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+ 加入清单Dear Jack,
Next Saturday is my birthday. I am going to have a birthday party at home in the evening. It will start at 7:00.
I have asked some of my classmates to come and Id like you to come, too.
I live at No.30 Shanghai Road. You can take bus No.6 and get off at the stop of Changjiang Road. My house is just across from the station. Its a white house with a black door. You cant miss it.
I do hope you will come.
全文共 613 字
+ 加入清单导语:你还记得你生日那天发生了什么事了吗?下面是yuwenmi小编为大家整理了优秀英语作文,欢迎阅读与借鉴,谢谢!
Yesterday was my birthday, so some of my classmates sent me presents. Mother prepared a tea party for me. I invited all of them to come and take part in it.The tea party began at half past six. There were cold drinks and refreshments. We ate, talked and laughed. We felt that we were the happiest men in the world.Time passed quickly. In a twinkling, the clock on the wall struck nine. We could not but say “Good-bye” to one another
全文共 1864 字
+ 加入清单1. keep in good health and good spirit both on your birthday and all through the year. Hope your birthday is happy and your wishes all come true.
2.appy birthday. May gladness fill your every hour on this special day.
3.heres happiness in wishing you the jous of a beautiful day and hoping lifes most wonderful things will always come your way!
4.Pray receive my sincerest congratulations on this auspicious day.
5.ay your life brighter as each birthday comes and goes. The nicest kind of birthday that could be wishes for you.
6.Don’t feel bad growing old. I am right behind you.
7.ay your birthday be a celebration of the life. Wish you all happiness, health and prosperity with many returns of the day.
8.ongratulations and warmest wishes for your birthday and every day.
9.ppy birthday to a marvelous friend.
10. With best wishes for a happy birthday.
11. Each birthday is a milestone we touch along lifes way.
12. May every special happiness fill this day for you and may the year bring everything you look forward to.
13. Happy birthday, on this year special day, may gladness fill your every hour with joy to light your way.
14. May your memories today be warm ones. May your dreams today be dear. May your joy last through the year. Have a wonderful birthday!
156. May your life be brighter as each birthday comes and goes, with new happiness unfolding(绽开) like the petal(花瓣) of a rose. Have a wonderful birthday!
16. The golden key to happiness, to health and fortune, too. This greeting symbolizes(象征) all three of these for you.
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+ 加入清单我们就先从贴马尾巴游戏开始吧!刚开始的时候,我的朋友吴彦迪抢先举手玩。她带上眼罩,拿起假尾巴,开始往墙上贴;刚开始她玩得挺好的,但是就是因为她撞上了墙所以没了信心,我知道这有点夸张,但这就是事实啊。吴彦迪现在就开始不停得喊:“我该往哪里走?我该往哪里走呀。”喊得我们厌了,烦了,才肯罢休。你们知道为什么吗?因为呀,她起了心里阴影,所以不想再也不想玩这种类形的游戏了。
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+ 加入清单Dear ______ ,
①There will be a ______(内容)at/in ______(地点)on ______(时间). ②We would be honored to have you there with us.
③The occasion will start at ______(具体时间). ④This will be followed by a ______(进一步的安排). ⑤At around ______(时间), ______(另一个安排).
⑥I really hope you can make it. ⑦RSVP before ______(通知你的最后期限).
Yours sincerely,
Li Ming
全文共 635 字
+ 加入清单I and some of my classmates in primary school had a reunion in our English teacher Miss Wangs home on Middle Autumn Day.
Miss Wang have taught us for 6 years,in our mind,she is our mother.All my best friend in primary school joined the meeting.Li Ming was fatter than before,Wang Hua was as black as usual,Liu Yan was a little taller ,and Chen Yuan was more beautiful than before.All of us are getting well with our new teachers and classmates.Then we made a big dinner together. Miss Wang is a brilliant cook who can make delicious foods. We all ate much. After dinner, we watched TV for a while and then we went home.
What a great day!
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+ 加入清单Dear YuYu: I have a birthday party at 7.pm next friday. And i want to invit you to my party.All of my families are glad to see you coming there to celebrite for me.
I blieve you will have a good time.
全文共 2098 字
+ 加入清单导语 :轻轻的风吹着,润润的雨下着,开心的人笑着,知心的人陪着,朋友的信送着,到你面前你看着,忽然你开心的笑。小样,要的就是这效果,生日快乐。以下是小编带来老同学过生日聚会贺词,希望对你有帮助。
1、 今天是准提菩萨生日,诚心转发此消息,将得到准提菩萨护佑,赠你慧眼,明心鉴性;赠你法眼,法眼通天;赠你佛眼,吉祥无边!心诚则灵喽!
2、 我的祝福捎来我对你的爱,愿你的生日过得称心如意,当一天过去,你躺下享受安宁,愿幸福弥漫你恬静的金色梦境。
3、 脸皮厚的人我见多了就没见过像你这样厚脸皮的,不就过个生日嘛,还非要礼物,得了,今天就给你加餐吧!猪,生日快乐!
4、 送一缕金色的阳光,让你幸福的生活更温暖,送一泓清凉的甘泉,让你的美丽的容颜更滋润,送一段真诚的生日祝愿,愿你渡过最美妙的一天,生日快乐。
5、 轻轻唱起生日歌,轻轻送出生日礼,淡淡的微笑在脸上,绵长的祝福在心中,此时此刻此情形,生日快乐是唯一!祝福你生日快乐!
6、 送上最美好的祝福和关怀!献上最诚挚的问候和喜悦!在这个美丽的季节里,愿朋友一路鲜花相伴,快乐走向长长人生路!在此祝愿,生日快乐!
7、 送你365个圆,愿你天天都美满;送你24个圈,愿你开心每一天,送你60根线,愿你美丽延年年。送你一碗长寿面,愿你笑容永相见,生日快乐!
8、 送你一个奶油巧克力蛋糕,蛋糕是我软软的关怀,奶油是我甜甜的祝福,巧克力装饰你人生的旅途。合起来就是要你好吃好看又幸福。
9、 轻轻的翻动着每一个孤独思念的日子,也静静地等待着你生日的到来,就像秋日里企盼收获的心情。在这样特别的日子里,我为你祈祷,也为你祝福:生日快乐。
10、 送你一个生日礼物,里面装满我对你的祝愿。愿你人生路上一马平川,事业路上功成永远,友情路上辉煌相伴,爱情路上幸福永远。祝你生日快乐!
11、 烛光点亮,让梦想插上翅膀;蛋糕品尝,幸福的味道无限滋长;快乐结伴吉祥将好运送上,信息携带祝福把友情唱响。祝生日快乐,人生处处是阳光!
12、 山和水相连,美景更美;糖和水相遇,溶化更快;你和我心灵相通,情谊更浓;我的心时刻铭记你的生日,送上真心地祝福,祝你生日快乐!
13、 我在天空写下你的名字祝你生日快乐却被风儿带走了;在街上写下你的名字祝你生日快乐,可是我被警察带走了。请速带生日红包前来警局将我释放。
14、 生命不在于长短,精彩十分重要。生活不在于富裕,健康才是王道。情谊不在于亲密无间,真心在乎就好。生日不在于吃啥喝啥,只要有问候祝福就好。生日快乐,亲,有生的日子天天快乐!
15、 一年一度的生命的轮回,属于你最灿烂的日子里,我诚挚的向流星倾诉给你送上最真诚又充满祝福的两句话:生日快乐!终身美丽!
16、 你是太阳,为我们的生活带来光明。你是大树,为我们遮蔽风风雨雨,亲爱的父亲,祝你健康、长寿。生日快乐!
17、 儿时老槐树还在记忆中挺立,忘不了手拉手过家家,散落一地的桃花,漫天飞舞着我衷心的愿望,在你又一个生日到来,祝永远幸福安康!
18、 虽然你不是天使,但却有着天使的美丽。虽然你不是公主,但却有着公主的气质。平凡而又不凡的你,散发着迷人的芳香。生日快乐,我的朋友!
19、 虽然温度总在变化,虽然时光没有停息,虽然此刻你我远隔千里,虽然祝福只是一条信息,但朋友的心总在惦记,真挚的问候总是跟随着你,生日快乐!
20、 说流星可以有求必应,如果可以我愿意在夜空下等待,等到一颗星星被我感动,为我划过星空带着我的祝福落在你的枕边。生日快乐!
21、 轻风拂过了湖面,恰似你的温柔;细雨飘落了思绪,浪漫了爱的情怀;玫瑰绽开了花瓣,芳香萦绕在心头;祝你生日快乐,愿幸福永远相伴!
22、 轻轻的风吹着,润润的雨下着,开心的人笑着,知心的人陪着,朋友的信送着,到你面前你看着,忽然你开心的笑。小样,要的就是这效果,生日快乐。
23、 好女人简简单单,好情谊清清爽爽,好缘分地久天长。祝你美丽压群芳,善良传四方,温柔力无挡,青春一百年!生日定要快乐哟!
24、 轻轻的我来了,正如我轻轻的走,我挥一挥衣袖,留下一头金牛。在您生日来临之际,送去我深深的祝福,祝你牛运冲天。
25、 送你一个生日蛋糕,用快乐、吉祥、如意做原料,用我的爱心、关心、热心、痴心、做包装,委托幸运之神做邮递员送给你,愿生日快乐。
26、 今天,岁月的砝码加了一份,我的祝福也多了一份,祝你多一份幸福,多一份快乐,多一份健康,多一份睿智,对一份甜蜜,多一份收获!
27、 愿你每一天都心想事成,愿你每一天都快快乐乐,愿你每一天都平平安安,愿你每一天都健健康康,你的生日就是我最牵挂的日子,朋友请收下我最美好的祝福!
28、 小菲男友过生日,小菲准备送他一对发卡当礼物,小菲同学知道后问道:你怎么送男生这种东西啊?小菲答道:我生日的时候,谁让他送我棒球棍的!
29、 晚上笑笑睡个美满觉,早晨笑笑全天生活有情调,工作之余笑笑满堂欢喜又热闹,烦恼之时笑笑一切忧愁全抛掉,收到短信笑笑感受生活真美妙。
30、 如诗的岁月带来的是你青春的光华,如歌的日子送来的是你健康的笑容,如月的皎洁给予的是你浪漫的情怀,如日的灿烂留住的是你生日永远的快乐!
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+ 加入清单下午,我、舒灵和明月一起准时来到陈红家给她过生日。
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+ 加入清单昨天是我的生日,我十四岁。妈妈为我举行生日宴会,我邀请了我的一些朋友。妈妈送了我一些书作礼物,朋友们也为我带采了礼物。我们玩的很开心。
A Birthday Party
Yesterday was my birthday. I was fourteen years old. My mother had a party for me and I asked my friends to come. My mother gave me some books as birthday presents. My friends bought some presents for me. We had a good time.
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+ 加入清单3月22日,我早早就起来了。期待已久的生日终于到了,谁能不兴奋呢?从小到大,难忘的时刻可真是数不胜数,就连那最激动人心的事也被记忆的长河给冲走了,可惟独20xx年3月22日那天的情景却深深地扎根下来,在我脑中留下了难以磨灭的烙印。那天早上我起得有些晚,起床时发现屋里有个蛋糕盒,打开一看“哇,好漂亮的蛋糕!”一打开盒盖,一个双层蛋糕呈现在我眼前:底层是一圈淡紫色的花边,如一道道美丽的波纹,上层排列着三朵粉红色的花朵,娇艳欲滴,一只浑身雪白的公鸡昂首啼鸣,旁边“生日快乐”四个字闪烁着快乐的光泽。我高兴极了,又蹦又跳的。“还满意吗?”妈妈走上前来问道。“真是太棒了,妈妈!”我望着这精美的蛋糕,一股幸福的暖流传遍了全身。“小寿星,点起蜡烛,许个愿吧”,“好的!”我小心翼翼地把十三根蜡烛一根根地插上去,淡红的火焰刚一升起,“祝你生日快乐,……”爷爷已边拍手边带头唱了起来,奶奶那跑调的声音也似乎格外欢畅,在亲人的祝福声中,我默默地许下了三个美好的愿望。刚过几分钟,我的朋友就来了,我吓了一跳。因为我朋友不知道今天是我生日,她们能来我很高兴。不过令我更惊讶的是她们还给我买了生日礼物,这是我第一次收到朋友送的礼物。妈妈说:“我朋友是她请来的。”然后,我们就吃起了蛋糕。刚开始还好,可是不一会儿,她们就拿蛋糕往我脸上抹,我也开始反击她们。玩着玩着,就到中午了,我们吃完饭后就出去玩了。朋友们都走了,我把礼物一个一个都拆开,有一个礼物对我印象特别深,因为那是我最好的朋友送给我的,那是一个水晶球(玻璃做的)。
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+ 加入清单“Happy birthday to you!Happy birthday to you!……”热情的亲朋好友们异口同声唱出震耳欲聋的歌声,我特别的高兴,因为今天是我的生日!
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+ 加入清单My balcony had a basin of the unnamed flower.
See it for the first time, I was a teenager. Now I have grown up, think of it, still have a kind of inarticulate feeling in my heart. This kind of say a feeling, is the result of early that morning I see the unnamed flowers are just beginning to fade. Actually I also didnt say, this unnamed flower has a special magic, it in my house a few years ago, four seasons flower, beautiful, such as Yang, never fade in half petal. That morning, I was watching a petal stubborn and without hesitation to fall down, and with cold ceramic tile to a big hug. At that moment, I suddenly felt something will happen, but for a while say do not go up. When I was at school, because cant be late, will no longer think about it. Walk on my way to school, still want to wait until after school, the petals piece of stubborn picked up, reserved for memorial. Because on this day, I just turned eighteen.
18 for each childs desire for freedom is a wonderful Numbers. It represents the after so many years of efforts, they have loose the cage, want the visual sky, can try it in the cage of forging iron wings how hard. It represents himself may and was named the "social" one step closer to friends. It represents the perhaps yourself can give up something to get something, money, power, beauty, perhaps will come in succession for 18 years old. It represents the worlds major changes will occur. It represents a more, once those years was as corrupt and rotten wood, do not see it.
The day when I get to school rollerblading, are close to being late. The campus gate in front of my eyes. Nearly three years, the BanJiu half a new door still stubborn alive, maybe it is not meet in this town all the children will give up. But all the things do not change in this world? Those new faces and we these old face, every day ever to this every night no matter the storm or summer sorching blatant is unknown, "Damon said emotional words? I dont know.
On the way to class, see some friends, saw several teachers. There seems to be waiting for us the several teachers that a few students go to and they say hello. My parents are both teachers, because of family background, I am the first to say "hello", and they pretended to be surprised and looked at me, and said, "the student didnt come, how you can quickly be late, running forward, quick!" I naturally smiled and quickly ran to the class. Class stood at the door of my teacher, is a woman. Her eyes are very like zhou libo, and her eyes, eyes also can call it small, especially plus she fat short short stature, is a very has the characteristics of the woman. She stood at the door almost every day especially stresses the students for being late, and I was just in the range of her prey. So that morning I was caught. Due to the high tension line from the late for class, one of the high tension line other cluster, such as smoking and alcohol hand in your homework left early to early love is not what of, the deepest impression is the two late and puppy love. Occasionally, that day I was sent off in the hallway, there are a few classroom teacher passed, also what all dont say, hurried away. I have to empty the brain will occasionally think of petals in the morning. Standing to the class in the second quarter, as usual, the teacher in charge over lectured, could hear clear voice of the next class, had to memorize her lines of I, I remember she said so, "said how much time, you how still late! You are bully! Since political the teacher in charge teacher not you look at you, you have become what shit kind? Do you have any qualification to become like this? Dont feel good humiliate is here to see me? Dont think I dont know what youre thinking, yesterday evening class when I heard you say I should not leave their anger to you, I am? I was for hello! So some test points and face to all the students in this class! I tell you, yesterday evening class you have seen it, dont think she is a girl I wouldnt call her, short of breath eyes so I call her, do you think I cant play you!?" They might have been in my chest conveniently to fall, two fists, and then it was over.
The morning of the third class hour lesson, I sat in the last row, only hear political the teacher said: "your task now is to learn, not to fall in love! I ask you, you fall in love is a living now? Is to be able to earn money for the family? Can be a good life when buying a car to buy a house?" "You dont understand what is love, lets study hard." I a surprised, the in the mind was thinking, why dont you adults do you understand? We dont know, Im afraid you dont know. Now that dont know, what you are talking about love get married? "Love this thing namely sin, but love and marriage, marriage is need to be legal, obviously, you are not legal." I was thinking, oh, the original love is so simple. Then those who gave their life in order to know what is love man is a fool, love them knowing you cant have them in sight, why have in common? "Good, digression it said so much, we come to the new lesson." Political teacher (turn, I breathe a sigh of relief, opened the book. After a few minutes, as he spoke in the thick of the tables and a turn, suddenly said: "say so, college entrance exam is a lot of books, this needs us to read books, how to understand? Is rote learning." I suddenly feel head bumped into a wall, so we have to raise head to look at him. "I usually ask you more back endorsement multiple do just dont listen to, to see why the wrong topic study it more wrong line not line?" "The university entrance exam questions usually asked you, you have to follow the steps the teacher teach you careful careful answer, what did the teacher teach you answering technique is important to remember, and just now I said the words to write beautiful, where what to write, write what, to learn how to win the favor of the judge a teacher understand?" The whole class nodded, I felt a shock, feel whole body uncomfortable. "The classmates, so you must carefully analyse the topic of the university entrance exam, you learn knowledge is useful, is to use is local, and the university entrance exam is that you give full play to the knowledge of the battlefield!" Some of my heart be agitated, thought can you dont always say that the college entrance examination of college entrance examination, some knowledge, we would like to listen to the teacher. Next I fiercely another think, according to the political the teacher said, if one day the university entrance exam is not so important, that the knowledge we learn if there is no place? Ten minutes behind, political the teacher will fall in love with the college entrance examination in the successful into his lecture, although the knowledge to be a little less, and sentence words cannot leave the university entrance exam, but we still benefit a lot from his word, of course, is only related to the college entrance examination. Finally, when the fourth session of the class when the bell rings, he slowly, a word said to us: "the classmates, although still attended to this class, class is over. By the way, dont think my words, if the university entrance exam is not so important, what you will do, the teachers wont tube. The teacher is for the sake of your future dont failed to live up to the teachers expectations." Words fall, the whole class burst into warm applause, wait until after the teacher left, suddenly dead silence in the room.
The fourth lesson is math class. Math class style and political lesson perfectly, but there is a characteristic, is depressing. Dont know what is now the students psychological quality is bad or math teacher for personal reasons. Grade math teacher is a director and vice President. When he exalts hands in the corridor after training a bad student, he took his frightening face, standing on the podium with a proud look in the eyes and the tone of pride subdue the students below. We do in the following, dont make any noise. Teacher speak, we listen, we listen to the teacher speak. I do not know when, the door of the class rang, and there stood a classmate, seems to be something for vice President, the math teacher first turned a deaf ear to him, then the impatient stared his one eye, the eye we all know that mean dont his mama bother me in class. Can the students did not seem to understand, is still persistent stood there, still occasionally knocked on the door, the math teacher finally unbearable, he drink a cry: "what do you want to do!" Run down the platform, the other hand school taken away, 1 of "pa" button on the desk, pick up a pen to write a few words. "Take it! It day by day for you to sign, some headaches brain hot just want to ask off for a day, it is no wonder that losers." After the students simply bowed goes. The teacher finally back to the podium to lecture. "You cant learn them, you be the last class in the school, however, do you hear?" Words fall, there was a knock on the door again. "And who ah!" We see with frowning teacher towards the door, oh, turned out to be a sports teacher.
Our position is in the playground now.
On the day of the emergence of the PE teacher gave us a big surprise, although it is first surprise after sorrow, but can go out already very good. When sports teacher said to the test, the whole class at the same time issued a harsh voice, and the math teacher said: "what ao, ao sigh what spirit, to I go to the playground! See you a sickly, quick go to!" So the class suddenly disappeared. And when I leave, see clearly the expression of the math teacher is very reluctant.
If a big team, we three people standing on the playground, not far from other classes. Sports teacher divided us into two teams, men and women can have a look at the boy only three people, and three boys points us to other classes. The whistle went, girls first run. Dozens of girls twittering messy and straight to the end. Whistle sounded again, seeks for boys to hang long red cloth. Final results down, each of us is not qualified! Teachers complain about us, we blame the teacher, we say that physical education is seldom at ordinary times, two classes a week to the Lord had closed now. Spare time we are going to study, rest day we also want to learn, the teacher leave homework so much, write not over will be fined. Get up at half past six in the morning at ten o clock in the evening after school, we are really had a teacher. The teacher gave us a white said: "they used to have P.E. classes when you exercise?" One student raised his hand and said: "you what all dont teach us how we exercise? Several football, basketball, volleyball, lack of exercise equipment, there is no way to take exercise. Physical education classes dont every time you let us free to dissolve, then again, what I had meant to be run in P.E. class, but that help the girls eyes is clearly says you see where the man is a waste of time, it is better to go to study, go for a walk, dont worry about him, this let us how to exercise?" The teacher paused and said, "I also want to take on a physical education, but school on this piece of not value, can I?" We all sighed. See the teachers face suddenly a variable said: "have enough rest, rest enough will give me the test, the test failed the college entrance examination who give bonus points are you going?" We cry ground, so we returned to the track. Results this time, we ran a lesson.
Every day for the past few years, I gradually adapt to these things from morning to night. At noon on the day we put in learning, rather than junior high school, the only advantage is that high school lunch break a little longer, junior high school lunch break, a lesson high school lunch an hour and a half. Time has passed for half an hour when I return home, cook dinner in half an hour, the remaining half an hour for sleeping. Even when I am going to bed, suddenly thought of that piece of withered petals, I subconsciously looked at there, I saw it was dark in half. I would like to pick it up, but suffer from pressed for time, sleep matters. So I will just go to sleep, wait to come back in the evening. Results woke up I found - I was ill.
Hurry the sweat of my parents in my house, I am weak weak ground to say: "take me to the hospital." Dad sat by my side said to me: "dont go to hospital do? Now foreign early intravenous drop." I carried the weak eyes, said: "is that foreigners in good health." Dad against me and said, "your body is not good?" "I..." An awkward, my face turned away from them. Mother said: "straighten, perhaps for a while and went back home to have a." She paused, and sigh said: "just afternoon class what to do." I turned to a way: "I like, do you still think the class this afternoon." Dad said: "if you know what, you dont test go on to college live what eat what to drink what to wear in the future?" "Oh! Well, I dont want to hear it. Let me sleep for a while." I said in a weak. Dad said: "have you the so talk to parents? We are here to hello!" Mom said hurriedly pull dad walked.
That day at that moment I suddenly feel the world quiet a lot. Dont know how long, I more uncomfortable, so just call them, said: "I dont stay up, take me to the hospital." Father embarrassed said: "according to this situation is certainly want to go to hospital, but the hospital where have people we know." I dont speak with your eyes open. Mother for a long time later said, "the child his dad, isnt your sisters classmate work in a hospital? I heard that seems a what director, go and her son." Dress "ah well, lets go. In fact, an injection is bad, is all hormones." I impatient, weak weak ground to say: "run!" So we three went to the hospital at last.
Went there and found the director, pay the list, and hanging water ward, one more students like young men.
My mother bought me to eat, come back to open on see, fruit juice, potato chips, bread, everything in it. I wont unscrew juice, one hand my mother hands, turned the, just drink one mouthful, my dad said: "dont drink, is full of preservatives, hurriedly threw it." My mother and I smell speech have to forget about it. So I picked up the chips again, "dont eat! This what junk food, eat the poison you!" Dad said with a straight face. My mother and I smell speech have to forget about it. Then I picked up the bread, after opening with a few leaves, I just wanted to send into the mouth, dad said: "dont eat, who know that vegetables are true or false." "Dont listen to him, to eat!" My mother impatient, white a glance at my dad said: "suspicious of all day." My dad a listen to is not happy, immediately retorted: "who said you suspicious? Reported online didnt see?" Mom seems to dont want to let him, and said: "online reports are true? Want to you to say so, we can still eat? At home, just bought rice you suspect false, just bought sunflower oil you say false, now you say these things is false, you have finished?" "You!" / dad, its in the hospital, mother dont face dad? Forget it, go home to deal with you again.
The infusion bag or bottle a total of three hours, three times, there are three kinds of medicine, spent a lot of money, time and cost a lot. After we finished it was slightly late. On the way home, mom and dad constantly complain about the medical expenses are too expensive. Dad complained the if the money can be saved can buy a better razor, mom complain if the money can be saved can buy a new dress, she recently saw a coat on taobao is medical costs money. I walk behind them. Night breeze cool, gradually darken the sky no stars, only the moon still there looking at me. The dark night sky seemed to let me see not clear who is walking in front, also cant see passers-by, more cant see myself. The world suddenly become so dark after the sun goes down. Somehow, I suddenly thought of in the darkness that withered petals half dark. I close my eyes and wanted to think everything happened today, suddenly understand what. What is it? Today is my birthday.
To light in the distance to my dream, they turned around said to me: "children, mom and dads skill, only when a teacher, when you grow up must take an examination of a good university in the future, this is the only way to go. You only take an examination of a good university, can have a good job, as long as there is a good job to make a lot of money, come on baby, I believe you can, can adapt to the program, to adapt to the society." In the dark I nodded slightly, and then I can feel their satisfied smile. When they turned to go, I use willing nodded his head.
The night seems to go for a long time, the moon is full of smile quietly hung in the sky look at also busy people at night. Her face was full of stains and ravines, that are left traces of time. But people look up to her, or same feeling like the original her white and flawless. However, people have seen the moon the same?
We finally came home, I take off my shoes and straight to the balcony, the fallen petal have completely turned into a black, quietly rotting away. A shock in my heart, indeed as expected and I think the same. Beside the petals, I do think if we can pick up a little earlier it would be great, but I think again, soon? I really want to have no time. Even if is really picked up, reality will change? Maybe, maybe not. Mother saw me sitting on the ground in the sitting room, hurriedly loudly told me: "dont sit on the ground! Trousers dirty!" I heard stood up, patted the dust of your pants, how to also can not take off, I think, mother have to wash the clothes again tomorrow. I sighed, and looked at the basin of the unnamed flower, and want to in my heart, maybe tomorrow there will be a petal wither, perhaps, is the time. Maybe, too, the end of my life from now on, start from now on.
I looked at the unnamed flower, in my heart silently made a wish.
Happy birthday to my 18 years old.
全文共 961 字
+ 加入清单On August 28th sunny day on Tuesday
Hello, everyone, my name is Yang she, this year Im nine years old, from changzhi city XiangYuanXian, hope everyone support me a lot.
Every year on June 27 is my birthday, but before it is my birthday is June 26. Why say June 26 birthday? Because it is also in June 26 birthday of my grandpa, so they add up to a day. Why how into June 27 birthday this year? Because my grandpa just turned 60 to the life, so I no birthday on June 26. We go home to my grandpa and my grandpas birthday.
The next day, my aunt, uncle and my dopted mother dry dad, grandma and grandpa dad mom dad, aunt, etc... Have come to my birthday, I feel good ? my birthday party
全文共 1448 字
+ 加入清单It was my birthday yesterday. I got a lot of gifts. All of them were covered with coloured paper. Among them there were two interesting ones.
My elder sister gave me a round paper bag and I thought it was a football. BUt when I opened it, it turned out to be a clock. My brother gave me a message, saying that My present has been put in your bedroom. As soon as I went into my bedroom, I found a box. I opened it and found a laptop. I was very happy.
These two presents aim to let me study hard and not to waste time.
Yesterday was my birthday and I received a lot of presents. These presents were packed in coloured paper and two of them were funny and interesting, which impressed me.
My sister sent a bag of present to me. The bag was big and round. I though it was a football. But when I opened it, I saw a clock. The other one was given by my brother. He left me a message, which said my present is lying in your bedroom. When I got to my bedroom, I found a laptop. Oh!Great! I jumped with joy. I know, they Want me to study hard and not to waste time.
I would never forget this birthday.
全文共 200 字
+ 加入清单昨天,是我朋友的生日,他请我去他家与他一起过生日,我马上答应了。第二天,我来到他的家里,顺便带了一份特别的礼物-----改装好的饮料-----雪碧。宴会开始了,我拿出“boom”分给大家,“一人一罐。”我大声说。“待会儿叫你们好看,嘻嘻!”我又小声说。大家打开了“导火索”,饮料像一股喷泉喷了出来。所有的人都未反应过来,脸就已经被洗了。
全文共 264 字
+ 加入清单“哈哈哈……”听到这声音你一定会问:“这是谁在笑?”
全文共 568 字
+ 加入清单星期六是××10岁的生日,我要去参加他的生日聚会。 我们来到了又一村大酒店,房间是299号,里面非常宽敞,我和隋玉泽坐在沙发上玩拍手游戏。不一会儿,齐齐也来了,她穿着一身粉红色的衣服,上面还有一些亮晶晶,看起来很漂亮。
我们点好蜡烛,关上灯,美丽的烛光在黑暗下,显得分外耀眼,一张张笑脸在烛光的映衬下,显得格外灿烂。我们齐声唱生日歌,歌声与笑声齐飞,烛光与笑脸同辉。每个人心里都许了一个神秘的愿望后,隋玉泽吹灭了蜡烛。 吃蛋糕喽!妈妈来切蛋糕,齐齐吃亮晶晶最多的地方,我吃蓝莓酱最多的地方,隋玉泽吃一朵花。我们三个小脑袋挤在一起,埋头大吃,头都快钻到蛋糕里了,不一会儿我们的脸上沾满了白花花的奶油,看起来像个圣诞老人。妈妈说:“你们脸上仿佛开了一朵朵雪浪花。”我们拿起家长的手机各自照了一张,你看看我,我看看你,都开心地笑了……
全文共 863 字
+ 加入清单Happy happy birthday chum.Therell be many many more to come!
Good luck chum and mountains of happiness and good cheer on this auspicious day,Your Birthday!
May this your tweentieth birthday be another milestone in a long happy life!
May your life be even brighter as each birthday comes and goes,with new happiness unfloding like the petal of a rose .Have a wonderful birthday!
Its good to have one day a year which just belongs to you ,so take this chance to enjoy yourself in everything you do.
Happybirthday ,friend of mine .On this your apecial day ,may gladness fill your every hour with joy to light your may.
May good and kind and loving things be some of the joys your birthday brings.
Among the friends we make in life, there are only one or two who can be called " a special friend"and thats how think of you and why hope your birthday is the happiest of days!
全文共 429 字
+ 加入清单星期六,是刘诣瑄的生日。我早就起床了,吃完了早饭,穿好了衣服,该做的事情都做完了,就一边看着书,一边等着侯冰来接我,因为我们说好了让她骑车带我去刘诣瑄家。
全文共 1203 字
+ 加入清单英语日记:English Host I did it
Yesterday, it was really a nice day. I got the English Host in the end.
Now, allow me to tell you the gain of writing English articles.
The first, I learned a great many new words. They are very useful for me. While writing, meeting some new words are ineluctability. And when I met the new words, I would look up the dictionary immediately, and I would remember them soon. Bit by bit, the new words will be in my mind.
The second, I grasped a lot of practical verb tense and sentential form. Such as Past Tense, Future Tense, Future Continuous Tense, etc.
They are very useful for my writing.
The third, I got many praises and encourages. They made me very happy, and I made progress more and more.
Last, I got so much fun. English writing makes me happy. I study in it, and harvest in it.
Dear my friends, what you got? Show us, and let us work hard together, grow up together!