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导语:关于环境保护英语作文怎么写?以下是小编精心为大家整理的有关关于环境保护的英语作文,希望对大家有所帮助,欢迎阅读。 关于环境保护的英语作文1

There are more high-rise apartment buildings built in the city we live to accommodate more city dwellers. To make room for these constructions, a large number of trees are cut down. We have to be constantly afflicted with the noise and air pollution everyday. Obviously, we are paying the cost of the development.

Even the most developed countries are troubled with environmental issues. In fact, the more developed the country is, the severer the problem has. To maintain our economy prosperity and stability, we have to be in full operations and spread the workload in industry fields. As a result, we may seek temporary economic development at the expense of the environment and resources. The consumption of natural resources has been a big problem. It is admitted that the world economy is booming with the satisfaction of environment. However, we have made a blunder by equating material prosperity with better living standards.

A better life should be a life closer to nature. The modern lifestyle is best characterized by hectic, mass-productive and seemingly comfortable. But actually something originally natural and invaluable has been lost. We are no longer able to breathe fresh air, take a walk in the woods or even look at the stars in the sky as the stars are obscured by smog and artificial lights.

Hence, we need to curb the quick tempo of life in order to protect our environment and ironically improve our life. Science and technology thus should be employed to create a harmonious relationship between mankind and nature. A better environment means much more than material comforts. Besides, by slowing down a little bit, our life would turn out to be less stressful. To have a better life, we need take effective measures right now.

The current environment damage stems from the misguided conception that material wealth is equivalent to a better life. In reality, environmental protection serves as the catalyst of our very pursuit of better life rather than a deterrent 关于环境保护的英语作文2

Many people believe that we have developed into a “throw-away society” which is filling with plastic bags and rubbish. What do you think?

Wind blows up bags higher and higher in the sky. It is a scary thought that some day the earth will turn into a huge garbage land. Wastes, if not treated properly, will make our life a living nightmare.

The environmental issue is getting worse almost every day in cities with very large population. As is often the case, city development outpaces environmental protection. People consume great amount of natural resources and produce wastes. To effectively address such problems, cities need to spend big money. In addition, they need to call to the attention of people to become more environmentally responsible.

Many people are becoming less responsible and easily influenced by bad behaviors. “Why should I care while others shouldn’t?” Such idea makes some people only concern with places where they live and work. Furthermore, people sometimes even purposely litter for revenge to other people.

Although media promotes environmental awareness, good people are often snubbed as posers who try to set up a superior image in real life. Consequently, they are intimated of receiving negative comments for doing the right thing. Wrong as it is, such phenomenon is widespread especially among youngsters and people with low income and little education.

However, our society is waging a campaign against environmental pollution. People learn the harms of un-degradable lunch boxes and other polluting wastes. Laws in many countries prohibit or limit excessive use of polluting bags. Companies are continually replacing the old materials with more environmental friendly and recyclable kinds. Scientists have developed more effective technologies in waste treatment. As time goes by, more and more people put high priority on the protection of environment for a healthier life.

To sum up, people produce huge amount of garbage and the environment is seriously polluted because of lack of financial resources, sense of responsibility, or efforts. But the world will not turn into a “throw away” society if people put in sufficient efforts to protect our environment



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Children, you grabbed the small tadpoles right, you must know that tadpole grew up to become small frog, the frog can eat insects, so the frog is our humans good friends. We should protect it, not hurt it. But some hotels are also sold the frog meat? Once, dad and his friends took me to dinner. A waiter said: "you see, this is we store the launch of new specials, stir flogs ball". "Chicken is what ah?" I curiously ask, "chicken is the frog." The waiter said, with a smile. I was very angry, because they hurt our good friends-frog! Another thing, he makes a big inspiration. One day, when I finish school, saw a man at the school gate at little chicks must sell, and I will have mercy on them. Because the little chicks must first came to this world, away from the mother, away from the mother love and mother warm embrace, and this is what they faced starved to death, the risk of freezing to death. At that time I thought: we humans are so happy! When you see here, did you see to protect our human friends-animals!

小朋友,你们抓过小蝌蚪吧,你们一定知道蝌蚪长大要变成小青蛙,青蛙可以吃害虫,所以青蛙是我们人类的好朋友。我们应该保护它,而不是伤害它。 可是有些饭店还卖青蛙肉呢。有一次,爸爸和他的朋友带着我去吃饭。一位服务员过来说:“您看,这是我们店新推出的特色菜,爆炒田鸡球”。“田鸡是什么 呀?”我好奇地问,“田鸡是青蛙。”服务员笑着说道。我当时很气愤,因为他们伤害了我们的好朋友——青蛙!还有一件事,他对我有很大的启发。一天,我放学 的时候,看见一个人在学校门口卖小鸡仔,我好可怜它们。因为小鸡仔刚来到这个世界上,就远离了妈妈,远离了母爱和妈妈温暖的怀抱,这也使它们面临着饿死、 冻死的危险。当时我想到了:我们人类是多么幸福啊!当你看到这里时,你是不是明白了要保护我们人类的朋友——动物呀!



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“叮咚——叮咚——”小溪唱着歌儿向前奔跑着,水的声音顿时传入我的耳畔每天,喝着这冰凉却甜美的水,心中便倍感滋润。水,浇灌着我们几千年来的生命。水,生命之源,世间万物生存的希望,人类文明的摇篮!是水用甘甜的乳汁养育我们,是水以无私的奉献把人类的文明一次次地推向辉煌。 可是近几年来,人类却因为自私,贪婪,对水进行疯狂的侵略,一步步侵蚀着水圣洁的灵魂——工业污染和生活用水的浪费,都在摧残着水的身躯。

据资料显示, 地球上能够被人类直接利用的淡水资源,仅占地球的百分之零点三。 许多树木 .村庄和田地被沙漠吞食, 沙漠面积在逐渐扩大。 淡水资源的减少, 严重地影响了人类的经济建设, 也威胁着人类的生存,而我国是一个干旱缺水严重的国家。淡水资源总量28000亿立方米,占全球水资源的6%,居世界第四位,但人均只有2300立方米,仅为世界平均水平的1/4、美国的1/5,是全球13个人均水资源最贫乏的国家之一。 扣除难以利用的洪水泾流和散布在偏远地区的地下水资源后,我国现实可利用的淡水资源量则更少,仅为11000亿立方米左右,人均可利用水资源量约为900立方米,并且其分布极不均衡。到20世纪末,全国600多座城市中,已有400多个城市存在供水不足问题,其中比较严重的缺水城市达110个,全国城市缺水总量为60亿立方米。现实中污染水的现象处处可见,就以我的家乡为列。

我的家乡是个南方小镇,那里雨水丰富,水资源并不匮乏,也算是山清水秀,但是从上世纪九十年代起,那里的环境便发生了天翻地覆的改变。我的家乡是传统农业大镇,且煤、锰、石灰石等矿藏丰富,那里以粘土制砖和废品加工为主要工业行业 ,而废品加工厂主要生产半成品塑料粒子,而生产半成品塑料粒子产生了大量的污水,且加工厂没有设置蓄水池,污水直接排放进入家乡的小河。使原本清澈见底的河水变成了臭气熏天的臭水沟,且排放出的废水渗入地底层,污染了地下水,严重影响了人们的饮用水,且废水大量毒死了河中的动植物,俗话说:”人可一日不吃饭,不可一日不喝水’。水的健康直接关系到人的身体健康,而庆幸的是,现在有关部门开始了整治,造胶出的废水统一排放进入蓄水池,禁止废水外流入河中,由于有关部门的大力整治,现在家乡的情况正在逐步改善,相信有一天,家乡一定会恢复昔日面貌。除了污染水外,浪费水也是造成水资源匮乏的 主力军!

现实生活中浪费水的现象随处可见列如:洗手、洗脸、刷牙时,不关水龙头,让水一直流。洗澡涂肥皂时不管水龙头。水箱或水龙头漏水,不及时修好。睡觉之前、出门之前,忘关水龙头等等,造成了严重的水浪费,这里有一些很好的措施能及时的减少水浪费,如:及时关水,用水后及时拧紧水龙头防止滴漏。 一水多用,洗脸水用后可以洗脚,养鱼的水可以用来浇花,淘米水、煮过面条的水用来洗碗筷。收集废水,家中预备一个收集废水的大桶,收集洗衣、洗菜后的家庭废水冲厕所 亡羊补牢”为时不晚,千万注意不要再污染其它水域了,更不要浪费水了。我们要尽快让地球母亲恢复它以前美丽的样子吧!人人节约用水个个珍惜和保护水资源, 还我们一个绿树成荫。鸟语花香。河水清清 ,鱼儿欢畅的美好生活环境。




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The Marine life environment is a complex system including seawater, sea water content and suspension, seabed sediment and Marine life.The abundant biological resources, mineral resources, chemical resources and power resources of the sea are the indispensable resources of human beings, which are closely related to the survival and development of human beings.

The main objective of Marine conservation is to protect Marine life resources so that they are not depleted for sustainable use.Special priority should be given to protecting Marine life that is valuable and endangered.According to the relevant departments of the investigation, due to overfishing, accidental killing of non-target to allow hunting of Marine, coastal tidal flats in the engineering construction, mangrove deforestation, widespread Marine pollution, at least 25 in the worlds most valuable fisheries resources exhausted, whales, turtles, manatees and many other Marine animals are in danger of extinction.With the expansion of Marine development, the potential for greater damage to Marine biological resources is expected.

Marine conservation of the first task to stop the excessive use of Marine biological resources, secondly we must protect Marine habitats or niches, especially their migratory, spawning, feeding, avoiding DiHai coast, beaches, estuaries, coral reefs, to prevent the heavy metals and pesticides, oil, organic matter and eutrophication of nutrients, such as pollution of the sea.To maintain the renewable capacity of Marine biological resources and the natural purification capacity of seawater, maintain the balance of Marine ecology and ensure the sustainable development and utilization of the sea.



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Environmental pollution can cause direct damage and impact to ecosystems, such as desertification and forest damage, which can also cause indirect hazards to ecosystems and human societies. Sometimes the harm of this indirect environmental effect is greater than the direct hazard caused by it, It is more difficult to eliminate. For example, the greenhouse effect, acid rain, and ozone depletion are the environmental effects derived from atmospheric pollution. This environmental effect derived from environmental pollution is lagging behind, often at the time of the occurrence of pollution is not easy to be perceived or expected, but in the event of environmental pollution has been developed to a very serious point. Of course, the most direct and most environmentally conscious consequence of environmental pollution is the decline in the quality of the human environment, affecting human quality of life, physical health and productive activities. Such as the citys air pollution caused by air pollution, peoples morbidity and so on; water pollution so that the deterioration of water quality, drinking water quality generally decline, threatening human health. Serious pollution incidents not only bring health problems, but also cause social problems. With the increase in pollution and peoples awareness of the environment, due to pollution caused by population disputes and conflicts increased year by year.

Let us all love nature, love the earth, hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder, heart to cast a green embankment, to defend the resources, to defend the environment, to defend the earth, to defend our beautiful home now!




Environmental problems are becoming more and more serious all over the world. With the development of industry and agriculture, cars make great noises and give off poisonous gas. Trees on the hills have been cut down, and waste water is being poured continuously in to rivers. Furthermore, wherever we go today, we can find rubbish carelessly disposed. The whole ecological balance of the earth is changing. Massive destruction of environment has brought about negative effects and even poses a great threat to mans existence.

We must face the situation that exists and take actions to solve our environmental problems. For instance, new laws must be passed to place strict control over industrial pollution, the public must receive the education about the hazard of pollution and soon. We hope that all these measures will be effective and bring back a healthful environment.





People like to modernize the building compared to the magnificent, then this embodies a high degree of spiritual civilization and material civilization of the building should stand in what kind of environment? If the sky filled with smoke, the earth vegetation and so on, this is the people of the modern society of it? No, no, it is the irony of history, this is the tragedy of mankind.

People live on earth, to survive, to develop, first of all have to rely on the earth, by mountains and water, there are grassland nature of the forest. But some people mistakenly believe that nature is inexhaustible treasures, so deforestation and species, dried Ze and fishing, and even by the natural punishment and not know. Year after year, the forest into a barren hills, oasis into a desert, resulting in the world every year, 2,000 hectares of farmland was swallowed by the desert. So go after a few years, the earth will be all occupied by the desert green, our children and grandchildren will not survive! A few years ago, the rural package to the household, coax the mountain into the wind, Chinas Wuchuan County, a township of nearly 2,000 acres of fir forest, cut in a week for the ground. Hearing this news, I have a headache, I am angry, the farmers doing so are too ignorant and too selfish. There are a lot of things that are doing the same thing: it is the smoke of the sky, so that the noise of high decibels can stimulate the nerves of the people.

In this regard, we should think deeply. Modern society makes us live better, modern science has also fully revealed the importance of environmental protection. Every honest citizen should have such a historical vision and sense of urgency: to build our country into an ideal modern power, we must do the development of economic and environmental protection simultaneously, to achieve economic development and social benefits of unity.








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Walk in the nature, can see the plants, in the park, in the grass, in the field, on the mountain... Plants everywhere, they accompany us, raising us. Plants and peoples relationship is very close, human beings can not be separated from them, their role can be large! Every day we eat cereal, barley is gone, sorghum shell, processed into corn. Such as we eat rice is rice to the skins, and heart everyday cannot little, vegetables, fruits and other plants into the?!

We drink, tomato juice, coconut juice, etc.. Dont look down upon the plants, you see! We wear clothes, but also depend on it, the clothes are made of cotton woven into cloth, usually cover the quilt, bed sheets, are derived from plants. When the festival, people always buy some flowers and bonsai decorative home. In addition, trees can also carry out photosynthesis, absorb carbon dioxide, release oxygen, bring us fresh air, trees can prevent noise. Plants are widely distributed in the vast sea, in the scorching sun of the desert, but with the environmental pollution, the survival of plants has been a great threat, some plants have been extinct. The relationship between plants and people is very close, we have to protect the environment, to create a better world for plants, so that they can grow.



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我曾在电视上看到近几年天水人民为了不使这些自然灾害继续蔓延下去,自觉地扛起铁锹、提着镐头到山上去种树,在原本光秃秃的土地上种了大量绿树,给天水筑起了一道“防风墙”。来天水旅游的客人看到绿绿的山包,都说:“这哪像什么黄土高原嘛,分明就是青山绿水的小江南!” 我家住的小区,原来可以算作世外桃源,一条条清澈见底的小河,鱼儿在水里自由自在的玩耍,一棵棵柳树成荫,花儿艳丽多姿,竞相开放,可瞧瞧现在啊。。。。。。哎!那花儿失去了往日的艳丽,耷拉着脑袋,乌黑乌黑的河水里漂浮着一袋又一袋的生活垃圾,不时的招来一大群蚊虫来“做客”不但如此,一阵风吹来,那气味臭气熏天,让人头昏脑胀。





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保护动物初二英语作文一:Protect endangered animals

There are more and more endangered animals at present,so how to protect them has been our task of top priority . Its wrong for people to hunt animals for their meat and feather,for they are our good friends.We should protect them instead of killing them.Giant pandas,which are one of the endangered animals,live in the forests and live on bamboo lealves.They can just live safely in the natural protection zones.We should stop killing animal and protect them.

保护动物初二英语作文二:How to protect the animals?

Animals are our friends.But how to protect them? government is working to protect all animals in danger,and has made lots of plans to save animals. On the other hand, we shouldn’t eat wild animals.We should keep them away from our dinner. That way,there will not be wild animals on sale. I think the hunters and killers will become fewer and fewer.

Last, we should protect the environment.We should stop people from cutting trees down. Without trees, wild animals will lose their home. And we will lose our animal friends. All of us should try our best to protect animals.

We need to protect animals better.We should give them fresh water to drink.We should make the forests bigger for animals in danger to live in.We should advice people not to kill animals beacause they are our friends!

保护动物初二英语作文三:Save the Wild Animals

Many wild animals are facing the danger of extinction, because the environment that they are living in has changed greatly. For example, with the developmet of cities, the using of insecticide and serious pollution, their living areas have become narrowcr and narrower. Many of the wild animals, now are confronted with food crisis. At the same time, man is killing off species just for getting their fur, skin, horns, teeth and meat.

In order to protect our resources of ecology, people should realize that the loss of any species is at least the loss of source of knowledge and a source of natural beauty. There fore, measures of the following should be taken: pollution standards are made to keepdown poisons; killing off certain rare species is prohibited; national parks should be set up as wild life, reserves.

Only if we human beings take some drastic measures can wild animals be preserved.

保护动物初二英语作文四:Protect Panda

The giant panda is known as the national treasure of China. The panda was a kind of ordinary animal in China long ago. However, for some reasons, too many of them have been killed. So the number of them is falling quickly.

At present people are taking an important measure to save pandas. People want to find a home for them, and recently, they have set up a nature park for them in Sichuan Province,which is called "Pandas Home. "There pandas can enjoy their life happily. There is a bamboo forest near the Pandas Home. So the pandas can find bamboos easily which they like to eat very much. .

Because pandas are well protected now, the number of them is increasing every year. We hope that one day we will have enough pandas to set them free and let them live in the wild again.

Pandas are good friends of man. Man should try to protect them and ]et them live in the way they like!




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Everyone knows that eyes are one of the most important parts of our body.Having good eyesight means we can not only see things clearly,but also enjoy some beautiful scenes.there is also a saying going that eyes are the window of our mind.But how can we protect our eyes?

Here are some tips for you .Firstly, it is a good habits not to read your books or newspapers for a long time because our eyes need rest,too.Secondly,dont read books in a strong or poor light,otherwise,the light would harm our eyes.At last,remember to keep on doing eye-exercises and watch more green grass and other plants.




相关标签: 保护Protect



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Chinahas a very long and brilliant history, whose people are so friendly

and hospitable. But I am wondering why some people pay such little attention to

the environment and nature. In many places of the countryside, rivers have

become stinking sewers and brooks have disappeared. Heaps of garbage obstructs

the scarce flow of dirty water. The grounds are littered with plastic bottles

and bags. People are cutting down trees even though it is illegal. In some

towns, rubbish is hidden behind walls. Garbage cans are often of little use,

making cleaners must rush all day long and also by night to clean the


This lack of consideration for nature in general is extremely detrimental

to children’s education, toChina’s image, to public health, to tourism and to

the future.Chinais the common treasure of all Chinese, and we should live up to

be a member of this big family, a descendant of 5000-year-plus ancient civilized

country. I think the environment must absolutely be strictly protected by all

means. This protection should go at the same pace as the marvelous development

of the nation.

In this respect,Germanyis a rare model and leaves me a very deep

impression. After you have an exciting tour around in this country for a week or

so, it is unnecessary for you to polish your leather shoes. Personally, first of

all, the strong awareness of people’s environmental protection; then, the

advanced technology applied in the field of preserving the nature; We can learn

form others in building China into one of the most environmentally friendly

places in the world.



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Save the earth

How to protect theenvironment has become one of the biggest problems in the world .

It’s our duty toprotect our environment .No matter where we live ,we should do something tokeep our neighborhood clean and tidy .We can collect waste paper or otherwaste things for recycling.We should plant more trees and we should preventthose factories from pouring waste water into rivers,lakes and fields.We shouldn’t leave rubbish everywhere andspit in public places .We mustn’t pick the flowers or step on the grass inpublic.If everyone tries his best to protect the environment ,the world willbecome much more beautiful and our life will be better and better .



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