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小孩子习惯的培养是关系到他今后的行为规范,特别是小学阶段,是建立常规、培养良好学习习惯最关键时期,这个阶段培养各种良好习惯最易见效,抓住这个环节就等于抓住了孩子的以后。现在的孩子智商都较高,大多数孩子因习惯不良而引起学习较差、常规较差等。如一边看电视一边吃饭,一边做作业一边玩东西、要大人陪着做作业、放学回家不马上做作业等等。我女儿上学都是她爷爷接送的,上一年级第一学期时,她一时还适应不了放学回家要做作业这个习惯,所以一回家,就像以前上幼儿园回家一样先看电视。她爷爷也约束不了她,等我们下班回家再叫她做作业,完成都很迟,影响了第二天的精神。于是我们就跟她讲:“你放学回家先做作业,爸爸妈妈下班回来给你检查,然后我们根据情况给你发标志。(因为那时班级是发标志鼓励孩子的。)”这之后她#from 本文来自高考资源网http://www.gkstk.com end#每天一回家就做作业。这样不但提高了她独立学习的能力,也养成了良好的习惯,我们经常利用宽余的时间跟孩子进行沟通交流。






在关注孩子成长的同时,我们还要注意不要剥夺孩子玩耍的时间和权利。现在,社会上的培训机构日益增多,家长们望子成龙、望女成凤的愿望日益强烈,恨不得让孩子成为钢琴家、歌唱家、画家、舞蹈家……今天学钢琴,明天学跳舞,上午学英语,下午学奥数,弄得孩子不但对学习没兴趣,而且产生了厌烦的情绪。我们的孩子也有上培训班,(范文先生网 )但是都是她喜欢的,所以每次去时,她都是非常开心,跟同学相处非常融洽。





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1、 育儿过程有艰辛,也有欢乐。

2、 对孩子的教育不能只注重智力和分数,因为决定人生成败或幸福与痛苦的往往不是学问的高低,而是人格的健康水平,行为习惯恰恰是影响人格发展的关键因素之一。

3、 家长在家庭教育时一定要记住情感教育永远都大于道理教育。

4、 只有父母与教师养成了良好的教育习惯,您的孩子或学生才能形成良好的习惯。

5、 家长的责任是为孩子提供两个“遗传”:一个是先天遗传。一个是后天遗传。教育者可以对教育持乐观的态度,但不要乐观到不考虑遗传的程度。丑小鸭变成白天鹅,主要不是丑小鸭努力学习的结果,而是丑小鸭的妈妈生了一个鹅蛋而不是鸭蛋。

6、 教育幼儿除了要有耐心之外,还要讲究方法和技巧。

7、 平时在家里,父母和孩子尽量保持一种平等的地位,遇事要征求孩子的意见。

8、 没有体谅和信任,便没有友谊。

9、 教育上操之过急和缓慢滞后,都会摧残孩子正常的心理发育。

10、 一个行为反复养成习惯,习惯反复形成品质,品质改变命运。

11、 父母不要万事代劳,剥夺孩子的生活自理能力。

12、 影响孩子成绩的主要因素不是学校,而是家庭。家庭教育是人的成长的根部和根本,它是“培根教育”。

13、 教导儿童的主要技巧,是把儿童应做的事变成一种游戏的。

14、 幼儿的学习是全方位,并不局限于读写算和各种技艺。

15、 运动贵有恒,饮食贵有节。

16、 孩子自己动手制作小玩具,虽然粗糙,但远比得来现成的精美玩具快乐。

17、 没有体谅和信任,便没有友谊。

18、 一切教育都是从我们对儿童天性的理解开始。

19、 父母是孩子认识世界、获取知识的第一所学校。

20、 教育幼儿除了要有耐心之外,还要讲究方法和技巧。

21、 孩子的幽默是最自然、最坦率的人类语言,需要父母用心去发现和体会。

22、 育儿过程有艰辛,也有欢乐。

23、 没有一个朋友能比得上健康,没有一个敌人能比得上疾病。

24、 教育上操之过急和缓慢滞后,都会摧残孩子正常的心理发育。

25、 任何行业中,走向成功的第一步是对它产生兴趣,幼儿学习更是如此。

26、 教育必须从心理上探索儿童的兴趣和习惯开始。

27、 教育孩子的实质在于教育自己,而自我教育则是父母影响孩子的最有力的方法。

28、 父母是天然的教师,他们对儿童,特别是幼儿的影响最大。

29、 激发幼儿的求知和学习的欲望,远比教会有限的知识有意义得多。

30、 父母要逐渐培养孩子独立思考、独立解决问题的习惯,并由此树立孩子的信心。

31、 教导儿童的主要技巧,是把儿童应做的事变成一种游戏的。

32、 一个人的成功=1%iq(智商)+99%eq(情商)。

33、 母爱是人世间最神圣的感情,应为这种感情最没有利禄之心掺杂其间。

34、 孩子在幼儿其间,蕴藏着无限的可能性,需要父母加以挖掘和引导。

35、 只要教师和家长协调一致,才能形成教育的合力。

36、 父母不可能陪伴孩子一辈子,所以必须从小培养孩子的社会意识和独立的意识。

37、 在达到理智的年龄之前,孩子不能接受观念,而只能接受形象。

38、 父母教育孩子的过程,也是自身不断感悟和学习的过程。

39、 教育的艺术不在于传授本领,而在于极力、唤醒和鼓舞。

40、 使一个人发挥最大能力的方法,是赞赏和鼓励。

41、 父母是子女在生活中一切言行举止的最早启蒙老师。

42、 孩子的理性是不断成长的,不要喂养他们,而要引导他们。

43、 只要家长善于利用,生活中的每个细节都可以用来教育孩子。

44、 在生活中学习,是幼儿最有效的学习方法。

45、 性格塑造始于婴儿时期。

46、 如果你真的爱孩子,就该送他“出海经风浪”。

47、 想象与显示不分使孩子很容易融入到故事情景中,并从中受到教育。

48、 适时引导孩子讲故事,这是保持他们思想活跃的绝妙方法。

49、 结合童话寓意,引导孩子去思考、探索,比单纯说理要深刻。

50、 简单、凝练的童话往往蕴涵着丰富的知识和深刻的道理。

51、 丰富的想象力比书本知识更重要。

52、 在孩子的世界里,一切东西跟人一样,都是有思想、有感情的。



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Talk about our home ah, it is a "zoo", here is full of happiness and joy. Why do you say that? And the way to listen to me slowly.

Dad is the only knowledge and lazy "pig". He love to do housework, renovate the house often, his best construction technology, but he has a heavy, that is sleeping, dad is sleeping had died and she doesnt wake up, and a long sleep, often force us to adopt both mother and son, beside the ear dad yell: dinner, he was sitting up in a daze.

Mother is a gentle and kind "sheep". Mother at home to take care of me all day, sick to take me to the hospital, the examination didnt test good and I together to analysis the reason, to help me write a composition, do a mothers responsibility. Mom is very good, one day we went to the park to play, the mother saw a group of friends tease and magpie, hence come forward to stop. "Said birds are humans good friends, a magpie a day can eat hundreds of pests!" So we need to protect birds. The red the face after a few kids ran away.

I am a clever and naughty "rabbit". Math is my routine, when writing my specialty ability, at the same time, I am family baby. I also naughty, after go home, I climbed the ladder to play a day, quickly climbed to the top, I looked down, mama ah, good high ah, I have a fear of heights, shouted along while also no one answered, I have to encourage yourself to climb down, to the ground, I long sigh.

Hey hey, this is my family, full of love and warmth, life is full of fun.








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My name is Lily, a Grade eight student。 I like my school life very much because it’s really enjoyable。 In school, I spent the time with my lovely classmates and teachers。 They all help me a lot with my study and life。

I have six courses each day from Monday to Friday and forty minutes each。 The courses I learn in school are Chinese, mathematics, English, geography, sports and so on。 I like Englishmost because it’s very interesting and my teacher is so lovely and kind。 In one word, my school life makes me happy and I learn a lot in school。



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Hi! Im Ma Cheng Long a students of Gread 7.

At school my classmates and teachers are kind to me.My shool life is very interesting.I like it very much.

Class beging at 8 oclock a.m. I have four class in themorning and I have four class in the afterroom. I study Chinese English mathP.E.geogarphy and some other sudjests. Im good at Enlish very much so I like English best.I also like P.E.and math. But I dont like grogarphy at all. BecauseI think its a little difficult and boring. what do you think?

After schoolI often play besketball with my classmates on the playground. Its my favorite outdoor activity. Sometimes I play soccer with my classmates. Sometimes I draw pictures with my friends.

Do you think my school life is very interesting? What about your school life? Can you tell me something about it?



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Nowadays it is a very common phenomenon that some university students are late for or even absent from classes. And still there are some students who slip out of the classroom before the class is over. Class attendance has become a thorny problem to both the students and teachers.

In fact, it is very important for the students to attend their classes regularly. First, it will ensure you to catch up with the teachers in your learning. That is very helpful to you if you want to do a good job in your study. Second, attending classes regularly is a way of showing respect to your teachers ,too. Your teachers will feel bad if the students do not attend their classes, which, in turn, will affect their teaching and be no good for the students. Third, attending classes regularly will help to form a good habit of punctuality, which is of great importance for the students to do a good job in the future.

Therefore, we university students should form the good habit of attending our classes regularly from now on. And some day we’ll benefit from it.



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围绕:学校让学生打扫厕所和学校不让学生打扫厕所两种情况.写一不少于80个词的主题为”孩子独立教育英语作文.给出词:only child, moral education

nowadays in china, many students are the only child in their family. they are the apple of their parents‘ eyes or even their granparents‘, so they are free of any house work or menial labor. and moral education is no more than some bookish thing. studentsare largely dependent on their parents and teachers.

to educate them to be independent, the most effective way is to let them experience on their own. therefore,they are better to be given the opportunity to get some train at school-to clean the washing room,which can be regarded as part of the moral education.




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成人是目标。学会做人,是孩子的立身之本,孩子终身受益。教育孩子要有健康的心理和健全的人格,决不能让孩子成为知识丰富而性格古怪,对父母没有感情,对他人 、社会漠不关心的人。要把孩子看成一个独立的人,充分尊重和理解孩子,无论犯有多大的错误,要和他讲道理。我对孩子一直是坚持这个教育原则,让他们在学校、社会和家庭教育下,从小在德智体美劳等各方面得到全面发展,最起码应该成为有益于社会的合格公民而适应现代社会。







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My Family Day

My family day is very busy.

In the morning, mother always wakes up at 6:00, she does many housework: wash clothes, sweep the floor and clean the bedroom. I usually get up at 7:00 a.m. Because I will go to school. My father is lazy, he often gets up at half past seven.

When I get up, I brush my teeth and wash my face. Then I eat breakfast wish my mother. We eat egg, milk and bread, we are full. Father never eats breakfast at home, he eats breakfast at his company.

At 7:40a.m, father takes me and mother to school. Sometimes his driver takes us to school.

In school, mother teach Chinese class for her students. I have Chinese class, math class, English class and science class. After school, I go swimming, I’m very happy.

At 6:00, we arrive home. I eat so much junk food. Father usually eats dinner with his friends, hardly ever he eats dinner in the home.

At night, I do my homework, then go to bed. My mother usually reads books, sometimes she watches TV.




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With the development of todays technology,education becomes more important than before because people need to learn moreto adapt the society.Education enables people to understand the world betterand have a good job in the futrue.Moreover ,it also hao an impact on peoplesbehavior.

First of all, education improves peopleslearning ability that makes them know more about the world.Most things taughtin schools are the basic skills or means to further understsnding of oursociety .Only by learning these,can human have an opportunity to study more andknow more about the society .Secondly, opportunities are often given to someonewho is good educated .Employers tend to believe that people have high educationare intelligent and they can manage their jod and adapt the working environmentquickly.That is why the educated people always get a good job. Thirdly, themore people learn the more modest and polite they act.Learned people think thatthey are not good enough ,so they show a big patience to learn from everything.They often try to figure out the solution of problems by things they meet orlearn.

In sum,education can turn people out withbetter learning skills,job offering and good behavior,so I think education isimportant to people to fulfill their goals and live a easy life .



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My house contain four people, having me the daddy respectively, my mama, my grandmother, also have me!

We live together very happy!But our occupations are all different.

My father does Department of Financial Analysis to do a finance work, my mother also does a finance work in the Department of Financial Analysis, so my house has 2 to compute a good person to hold!

My daddy is a work in samely the hospital with my mama!Still had me the grandmother to also work at the hospital before of, she is to be a nurse, however retired now!

Although my grandmother at ordinary times very overelaborate , very big doctor!But she also writes to think for our healthy bodies very much!But I be just an inside learn of student!My house is a happy family!



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i was happy on tuesday because i went to chimelong paradise with my classmates and teachers。 there were 8 groups in my class and 5 people in each group。 we enjoyed ourselves。

first, we went there by bus。 it took an hour to get there and once we were there we took pictures in front of the gate of chimelong paradise。 the pictures were very beautiful。 then we went inside。 first。 my group went to the screaming zone。 we rode the 10-inversion roller coaster。 we were excited when we rode it。 when the ride was over we were stiff and drank some drinks to relax。 then we went to the motorbike launch coaster。 it was a shock to us。 we rode it twice。 then we went to the 4d theater and watched an exciting movie。 then we went to the drift which i thought was boring 。 we went to the torrent quickly after that。 we were high when we rode it and decided to ride it again。

at this time we were so hungry and we looked for a restaurant to have lunch。 we ordered 4 taiwan noodles and a guangzhou noodles。 they were very tasty。 after that, we were full of energy。we rode the small roller coaster。 we were also happy to ride it。 then we rode the bumper cars。 that was interesting。 we rode again and again。 we had a nice time。

an hour later it was 3 o’clock。 we went to the frog jumps。 we scared when we saw it but i rode it with a bold friend。 we were afraid to ride it。

at last, i went to the cake shop to buy cakes then we went back to the bus。 the bus took us back to the school 。 we were tired in the bus。 but we had a good time today。

we hope we can go there again。 we enjoyed ourselves there。




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The funniest thing about our family is the draughts contest. After dinner, Dad would always play the board and shout, "good girl, play chess."!" Heard the cry, I will say: "to drawl...... You......"


The rules of the game are like this: my father and I are a team, mom team, the three game two wins, the lost group of dishes. My dad and mom was always defeated, so are the dishes I and Daddy "contract".


Today, the first Bureau by my mom and dad gave me the first, when the advisor at the side". I changed the route of the March, went around and tried not to bypass each other". The mother lost the game.


The second game is between father and mother, and I work for my father as a staff member. Mothers anxious face flushed, confused, and finally lost to Dad by two steps. I jumped three feet high: "we won!"! We won at last!" Dad was also happy to dance like a child, laughing, and her mother was unconvinced: "today we let you, do not be complacent, and tomorrow, wait and see."!" As he walked toward the kitchen.



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It is quite common for parents to beat their children,because they think eating is a good way to make children learn and behave well.One of my neighbors made a very strict demand on his son and scolded him bitterly or smacked(稍带特定味道) him whenever he was lazy or disobedient(违抗命令的).To justify(辩解) what he did,he said,” spare the rod and ruin the child.”

Actually beating is a violent way of treating children.It does more harm and causes more hurt than good to children’s physical and psychological health.However,beating children is common occurrence(出现) in our life.Many children become disable because their parents hit them too hard.Some lost their hearing and some became lame(跛脚的).Some children develop an internal(内在的) hatred(憎恨) for their parents and protest(抗议) by running away from home.Others may become so fearful of their parents that they tremble(发抖) at the sight of their angry parents.A mother,for example,even went so far as to beat her son to death because she was not satisfied with his study.Likewise(同样地),it is not unusual that the child murdered(凶杀) his parents because of the extreme contradiction(矛盾) between them.How can children learn and grow healthily under such circumstance(环境)?

Quite often parents will be torn by pangs(剧痛) of regret(懊悔) and remorse(自责) after they have beaten their children.They feel very sad in the rest of their lives.But it is already too late.How can they bring their handicapped(有生理缺陷的) child back to healthy one?How can they relieve(减轻) pains in their children’s heart so easily?We can say beating hurts both children and parents.It is absolutely a bad way to make children learn and behave well.

Exactly speaking,children are also human beings.They have self-respect and should be respected.



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My family is an ordinary family of four. There are my father, mother, I, and a naughty and lovely little sister. Although my family is not rich, but we have a family of four warm and happy, enjoyable.

My father is of medium stature, not fat not thin, is a man of few words, but sometimes very humorous, often working day back, with our two sisters to play, to tell us stories, teach me to sing. The most important thing is that dad is an expert in farming, and my family income depends on his fathers hard work.

My mother is a smart housewife, all the chores are to be borne by the mother, the mother deft hands and feet, do a delicious meal, my father and mother often boast a good cook. My mother told me to learn the discipline is very strict, often at my ear, she study for my broken heart, for the family to sacrifice everything.

Then my sister, very cute, often with me to grab small food, toys, mom and dad teacher toward her, sometimes I really want to beat her, but when she saw the naughty, my anger disappeared, to see that she is pretty cute.

This is my family, I am proud of living in this warm and happy family, I love my family, love my family more!



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Everyone should go to school,But there are many diffierent school,Here is my drean school. In that school,there is no teacher.Many robots can teach you about your lessons,YOU neednt take books with you ,you can use your computer.My school had better have an amusement park.because if we are tired ,we can have a good time here.IN the future ,students will have a more wonderful time than now.



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School are students second home.Every stuent loves their school.I like my school very much.My school is very great.Lt is the best school.My school taught mang excellet students.Five years ago,my school is simple and crude.There is only few students in our school. Now,our shool is beauiful.There are more than 5 thousand students.Equipement is very abundant.We can surf the Internet now.

I love my school.Myschoolwelcomes you.
