kinds. I didnt know what to

choose. I finally decided to choose a mace. Because this is very attractive, I

think many people buy it. So I also bought it. After we made a price for some

time, we decided to sell it for 8 yuan. I agree very much.

When I walked quickly, I saw what I wanted to see most and liked most,

pleasant goat and grey wolf, as well as Chinas aerospace industry. I like both

of them very much. There are Tiangong 1 and Shenzhou 8. There are many kinds. I

also like them very much. The pleasant goat and grey wolf are a little too fake,

but they are also very good. There was a dragon when I went out.

It was great to see the lanterns this time. The only fly in the ointment

was the pear soup. We dont want it until weve finished drinking. I feel that

ten yuan is really wasted money. I cant buy it again next time I come. Is it

really cheating customers. I feel very, very sick. Overall, the lantern is


Lets go to his house sometime.












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The Lantern Festival, this is a good day! A busy day! A memorable day! A heady days! A very happy day! Lets get together to talk about!

Talk about the custom of the Lantern Festival for first! What is it? Have to eat yuanxiao, lanterns, guess riddles, walking on stilts, the dragon... A lot of fun game. Among them, my favorite is guess riddles! You know why? Because guess lantern riddles not only interesting, but also can cultivate language ability? What about you? Like which one?

So, what the Lantern Festival is the poem? Ouyang xiu yuan skarn, cui liquid on Lantern Festival, li shangyins poetry, yue, xin qijis "sapphire. Yuan evening" and li bai... Free to appreciate enjoy so much together the ancients write down these good poem word!

? Do you also like me like this busy Lantern Festival?







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Yesterday is the lantern festival, can be noisy! according to the traditional chinese folk, the day of the magnificent on brand night, people points up lights all light, to show celebration. go out the moon, burning lamp burning, happy event put lantern riddle quiz, were yuanxiao, have a family reunion, the backdrop of the festival, feel happy.

At 7:00 in the evening, i just have a meal, the sky sounded the zhalei general noise, and bam! bam! bam! each a barrage of put up the fireworks! i hurried stop chopsticks, rushed out of dining room and father, brother ran upstairs to watch the fireworks to! because my home in this area are of high buildings! i stand on top of the panoramic view of all the scenery! fireworks rose! some like a blooming chrysanthemums! some like the dancing like fireflies, some like a snow mountain blasted general! the most beautiful to a few big fireworks, is likely the volcanic eruption, purples, green, yellow, a mountain even a mountain out! like a meteor scattered, lined with black night, gorgeous and dazzing! the dark of night as a bright

Read other peoples fireworks, my brother and i also put their fireworks take out to put! i took out chongtianbao, lit, like a meteor shot out, trailing behind a long tail! colorful! brother took out the christmas tree, sent out a powerful sparks! color various kind! like a fountain, moving short, when light dark! sparks from the day and drop, like countless pearls hung in the sky! like heaven fell in the milky way. shine! still put yuhua is like fairy scattering flower, fell from the sky, and sometimes flower heart still open little, such as flower general. theres like ufo flash in the past, speed eyes cant keep up, some like a gyroscope general crazy rotating............. in the night

Finally put out the fireworks, about the quiet down, and to see this beautiful fireworks, reminds me of the xin qijis jade case yuan xi, he found in the thousands of degrees, suddenly look back, that person but in, fire dim. yuan xiao party is over, but the happiness and laughter, a long time to curl up in our window...



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The Lantern Festival is a festival celebrated on the fifteenth day of the first month in the lunisolar year in the lunar calendar marking the last day of the lunar New Year celebration. During the Lantern Festival, children go out at night to temples carrying paper lanterns and solve riddles on the lanterns .It officially ends the Chinese New Year celebrations.

It is not to be confused with the Mid-Autumn Festival; which is sometimes also known as the "Lantern Festival" in locations such as Singapore and Malaysia.

In ancient times, the lanterns were fairly simple, and only the emperor and noblemen had large ornate ones .

[citation needed] In modern times, lanterns have been embellished with many complex designs. For example, lanterns are now often made in the shape of animals. The lanterns can symbolize the people letting go of their past selves and getting new ones, which they will let go of the next year. The lanterns are almost always red to symbolyze good


In Hong Kong, it is commercialized as the Chinese equivalent of Valentines Day.



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Yuanxiao, another climax of Spring Festival. The fifteenth day of the first decorated everywhere, the whole street is like the in-laws, the flourishing and lively, lively and beautiful. The famous shop all hang hundreds of shapes, greatly small lights. There are notable, rounded corner lamp, lotus flower lamp, red lanterns... In that day, my parents and I go to the Lantern Festival.

One into the street, he saw a crowded crowd; Smell the fragrance of the delicious food; Heard a loud noise. We "crawling" slowly, in the crowd for a while in the United States, only beautiful shape, manufacture fine lantern appeared in front of my eyes. My parents and I went into it, a variety of lanterns are painted on the "water margin", a dream of red mansions, romance of The Three Kingdoms, all of the story "journey to the west". And make me the deepest impression is notable.

Each horse lamp together seems to be energizes is very spectacular. Version is using the red paper. Before the horse hoof, the horse up, horsetail hang, like really. Lifelike, vivid, let a person see the admiration. Lights on the two generous male, two people sitting in the restaurant - the legs, hands holding a glass.

Then, I saw my favorite link - guess lantern riddles. I opened the paper bag out lantern riddle topic: adding water into the oceans it into vegetation of flowers. I touched his chin, frowning, chanting in the heart "into a sea of water, it become a grass flowers?" Is it "yes"? Not ah! Gal. Some water is not a word! I thought for a moment. Suddenly flashes, the emergence of a "every" words in mind, oh. "Every" plus three drops of water is the "sea", and "wood" is "mei"! Why didnt I think! I quote us answers loudly. This is really a magic, they rhyme!

In these festival, one of my favorite festival is the Lantern Festival, because this holiday only lifelike lanterns and people are thinking of lantern riddle.








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The fifteenth day of the first month is a traditional festival of our

Chinese nation. At this moment, my heart has been hooked by the rich dinner. Who

makes today the Lantern Festival on the fifteenth day of the first month!

"The moon is round and round on the 15th day..." this classic song is

around my ears again. Listen... At this time, I have come to my grandparents

house: "Grandpa, grandma, happy Lantern Festival!"

"Wow" my eyes fly away with the fragrance and catch a large piece of meat

again, hee hee!

After dinner, dusk shrouded everything around us, so we decided to go to

Swan square to enjoy the moon.

As I walk, the moon also walks. If I walk fast, it also walks fast; I walk

slowly, so does it. As soon as I looked up, a round, large and high disc hung in

the air, as if it were the most dazzling star in the sky. The surrounding stars

were not shy and comparable with the moon. It seemed to say, "you see, you have

dominated all the glory of the 15th, how can you let me shine!"

Suddenly, my eyes were fascinated by the fascinating riddle guessing. I

quickly took my family to join the fun.

"There is a prize if you guess right, there is a prize if you guess right!"

At this time, my uncle opened his voice and attracted people heartily. Before

waiting for my uncle to finish, the visitors had already begun to grab

mysteries. Some secretly turned over reference books, others discussed with each

other, or enlightened, and happily competed for prizes. It was so lively!

As the night gets deeper and deeper, there are more and more people playing

in the square. Adults and children gather together, like the vivid pictures of

the master and the hot partners, spreading their troubles and playing


Suddenly, I dont know where there is a strong smell of sleeves. Oh, my

mother peeled off this sweet and delicious thing, and the juice penetrated from

it. Wow, its so fragrant! I quickly took a bite, um, a word: "incense"! Its

still slowly aftertaste after eating!

It was getting late. I looked at the people who were playing hide and seek,

playing balloons, guessing lantern riddles and setting off fireworks













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小编摘要:元宵节英语怎么说?"元宵节"的英文表达为Lantern Festival。元宵节,又称为“上元节”,为中国传统节日,时间是每年的农历正月十五,元宵节的传统活动包括吃元宵、赏花灯、猜灯谜、舞狮子。

元宵节这天,按中国民间的传统,在这天上皓月高悬的夜晚,人们要点起彩灯万盏,以示庆贺。出门赏月、燃灯放焰、喜猜灯谜、共吃元宵,合家团聚、同庆佳节,其乐融融。 那么,元宵节用英语怎么说?与元宵节相关的英语又怎么说?



China has seen a boom in the sale of handmade yuanxiao, glutinous rice dumplings traditionally eaten at Lantern Festival, in the run-up to the celebration, which falls on Monday this year.

The sweet and glutinous treat is called yuanxiao in the north. In the south people have tangyuan, which are slightly different in size, stuffing and making process.

The treat is an important part of the Lantern Festival celebration, which also includes making lanterns, solving riddles posted on lanterns and performing lion dances.


【讲解】文中的Lantern Festival 即指元宵节,lantern是指灯笼,也可以说成Yuanxiao Festival。元宵节的传统活动除了吃元宵(yuaoxiao)之外,还包括赏花灯(watching lanterns)、猜灯谜(solving riddles posted on lanterns或guessing lantern riddles)、舞狮子(performing lion dances)等。

元宵节快乐的英语吧表达是:Happy The Lantern Festival ! 或者Happy Lantern Festival ! 、 Happy lanterns day 这几种都可以。作文




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Lantern Festival evening, my mother and I went to buy rice dumpling Vanguard. Many see the package dumplings aunt, my mother and I also participated. First, we put on gloves, then picked up a small group of dough, rub it round, flattened. Then, the filling on the dough, wrap. Finally, it is rounding. A big round dumplings born! Follow, we pack a lot of stars.

Back home, we can not wait to put the cooked rice balls. I personally do eat rice balls, sweet and fragrant, Yum! The original DIY is the most happy.





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Today is the fifteenth day of the Lantern Festival, my uncle the family to my house to eat the family reunion dinner together.

Dinner is very delicious.after: goose, chicken, fish, meat, lettuce, snow peas... , I went to help us all meals, the adults drank the wine, the child drink, everyone ate meal while talking and laughing, happy!

After dinner, we are brother and sister younger brother three people playing happily. Play tired can rest, and adults eat dumplings while watching TV in the big four park to celebrate the Lantern Festival.

In Chinese tradition, the atmosphere of the Spring Festival lasts until the fifteenth day of the Lantern Festival. According to Chinese folk customs, on the night of the bright moon hung, people point lights all light, to show celebration. To admire the lanterns, guess riddles is an essential part of the Lantern Festival. Li wan lake park, "water Lantern Festival" this year is out of the limelight. Yuexiu park will "hundreds of meters porcelain dragon" won most plaudits. Baiyun mountain is located at the top of the mountain of the square auspicious and exquisite rock palace lantern, high 8. 8 meters, 12 meters in diameter and 12 zodiac festival from zh zh gems around big palace lantern is put in the middle. Even better palace lantern middle part can turn slowly, symbol "fortunes", bring good luck for guangzhou citizens. Cultural park were set chy-tech 22 groups this year, the theme atmosphere chy-tech 2 groups, the atmosphere lights more than 1500. After dark, lit up, the whole park yi yi is unripe brightness.

Imperceptibly already 12:00 at night, the little brother and sister both want to go home, we separated, reluctantly andll see you next week. Have brothers and sisters is really good!

今天是正月十五 ——元宵节,舅舅全家到我家一起吃团圆饭。



在中国的传统习俗里,春节的气氛一直持续到正月十五元宵节。按中国民间风俗,在这皓月高悬的夜晚,人们要点起彩灯万盏,以示庆贺。赏花灯、猜灯谜是元宵节必不可少的节目。 荔湾湖公园的“水上灯会”今年可谓出尽风头。越秀公园灯会的“百米瓷龙”获得最多喝彩。白云山位于山顶广场的祥瑞玲珑大鳌宫灯,高8。8米,直径达12米,12只喜庆生肖各持贺年法宝围绕中间大宫灯摆放。更妙的是中间宫灯部分可缓缓转动,象征“时来运转”,给广州市民带来好运。文化公园今年共设置灯组22组,主题气氛灯组2组,气氛灯1500多盏。入夜后,花灯亮起,整个公园熠熠生辉。




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1.What month do soldiers hate?

--March (三月,行军)

2.How many feet are there in a yard?

--It depends on how many people stand in the yard. (码,院子)

3.Why is an empty purse always the same?

--There is no change in it. (零钱,变化)

4.What book has the most stirring chapters?

--A cook book. (动人的,搅拌的)

5.What kind of dog doesnt bite or bark?

--Hot dog. (热狗)

6.What is the smallest room in the world?

--Mushroom. (蘑菇)

7.What kind of water should people drink in order to be healthy?

--Drink well water. (井水,健康的)

8.How do we know the ocean is friendly?

--It waves. (起波浪,招手致意)

9.Which can move faster, heat or cold?

--Heat, because you can catch cold. (追上冷,患感冒)



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"Tangyuan dumplings dumplings, sweet sweet dumpling is round and round..." And this is a sing "tangyuan" yuanxiao. Because, we all said to eat dumplings, the dream is round, so the aunt to sing, sing uncle, uncle sing, we sing.

In a few days off, I am the most happy day, is the Lantern Festival. That day, uncle came to my house to have a meal, uncle had just sat down and asked me: "whoever, you pass the fireworks?" I replied, "let one or two." Uncle went on to say: "that you still want to put a?" I said: "of course! But mother partial about fireworks are dangerous! Dont let me more." Uncle said: "dont be afraid, I told your mother, she will agree!" I jumped for joy "three thousand feet", I shouted: "can fireworks again! Can fireworks again!" I turned to uncle said: "or uncle loves me!" Uncle smiled to me, looking back at his newspaper again.

After dinner, uncle gave me a big bag of fireworks, and three incense sticks, let my mother and I went downstairs to put. Stone chair beside the downstairs, I put the fireworks pipe on the ground first, then the fireworks near the tube with a lit incense probe, lighting, before long, the fireworks "sou" sound like a rocket, fly in the sky, then, "touch" scattered in the sky, just like a flower! Later, I took a look, there are red, have yellow, with purple, with green and various different variety, really good-looking!

Later, I got home, my mother brought me a bowl of dumplings to eat, ah! I really like your Lantern Festival!


在放假的几天中,我最快乐的一天,要属元宵节了。那天,伯伯来我家吃饭,伯伯刚坐下就问我:“凡琪,你放过烟花吗”我回答道:“放过一两次。”伯伯接着说:“那你还想放一次吗”我说道:“当然想啦!可是妈妈偏说说放烟花有危险!不让我多放。”伯伯说:“不用怕,我跟你妈说,她会同意的!”我高兴得蹦了 “三千尺”,我大喊道:“又可以放烟花了!又可以放烟花了!”我扭过头对伯伯说:“还是伯伯最爱我!”伯伯对我笑了笑,又回头看他的报纸去了。





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The winter solstice, the winter solstice as the "holiday" in han dynasty, the rulers to congratulate ceremony known as "He Dong", official holidays, routine officialdom popular each "winter" worship custom. "Were" has such records: "before and after the winter solstice, the gentleman place static body, baiguan, scenes, and then pick an auspicious day Chen save trouble." So on the court and off to rest, to the army on standby, frontier retreat, business travel out of business, family and all distinctions to food, visit each other, a joyous festival "place static body". When in the six dynasties, the winter solstice is called "the age", people to elders to extend holiday greetings to your parents; After the song dynasty, the winter solstice festival gradually become the sacrifice to ancestors and gods.

Tang and song period, the winter solstice is to worship the day of worship ancestors, the emperor held outside the day to worship, the people in this day to the parents or elders worship. Ming and qing dynasties, the emperor have to worship, of "winter solstice jiao days". There has to be given to a emperor, table officials ritual, but also to each other for congratulations, like New Years day.

Winter festival also called yesterday, hand in winter. It is one of the 24 solar terms, is a traditional festival of China, have "the winter solstice as big as a year". Winter solstice supplements, is Chinas traditional customs, folksay: fill a lump-sum winter, in the coming year without pain. Summer volts, winter lump-sum. The winter solstice mend, nutrients.



