全文共 1267 字
+ 加入清单Winter is a gentle girl, she wiped the sun to the red, to the earth covered with white gauze, you see, that blue sky in the sun like a drunk face rose up from the tree after the emergence of the red. Its glory illuminated the earth, to bring a trace of warmth. The country road is covered with frost, and the rustling at the foot of the people.
Wanzhuang Qingsong completely into the snowy snow. Near the houses, fences ... ... put on a soft, white and decent coat; trees branches, mix and match. Some long. Velvet, like a baby fat arm; some filled with large and small pompon, it seems that you shouted, they will "flutter rustled" roll down. The whole world is white, elegant, like a huge crystal, spectacular art treasures.
After a few snow falling, the earth is a silver world. Mountains, rivers, fields, houses rising sun shine, almost equal to your eyes. Standing in the wilderness, Meng suck a few mouthfuls of cool silk, sweet Jinjin air, and then slowly spit out, you will feel the internal organs are fresh.
Field covered with an expansive carpet, the tree, such as jade flowers bloom, the roof painted white paint, the road as moonlight spilled, the tree frost frost hanging, the sun came out, red wrapped, powder makeup jade puzzle, exceptionally enchanting.
全文共 1057 字
+ 加入清单The wind of autumn is not as hot as summer, not as cold as winter. Autumn wind is pleasant, cool, colorful, very, very lovable.
Autumn wind came to the field, gently blowing, rice sea turned the golden waves, sorghum lifted the burning torch.
Autumn wind happy to go to the orchard, picked up a fan, the apple exposed red cheeks, pear trees hanging golden lanterns, grapes put on a purple coat, beautiful!
Autumn wind can be funny. She quietly came to the garden, the garden of the sweet-scented osmanthus opened, a touch of fragrance fragrant, ten miles can smell it! Garden chrysanthemum contests, purple, white, pink ... ... colorful The
Autumn wind jumped to a small river, she was hard to blow, golden leaves have to leave the arms of the mothers arms. So many leaves like a flying butterfly, fell into the river. The fish in the river put a piece of leaves as a parasol. Some small ants to move the winter food on the leaves, sit on the small. Autumn wind blowing, along the river back to the distant home ... ...
I love both cool and pleasant autumn wind!
全文共 1537 字
+ 加入清单When the summer "heat wave" rolling to the time, a burst of cool atmosphere will be oncoming. When you feel it, yes, the footsteps of the autumn girl are not far away from us.
Autumn brought me infinite reverie.
Autumn is golden yellow. Look, whenever you come to the park, the beautiful chrysanthemum golden yellow, one after another, very beautiful. The petals are very delicate. As long as people smell the faint smell of chrysanthemum, it will produce a refreshing, comfortable feeling.
Autumn is a symbol of red fire. Woods, mountains, all the small roadside ... ... everywhere you can see the maple tall and straight body and maple leaves red glowing, like the face of people. Maple leaves are palm-shaped, the color is red, dark red, and sometimes there are orange, this is not a symbol of this years booming it?
Autumn is also happy season. Why? Farmers uncle of hard to grow fruit and crops will mature it! Sweet and sour all the apples; memorable orange; there Huang Chengcheng big pear ... how can not we like to eat fruit?
Look at the wheat field. Looking around, large tracts of wheat simply do not see the marginal, a closer look, will find some farmers in the harvest crops. Looking at the happy smile when the farmers harvested the wheat, I thought: how hard they were before working! Kind of crops, sweat must be the same as soybeans, and kept flowing down.
Autumn, you use your sweat in exchange for such a beautiful season, it is not easy? Thank you, the city decorate so beautiful, you really have a unique style "stylist"!
全文共 524 字
+ 加入清单Winters in taipei are very cold during the evening and very windy during the daytime.
I usually look forward to the lunar new years day and the winter vacation when i can go to the village where the climate is warmer during these holidays.
Also, i look forward to seeing my grandmother, great-grandmother, and my friends in the village; i like my grandmothers food very much. Winter is the time everyone is in a festive mood.
In the city, i usually do a lot of reading at home in the winter because of the cold weather outside.
全文共 702 字
+ 加入清单Li Yan, an engineer, was born on February 9, 1965 in Beijing, China. After he graduated from Qinghua University in 1987, he made an important decision in his life. He decided to go to the United States for his further study. After four years hard work, he mastered new management ideas an advanced technologies in computer field. In 1992, he got his doctors degree. In 2008, he made another decision that to return to his motherland and started a company. However, his wife and daughter had got used to the American way of life, so they still stay in the United States. But they still can meet frequently, because of the convenient transportation, and his wife and daughter often visit him in holidays.
全文共 957 字
+ 加入清单在这个世界上,没有两片一样的叶子,同样也没有一模一样的人,每一个人的特点都是不同的。下面是小编整理收集的人物外貌描写词语,欢迎阅读参考!
浓眉大眼 慈眉善目 气宇轩昂 高大魁梧 英姿飒爽
衣着得体 一表人才 风度翩翩 衣冠楚楚 青面獠牙
貌比潘安 秀色可餐 膀大腰园 披头散发 相貌堂堂
闭月羞花 沉鱼落雁 大腹便便 虎背熊腰 尖嘴猴腮
贼眉鼠眼 眉清目秀 容光焕发 美如冠玉 出水芙蓉
冰肌玉骨 冰清玉洁 明眸皓齿 道貌岸然 国色天香
粉白黛黑 靡颜腻理 傅粉施朱 婀娜多姿 亭亭玉立
雾鬓风鬟 鹤发童颜 鹤发鸡皮 短小精悍 面黄肌瘦
面如土色 面红耳赤 面有菜色 蓬头垢面 囚首垢面
蓬头历齿 鸠形鹄面 铜筋铁骨 肠肥脑满 骨瘦如柴
药店飞龙 披头散发
披肩长发 柔软的头发 齐眉的刘海 秃头(没有头发)
白发苍苍 头发乌润 头发稀疏
大眼睛忽闪忽闪 乌溜溜的眼珠 眼睛布满血丝 会说话的眼睛 慈祥的目光 明亮的眼睛 凶狠的目光 眼睛眯成一条缝
眉青目秀 炯炯有神 华语网(原华语网)
高鼻梁 鹰钩鼻 酒糟鼻 蒜头鼻 朝天鼻 塌鼻梁
又遍又平的鼻子 又高又直的鼻子 尖尖的鼻子
樱桃小嘴 抿着小嘴 血盆大口 尖嘴猴腮 厚嘴唇 薄嘴唇
嘴唇苍白 唇如胭脂 唇无血色 齿白唇红
参差不齐的牙齿 白而发亮的牙齿
咬紧牙关 满口银牙 青面獠牙
苹果脸 瓜子脸 鹅蛋脸 长方脸 四方脸
俊美的脸 丑陋的脸 清瘦的脸 满脸憔悴 一脸稚气 古铜色的脸 黑里透红的脸 红扑扑的脸 布满皱纹的脸
脸色苍白 愁眉苦脸 嬉皮笑脸 面黄肌瘦 满脸雀斑 面如桃花 面如土色 天庭饱满 脸颊绯红 面目可憎 油头粉面 面不改色心不跳
脸“刷”地一下白了 脸“腾”地一下红了
十指尖尖 纤纤素手 粗壮的大手
身材矮小 身材苗条 身材丰腴 体态轻盈 身材臃肿 佝偻着身子 身强力壮 虎背熊腰 膀阔腰圆
肌腱发达 腰板挺直 彪形大汉 大腹便便 脑满肠肥
身材高挑 亭亭玉立 袅袅婷婷 弱不禁风 瘦骨嶙峋 瘦骨如柴 短小精悍
朴素 大方 整洁 时髦 摩登 讲究 笔挺 邋遢 俗气
穿戴整齐 衣冠楚楚 穿红戴绿 衣着入时 珠光宝气 花枝招展 衣衫不整
不修边幅 破破烂烂 袒臂露肩 衣不蔽体 赤身裸体 一丝不挂
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+ 加入清单There are all kinds of animals in the world . My favorite animal is rabbits. It has two long ears, a pair of red eyes, and a short tail. It likes jumping. It likes eating carrots and cabbages. It is one of the worlds most lovely animals.
全文共 1557 字
+ 加入清单On Sunday, after breakfast, I went downstairs and walked down the stairs. I saw an iron cage on the lawn. There was a big white rabbit, a small white rabbit and a small gray rabbit.
I quickly came to the cage before carefully watching the rabbit. Saw the rabbit (that is, the rabbit mother, it is white body, the body of the hair smooth and soft, two long ears erected in the head, a pair of ruby-like eyes inlaid in the face, there is a small exquisite nose Like a lipstick like the three petals. Look at the little white rabbit, it is simply the embodiment of the rabbit mother, is exactly the same. Another small gray rabbit, small than the small rabbit, the biggest difference is: Small gray rabbit eyes are gray. They are short legs, hind legs thick. Oh! I finally understand why the rabbit ran so fast, one step can jump so far, the original because of its hind legs thick, so kicking ability But if they run downhill have to turn over the bucket myself! At this time, two naughty and lovely little rabbit playing up, the tail is also a stick of a stick, it is more lovely.
I got a few slices of leaves, swaying in front of the rabbits, the rabbits immediately full of energy, like going to the front line to fight the same. They clawed on the cage and looked at me with hope. I put the leaves into the cage, the rabbit mother immediately devour to eat up. And the little bunny is slowly, slowly, like a gentleman like. After they had finished eating, looked up and looked at me with grateful eyes, as if to say to me, "Thank you, you see, we eat more!"
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+ 加入清单My grandmother is sixty—two years old。 She is healthy so that she walks around often。 In the morning, she goes to buy food in the market early。 There are several old grannies going with her。
In their opinion, it’s a kind of exercise, because walking is important to their health。
Besides, my grandmother is very active and easygoing。 She makes many friends near my home, from her peer to the little babies。
She always laughs and makes others happy。 I think my grandmother is so lovely that I want to stay with her。
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+ 加入清单We all like to make friends, because no one can survive without a friend. If you ask someone how many friends do they have, most will answer a lot. Indeed, we make friends in different stage, even we are old, we still make friends. But not all friends are as honest as they are, some friends we made since we are young, some are just meet a couple of times and we don’t know much about them. The former are real friends, while the latter are not true friends. What is the real friend, a real friend is someone who you can talk about anything and can be show up the moment you need. Other friends are just for drinking and eating, they will not help you if you are in trouble. When we make friends, the real one is what we need.
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+ 加入清单导语:袁隆平院士是中国杂交水稻事业的开创者,是当代神农。下面是yuwenmi小编为大家整理的优秀英语作文,欢迎阅读与借鉴,谢谢!
China the great father of Hybrid Rice - Mr. Yuan Longping, was born in Beijing, he is our great Chinese rice engineering, biology professor, the United Nations Food Industry consultant.From the beginning of 1964, Mr. Yuan Longping began studying hybrid rice technology, to 1975 study successful cultivation techniques of hybrid rice, hybrid rice he for large area promotion foundation.In 1964to 1965in two rice blossom season, he and the team every day is so hard, feet on the mud, long bow, not tired a day and night, holding long-term backache, finally in the paddy fields found a natural male sterile plants.Yuan Longping experienced many failures, he did not flinch, he let us Chinese pride, let the whole world people sit up and take notice!
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+ 加入清单我们的班长,可以用形容宋江的一句话来形容:“文不能安邦,武不能服众,手无缚鸡之力,身无寸箭之功”。可是,他却有着一股非同一般的凝聚力。因为他团结同学,关心同学,处处能为集体着想,所以,深受同学们的尊敬,是同学们公认的好班长。
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+ 加入清单Summer sister quietly gone, the autumn girl came in a hurry, she did not pay attention to you, the autumn door opened.
Pear baby and persimmon baby one by one to fill the big orchard; purple Yingying grape lady special beauty, she is in the purple (white) The face painted with a layer of sparkling powder, from a distance, like a string of purple pearls, looks very attractive; chubby pomegranate looks very cute, he will give the autumn girl what? Did not expect, Mr. pomegranate actually gave the autumn girl a bag of red pearls, flashing, lit the whole large orchard.
Watching the park is really lively! Colorful chrysanthemum contests, white like snow, yellow tournament gold, pink like Xia ... ... colorful, beautiful! Her posture is also very moving: some Minato together, like a few Good sister in the whisper; some lowered his head, like a shy little girl ... ... is really graceful! Golden yellow sweet-scented osmanthus exudes a refreshing fragrance, really "Osmanthus bloom, fragrant floating ten miles" ah!
The woods, a piece of leaves fall, like a butterfly in the forest flying, there are red, yellow, green, and purple ... ... very beautiful ... field, the golden rice laughter Bent over, people feel shines.
This is my eyes beautiful autumn scenery, let us enjoy this charming scenery together!
全文共 350 字
+ 加入清单Winter is cold. Let’s play the snowball and make snowman.
The snowman is big . I like to play snowball. I am on the snow. The snow is cold. I have a scarf and coat. So I am not cold. I like the Christmas. Because I can see santa clus in Christmas . Christmas tree is beautiful. The presents are on the Christmas tree.
I like winter. Do you like winter?
全文共 4562 字
+ 加入清单写作中,场面描写非常重要,接下来小编为你带来人物场面描写片段精选,希望对你有帮助。
1、第二局的比赛要开始了。在班主任老师的鼓舞下,我们全班同学又振奋起了精神。看,我们全班同学男生每个人都磨拳擦掌,跃跃欲试。我们全班同学打的是四班,比赛开始了,一开始,全班士气高涨,绳子一点一点地往我们全班同学这边移动, 与此同时,观看的同学的加油声爆发出来了,声音此起披伏。眼看胜利在望了,我们全班同学心里可高兴了,就差那么几厘米,胜利就属于我们全班同学的了!我们全班同学班的同学一把绳子一拉,就把绳子拉到了白线后面,“我们全班同学赢了,我们全班同学打败了四班!”我们全班同学开心地说到。
8、正是这样,我们全班同学在预赛中一路遥遥领先,闯进总决赛。在决赛中,我们全班同学将和五(1)班争夺冠亚军。五(1)班的队员可强着呢!他们都是高个子,力量大,还不知我们全班同学班能不能打赢他们。我心里低估着。只听一声“嘟”裁判的一声吹哨,上半场开始了!先是我们全班同学抢到球,高隽带球,传给了杨凯程,杨凯程投篮,可惜没进, 但是高隽马上接住球,再投,球进了!顿时我们全班同学班的拉拉队一片沸腾,没想到这么快就进球了。接下来对方也进了几个球,可是我们全班同学还是保持着连续进攻的状态,且看杨凯程和韩费隆的配合,先杨凯程带球,韩费隆跑到底线,杨凯程趁对方都来守他,马上传给了韩费隆,韩费隆把握机会投篮,球又进了!一会工夫,上半场便比完了。我们全班同学班的比分一直领先他们。
15、我们全班同学排着整齐的队伍高高兴兴地走到操场, 只见一根又粗又长的大绳子,横跨在操场中央,绳子中间还系着一根红布。当时,在场的同学非常多,比赛还没有开始,全场就在喊:“五(1)班加油,五(1)班加油!”16、比赛马上就要开始了,我们全班同学两组女生都在做热身活动,对方组的同学脱下了外衣,把袖子挽的高高的,摆出一副必胜的架势。我们全班同学这一组商量了一下,准备让胖胖的赵梦琪站在最前边,来震慑对方。等我们全班同学准备好后,老师在地面上画了一条界线,我们全班同学来到绳子旁,抓紧绳子,站稳脚,伸直了腿。随着老师的哨声,比赛开始了。我们全班同学咬紧牙,鼓足劲,后倾着身子,使劲往自己这边拉;对方也不示弱,她们呲着牙,绷着脸,也在吃力地拉着。绳子中间的红布一会儿偏向我们全班同学这边,一会儿又偏向她们那边。我对后边的同学大喊一声:“大家使劲拉!”可对方趁我说话时,猛地一拉,我赶紧抓住绳子,心想:哼,想趁这机会取胜,没门!这时,在一旁助威的男生拼命的大喊:“加油!加油!支持我们全班同学这边的男生急得直跺脚。我们全班同学一起使出吃奶的劲猛拉,对方招架不住,一下子全军覆没,我们全班同学胜利了。
全文共 519 字
+ 加入清单他热爱运动,跑步飞快:每年的体育达标时,今年跑步第一的肯定又是他了,这是八百米跑步。体育老师让他和其他三位同学一起站到起跑线后,体育老师大喊一声:“预备,跑!”他像一头猎豹一样飞快的冲了出去,其他三位同学也是身手不凡,和他不相上下,有时还有被反超的趋势。但两个来回之后,长期锻炼的优势就显现出来了,他们开始只是被落后几米,可过了一会就明显被拉下一段了。终于,最后一个来回,快了,就快到了,20米、15米、10米、5米、2米、1米,冲线了!他又一次打破了他创造的记录。
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+ 加入清单Autumn is a golden season and a bumper season. Autumn, the crops are all mature, and everywhere is a Huang Cancan, people can not help but want to sing a song, sing the joy of harvest.
However, in recent days, the weather was cold, not cloudy, is the downpour, it is cool and warm, the hearts can not help but add a bit sad.
Today s rain is really big, like a row of soybeans from heaven. This rain is also very anxious, low-lying place instantly become a Wang Yang. Occasional vehicles through, from time to time will provoke a blossoming flowers. The pedestrians on the road were hugging by the umbrella; the vehicle horned the horn from time to time, fearing the pedestrian. People standing high to see this scene, all feel like a boat like a boat in the river in general.
The rain is too fast to go, and the sky is sunny for a while.
I opened the window, fresh air from the nose, even the trees next to the road feel more than just the spirit. Autumn rain, although brought the slightest chill, but also people memorable.
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+ 加入清单Autumn came, the fruit of the orchard was ripe.
You see, apple red, and big and round, like a small bowls of light. Pear Huang Chengcheng, like a small gourd, covered with branches, the number is also countless. Grapes, purple, light green, a string of water Lingling, looks very good. They are floating fragrance, looked really lovable.
Listen, the orchard came out of the noisy voice, oh, the original is a few children in the orchard picking fruit! Bull is a Hercules, he picked a basket of apples ready to send them to uncle aunt home. Do not look at the point is a little point, she can not be willing to fall behind someone else, she climbed the ladder, picked a big round and round apples, shouted: "I picked a biggest apple!" Show it, Brought up an apple, on the baskets, everyone applauded for her.
There are a few small hedgehogs also came to the orchard join in the fun, as long as they can be filled with a roll and return.
Autumn orchard really lively ah! I love the fall of the orchard!
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+ 加入清单In the courtyard of the grandmothers house, there is a garden. I like it the way it falls!
Autumn garden and usually different, very cute! Every seam to the fall, the garden is full of people like the grass. Spring, small grass just germination, the number of small, the color is not too green Summer, although the grass more, but it is too green! Winter, the temperature is low, all the grass and all withered. And only to the late autumn, the grass from the spring has long been to the autumn, it is the largest number! And the color of the grass becomes golden, played the golden wheat waves. Grass a cluster next to a cluster, a cluster of crowded a cluster, like a golden carpet, very nice.
The garden of autumn is surrounded by chrysanthemums. This is usually not see the scene. The chrysanthemum of the autumn garden is multipolar. As long as you walk into the garden, it will be surrounded by many chrysanthemums. The door of the rockery is chrysanthemum, trails on both sides of the chrysanthemum, small stone bench next to the chrysanthemum, rockery under the feet, or chrysanthemum! Chrysanthemum color colorful. There are white, yellow, purple, red, pink, especially people feel beautiful, is the flower of chrysanthemum, there are green! Chrysanthemum than other flowers are strong, weak flowers to the fall Long withered, but not only did not fade chrysanthemum, but also head over his head, Tingzhuo, open very good!
There are a few maple trees in the garden. Usually you can not see what they are special, but one late into the autumn, their leaves will become as red as fire, who read will be amazed. Maple leaf coloring process is very interesting. Maple leaves were originally green, to the fall, it first slowly into yellow, waiting for a few days after it turned red. And wait until late autumn, Maple Leaf this becomes dark red, like blood red!
There are ten trees next to the maple trees. In peacetime, the yellow cedar tree is not as characteristic as the maple, and in the late autumn it is the same as the maple, and the leaves are turned from green to crimson. But the leaves of yellow cedar trees than maple leaves, and there is no five horns, is round. This yellow cedar also let me make a joke it. One day fall, my father and I read in the garden, I saw the yellow cedar leaves red, pointing to their father said: "Dad, this a few maple leaves are red!" Dad a laugh Rhettled and told me: "This is not a maple, is a yellow cedar tree! You see its leaves, is round, maple leaves but the pentagonal!" I look carefully, this found himself wrong.
I love the garden of autumn. Every late autumn, I often stay in the garden, the game. I am afraid of the winter, the beauty of the front will disappear, back to the garden to take pictures, can take pictures, I always feel that the photo is not as ideal as I imagined, so I often give the garden to draw, after each painting , I always feel that some in the ointment, so I also love in the painting to draw some of the garden is not the fruit, because I love the garden too far!
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+ 加入清单Winter came and the sweat came down and the snow was falling. The north wind is howling. The cold wind is biting!
Not far away, you can see a few pines stand proudly in the snow with. Bamboo is so green, with wax plum with snow fight, the spirit of their worth learning, is really worthy of pine, bamboo and plum blossom!
The fierce Python hibernate. The industrious ants in early autumn reserves good food, is now the hole to sleep! Lovely little hedgehog is also in the warm hibernation.
The children were dressed in thick clothes! They are skiing on the slopes! And the children under the hill are playing rope skipping, skating, making a snowman. What fun they had!
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+ 加入清单winter is my favourite season. because my birthday is in it. it lasts from december to february. in winter it is cloudy, windy, cold and dry. in winter i take off my dress and put on my coat. i can make a snowman, go sking and go skating in it. i can drink chocolate. but i can’t drink cold water and eat ice-creams. winter is white. i like winter very much.